I woke up to the most wonderful feeling in the world, Ice and that beautiful hot mouth working its magic. She has learned quickly because she wants to please me and herself with the ability. I take her head and pull her off. She looks at me with a surprised but disappointed look. I kiss her with password, morning breath and all.
“You deserve a reward after yesterday, my Love.” I said watching her smile spread across her face. “Turn around and ride my love. Cum at will.” I ordered her.
Didn’t need to tell her twice. She was in position and setting down on my cock in a few seconds. She was hot and soaking wet as her cunt gobbled my cock. She would bounce up and down rapidly a few strokes then do a slow rise and fall. Over and over teasing me or was she teasing both of us. I figured she was trying to make it last and make both us cum at the same time. The love of my life learns quickly even though I told her to please herself.
Just when you got used to one rhythm she would change it. Now she was totally impaled with her muscles doing a milking action then she would rise slowly with that action then once to the top she would slam back down. Then she took off like a bucking bronco. She started panting and groaning then slammed down and the muscles started its milking once more.
She let out a little scream as she brought her arm up to her mouth. I reached around her and twisted a nipple which yielded and extra shriek. Then went rigid but kept her miking which made me shoot away. Then she bounced a few more times and slammed back down and stopped for a minute. She was breathing very heavy then collapsed forward.
She rested for a minute as I looked at her beautiful ass starring in my face. I was going to slap it but before I could she turned around and licked her lips and kissed me. She then went straight to my cock and proceeded to lick up our combined juices from my cock. I think she was bound and determined she was going to finish the blowjob she originally started. I grabbed her and pulled her up for another password kiss or two, okay three or four.
“Sorry my love. As much as I like it, I had better get to the bathroom.” I sad laughing. She broke into a little giggle as I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom. She padded after me and started the shower.
“Your so wonderful Master. I love you.” she said as she popped I followed her in, a few minutes later.
After getting cleaned up Ice put on a tank top, shorts and tennis shoes. “Maybe I can get John to rehearse a little so I don’t look like a big buffoon this evening.” Ice said. “Maybe you can call Lilly and see if she wants to rehearse also. Being a holiday, it might be tough finding much open around here so she should be available.” I said.
“After I cook breakfast.” Ice added.
So out to the kitchen we go. John and Matt were already up and drinking coffee. Ice went to make breakfast.
“Bacon and eggs, cereal, pancakes or French toast?” Ice asked. The convinced turned out to be French toast. Ice turned on the stove to heat up while she poured two cups of coffee and brought me mine. She went back to start making the French toast.
“John, want to call Lilly and have her come over so we can practice for a while so we don’t look stupid?” Ice asked.
“You know that is not a bad idea.” he said. He called Lilly and she agreed but only had about an hour as her sister had gotten appointments for hair, nails and makeup.
Of course, how could you go to a wedding without that being done I thought.
I called Devon Marks on his private line to see if he had any more info and I set the phone to speaker. “Hi Nelson, how are you?” he asked.
“Grand. I am loving the married life already.” I said with a laugh.
“John can’t wait til this afternoon, then he will know what it is like.” I said as John started laughing at me. Matt was just shaking his head with a smile.
“Got any news for us Devon?” I asked.
“Yup, sure do. My guys snagged the two on tape. They were casing Mel’s place waiting for her. They were looking for Sprite. You guys have a pretty good think tank, you nailed what happened. There is a tracking device somewhere but it is moot point now. It is somewhere in the house, probably in the couch. Sprite messed their plans up and had to abandon the Chase and came back before he woke up. They had a bad code for the door. So it was someone that knew him well enough. They have no clue who though. We turned them over to the locals. Mel is safe with us for a few days until we make sure. They still want Sprite for questioning though.” Devon related all the info he had.
“She is still not available and neither one may be safe yet. She will Take the news hard and I don’t want to tell her yet. She may be the only person that know who might have known the code.” I said thoughtfully.
“His two assistants are members aren’t they?” I asked.
“Yes they are. You don’t suppose they had something to do with it?” Devon asked in disbelief.
“Not really. You might want to question them and see if something out of the ordinary was going on.” I said.
“Will do. Before you hang up, I got another piece of news for you.” Devon said.
