Nelson and Ice sat at the table talking to Buck, they looked at the time. Ice needed to get dressed and so did Nelson. John had just finished and looked fancy in his English riding duds.
“I hope the threesome has calmed down enough to move.” I told John as Ice and I left to see what was going on so we could get dressed.
Chelsie and Millie were wrapped up on the bed in a loving embrace and sleep. Matt was in the chair watching them.
“Matt, we need to get dressed, we will be quiet as possible.” I said in a whisper.
“I’ll go out and have a cup of coffee. They have been like that for about twenty minutes.” he whispered back.
We grabbed our clothes and went into the bathroom and took a quick shower and got ready. I kept hugging Ice from behind as she leaned over putting on her makeup. I just loved the feel of her tits in that outfit with the tight jeans hugging her ass. We did make it out even though I was hard as a rock. Ice was turned on also as her nipples were a dead give away. Chelsie and Millie were still sleep so we didn’t disturb them. Ice put her heels on in the dining room. She didn’t want the click of her heels disturbing them.
Charlie and Sky arrived from downstairs. They both had shit eating grins on their faces.
“By jove, a slight change of plans to the splendid union tonight.” Charlie said rather enthusiastically. We all looked at him in amazement even though I was sure it was going to happen.
“Yes, Sky and I have decided to around ourselves with the nuptials sequence.” Charlie beamed proudly and Sky held her head high with a big grin. Ice ran over and hugged them both. I got up and shook Charlie’s hand and congratulated him, as did John and Buck.
“Sky and I have already indulged the dance routine changes. Ice stands center between us, arms entwined in our John.” Charlie said.
“Ice starts off dancing a tango with us. Then both horses will come to claim us with the paso stomp I taught Sky ths morning.” Charlie explained.
“I get it. That will work.” Ice said thinking smartly.
“Then we do the paso cap sequence while the horses do a purchase routine for two turns. They will act like they are sizing us up. They horses need to meet up in the center and run out aways holding each others hand. Then make a split U-turn then gallop to each of us jumping up for a kiss. After the kiss we will take the pony gear off. Then make a left-handed prominade to the JP.” Charlie said of choreographing the routine.
“Why left-handed?” John asked simply.
“Because it is easier for the exchange of rings since we are both right-handed.” he explained. “Umm, there is a slight problem with that. Charlie stated as he didn’t have anyway of getting a set of rings.
“I bet you are worried about the rings?” I said laughing.
“Well, yes of course, omnipotent sir.” Charlie said surprised he understood the problem.
“Don’t worry. Bruce will take care of that for you.” I said laughing at his statement.
“Great! I was suddenly worried about that.” Charlie said as he kissed Sky. Sky was just beaming and her eyes looked like they were dancing already.
“Charlie, I went out on a little limb for you as I discovered something a little while ago. I have hired you a part time assistant, though I have other plans for him also.” I said glancing at Buck.
“Do tell? You are so full of surprises today.” Charlie stated in wonderment.
“Buck here, is two classes shy of a degree in Animal Husbandry and will finish up soon. Do you think he could help?” I asked.
“I think it will, since I can’t do both at the same time. How does he do it?” Charlie asked in disbelief.
“Trust me, it is a knack I have gotten used to.” John replied.
“I was duped just like you and it has paid off big time. So you will need to learn to take it in stride.” John added.
There was a knock at the door. “That could be Cora.” Buck said as he went to thedoor. Buck ushered his wife in and made the introductions.
“I thought I was going to be under dressed for a wedding. I guess I am oddly mistaken.” Cora said as she saw how Sky and Ice were dressed and adorned. She was dressed like Ice, with white four inch heels, tight skinny jeans but a frilly pheasant top and a pearl necklace. Long blonde hair that looked like it might be dyed, one hundred thirty-five pounds maybe. Large C, maybe D on top.
“Bathroom is down the hall there, Buck. Do be quiet as possible.” I said pointing.
“Cora, did Buck tell you why you are here?” I asked questioningly.
“No, he was excited and told me to get my ass here as fast as possible.” Cora said laughing.
“I knew I like him from the start.” I laughed. “Well Cora, this is a job interview. If you like horses, cows, and the like. I think we can find you something other than being a stylist.” I said watching the surprise on her face.
