I could not believe it! Nelson said he was getting married today. No warning, No dating. Nothing. Totally unlike him unless he was holding out on me, or us for that matter. Matt, Nelson and I have a history together. It was my idea for the push to sell the company. Call me selfish but it was my grand scheme because I wanted Nelson for myself. The only way to do that was to remove the partnership. Yes, the three of has had sex together before. I always like the DP action and getting spit roasted. He has never fucked me though. It was his way of saying I fucked up and he is right. He is always right.
It has been a long time ago now. I was suppose to go to Aspen with Nelson. Matt had talked me into Cancun instead. The heat, sun and drinks sounded more fun than hot chocolate and snow at the time. I told Nelson that I had to go visit my sick aunt which was believed. She was sick and died the following year. She raised me as I lost my parents when I was four and don’t remember muchAbout them.
It was the third or fourth night in Cancun, I got drunk and was horny as hell. I think it had something to do with all the body shots I allowed and drank. Matt helped get me to my room and got me ready for bed. He tried to stop me a couple times trying to be chivalrous. Truthfully it might have been more like rape but I didn’t care, I needed cock and he was there. Both of us were pretty upset about it the next day, not at each other, but the fact we had sex and it was my fault.
I thought it didn’t matter as Nelson would never know, so I thought. It was three days after the trip and our first date when he confronted me about it. I said I was sorry, but I had hurt him and I cried for days after that. We had a couple dates after that but it just wasn’t the same, he was distant. I tried everything but it just didn’t help. He finally confirmed in me that he had changed somehow as he went home for spring break. He was more demanding and focused which was not his happygo lucky self. He told me that he should tie me up and whip the shit out me. My eyes lit up as it sounded like a way back into his heart. I told him I would be his loving slave forever if he did.
Unfortunately, a few days later I found out I was pregnant with Matt’s baby. I was crushed but Matt wanted to do the right thing, so we got married. Five or so months later I got an infection, lost the baby and had to have an emergency hysterectomy. All three of us were heart broken. Matt and Nelson never got along all that well before that. I don’t know what happened but the three of us were inseparable after that.
I was hoping to meet this woman before the wedding but some sort of crisis was going on. It had to be serious because John, Dan and Ed were there. Matt and I didn’t find out til later that Nelson found something out about some sort of criminal activity dealing with the farm next door. As usual, here comes Nelson with his bright and shiny armor to the rescue. That is one of the reasons I love him so much.
I didn’t get to meet the bride before the wedding. It may have been a good thing. Lacy gave me an opportunity to talk to Nelson when she brought him his new shirts. I told her I would take them to him as it would give me a chance to talk to him. He was naked in the bathroom, I creamed myself right then and there. I tried to say what was on mind but I just couldn’t. I had to get out before I started crying.
The wedding was story book. I have to hand it to Nelson and his crew for a job well done. She was absolutely beautiful. I was jealous of course and it hurt. My eyes were singing from the tears I was holding back. I wanted it to be mine. Then I saw the collar, it took all the resolve I had to remain steady. I had to stay away or would have said something I regretted. One of his greatest hours, what a friend I turned out to be, nothing more than a selfish jealous lover. I tried to get Matt to take me home, he said he didn’t want to drive and we had too much to drink.
Matt just had to drag me over to wish them well. I put on my straight face and tried my hardest. Nelson figured it out even though I tried to hide it. He always does, damn him anyway. He gave one of those witty thoughts of his that is hard to figure out. His answer to that is, you must realize it yourself or you learn nothing.
John was having a good time. He met a surprisingly charming and witty lady. He told me while getting them drinks that it was Nelson’s doing. Of course, Nelson has a way about him. I can’t explain it.
It was getting late and I was tired. I grabbed a bottle of wine and Matt and said “Let’s go. I have had enough.” Matt agreed and we drove to the house. I got a corkscrew and couple glasses and headed to the bedroom downstairs. Not before I heard the sounds of them snogging. I opened the bottle and poured a glass of wine and set it on the nightstand. I sat on the edge of the bed and the damn burst. Not those little wimpy tears either, these were the real deal.
“What is wrong honey?” Matt asked.
“I fucked up nine years ago and I’m still paying for it.” I got out between the sobs and tears. “That wedding should have been mine seven or eight years ago.” I said still sobbing and whining. The next thing I know I go flying across the bed and my jaw stung. He slapped me, he had never done that before. “What the fuck!” I yelled looking at him through blurry eyes. I saw he had his belt pulled out of his pants and folded in half. I was scared.
