Weekend in Paradise Ch. 21

Lacy and Ice took off to get some food for the house as it hadn’t really been stocked in ages. She ran around the cupboards making notes and a list. She said she wouldn’t get a bunch of stuff as we were only going to be here the rest of the week. She was also going to see if mom wanted to join them. Seemed like a wonderful idea to me. Lacy was back to her normal fantastic mood. Soon after they left the limo pulled in. The driver opens the passenger door and out comes a man about six foot tall, light blue English riding boots, jeans, white shirt. A leather coat that looked like a long tailed tux jacket and a bowler sat on his head. He carried an old medical bag and a silver knob walking stick. Character is right, he looked like John Steed, Charlie Chaplin and a music conductor rolled into one but with better styled long brown hair.

“John, you got to see this.” I said with a laugh.

“Oh lovely, all he needs is a British accent.” John said.

“Thank you kind sir. So thisis the home of the sick filly.” He said in a funny accent, though not British.

“You had to open your big mouth, John.” I said with a chuckle.

John looked at me and shook his head. “Good luck on this one my boy.” John said double over with laughter. John and I went and greeted our good doctor.

“So where is this sick filly kind sir?” Charlie Chapman asked. as we all introduced ourselves and shook hands.

“In the barn I hope.” I said shaking my head.

“You hope? You have a sick horse and you don’t know where she is? What kind of ranch is this?” Charlie asked.

“You will see.” I said trying not to laugh. “Devon was right, you are a character. I love it.” I said.

“Wait til you see my bill, kind sir.” Charlie said.

“Wait here as I need to see one of my ranch hands, Charlie.” I said shaking my head.

I stopped and knocked on James’s door to see if he Was in.

“Hi boss. At least that is what I have been told.” James said.

“You have was told correctly. We will make it official soon.” I said. “Is Sky in the barn or still out?” I asked.

“Bruce said he needed to teach her something about dancing. They should still be in the arena. I need to see Deuce anyway. I will go with you. I also got the dates for Lilly and Dakota. I put them on hold as I think that might change.” James said.

“Nobody has started on the shelter.” I whispered.

“No, deliveries won’t start til about two or so.” James whispered back after seeing John at the limo.

“Let us take the limo, it will be faster.” I said. Introducing James to Charlie. We all got in for the two minute ride.

“My goodness, such a huge barn, sir.” Charlie stated.

“Yes, we can board up to fifty horses and that is just here.” I said. “Forge and leather works also.” I added.

“My. My.” Charlie said.

“Just thru here.” I said reaching the entrance to the arena. Sky was there, she had on jeans and a tank top with her three inch heeled boots. With only her pony gear headdress on.

“How is she doing, Bruce?” I asked.

“Out of my element I am afraid, looks more like a scuffle instead of a stomp a two step instead of whatever.” he said looking at his visitors, one he didn’t know and he looked funny.

“Show them what you got honey.” Bruce said. Sky tried her best but nothing more than kicking up dust. It was bad looking.

“No. No. No. My good man.” “Try this.” Charlie said taking the jump bat from Bruce’s hand.

“Head up young lass.” he said authoritatively as he raised her head using the bat under her chin. Their eyes must have met as he hesitated for a good while. It is hard not to be hypnotized with her warm blue eyes.

“Shoulders back.” He ordered shaking his head, by using the bat to push gently on one should gently. Her should went back and her general tits heaved upward, the distinctive over sized balls of her piercings evidence. “Arms out, like you are holding the bottom of your skirt.” He ordered again.

“Now paw the ground like a horse wanting fed, young lady.” He ordered. Sky followed his instructions and it looked much better.

“Now use the pawing steps moving forward forward swinging your hips and body slowly from side to side. She looked stunning at in her movements all of a sudden.

“Heel then toe nearly at the same time. That is it. One. Two” he said. “Keep the head up, shoulders back.” Charlie yelled as she started looking down to see her feet.

“Stop and hold.” Charlie commanded. He grabbed her arms and and raised them, turned her head to her left, swatted her ass pushing her ass forward like posing a doll. He then put his leg to the inside of her thigh. She held the pose perfectly. then he pulled her right arm around his back. “Hold on for dear life tightly with this arm.” Charlie told her. He did the same to Sky washing them in close, more like a lovers embrace. Then he held her other hand in his with the bat.

