The nurse wanted to wheel Millie down to do the second CT Scan. I said she needs to stretch her legs a little and it isn’t far. I told the nurse I would take her.
“You know, you have the cute little bubble butt in a hospital gown.” I said laughing as I grabbed both naked globes. Millie leaned back against my hands.
“I like the feel of that” she said laughing with me. After the CT scan we walked arm in arm back to her room. Matt was there with burgers, fries and shakes for us all. I introduced Matt to Millie and her eyes got great big. I just nodded my head yes and smiled. Millie did her giggle again. Matt just looked at both us with his perplexed look.
She gave me a come here command with her finger, I leaned down to hear what she had to say. “We all will like this.” she whispered as she reached up and pinched my nipples and twisted them. I grabbed the bed rail, bit my lip and climaxed hard. Matt and Millie were laughing at me but I think I got the best end of the deal. I had to go to the bathroom and clean up but I was satisfied at the same time.
After returning we ate the food my loving husband had brought us. Much better than the bland breakfast Millie and I had. Matt told us about the wedding plans John and Lilly had designed. John also had a small negative surprise coming his way afterward for the reception. The wedding might be small and intimate but the reception would be a big shindig again. We were all invited to the wedding of course. That sounds like a fun plan and we all agreed. We were just hoping Millie was going to get out in time to get ready.
“I am not sure if I have anything to wear.” Millie stated.
“Matt and I will take care of it on the way back to the ranch.” I said. Matt was still perplexed about what was going on.
“Since we are all here and coherent, I suppose I should let my loving husband and Master in on my, our, little secret.” I said smiling.
“Yes, please do. I am totally lost.” Matt acKnowledged. Millie just laughed, because she didn’t know how this was going to play out.
“Master, I said, you may want to take a seat before I explain.” I said. Matt sat in the chair that actually gave me cramps the night before. “First Master, I love you very much, I just had to realize it. I still need to apologize to Nelson and Ice for my behavior, I know. After you fixed me, as I think I was already broke, I had some dreams that remained very prominent in my mind. The first was my biggest desire, being tied and whipped by my Master. The second dealt with us, Nelson and Ice. I can’t wait til I get the chance eat out her snatch. The third dealt with Millie here.” I stopped for a second on how to continue.
“I like the first two dreams already. Both of those will probably come true. The third still has me confused.” Matt said.
“Well Master, I have discussed the third with Millie so she could think it over and decide. Maybe, not fully yet. The dream showed that Milliewould become your slave with me. Millie and I would trade off who was dominate and slave to each other. That way things would remain equal between us. The big thing, she will give all three of us your child to care for. Another fact Master, you are not trained and Millie can teach you. Nelson and John can teach you, but they might be too busy right now. To put in Millie’s terms, she would become the second wife. Does that satisfied your curiosity?” I said out of breath.
“I am no longer confused any longer at least.” Matt said.
“I had a hard time understanding also Matt. Then again it could have been caused by my injury.” Millie interjected.
“So let me get this straight. This came from a dream?” Matt asked.
“Yes Master, it did.” I said.
“And you actually want this?” Matt asked again.
“Yes Master, because it gives us all what we want and need.” I explained.
“Millie has agreed to this plan, I take it.” asked Matt surprised.
“No, Master. I gaveher time to think about it. Then decided if she wanted to accept the proposal.” I said hopefully. Millie looked at me then Matt and seemed to be thinking hard about the idea. Matt looked at Millie then at me probably thinking the same things.
“Can I have some time to think about it?” Matt asked thinking about the situation Millie is in and doesn’t know about. “Can it wait until after the wedding so I can talk to John and Nelson?” Matt asked hoping he could stave off the answer.
“Yes Master.” Chelsie said.
“I can wait also as I am not going far.” Millie said.
“I really like the idea, I just want input from people who know is all.” Matt said avoiding the answer.
The doctor came in and told us the scan was much better but she had to take it easy for a week or so. After a little paperwork she was free to go.
“I need a shower first.” Millie said.
“I’ll wash your back.” I said smiling. With that I got my first good look at my new best friend. StraitBrown hair half way down her back with matching brown eyes. Full lips same as mine. Her breasts were smaller, about a large B or small C with dime sized nipples that were pierced. Three piercings in each ear and had a tongue ring also. Five foot five and about one hundred twenty pounds. Pussy was bare with a small single heart tattooed on each side near the leg cream. Basically, she looked like the girl next door. I washed her back as promised. Millie looked and felt much better at least. She would have to let her long brown hair dry naturally.
Other than Walmart, nothing was open as it was a holiday. We had to make do, but got her a couple skirts, a bra, a couple pair of tight jeans, a pair of tennis shoes, three inch black pumps, two tank tops and a white see-thru blouse. With that we went back to the ranch.
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