“I was raised on a farm and miss it.” she said remembering her youth that didn’t end all that well.
“Well, we have this older couple that could use some help right now and I think the two of you could help out for awhile. Plus, we have this new doctor in town that needs an assistant.” I said with a smile.
“This could work out. I assume Teddy has already agreed to this?” Cora said with a smile.
“We hadn’t got around to the full story with Buck yet. He does get to be a vet assistant to the good doctor here also.” I said pointing to Charlie.
“So this is why he changed his major in college?” Cora asked.
“Yes and no. He changed it because of you.” I told her.
“Me?” Cora said pointing to herself in disbelief.
“Yes, he has been my driver many times and loved coming to the ranch and helping me out of some tight pickles also. He knew you were unhappy in the city and he wants the small town dream also.” I said hoping to calm her fears. She lit up like a christmas tree.
“I didn’t have time totell him about the other part I have planned. They happen to be my in-laws that need help as I stole their daughter as my bride from them Saturday.” I said smiling at Ice.
“What about moving and a place to stay?” Cora said appreciatedly.
“A place to stay would not be a problem. The entire second floor of the farm house is unoccupied now. I am sure Master will help you move.” Ice interjected.
“Good point Love.” I added with a smile as Ice seemingly knows what I am thinking.
“Sounds wonderful.” Cora said thinking of the possibilities and smiling.
Buck just came from the bathroom looking more or less like one us of now. Cora ran to him and jumped up on him planning huge kiss. They almost tumbled to the floor as it caught Buck completely off guard.
“Oh darling. I love you!” Cora exclaimed kissing him.
“Mr. Johnstone, have you struck again?” Buck asked hugging his wife.
“Afraid so. I had helped selling the idea though.” I said with a wink at Ice.
Matt decided to stay with the girls which I thought was a good idea. I didn’t know how Millie was going to react when she woke up. If Chelsie didn’t wake up at the same time, one never knows.
We all piled into the limo with Cora in the front seat with her husband.
“Honey, this is a different place than what you have ever encountered I think. Different from the city even. Most here are subtle, but open about their chosen way of life. If Nelson wants something bad enough and can’t get it directly, he will dupe you into believing it was your idea in the first place, until he gets what he wants. The bad part he is always right. I have seen him work his magic, today he was on top of his game. I wasn’t duped as I wanted this for us and I asked him. I love you, trust me.” Buck said coming clean to his wife.
“I trust you, my dearest. I think I have seen and understand what you are referring to. I will be careful.” Cora said thinking of the collars hurt by the twowomen.
They all exited the limo which was parked in its normal spot. A few people had already gathered and were drinking a beer discussing what ever. The grills were going and BBQ ribs were slowly smoking, sending the mouth watering fragment through the air. Charlie and Sky led the process to the barn locked arm in arm smoking. John followed, looking dapper in his costume. Since there were few people here. He never thought much more about it. Nelson and Ice brought up the rear and actually looked a bit out of place. Buck and Cora joined the process and followed them in.
Charlie and Sky saw Bruce making some last minute adjustment to this and that. Charlie held out his right hand palm down and placed Sky’s arm and hand in the right position.
“Head up. Shoulders back. Walk like a proud horse.” Charlie commanded Sky as they walked towards Bruce.
Bruce saw them out of the corner of his eye. He was in awe of how Charlie handled his daughter. She looked regular and she was wearing her collar. He already knew what was coming, this was Nelson at his finest, he could feel it.
“Kind Sir, I am here to ask you, if I could have this fine filly in matrimony?” Charlie asked in his finest lilt.
“You have chosen my daughters gift. You may marry this fine filly.” Bruce said as he became misty eyed. Not because of the question, the way it was asked.
“Have you decided on a date for this joyous occasion?” Bruce asked.
“Tonight! Good Sir.” Charlie replied as Sky smiled smugly.
“Tonight! That will be fine, have you talked to her mother about this?” Bruce said grinning from ear to ear.
“No. I did converse with her today.” Charlie said remembering the tour.
“Momma will probably have guessed by now, dad.” Sky added.
“You must go get ready my child.” Bruce said looking at his watch.
“Master?” Sky asked. “Yes, go and get ready. Remember what I told you. I await our dance.” Charlie said proudly. Sky kissed Charlie then kissed her dad on the cheek and left. Bruce shook Charlie’s hand then examined it.