“Follow my lead, toe then heel for balance only when needed.” Charlie told her. “One. Two. Three. Four.” He kept repeating as he led her around the arena with grace and beauty of two young lovers doing a waltz. “Bravo my Lady. Bravo.” Charlie barked after about fives minutes and stopped.

“Prance.” he commanded swatting her rump gently with the bat. Sky took off in a sideways purchase.

“Stop.” he commanded. “Keep your frame, this is a dance, head up, shoulders back. Arms in a beg. Feet pointed. Toe first, heel guide steady.” He ordered. “And again beautiful Lady, Prance.” he ordered. “Marvelous, just marvelous,” he said. “And stop. Much better.” he said again.

Everyone clapped. Sky pulled her headdress off, ran up to him, grabbed him around the neck and kissed him hard. He put his arms around her for balance more than anything. She raised one leg and he got the hint, and moved his hands to her ass. She then jumped up and wrapped her legs around him still kissing.

“Well that is settled!” I shouted as I stood up and clapped.

Bruce just looked on stunned. They finally parted. He held Sky at arms length with both hands on her shoulders. She stood as ordered, head up, shoulders back. He let go, Sky didn’t move. He walked to where the bat laid and picked it up. Then used the bat like he would a horse for buying.

“You are quite a fetching, pretty, young filly at that. I am honored. I don’t even know your name?” He said.

“Sky, Master. My name is Sky.” Sky replied hopefully.

I am humbly honored my dear, Sky.” he said as he took off his hat and made a sweeping bow with leg extended. He came around to the front of Sky and held his hand out. Sky put her hand on his as they walked side by side to Bruce using her new gait.

“No, she is all yours. She has chosen.” Bruce said in disbelief. Bruce went and sat down, he was smoking.

Charlie stood there with his mouth open, Sky was giggling. I walked up to him.

“Good doctor, I thinkThis filly might have been love sick. Not any longer, you cured her. I am afraid you have been sort of duped.” I said laughing.

“Duped perhaps, but I am not sure who is more love sick, kind sir.” Charlie stated.

“I don’t believe what I just saw with my own two peepers.” Deuce said with shotgun in hand.

“You just want to be in that shotgun wedding don’t ya, Deuce? I said laughing.

“Your darn tootin!” Deuce said.

“Well, maybe yet today, but put it away for now. Let us not scare him off.” I laughed.

“He is joking, isn’t he, kind sir?” Charlie asked.

“Well, sort of.” Let me explain. “Bruce here is her dad and Deuce is her uncle. It is their dream that she be married in a shotgun wedding, sort of like old times. It just so happens, there is a wedding going to be held right here in a few hours. Maybe a double one if we can convince you.” I said with a smile.

“Oh don’t worry, we aren’t going to force you.” I said relieving the look he just had.Then he looked at Sky, she looked at him. Might have been the first time he saw her slightly blue hair with sparkles in it. A smile crept across his face.

“Well, I might not need much convincing with this young lass at my side.” Charlie said while looking into her eyes.

“I would like to show you the area and the clinic. We really could use another doctor in town and one with vet experience is a big plus, as you can quite imagine.” I said.

“I can see your point but you know I have been accepted on staff in Boise? Charlie said.

“I figured as much, Devon didn’t tell me much, didn’t have the time. Just the basics. Let us take the limo for a ride.” I said contemplating how I was going to convince him.

“May I come with you, Master. Sky asked shyly.

“I would be delighted my fetching pony.” Charlie told Sky. I knew I had him right then, just need the right angle. We walked to the limo, Sky and Charlie arm in arm. She was still walking as he ordered.

Weall got comfortable and the driver was off to the clinic. “Sky, how about a rum and coke for us all. Half shots only. We don’t want to smell like a brewery and I don’t want you to have an episode.” I stated.

“Yes sir.” Sky said happily and started to her task.

“Episode?” Charlie asked inquisitively.

“Yes, that is another reason I have been looking for a doctor, such as yourself. You demonstrated you can handle her in the arena. She has an overactive libido that causes her to pass out because they it is so strong. Simple answer, find a doctor that can keep her satisfied and knows how to handle her.” I said bemused.

“Your drink Master.” Sky announced handing him the drink then handing me mine.