“This has got an interesting ring to it. What ya got Devon?” I asked.
“You remember when you told me to be on the look out for a specific doctor?” Devon said.
“I sure do. Why? ” I asked enthused.
“Just so happens, I had one in town last night from Boise staying at the hotel right now. He was here as a guest for a bachelor party.” Devon said.
“So, did you check him out?” I asked.
“Of course. He is twenty-eight and just finished residence. Relatively new member in good standing and unattached.” Devon related.
“Very good. Hope he is up for a trip. Get my normal limo service and tell the driver there is a big tip for his service all day and maybe tomorrow also.” I said thinking Buck would jump at the chance.
“Will do, what about the doctor?” Devon asked.
“Tell the doctor there is a sick horse and he is needed immediately.” I said laughing at my joke.
“Will do. I’ll get him there.” Devon said laughing. “You have a wonderful day.” Devon said.
“You too. I’ll keep you in the loop. Bye” I said as I hung up.
Ice brought in a plate full of french toast. Then brought plates and silverware. Then came strawberry jam and syrup. She was right in this instance that everybody needed to serve themselves.
“What was the part about the doctor and the sick horse, Master?” Ice asked perplexed.
“I have been looking a long time for a doctor that also has vet experience. I think our sick horse might be taken by him I hope. Plus we could use another doctor and the vet part is an added attention.” I said with a smile.
“You are referring to Sky, Master?” Ice asked excited.
“Sure am. Cross your fingers I can convince him to stay.” I said.
“I have got to check my computer after I eat to see if I have any more info that can help us out. I have this sneaky suspicion that it is tied to Saturdays actions somehow.” I said.
“I thought the same thing. I tried to tie it to Morgan, because of previous problems I knew about. That was a dead end. I may have had the right idea, but the wrong person. I would Still be looking for a needle in the proverbial haystack.” John said.
“I couldn’t even begin to guess an angle other than someone wants to cover something up.” Matt said thinking.
Knock. Knock. Knock. came the rapport. “Lilly’s here.” Ice said. “I’ll get it.” John said smiling. John rushed to the door and it was Lilly. He picked her up and planted a big kiss on her. “MMMM, maple syrup. Delicious!” Lilly said as everyone broke out laughing and saying hello.
“I want to get to the clinic and check out the girls. I know mums the word.” Matt said as he finished his coffee. We all said bye as he rushed out the door.
“You three practice while I clean up. It is the most I can do.” I said clearing the table and taking care of clean up and making another pot of coffee.
“If Ice and I do the tango like this. The horses come trotting outside side by side. We part, then Lilly comes between us and starts her dance. I am taken by her. Ice tries to take me away again but I chase her away using the crop. Then we dance again while I drop your pony gear to reveal my beautiful woman. Sky gets in the act by shielding Ice away as they stomp.” John said proudly.
“That will work.” Ice and Lilly say at the same time. They practice a few more times and have decided they have it down pat. While they are practicing, I finished the dishes and got my laptop out checking to see if I have any reports.
I needed some information and Dan had it. Hope he doesn’t get mad at me for messing up another day of his weekend. “What can I do for ya, Nelson?” he said answering thephone.
“Come on, can’t I mess up another day for ya.?” I said laughing.
“Something tells me you are anyway.” he said.
“First the good news. John is getting married today and your invited. Bambi will probably be here again.” I said laughing.
“John is getting married? Impossible!” he yelled.
“Believe it, he is dancing with his bride to be right now.” I said seriously. “They just finished, let me put the phone on speaker.” I said.
“I got to run. I told Bethany I wouldn’t be long. I love you, Master.” Lilly said but not before a loving kiss between the love birds. Then she rushed out the door.
“Okay Dan, It is John, Ice and I.” I said.
“You getting married John?” Dan asked.
“I am. You come?” John asked.
“I’ll be there. What time”” he asked.
“Oh says, sixish, same place at Nelsons.” John told him.
“Got it. Now, I know you guys. Never just a social call. So what ya need?” Dan asked.
“Well, I need to know if one of those real estate companies had a holding in Kansas City?” I asked.
“Give me minute. Yup, an empty warehouse as it turned out.” he confirmed.
“Was it listed as Knife and Fork Beef by any chance?” I asked amused.
