I was beside myself as I did my morning chores. James and I didn’t talk much at breakfast which wasn’t unusual but he kept looking at me differently. It excited me a little, my ass was a bit sore from last nights antistics. Is this why they love it so much I wondered. It turned me on, the pain melded itself with pleasure for an indescribable feeling. Then afterwards, what should have been a sore pain was actually a pleasurable tingle.
After I took my shower, the redness was still there along with a funny feeling burn. I rubbed in some soothing aloe lotion on my sore rump. That caused my body to react in a tingly pleasurable way, that stared my core to heat with password again. I called him Master, that wasn’t like me, I must have automatically said it because that is what all my friends say. Is my mind trying to tell me something, what I thought was wrong. Is it because I want what they have? No, can’t be, because I already serve my lover. I just never say it like they do all thetime.
James wants kids but I am not willing just yet. I want to do a few things first that we couldn’t do before. We have the money now, maybe if I talk to him I can explain it. Then we will have the kids he thought we couldn’t have. First I need to talk to Nelson and Ice and see what they think. Nelson is smart, he will understand and tell me what to do. No, that thought isn’t right is it, he will tell me, now I am even more confused. When I make my delivery maybe I can solve this.
I show up with the milk and eggs. The fridge is a little bare with all the guests and the shopping needs done to replenish a few things. There wasn’t much need before, I always took care of his short visits. John is on the phone giving orders about finding out about something on someone. They must still be in crisis mode which is how this weekend started in the first place.
“Nelson, can I ask you something?” I asked. Nelson got up and came to the kitchen.
“First, do you want anythingspecial from the grocers?” I asked.
“No, I want Ice to do it as I have a business meeting coming up. It will give her something to do.” he told me.
“Can I go with her?” I asked as my eyes perked up.
“I don’t see why not. Would be a splendid idea.” he said.
“Yippeee!” I exclaimed. “Can I ask you and Ice something privately? I promise it won’t take long.” I said looking hopeful.
“For you anytime. Come with me.” he said. “John, if the good doctor shows up, keep him entertained. Would you?” Nelson asked.
“Sure.” replied John.
“Ice, to the bedroom.” he ordered. We all went to the bedroom and he had me sit on the bed. Ice was holding his arm and leaning against him in a loving manner. Ice never said anything to his demand. She didn’t have to, she just reacted. She seems to know what to do.
“I am a mess.” I said and started to cry. Ice sat on the bed and hugged me to have a shoulder to cry on. I did just that. Nelson got down on his knees and held my free hand. I felt so loved at that moment.
“I don’t understand myself all of a sudden.” I wailed.
“Easy dear one. Calm down and tell us what is on your mind.” Nelson said in his soft soothing voice.
“It all started the night of your wedding. I was so turned on, I had to have James in the outfit you allowed me to buy. Thank you by the way. I was still turned on, but we had to clean up and were too tired when we got back.” I said while still trying to stop the sobs.
“So the wedding got you all hot and bothered. I can see that.” Nelson said still perplexed.
“Still turns me on thinking about it also.” Ice said with a sultry smile.
“The next morning, I woke up still in that state only worse. They said I screamed like a wolf for five minutes, I don’t remember. All I remember is climaxing so hard for so long that I passed out. I was so loud that Bruce came with his Winchester thinking a wolf got in the chicken coop. I was embarrassed but got turned on again when that happened.” I said remember how sexy and hot I was in front of James and Bruce.
“I know that feeling well.” Ice said with a smile winding at Nelson.
“Well, we need to buy a new mattress as I flooded this one and ruined it.” I said with a frown with tears still singing my eyes.
“I heard about the wolf part, but not that.” Nelson said with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood.
“Well last night it kind of happened again. John and Lilly are having a wonderful theme wedding. I don’t get the pony thing, I have modeled for Deuce in fittings but doesn’t do a thing for me. I have watched and trained Sky even. At first I thought it was the theme or the wedding. I had to know.” I said looking to see if they were following.
“Know what?” Nelson asked.
“I know this is going to sound strange. You know James and I have been handling the clients. I have dealt out punishment in those scenarios. Truthfully, I never got turned on from it even with James there, not since the beginning. I don’t mind getting tied up and teased, that is fun and gets me going. I have never been whipped before because I wasn’t in to pain.” I said feeling more relaxed.
“Yes it is part of your contract. I can understand, because it isn’t for everyone.” Nelson said understandably.
“The pain always turned me on and Master put me through a nice scenario reenating out first time yesterday, only better.” Ice said knowingly.
“Last night though, I had the overwhelming urge to find out. I ordered James to whip me, hard. He did, used his belt on me til I collapsed. It was incredible. I came three times, the last was so satisfied I had to have James fuck me.” I said relating what happened.
