Weekend in Paradise Ch. 22

I asked Ice to keep Buck and Millie entertained while John and I would talk with Matt and Chelsie in the bedroom. I had to know what Chelsie was up to before going any further as I didn’t have a clue.

“Matt has told me, you finally realized my resolve toward you both all these years. I imagine it was a painful resolution. You have become absolutely happy about it, Matt has told me.” I stated to Chelsie looking for an answer without asking.

“Yes, it was eating me up seeing you get married to Ice. My dreams going up in smoke before my eyes hurt, but your words that night and Matt made me find the truth. He is my Master and husband because he loves me like no other. I must apologize to you and Ice. With my Masters permission and help, I have a way to absolve myself in that matter. I must speak to my Master first however.” Chelsie acknowledge with a smile, bowing her head.

“I will cede that matter to Matt then.” I said with a smile to them both. Matt of course was outin the dark but I had a feeling I knew what was coming.

“John, Matt and I must understand what your sudden infatuation is with Sprite?” I asked using her chosen slave name.

“I can answer that simply enough now.” Matt spoke up. That surprised me at first, they had a chance to talk with Sprite being much healthy. Which means Sprite was in on it. I knew this was going to be a big Shock.

“Chelsie had a dream about Sprite becoming a family of four with us. That is why she broke the cup when Sprite walked in. They have already worked out the details. I think Sprite has already made up her mind to the positive. I had to delay my answer for obvious reasons. I wanted to say yes right then and there.” Matt said with a smile.

Chelsie was bouncing up and down on the bed with glee. “Oh thank you, Master!” she said while hugging and kissing him.

I was stunned to say the least at this news. It finally dawned on me what all the ramifications he drew meaning to, family of four. They wanted kids, what better way than a second wife so to speak and one that could teach him as well.

“John, I think this might have a very good outcome. They always say, it gets darker before the storm however.” I said thinking of things that are about to unfold.

“I think you are absolutely right Nelson. I will get Sprite.” John said as he got up to Leave.

“Matt you know what is about to happen. Chelsie, I don’t have time to explain but I need your resilience in what is about to occur.” I said quickly as Chelsie looked puzzled. “Chelsie, just be like you were at the hospital with Millie.”

“It will come naturally.” Matt warned.

John returned with a happy Sprite. I had her sit on the bed between Matt and Chelsie. I contemplated the best way to do this, ease in or to the point. I chose the ease in.

“Sprite, I advised Matt to accept the offer Chelsie made. I think it is a splendid idea.” I said first. Sprite and Chelsie were happy at that statement and were kissing and hugging. When she turned to Matt, he was happy but knew what was coming. They did kiss and hug but it was a little cold I thought and with reason.

“I know this should be a happy time for you. Unfortunately I have to burst your bubble. I believe Matt and Chelsie will help you through this turbulent episode and all will be fine in the end.” I said bodying of the overwarning.

“I trust you Master Nelson and Master Sebastian. You both have done much for me in my time of need before. I hope this isn’t as bad as I am expecting.” she said with gloom and doom starting to cross her face.

“To begin with, I have found out many things about your situation of late. First, I need to know if anyone new was in Morgan’s house of late?” I asked.

“No sir. The last time was at New Years, just his two understandings and their dates. We had a good time that night.” She replied not understanding.

“Did anything or anybody comes to the door in the last few weeks?” I asked.

“Just the regular postman once, with a small box. I don’t even know what was in the box, he put it in the safe when he got home. That was two or three weeks ago.” Sprite related.

“Did he mention anything of what was going on at work?” I asked not really getting anywhere.

“Not really, but Thursday night he was going over some paperwork which was unlike him. All he said was he had to make sure the damn weasel didn’t make any mistakes. He even forgot to change the code on the door that night, he always does it on Thursdays.” Sprite said.

“When was the last time he changed it?” I asked as this was promising.

“Friday morning, he remembered he hadn’t done it. He uses his phone to do it you know. He dropped his phone in the couch before he went to work and forgot it. He called me to see if I could find it, which I did. He was worried about it as you can imagine. That bothered me because he always called when he was arrive so I would be ready.” Sprite told us remember what happened and the tears starting to form.