“Nelson told me that it would come to this one day. I didn’t believe him but he is always right.” Matt said looking mad as hell.
“What?” I squeaked.
“The reason we became friends.” Matt said still looking mad.
“Why did you guys become friends?” I asked as the tears had stopped and fear crept in.
“Because he saw that I loved you more than him.” Matt said proudly as he paused to let it sink in. “He said I would need to break you bEfore you understand.” Matt went on.
What was it I was missing? I met Matt when he was dating my roommate Kelly. Kelly was the cheerleader type, big chest, flighty at times and used sex as power. They dated for a few months but she never had sex with him as far as I knew. They went out on their last date, she came back a little drink, frustrated and crying. Matt turned her down and the date and Courtship ended just like that. It did turn into my first sexual encounter with a woman which was wonderful.
Matt asked me out a couple times after that but I was dating Nelson at the time. I went to Cancun with Matt because it sounded more fun. I rarely remember the night I got drunk, Matt actually rescued me because I was falling down drink and horny as hell. Matt tried to get me to calm down as I stripped in my room. I think I told him if he didn’t fuck me I would find someone that would, I think I tried to get out the door, he grabbed me and carried me back to the bed. I had hispants undone and his hard cock in my hand before he got me there. I remember his cock sinking to the bottom in one push and it was helped by me but I passed out after that.
I remember waking up the next day sometimes, I was wrapped in Matts’ arms and I called him Nelson, they actually could be brothers. Matt tried to talk to me about it but all I could do was cry. I knew the baby wasn’t Nelson’s because we hadn’t had sex since New Years, we were that busy and our schedules were diametrically opposed. Matt was actually happy about me being pregnant, we got married. He held my hand the entire time even through all the problems I had. Nelson was there also because he loved me too. But, he said it was because Matt loved me more is why they became friends.
“Matt before you do something you will Regret. That night in Cancun, was I your first?” I asked as I had never thought of that til now. Why is that so important? I thought.
“Yes, you were. I fell in love with you right then and there. Not because of the sex either. You did it out of need not because you felt obligated or some game to play.” He replied still upset.
All this time I never realized and all this time he stood with me through thick and thin because he really loved me. Even as I tried to push him away the last six months or so. They could be brothers, I would be the loving slave if he tied me up and whipped me. Matt truly loves me. Nelson damn you. Ice could be my sister by looks for all that matters. He knew Ice first, we resemble each other, I was her reincarnation to Nelson all along, I messed up again, almost. What was it he said, I had to act on it. I understand it all now and I needed it.
I got up on the bed on all fours. “Matt, I need it, claim me as your slave. Just like Cancun only you this time. Do it now. I want it to hurt.” I said determined. The first crack of the belt stung like the dickens but I held fast. He gave me five in all mainly because I collapsed on the bed after the fifth one and he stopped, it stung but he didn’t hurt me and it turned me on. “Oh Matt, I am so sorry and so stupid.” I said crying in joy. “Matt, this might be hard for you to understand but please listen and don’t get mad. After Cancun, Nelson changed, it had something to do with being here and it was for the better. We dated a couple times after that but it was more as friends than lovers. He said he should tie me up and whip me. I told him if he did I would be his loving slave forever. I was upset today because someone else got the dream that was suppose to have been mine. I have been wanting that dream for a very long time. Matt, he loves me but not like that. I understand that now, but I want my dream. You truly love me, I want to be your slave. I have even called you Nelson more than once, that is how much alike you are. You are my Nelson!” I said clearing my conscience.
“Does that mean I broke you? He said with a smile.
“Yes and no Master, you didn’t break me, more like fixed me.” I said with a laugh.
I reached up, grabbed and kissed him hard with password. Something I hadn’t done in a long time. “Master, take me, use me, I am yours to command.” I said with glee.
“Strip.” he said. I pulled the dress up and over my head and throw it somewhere, then kicked my shoes off.
“I am tired so I am only going to fuck you Now. In the morning I better find that mouth of yours wrapped around my cock.” he commanded.
“Yes Master.” I said as I spread my legs. It was the best fuck I had in a long time. It wasn’t quick either as it lasted a gloriously long time. I came several times and screamed with each one. The last one we both climaxed at the same time. We fell asleep in each others arms as I went off to dreamland.
I dreamed of Matt tying me, using a whip on me.
I dreamed of Ice and I together pleasing each other and our Masters.
I dreamed of Matt and I together with another woman and a child, Matt’s child.
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