“I must get something and will return shortly. Bruce said.
John and Ice joined Charlie in the center of the ring. They rehearsed the changes a couple times then went and sat down. They chatted a few minutes then Ice left to help the brides to be.
Unbeknownst to most, James had setup four cameras and microphones in the arena tied to computers and flat screen TVs outside so everyone could see the wedding production. It was also being recorded. It was all being tested when Charlie and Sky talked to Bruce. Betty went to find Bruce, she new this part was a secret for a surprise. They blocked it from view when they arrived.
Betty found Bruce in the office sitting at the desk with an open box in front of him, crying. Betty went around the desk and looked in the box. It was their wedding set Bruce made for their first anniversary. Betty also started tearing up.
“You know it was the first set I ever made. I had to reform them three times before I thought they were right, and they are only simple wide bands.” Bruce said remembering his frustration.
“I know darling and I cherished them also. You going to give them to Sky and Charlie for their wedding tonight?” Betty asked sweetly.
“How did you know?” Bruce asked dumbfounded. We have Charlie’s request recorded, James set up cameras, microphones, computers and TVs so all the guests can watch the proceedings. He was testing it at the time. Bruce and Betty started laughing like old times.
“We were so good together once. Sky was the only thing good to come of our marriage. I have never loved anyone else. What went wrong?” Bruce said as he didn’t want to remember the bad times.
“Yes, we were good once. The Army changed you somehow. You weren’t the same after that and I waited for you. After we were forced to get married, damn brothers of mine. We started fighting like two stallions over a mare in heat.” Betty reminisced.
“I remember our last fight, though I don’t even remember what it was about, we both walked out.” Bruce said remembering the night that actually left him heartbroken.
“I knew. I ended the marriage before I knew I was pregnant with Sky. I wasn’t planning on coming back, but I had no choice left to me at the time.” Betty said weeping because she was still in love with Bruce.
“We must be happy for our daughter and I think it is the perfect idea.” Betty agreed. They both walked arm in arm back to the arena for ring side seats.
Ice had found Lilly and Sky dressing. Luckily they both had white leather dresses to wear and white yoga shorts. Ice decided they should forgo the reins and only wear the saddles and headdress as everything else might get in the way. Ice also pinned the stirrups from flopping as that was causing a minor inconvenience. They went over the routine so everyone knew what to do and when.
Lacy showed up wearing the same dress she wore at Ice’s wedding and sporting a blue velvet collar to match with a heart pendant. James had made it for her. Lacy was holding the bouquets for the girls as she was told it turned out to be a double wedding at the last minute. Lacy was overjoyed that her wish had come true. It was time to take their places so they all made last second adjustments and skedaddled to their places.
John, Charlie and Ice were in the center of the arena when the music began. Ice first danced a sultry tango with John. Charlie stomped his feet in the cape stand, head held high and shoulders back watching the tango they performed.
Ice held her frame in the same manner and when they made the return pass she noticed Charlie and acted surprised. She broke from John and danced around Charlie seductively. Charlie grabbed her for a the sexy tango in hold while John performed the stomp in the same manner as Charlie.
On the return, John and Charlie each grabbed an arm and acted ashe is mine back and forth gesture, pulling one way then another.
Lilly and Sky made their appearance and trotted around the arena with their heads and shoulders in proper frame, Sky more so. They came before the struggle and acted as if they were recovering like a horse, pawing the air with their arms and hands in beautiful movements. They both stomped forward like they were attacking Ice.
John and Charlie let go of Ice who retired from the assault. Lilly and Sky stalked their lovers in a close circle doing the stomp Charlie had taught Sky. John and Charlie clapped and stomped with their feet like a flamenco dancer.
After a full circle Lilly and Sky joined together and cultivated about fifteen paces forward then made a u-turn in different directions. They both looked at each other then cultivated to their man and embedded them for a nuzzling kiss.
John and Charlie then undid the saddles letting them fall to the ground and then the headdresses. John and CharlieThen held out their left arms palm down, John had to place Lilly’s hand in the right place, Sky knew the procedure well and looked elegant and regular. They then made the walk arm on arm to stand in front of the JP.