“I didn’t turn it off and when he went to work Saturday morning it was dead. So he left it at home to charge. He wasn’t happy about it. I figured he would take it out on me that night.” she said as tears started to roll down her cheeses. Chelsie was holding her hand as if her life depended on it. Matt had his arms around her.

“What was the last thing you remember before arrival here yesterday morning? I asked trying to keep her from losing it.

“Hitting the floor in the house. I don’t know how I got here.” Sprite answered starting to cry harder.

“Did you know he planned to marry you and remove the slave shades to an indulgence?” I asked trying to lighten the mood before I dropped the bomb.

“No he never mentioned anything but my contract was ending next month. If he didn’t ask me I wasn’t going to resign. I loved him dearly but ten years was starting to weight on me and I wanted kids.” Sprite confessed but her eyes told the story.

“I am sorry to tell you this. Morgan was drugged right before he got home, he was suppose to kill you. We think he fell over the arm of the couch from fright and passed out. You got away which surprised the attackers. They were going to stage a crime scene. They had to shoot him before he woke but after the drug wore off. They thought they had the code but it was the wrong one and had to break the door down. It was a good plan botched by unfortunate events.” I said looking sad as the bearer of bad news.

“It wasn’t his fault again and he was going to marry me!” was all Sprite managed to get out between all the sobs and crying. Chelsie and Matt were doing there soothing contradictions holding onto her for dear life.

“John, this was hard. I think she is in Very capable hands and arms of two people that love her. If they don’t make the wedding I think we will understand.” I said sadly, leaving for the kitchen.

“You are right. IKnow exactly how you feel. I am sure I could not have handled it as well either.” John said following me out.

“Things didn’t go well, Master?” Ice asked upon our return as she set a new cup of coffee before John and me.

“Better than I expected actually. It still wasn’t easy.” I said sadly.

“He handled it superbly, Ice. Still, it was very difficult.” John said.

“Good. Buck has something he wants to ask you. He wanted to wait but I told him there was no time like the present.” Ice said coolly.

John and I both looked at Buck who was trying not to choke on a spoonful of strawberries.

“This has got to be good.” I said as Ice has her fingers in the pie this time. “What is it son?” I asked wholeheartedly.

“My name is Theodore Vincent, you have always known me as Buck. That name was given to me as a joke when I started driving, young buck.” he said with a laugh and it stuck. John and I both chuckled over that statement, at least it lightened the mood.

“I volunteer to be your diver, the others don’t care as they might like the tips but they don’t like the long drives and the hours. Those tips along with my wife’s hairdressing job has enabled me to go to college. I thank you for that.” He said thinking about how to proceed.

“I wondered about that sometimes. I was always grateful I got you. You know where to go and learned to help me actually.” I said thinking of all the times he did help out.

“Originally I wanted to be a criminal forensics specialist. After seeing your ranch and the farmers around here and little investigation, I changed my major to Animal Husbandry. I wasn’t going to say anything as I still need two more classes for the degree. This tip will pay for those classes when they are offered again. Your lovely bride said I should tell you now instead of waiting.” he said looking hopeful.

“Jumpin-gee-hoss-a-fat!” I yelled in my best imitation. They all looked a me like I was crazy except Ice who probably knew what the plan was already.

“I told you.” Ice said smugly.

“Can your wife do anything besides being a hairdresser and what’s her name? I asked thinking well ahead.

“Her name is Cora, she really doesn’t like doing that job or being in the city. She is actually a country girl at heart and helps me study. That is one of the reasons I investigated the area. I was Hoping that I might get a job as a vets assistant or something. That is why I was discussing the role of your new doctor with your wife.” He said shedding new light on the subject.

“Do you think you can get Cora here before six?” I asked quickly looking at the time.

“If I can, she can.” He said knowingly.

“Well, call her and tell her to bring you some clothes also, country wedding reception ya know.” I said gleefully.

Ice was smiling ear to ear. John said he had to go get ready. I was beside myself. One hell of a stressful weekend with so many peaks and valleys. It isn’t even over yet.


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