Weekend in Paradise Ch. 13

I was fixing little bowls of my strawberries when John and Lilly came in. They both were smiling like the cat that ate the canaries. I asked them if they wanted some desert.

“I already had desert,” Lilly said laughing hard.

“Please.” John said and started laughing with Lilly.

“I heard that.” Ice said from the table sipping her wine. “What is up with you two.” she asked.

I handed a still smiling Lilly and John their desert and spoons while I took the two for us to the table. John and Lilly came in and sat down.

I took a bite of my strawberries. “Nelson, how would you like to be my Best Man?” he asked me nonchalantly.

“Of course I would, you know that. Have you two set a date?” I asked.

“Yippee!” Ice yelled got up and hugged Lilly.

“Yes we have as a matter of fact. Tomorrow at 6 pm.” He said excitedly.

I almost choked on my strawberries. “Here I assume?” I asked.

“Yes, indeed.” John said.

Lilly then explained her idea of her theme wedding to John. I thought it was an iningenious plan. “Ice, I would love to include you but I don’t know how.” she said apologetically.

“I know how. I could play the other temptuous woman in the dance that loses. He could beat me off with the whip as I run and hide. I think I could act well enough that it would work. Then I could stand by Sky” Ice said excitedly.

“That will work.” Lilly said with a happy smile.

“I have a wonderful idea for an outfit even. We can go to the bedroom and I will model it. Master, may I?” Ice looked hopefully at me.

“Yes, you may go.” I said as it would give me a chance to talk to John alone for a minute.

“Master?” Lilly asked.

“Go.” said John laughing.

Ice and Lilly made a hasty retreat to the bedroom. “So how was it?” Ice asked inquiringly.

“It was Heaven on Earth.” Lilly replied. “He is built like a seven inch beer can and knows how to use it properly. I was like a kid in the candy store. We barely got around to using any toys at all. I wanted more but he was afraid of hurting me.” Lilly said like she won the ultimate price.

“How about Nelson? Is he everything you hoped for?” Lilly asked.

“Oh yes. He is long and good sized but nothing like John. It is perfect, uses it well and cautious also. The playroom tuned into a dream come true for me today.” Ice said with a satisfied look.

“Now, these new skinny jeans, this new shirt, and these shoes.” Ice contemplated for a minute. Went to a drawer and pulled out an old t-shirt, found a pair of scissors and cut a deep V in the front. “There, that should do.” she said thinking.

She stripped pulled on the t-shirt for effect and checked in a mirror, perfect she thought. Took the new shirt, tied it in place then pulled on the jeans and stepped into her four inch pumps. “Ta da! You like.” she quipped as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

“Needs a hat.” Lilly said. “Your right. I didn’t bring any becauseall my old ones were in bad shape. I didn’t think about one today. I think I could find one around here somewhere.” she replied thinking it a great idea.

“Congratulations again by the way.” as she kissed Lilly on the lips.

Thank You.” replied Lilly.

“Shall we show the boys.” Ice said proudly.

“Ice is perfectly wonderful John. I made the right choice. How about you?” I said proudly.

“I have to hand it to you Nelson. You set me up again, perfectly. She has the experience and knows exactly what to do. Never had that before. How did you know?” John asked wondering.

“It was nothing more than a hunt John, really. Besides you needed a date and the right woman magically appeared.” I said thoughtfully.

“I am worried about Dakota. I hope I can handle it.” John said not being sure of himself.

“John, you will be fine. You have faced tough challenges. Just get to know him and treat him as your own.” I said like I had some kind of experience.

“John, you will be fine. You have faced tough challenges. Just get to know him and treat him as your own.” I said like I had some kind of experience.

“Now for the help I really need. All of this is so suddenly I know. I have a choice to make. I know you made sure I was set in the sale to remain in the same capacity, which I am thankful for. I know Lilly has no qualityms about moving to the city or staying here, but this is about Dakota. Lilly thinks he might enjoy it more here than there. I can close up shop or turn it over to one of their lawsers After I show them the ropes. I can easily move here and be a country bumpkin lawyer and gentleman farmer. What do you think I should do?” John asked perplexed.

“If you are as stressed out as we have become, here is a good place to unwind. It sounds like you have all the input except from the sticking point. Maybe you should ask Dakota and help you decide. It is the best advice I can give.” I said thinking before saying.

“How are you so right all the time?” John said with bright eyes.

“Just a natural gift I guess.” I said laughing. We heard the bedroom door open and the clickof heels as the girls came back.

“Master, What do you think?” Ice asked.

“Absolutely astonishing!” I said with my eyes glued, my cock actually took notice too.

“Woohoo! I have to choose? Just kidding.” said John laughing.

“Kid friendly also.” Ice stated.