“Welcome to my world.” Ice said kissing her. I kissed her back because it felt right.
“I don’t see a problem yet other than you are expressing dormant feelings.” I said still not understanding where this was going.
“This morning my rump was still red and a little sore. I rubbed some aloe lot in, but the tingling sensing and burning turned me on again, still.” I said as I sniffled.
“That is a normal reaction. If you keep thinking about, it will keep building til the next time. That is how it works for me.” Ice said with a smile.
“I still don’t recognize a problem as of yet.” I said scratching my head.
“I called James, Master. I think that is what I really want. To be like Ice, Lilly and Sky.
“Your mother taught me how to please a woman because she had to, not because I wanted to. I loved it actually. I loved calling her Mistress. I would like Ice to become my Mistress. I think that might be a problem with you, Nelson. I want James to be my Master. Though I have a selfish problem that is eating away at me. I said pouring my heart out.
“I would like that but I can see your point.” Ice said pondering that enlightenment.
“I can see several issues with that without knowing what James thinks. It is different than just a blow job once in a while.” Nelson said realizing the magnitude.
“Yes, I know, before we didn’t have a choice because we were broke. That makes it much more different this time. I love the life we have made for ourselves. It is idyllic to me. It is the selfish part I am having trouble with. I want to do some traveling before having kids. I am afraid he won’t I said with the tears rolling down my cheeks again. Ice hugged me again, felt so nice.
“I am confused, I thought you can’t have kids. I thought you set things up so there wouldn’t be any accidents.” I said thoughtfully but confused.
“I have kept it from everybody for so long. I get the shot so only two people know, me and the doctor. Your mother set it up for me and not to say anything til it was time or not at all. If I come clean now, James may want kids immediately or worse.” I wailed.
“So why tell him at all. Oh duh, I get it.” I said putting together everythingshe said. Ice looked at Nelson confused.
“Master, I am lost and you figured it out already.” Ice said with that perplexed look.
“The problem is simple, wish the solution was.” Nelson said.
“If she declares James as her Master then she can’t hold the secret. If she wants you as a Mistress, then I also become her Master. Too much conflict.” I said recognizing the problems.
“Master, the look on your face says you have an answer.” Ice said. I looked at Nelson in earnest.
“Don’t I always speak with wise council. First of all, if she declares James as her Master, you as her Mistress can’t happen. What she wants from that relationship, would happen naturally between two Masters. Although James is technically a slave to me and not a Master, I can resolve that issue simply enough. Matter of fact, their working duties would not change, they would just be declared ranch hands, plain and simple. Everybody with me so far?” Nelson said. I shook my head yes. Ice did also.
“What advice can you give me about James then. I don’t want to lie or keep a secret from him.” I asked looking for a way to resolve the problem.
“I do have a solution that the three of us must keep secret. Since I am your employer or we, in that regards, we forbid you to get pregnant for at least two years. Which should give you enough time to sweet talk James into your wishes, secret remains safe. Women have that effect on us you know. Then as if by magic it happens.” Nelson said laughing.
“I agree.” Ice said beaming at the logic.
“What about the contracts?” I asked perplexed.
“Don’t need one. You not getting pregnant is a secret verbal agreement between the three of us and is binding. You can’t tell him and we can’t tell him. Problem solved.” Nelson said in a nut shell.
“By the way, your sudden unusual body needs might be telling you it is time.” Nelson added.
“Never thought of that.” I said blushing. I kissed Ice and Nelson and left to tell James the news.
James was at the apartment when I walked in. “I need to go to the store with Ice, need anything for the party tonight, Master?” I asked with a smile. His eyes got bigger as he looked at me and stared.
“Yes Master, I had a meeting with Ice and Nelson. They figured out what my problem was and how to solve it.” I said kneeing before him and putting my head in his lap.
“I am yours, Master. I also fixed it so we can go on vacation now.” I said hoping beyond hope. James looked at me funny.
“What has come over you? You have always wanted an equal say.” He asked.
“I looked at all the happiness of my friends and proved to myself that they are right. I was fooling myself somewhat before. I already have the perfect man, now, I need you to be my perfect Master.” I said. James bent over and kissed me.
“How did you pull off the vacation thing.” he asked. “For one we never asked. Secondly we no longer have to worry about the contract. Thirdly, we are classified as ranch hands now, with the same duties we have had for the last few years. You can even discuss things as Master to Master with Nelson. All you have to remember, they are our employees when it comes to work.” I said proud of myself.
“You did that for us? James asked.
“Yes Master, I did.” I said feeling proud.
“Where do you want to go for vacation then?” James asked.
“Where ever you decide Master.” I said feeling happy.
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