“No, no name was listed.” Dan said. “How about this address?” I asked.
“Bingo.” Dan said.
“Well, we got more problems that tie in and we need your help again.” I said.
“Before coming here, you might want to get involved with the locals in the death of Edward Morgan.” I told him.
“Wait, that was the guy on the news that got shot by his girlfriend they think.” he said remembering the news cast.
“News Flash! The guys that did it were turned over to the police this morning.” I said.
“Don’t tell me, you had your fingers in it.” he asked disbelieving.
“Okay, I won’t tell ya.” I said laughing. “Look, I am going to be busy most of the day. There is no need to rush out here this time. So we will see ya about five?” I asked.
“Sounds good to me. I’ll be there. Bye.” as he hung up.
“John, should I go with caution here?” I asked.
“What do you mean?” John asked.
“Well, everything hinges on our nosy link at the bank to determine who did what there. We got to get to that terminal and can’t do it till tomorrow and we can’t trust anybody there. Plus, they might know where AJ and Mike live, they are the only two that can get to it. I was thinking Ed and his boys pulling guard duty unfortunately. We also need Ed to run bios up on the upper echelon at Lancaster Investments and at least five or six people at the bank.” I said contemplating what we needed.
“Sounds serious, what did they find?” John asked.
“Hundred Million in stolen money just vanished. Well, not exactly vanished but someone has it and we can’t trace it.” I said.
“Caution is the best policy, I always say.” John said.
“I agree.” I said.
I called AJ. “AJ, don’t be mad at me for calling Max. I knew you knew Morgan is the reason.” I said.
“I know why, I figured it out. Protocol.” AJ said.
“We are sending Ed and his boys to play guard duty, I don’t trust anyone and they might be ruthless.” I said.
“You think they would come here?” AJ asked.
“If they know about that terminal, they might. They would have to get their hands on it.” I said.
“Shit, your right.” AJ said. I am going to send Dan to pick you up in the morning. Nothing like an armed escort.” I said laughing.
“Okay, thanks. Will tell you more tomorrow. Bye ” AJ said as she hung up.
“Okay John, your turn.” I said laughing.
“What is so funny, Nelson?” John asked.
“Well, we go away for the weekend and we work just as stressful as if we stayed put.” I said shaking my head.
“Yeah, but we found our dreams come true.” John said smiling.
“So very true.” I said looking at Ice.
John called Ed and gave him what needed to be done. All I had to do is wait for the prospective doctor. That was the plan until Devon called me back.
“Yes Devon, that was quick.” I said laughing.
“Well, your doctor should be arrived soon. That guy is a character. You will find out.” Devon said.
“This could be fun then.” I said.
“Yes, but I know you. You will get what you want in the end.” Devon said laughing.
“On a more serious note. We talked to Morgan’s two buddies. Several things came up. Morgan was happy because the commission on what he was doing was enormous. To put it mildly, his ship had come in. He had everything planned out but it was a secret between the three of them. Sprites contract was due to expire next month. Instead of renewing it, he was going to ask her to marry him. He was tired of the slave routine and was only going to use that as an occasional play time ritual when she wanted. Both of them agreed that no one had been at the house in months when he decided this. They were discussing possible wedding plans between them thatnight to ready the surprise.” Devon related what he found out about their discussion.
“Is that all, that isn’t much help really.” I asked.
“No there is more. The only different item at his work, and they weren’t happy about it either, was the teams accountant. It seems the normal accountant got sick the day before the IPO was given to Morgan. They got the weasel, as they called him, because There was no one else available. His name is Chad Dale. No one likes him because he tends to make well hidden privacy errors. He was the reason they were investigated last time. That is all I got.” Devon said.
“Sounds like we got our inside man at the investment firm then. That really helps. Thank you so much Devon.” I said very appreciatedly.
“Want us to investigate him.” Devon asked.
“Actually yes, look for a connection to Greg Jeffers or that Gilroy guy that was arrested the other day. They have to be linked somehow.” I said knowingly.
“Will do, it will be apleasure this time around.” Devon said as he hung up.
“John, call Ed and tell him to focus on the bank. We know who the rat is at Lancasters. Devon said he would take care of him.” I said excitedly.
“Will do Nelson.” John said.
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