“Needs a hat.” I said

“I told ya.” Lilly said.

“I am pretty sure it will work.” I said.

“Hope I can do it in these heels in the pony arena.” Ice stated.

“Test it first and take your boots just in case. I don’t want my little slave with a booboo.” I advised.

“Good idea.” said John.

“Lilly, is it OK if I come over for a while? I would like to talk to Dakota.” John asked.

“Sure Master, I don’t see why not.” Lilly looked impressed at that statement.

“Are you ready? I am a little anxious about it.” John said.

“Sure Master”. lilly replied.

John and Lilly made a quick departure. “What was that all about Master? Ice looking amazed.

“John needs tomake a big decision and he needs some input.” I said contemplating ideas.

“Like?” Ice asked.

“Whether to move Lilly and Dakota to the city or move here.” I said.

“Which do you think he will do Master?” Ice said looking hopeful.

“Not sure really. If I was a betting man, I would choose him moving here.” I said.

“Goody.” Ice said jumping for joy.

“Do you really like this outfit Master?” Ice asked.

“I absolutely adore it. So does someone else.” I said with a wink.

“Better go change before something happens and it gets dirty before tomorrow. I’ll start cleaning up ” I said with a grin.

“Yes Master.” Ice said as she wiggled her ass to the bedroom. Damn! That is hot I thought. Then started cleaning up the mess. Ice came back a few minutes later and helped me finish up.

“We need to go see James and Lacy and throw a little surprise for John and Lilly tomorrow.” I told Ice.

“Sounds different Master. I like it.” Ice said smiling. Wego knock on their door and no one answered.

“Must be in the barn.” I said. We go up to the barn and find them all in the office. “I have a surprise plan for tomorrows wedding.” I said.

“We were just discussing that we little item.” Deuce said.

“I take it we are already on the same page then.” I said

“Yup. They said intimate wedding, they didn’t say anything about the reception.” said Bruce.

“We are on the same page.” I laughed.

“The whole thing sounds like a splendid wedding idea.” Lacy said smiling.

“Well, in that case, I will let you all handle those details.” I said knowingly.

“Why didn’t you set him up with Sky?” Bruce asked.

“I know you were going to ask me that.” I said.

“Because she Couldn’t handle him. Trust him on that.” Ice interjected. Everybody looked at Ice with an odd star.

“You were comparing notes.” I stated not surprised.

“Of course Master. Us girls have to talk about something.” Ice said as shewinked and laughed.

“Hard to believe myself, but if both of you say so.” Bruce said.

“Wow.” said Deuce.

“I find that hard to believe myself.” said James.

“Hard is right.” Ice said laughing.

“Okay, I have some calls to make.” I said. Ice and I returned to the house walking arm in arm.

I called Devon at the Slave Pen to find out if he heard anything yet.

“We have a lot of information. I sent two of my best out on the case. We found the door busted open and Morgan shot dead on the couch. Sprite was telling the truth as far as we can tell. The investigators saw the impact where she hit the wall, big hole. Her head looks like it hit a stud as there was hair and blood. There was also a small pool where her head hit the tile floor. Looked like she may have been picked up and thrown hard. He laid just as she said, except dead.” Devon said.

“That doesn’t make sense. Dead?” I said.

“Yes dead, so we had to call the locals in.” Devon said beforee going on.

“I found out Morgan and his friends were here and they said he wasn’t drink. They said he only had one drink. The waitress confirmed it. We looked at the camera footage outside when he left. Somebody distracted him and someone else ran by and may have drugged him from the looks of things. Then the distraction ran. The cab driver showed up at about the same time. He walked a little funny to the cab. The cab driver said he was OK until he got him to his house. Then he was belligerent and mad at the world. I asked if he stayed til he walked inside. He said he did because he was on the radio at that time taking the address for a new fare. He walked in but didn’t see anything else.” Devon related.

“So I assume he was being setup?” I asked.

“Apparently so.” Devon agreed.

“The locals put TOD between eight and ten am. They want Sprite for questioning. I told them we don’t know where she is. Won’t know anything else til the tox screen comes in and my PI’s find out what he was doing at work for the last month. His friends didn’t know what it was, but they said it was supposedly big. So it won’t be til Tuesday or better.” Devon said running down the info he had.

“Wow, that was a lot.” I said. “So you have almost no leads and can’t identify the two on tape?” I asked.

“The locals have the tape, we have a copy of course. We have no clue.” Devon said.

“I think it might be wise to keep Sprite hidden, she could be in danger. I know we could get in trouble for it.” I said concern.

“I agree, I think it is a wise idea anyway.” Devon said.

“I can’t help til next week either and I am going to take the week off and enjoy my new bride.” I said laughing.

“Out of network slave.” Devon asked upset.