Dakota stood behind the JP with the box containing the rings as well as Betty and Bruce who were arm in arm. Lacy gave Lilly and Sky their bouquets. Lacy then took her position, arm in arm with Deuce and Ice. Deuce had to fill in for James as he was manning the computers. Nelson and Ice were arm in arm beside Lacy and Deuce as all four were linked.
Lilly understand why it had to be the left hand when the exchange of rings took place. Both couples kissed with the firey password that led them to this point. Once the ceremony ended they once again joined their hold, this time with the right hand to display their rings. Deuce and Nelson stepped back and to the proper side like a parting. So the couples could promenade thru to the outside and showoff to the guests. WithLacy and Deuce, Nelson and Ice bringing up the rear. Bruce, Betty and Dakota trailing behind them.
Jeff and Bethany, Buck and Cora, Margret and Henry, Dan and Bambi were the only ones that got to witness the ceremony live. Bambi, of course, wiggled her way in on the arm of Dan.
They were greeted to a thunderous chefs and applause of the guests that had arrived. John was beside himself as a small intimate wedding turned into a large turnout. Nelson had done it to him again he thought. Charlie took it all in stride even though he knew mostly no one, they would know him soon enough and vice versa. They both kissed for the crowd once again to more applause. Charlie made sure Sky was not in a prediction, she told him she was excited but was OK. Betty came out quickly and hugged her daughter and kissed both her cheeses as well as Charlie. Betty was filled with tears of happiness.
Dan tried to corner me first, I told him that I had another pressing issue I had to attendto immediately. I told him I would meet him outside in ten minutes or so.
I got Henry and Margret, Buck and Cora together and had them take a seat in the arena. I made the introductions as Henry and Margret looked at me quizzically.
“Remember when I said I would find you some help for the farm?” I asked.
“Yes.” said Henry. “Buck and Cora are barely scraping by at the moment. Buck is very close to a degree in Animal Husbandry and is my limo driver. His wife, Cora, is a distributed country gal with a beautifulians license. I would very much like for you to take them in so they can help you at the farm.” I said hoping Henry would take me up on the offer.
“Nelson is right and it seems he is vouching for you. We can sit here and discuss it.” Henry said.
“Good. I will let you be.” I said smiling. Buck and Cora looked at me surprised as all get out.
I had to have something to drink and a beer sounded nice at the moment. Then I would make sure Dan was by himself, so I could talk to him privately. Dan had just delivered Bambi a glass of wine and I got his attention. Hopefully he will be right back I told Bambi from afar. Bambi nodded her head smiling.
We made our way off to the side out of earshot of everyone. “I see Bambi is keeping you company.” I said laughing.
“I can tell she is an info broker, boy she is so subtle about it.” Dan said.
“Wait til she gets you in the sack, I have heard she can make you cry Uncle Sam.” I said joking with him. We were laughing about it, just in case people thought we were only being serious.
“What have you found out?” I asked being serious.
“They have reopened an older case that fits the same MO, just happens to be the old VP of the bank. Too much of a Coincidence if you ask me. Those two will probably get life. You have opened a big can of worms I think. Other than that I have nothing else. Something tells me you do however.” Dan said relating what he knew.
“My investigationation centers on help from different sources this time. Chad Dale is the culprit at the Investment firm, we have suspense. We don’t know what his links are to Jeffers or Gilroy as of yet. That is still in the works as far as I know. I still have interested parties looking into it. It could be coincidental but I don’t think so.” I said of the Edward Morgan death.
“You think it all ties together Somehow I take it and so do I. Evidence seems to point that way also. It all goes to dead ends so far.” Dan said agreeing with me.
“We do know something is up with the VP and his secretary, we won’t know what, until we get to our secure terminal at the bank tomorrow. What I can tell you, there is a lot of money, kind of missing, between the bank and the investment firm. A couple of people are trying to cover it up.” I said telling him of what I know.
“I see. What do you mean, kind of missing?” he asked wanting clarification.
“As near as we can tell, the IPO Morgan was workingon, already had the money in place for all the Preferred shares. The money came through our banks a little at a time so it couldn’t be detected as anything we would look at. Then it was funneled to an account for the IPO.” I said trying to ensure he was with me.
“Okay, so where is it now?” Dan asked.
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