Weekend in Paradise Ch. 15

James and Lacy went to their apartment. Lacy was having a hard time walking on the uneven ground in those particular high heels and was holding onto James for dear life. I loved how Nelson thought everything out for the surprise wedding. He doesn’t miss a beat and finds ways of protecting everyone at the same time. I had hoped things went well for Ice as she was her closest friend.

I never dreamed that Nelson would up the ante and marry her so quickly. It was all so fantastically surreal and a dream come true at the same time. I hated not being able to hint at the fact she was going to be the main character in a surprise wedding. Ice had cornered me once trying to find out why all the specific shopping, hair and makeup. I was able to define it to a ritual he designed for the playroom tonight was all I would tell her. He wanted her to prove herself and wanted us to look this way. It seemed to satisfy her curiosity. I know she was turned on the whole trip back as I could smell her scent and she kept fidgeting. Then again I was in the very same moist identical state.

I remember when we met her in the coffee shop for the first time. It was so long ago but I remember like it was yesterday. She told us to come to the ranch and how to act as they were looking for some help. I was actually against the idea but James had convinced me that it was the only way out we had at the moment. He was right of course. I almost balanced at the idea in the middle of the negotiations because I was still a little naive when it came to sex. Nelson’s father was a gem and understand, he put pussy off limits to both of us so we could remain chaste to one another. I agreed to the contract after that. Although my title was maid and general labor in the contract, it was just a title. It was more like personal assistant and general labor.

I learned how to cook, can and preserve meat. We both learned how to take care of the chickens, cows, dogs, train the puppies and take care ofthe garden. We both were also trained in the playroom activities. I grew to love it more than I ever let on. I almost broke my one chatity vow more than once early on, but Nelson’s mother stepped in making sure. I imagine James was the same way when I wasn’t with him which wasn’t often. James also started learning the leather trade from Deuce, he liked doing that and is getting quite good. He makes all my skirts, belts and a couple of my tops also. I play mannequin for Bruce and Deuce every once in a while. Mostly clothing fittings but every now and then pony gear also, they know how to tease and get me off like no other.

After the accident we were worried about what was going to happen to us. We had only been here eight months and learned a lot already. Nelson found the contracts and called us in to talk About it. He was satisfied and we were put in charge of the playroom activities. The maid item stayed because he wanted the place kept clean. He only visited once or twice a month and never stayed long so it wasn’t stressful or time consuming. I like cooking for him because he always came in to feel my tits, he loves my long nipples and a blow job at some point. I don’t know what it is, but he is the tastiest desert I have ever had.

Now, I am worried how our Idyllic life is going to change. James and I know Nelson would probably move back here permanently after the sale went final. I figured my maid duties might increase because of that but that is about all. Now with Ice in the picture, I am not totally sure what to think. I think it might be the way it originally was. Which brings me to a point I am not sure about. Do I go and fix everyone breakfast in the morning? Do I follow Ice’s orders also? It was always farm duties first, so I will follow that rule and play the rest by ear.

Ice’s collar is one of the most exciting things I have ever seen. I would love to wear something like that so blatantly but it wouldn’t be true as James and I like to switch. Tonight I am so horny, I want him to fuck the living daylights out of me. If the secret room was available I would be over the horse in no time and let James do what ever he wanted. I have never had a whip taken to me but have had the paddle a couple times. Too many house guests and we still have to go clean up.

When we got inside, I went straight to the bed, hiked the skirt up, sat on the edge of the bed and laid back. “James, come fuck me. I need it bad.” I screamed. James was still trying to get out of his clothes.

He looked at me and said, “Horny are we?”

“What do you think?” I said as he dropped his pants and boxes in one motion and his prick popped out. “Fancy meeting you here.” I said as I licked my lips.

James came over, slammed his cock in me, unzipped the corset to free my breasts, grabbed and pulled my nipples. Just the way I like it, I wrapped my legs around him and we went to town. I was panting, moaning, groaning and screaming the entiretime. It may have only taken us five minutes to climax but it was the most powerful one I’ve had in a while.

After we calmed down for a few minutes savoring our little tryst, we were dressed and headed to the shelter to clean up. I know we were both tired and in the morning we will resume.

I put on my shorts, tank top and tennis shoes to go clean up. We had brought several plastic containers to store the extra food. There were still a few people millioning about drinking and talking. All we needed to so was clean out their silver trays and wash them down with the hose. They would pick them up sometimes tomorrow. Normally they would have had someone do this chore for them, but with the short notice their help was already busy. Put the empty wine bottles in a recycle bin, put the full ones in the car. The dogs would get a ham Treat in the morning as the turkey was almost gone. Enough left over for a nice lunch tomorrow however.

James got all the trash picked up and tossed in the can. Carried the presents and wine to the car. Had just enough room to take care of the cake which was pretty much gone. It only took us about an hour and we were both pretty beat from the long day. Everyone else had left by the time we were finished. We turned out the lights and went home.


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