“No, childhood sweetheart actually. Though she is my wife and slave now.” I said laughing.

“You going to register her then?” Devon asked politely.

“Doubt it, you know I am leaving town for good?” I said

“I heard that rumor. Leaving for the country life are ya?” Devon asked.

Yeah, need to get away from all the stress.” I explained. “Can you see if there is a Lillith Peterman in the system?” I asked.

“Just a minute. Sure do. Last location, Virginia two years ago. Husband KIA. Listed as a set-aside in good standing, that happens in that situation. Why did ya want to know?” Devon asked.

“Just wondering actually, her and John are getting married tomorrow.” I said laughing.

“Must be some woman. How long has he known her?” Devon inquired.

“Oh, about a day now.” I said still laughing.

“Sounds like one of your setups again.” Devon said laughing with me.

“Totally fate, in all reality, though I might have had a pinky in it.” I said chuckling.

“More than likely a whole hand if I know you, ya scundrel.” Devon said laughing louder.

“Have a good day, take care and let us know what you can find out.” I said.

“Will do, have fun you sly devil.” Devon said as he hung up.

I called our best employee, Maxwell Krane or just Max. I asked Max if he was doing anything special right at the moment. He was just watching the ball game on tv. No rush til Tuesday I told him as he couldn’t do anything til then anyway probably. I told him to run a search against Lancaster Investments paying close attention to a trader named Edward Morgan. Keep it hidden also. He said he would do the usual thing. I thanked him and hung up.

Matt came in and told us all about Millie and her condition. He also told us about what had happened between him and Chelsie the night before. I had already guessed that of course. Matt was lost about the connection between Chelsie and Millie. I said I had no clue about that at all. We told Matt all about John’s wedding tomorrow of course.

“I suppose I should come clean about a few things you don’t know, Matt, Ice.” I said contemplatively.

“What is?” Matt questioned cautiously.

“I am all ears Master.”, Ice said interested.

“I already told you earlier that John and I belong to a private exclusive underground club. This club is a network for Masters and slaves. Once in, you don’t really get out, though you can be forcibly removed. We protect all of our members and it is also a great way to network with people.” I said pausing for a minute for that to really sink in.

Both nodded their heads.

“You and Chelsie came up for an invitation a long time ago and I was the deciding factor as to whether it was given, because I knew you both. I pondered it for days before I gave them a no vote. I finally said no, because of Chelsie. I thought it might hurt the two of you in the long run at the time.” I said apologetically.

“I think I understand where you are coming from. Now the situation has changed I take it?” Matt questioned.

“If what you say of Chelsie is true, I can get you an invite to join. It isn’t cheap. It is a great way to learn how to be agood Master and slave and get training. The best way to start is find each others boundaries. I would do research on the internet for a start. You only have to use the parts you like. Some of it to me is overly extreme, some is downright stupid.” I explained methodically.

“Basically you need an understanding before beginning and the club is more or less a single minded society in the realm? Matt realized.

“Like minded people can discuss experiences in an easy and open atmosphere?” Ice asked.

“Very true, but you have to learn the rules first.” I said.

“Do I get to join Master? Ice asked. “I have been debating that. “It isn’t cheap and we would only visit maybe once a month or twice at the most.” I said. “I see Master, not cost effective.” stated Ice.

“Precisely. But I might register you anyway. It could come in handy down the road for you.” I said thoughtfully.

“This is why Millie came here for help. She is a member and something bad happened to her and needed help. I was her Protectorate at one time. She needed a job, John was just starting out and needed an outstanding paralegal. I just gave it my magic touch.” I said.

“So you set Sprite up with John for more than one reason actually. Matt said.

“Yes, I was her Protectorate at the time because her Master broke the rules and was being punished. John made a great Overseer and Morgan mayn’t mess with John and she could keep the job. There are heavy penalties for rule violations regardless of the severity if it is brought to our attention. That is how we know her and will do everything to protect her.” I told them so they could understand the relationship.

“Wow.” Ice said.

“Ice, this is the tough part for you. It is our job however. For states Morgan is dead.” I said.

“What?” They both said at once.

“That means they think Ella did it, right?” Matt asked not surprised.

“Right” I said. “But the door was broken in and the time line doesn’t match her being here when she was. So I know she couldn’t have done it. From the information I have.” I said.

“So she is using her undercover ID? Matt asked.

“What is it you guys do anyway?” Ice asked perplexed.

“We identify banking criminals with our software. All the people here yesterday are a part of us in a way.” Matt explained.

“Do you think This is a coincidence or still a part of yesterday?” Matt asked.

“That I am not sure. I got people working on it. I am sure Ella is still in trouble and maybe Mel also.” I thought suddenly.

“I am going to wait for John and see what he thinks.” I said thinking about what Matt said.


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