“I do believe I understand, large and unprotected, super sensitive judging by the over sized balls. No caps?” Charlie diagnosed.

“Precisely. She has chosen you already, judging from her reactions. I think you are quite smitten with her also. Her blue eyes are athing of beauty aren’t they?” I asked.

“Quite stirring, I should say. You are quite right I can’t take my eyes off this beauty. I take it you have had to hide her for years?” Charlie said.

“A little over nine years, since she was fifteen. It was bad because the first episode happened at school.” I said remember what I was told.

“I see. Got a strange rep I bet after everyone found out.” said Charlie.

“She was home schooled after that.” I said confirming his suspicions.

“I assume you have a problem because of student loans and a small town job isn’t going to help you much.” I said hoping I came up with the right angle I needed to fully convince him.

“Indeed, it would still take time for that abomination to be resolved.” Charlie stated.

“I am a judge of good character and you have demonstrated to me you know what you are doing already. I can make that little announcement disappear for you. The townsfolk will shake their head at first. I bet you get that a lot initially. They will find out that you are a good man and you will have no problem here.” I said making the pitch.

“You are good, I give you credit.” Charlie said finishing his drink as we arrived at the clinic.

We entered the clinic and nurse Betty was on duty. “Hi momma. This is Dr. Charlie my Master. I claimed him.” she smiled like the world was hers and holding on to the doctors arm. Betty had to push her jaw back in place to even speak.

“Nelson, this your doing?” she exceled with a smile.

“Afraid so Betty, trying to convince the good doctor into staying. Want to give him a tour of the facilities.” I said with a wink.

“Sure thing.” Betty said. They properly introduced each other and Betty showed him around.

About fifteen minutes later they came back. “Take good care of my daughter, will ya?” Betty said happy.

“Be honored ma’am.” Charlie said politely. I knew he was here to stay at that point.

“Betty, is Matt, Chelsieand Millie still here?” I asked concern.

“No, they left about thirty minutes before you got here. Poor girl, missing about a day of time. You gonna tell me the real story?” Betty asked Knowing something was up.

“Thanks, one day in the near future I think. Just remember, tell no one.” I said.

We all said our good byes and told the limo driver to go to the dinner and all of us would have a late lunch. I told the limo driver that he was welcome at the reception tonight and that he probably won’t get back until tomorrow. I told him once we got back I would give him a five hundred dollar tip for his efforts, his eyes got great big. I told him he might want to get a room at the hotel while we were out as I was out of space this time. He could loosen up his uniform also, no one would know.

We got back to the house and I invited everyone in for coffee. Ice was back from her excursion to the store and had everything put away. I introduced my Ice to Dr Chapman. She served the coffee and donuts she had gotten. I got the money for the limo driver.

“Dr Chapman, I think I have won you over and if I haven’t, I think Sky has. What do you think?” I asked hoping he was going to say yes.

“I would be daft to turn down this opportunity. You have yourself a new doctor, if this wonderful lady comes with the package.” he said making sure.

“Sky?” I asked. “Yoohoo, you know where to go, if you have the need.” I said as it was hard to get her attention. Sky got up, Charlie automatically got up because of his manners. Sky took his hand and led him downstairs.

“I hope she remembers to shut the door.” I said feeling proud of myself.

Matt, Chelsie and Millie arrived a few minutes later all happy with smiles. Sat down and had coffee and donuts with us. John came in a few minutes after that with the outfit he was going to wear that night.

“Master, do you think it wise to let Sky and the doctor go alone? Someone, we hardly know at that.” Ice asked worried for the safety of both.

“Not to worry love. Sky chose him almost immediately. Truthfully, they chose each other at first sight. He is trained and I have gotten to know him. I would trust him with my life on the line.” I said with a smile.

“I trust your judgment, Master” Ice acknowledged.

“Good wife.” I said.

“John, as bad as I would like to wait until tomorrow. I think we need to talk to Millie now. I think we need to talk with Matt and Chelsie first however.” I said contemplating Chelsie’s actions upon returning.

“Ice can you keep Millie and Buck entertained while we have a chat?” I asked thoughtfully. Buck is the limo drivers nickname, don’t really know his real name but he is usually the driver the service sends for me. He is quiet, resourceful and knows to cover things up, plus he gets tipped well.

“As bad as I hate to say it. I think your right.” John said after thinking it over for a minute.


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