I followed Lilly to Jeff and Bethany’s. Dakota was outside shooting hoops by himself. Dakota came and hugged his mom when she had exited her car. I stood nearby, watched and listened intently.
“Did you have fun mom.” Dakota asked.
“Yes I did as a matter of fact. It was exceptionally fun.” Lilly replied.
“I am glad. You deserve it.” he said.
“I have something to tell you. Remember, I said this morning there was a possibility that I may have met the man of my dreams?” Lilly said smiling.
“Yes, and?” Dakota asked patiently.
“He asked me to marry him and I said yes. He is the one.” Lilly said as she hugged him and kissed him on both cheeses.
“That is wonderful mom. I am so happy for you. Rather quick isn’t it?” Dakota asked smiling.
“Actually yes, we are getting married tomorrow.” Lilly said happy.
“Really mom?” Dakota asked as Lilly was grinning and nodding her head up and down.
“Really.” Lilly said.
“Wow! I haven’t seen you wear that in a long time. Still missing dad?” Dakota asked confused.
“Oops. No son, this is a new one, a new life for me and you.” Lilly said showing it off proudly. Actually she was so happy about wearing the collar and its meaning, she forgot all about having it on.
“Does this mean we have to move again?” Dakota asked a little dejected.
“You know I will abide by his decision. However, he wants to talk to you about it.” Lilly said smiling at her son.
“Why me?” he asked surprised.
“Why don’t you go ask him yourself.” Lilly stated.
“Hi Dakota.” I said being cautious.
“Hi there. So you gave mom the high hard one huh?” Dakota said with an impish smile.
“I heard that!” Lilly warned with her cheeks turning red, but smiling.
“That was a little impish but not far from the truth.” John retorted laughing hard.
“You two! You are going to be ganging up on me already.” Lilly stomped off laughing. They will get along fine she thoughtgoing into the house.
“You have made mom the happiest I have ever seen her in years. I remember she used to wear the black thing when she was real sad and missing dad. She said it reminded her of him and the good times. It made her happier.” Dakota said while deep in thought about the past.
“You don’t know what it really means then?” I asked.
“Not really.” Dakota replied.
“It is a symbol of love between two very special people. We happened to be of that type.” I answered slyly.
“So you and mom really love each other, like with dad?” Dakota asked a little baffled.
“Very much so and you are just as important to both of us. I am not here to replace your dad or that you are a piece of the package I have to accept and deal with. I want us to be a family, a real family.” I said hoping he would understand.
“A real family, like we could go to ball games together and do stuff together?” Dakota asked excitedly.
“Yes, that is what real families do, Iam positively sure.” I said laughing.
“Have you decided where we are going to live?” Dakota questioned.
“That depends. We could move to the city where I live now but that is not the only option.” I stated, noticing he used the word, we.
“I have lived in big cities before, lots of friends, but hard to find something to do. Here, friends might be sparse at the moment but at least there are things I can and want to do.” Dakota explained.
“Like riding horses, playing with the dogs, kissing China.” I said seriously but returning the barb.
“Well yeah.” Dakota said turning red. “How did you know?” he asked curiously.
“I pointed out to your mom that you went into the barn with a cute girl leading the way. She said you probably went to see her horse she has stable there. I was fourteen once.” I said laughing and watching him blush.
“One question. Is she a good kisser?” I asked.
“Well, I think so.” He said shyly.
“I think we will get alongtremendously.” I said. “You have made my decision for me.” I stated, thinking about a new place to live. I put my arm around his shoulder and said, “Why don’t you take me to your mom and aunt. I think they are discussing plans for tomorrow.” I said knowingly.
“What was the decision you made?” Dakota asked putting his arm around me. I knew I had won.
“Well, if I read the signs correctly, your aunt is a real estate agent.” I answered giving him a clue. He looked up at me with a huge grin.
We went into the house and Dakota ran to his mom and gave her a big hug. Bethany looked at me with a distasteful look. “Have fun mom, I am gonna go shoot some more hoops.” Dakota said and ran out the door.
I went to Lilly and gave her a kiss on the neck from behind then put my hands on her shoulders. “I am John Sebastian and you must be Lilly’s sister, Bethany. We met briefly last night I think. Pleased to meet you again.” I said in a polite manner.
“Yes, I know who you are.” she said disdainfully.
“Lilly, I thought you said your sister would be happy for you? Guess I am just gonna have to find another real estate agent.” I said joking but the cup she was holding smoked to the floor. Lilly jumped up and hugged me.
“Oh thank you Master. I told ya Beth.” Lilly excided excitedly while sticking her tongue out at her sister.
“Okay, I was wrong, you were right. Welcome to the family.” Bethany said with a smile. “The only thing on the market is the old Delmont place, that is a small farm. Thirty acres, near town, next to the quarry entrance which is on the other side of the hill. All structures are collapsed and useless. They are asking eighty grand but if you ask me it is only worth fifty.” Bethany said sounding like a real estate agent.
“I’ll take it.” I said wanting a fast sale. “But you haven’t even seen it.” Bethany said confused.
“See what, other than thirty acres of potential?” I asked being funny.
“He is a smart one, sis. I will give ya credit for that.” Bethany said laughing while cleaning up her broken cup.
Jeff came in and we all got acquainted and had a cup of coffee. Lilly and I were holding hands. We discussed the paperwork that needed to be done, she would have it ready Tuesday afternoon. We discussed the best contractor to use. We then discussed the wedding plans. I looked at the time and it was getting Somewhat late. Lilly escorted me to the car and made out like teenagers for a while. I finally had to leave whether I wanted to or not.
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