Matt and Chelsie got Millie to the emergency room of the local clinic. Head trauma cases were a priority and a common affliction with the local populace. They did a CT scan and yes, she had a concussion and wanted to keep her overnight. They gave Millie a pain relief and put her in a room to rest. The nurse said they would do another scan tomorrow to ensure the swelling was going down before releasing her. But she needed three or four days of rest at least.
Chelsie wouldn’t leave her side. All Matt could get from Chelsie was that Millie was important to them on the ride over. Matt went and got them some food from the Sonic for a late afternoon lunch.
Nelson and Ice came in for a visit and got the progression before Matt returned. Millie only got broth and jello when she awoke long enough to eat. Chelsie ensured she would be the one to feed her. Matt was getting more perplexed but always got air kisses and mimed ‘I Love Yous’ from Chelsie.
Chelsie was getting pissedBecause the nurses kept waking her for blood pressure, temperature checks and to see if she needed more pain savers. How can you get any rest if they keep waking you up. 6 pm rolled around and Matt went in search of food other than take out. He found a dinner that had steak, mashed potatoes and green beans as the special and got two to go. After they ate, Chelsie told Matt to go back to the ranch, she would call him tomorrow when they were ready to leave.
Along about 10 pm Millie woke up, Chelsie was right there to hold her hand and find out what she needed. “I remember you. You were one of the partners.” she said.
“That is right, Millie.” Chelsie replied relieved she could remember.
“My name isn’t Millie.” she said confused.
“You know that. I know that. Today and tomorrow you are Millie at least.” I told her.
“I see. Where am I?” she asked lost.
“You are in a hospital clinic. You have had a bad concussion.” Chelsie answered. “What is the last thng you remember?” Chelsie asked.
“I was waiting for Master at the door as always, he was late. He came in and throw me against the wall and I fell to the floor.” she answered.
“For the time being you tripped and fell on the sidewalk and hit your head. Okay?” Chelsie stated.
“Gotcha.” Millie said understanding.
“Need anything? Water? Food? Pain killers?” Chelsie asked caring for her patient.
“All three sounds like a plan. Head still hurts a little.” Millie replied. Chelsie hit the nurses button and got cold water for Millie to sip.
The nurse came in and did the vitals for what seemed like the fiftieth time. Asked all kinds of questions. Then went away and returned a little while later with some chicken noodle soup, crackers and hot tea. “I will return with some pain meds in a few minutes” the nurse said.
Millie ate all the soup and crackers in record time. Poor girl Chelsie thought, hasn’t ate since who knows when and that is all she gets. Thenagain they don’t want her getting sick from eating too much at once. Millie drank her tea then had a little water. The nurse came in and took the vitamins again about ten minutes after that, then gave her some meds.
“Need anything Miss” she asked Chelsie. “A pillow and blanket if you would and breakfast with Millie if you can swing it.” Chelsie asked kindly.
“I’ll take care of it, wish I had a friend like you.” the nurse stated amazed. Millie was dozing again and Chelsie decided to cuddle up the best she could and join her.
Cheslie woke up a little before 5 am. Stiff and cramped. Millie was still sleep. She got up and stretched her legs and walked around trying to be quiet and went to the bathroom. When she got back Millie was awake.
“Sorry if I woke you?” I said apologetically.
“No you didn’t, but I really need to pee.” she said laughing.
I helped her to the bathroom as she wasn’t all that steady. While she was on the pot. “Did John makes you do this?” Millie asked.
“No, I volunteered.” I answered.
“But why?” Millie asked confused.
“Because you were in my dreams the night before and I need you.” I replied truthfully.
“Now I am really lost.” Millie stated.
“Lets just say I fucked my life up several years ago, literally, or so I thought. Very recent realizations proved I have been messing it up since then instead, but have been making amends. I realized I needed to be my husbands slave. I had a dream the night before you showed up, that I needed you in my life, we need you in our lives is more accurate.” I said trying to explain.
“Odd. But why do you need me exactly?” Millie asked curiously.
“So the three of us can raise our child together. You see, I can’t have kids.” I stated with a smile.
“Ten years I served that bastard without a proposal and you are offering me the position of second wife from a dream out of the blue?” she asked thoughtfully.
“As Nelson says, seize the momentand don’t let it get away. Don’t worry, you have time to think about it as we are going to take care of you for a few days.” I said gleefully.
“If Nelson has a hand in this, then I can sympathize with you. Millie said knowingly.
“Not really. But then again, I guess he does in a way.” I said trying to disbelieve that fact.
I helped her stretch her legs making sure she didn’t fall. I got her all comfy in bed again when the nurse came in to take the vitamins again. The nurse was true to her word and had my bland breakfast also but I enjoyed every bite and made sure Millie ate up also. The doctor came in and checked Millie out and didn’t see much wrong but would run another scan and see if she had improved. I told the doctor that she might be missing a twelve hour block of memory. He said it might come back, some of it or none of it.
“You know, not to be crass, but you have some beautiful tits.” Millie stated. “Thank you. If you pinched one right now I would pop a cork against my Masters wishes.” I said giggling. Millie started laughing at me.
“I haven’t had a chance to talk to anybody about what I asked you. So if you would keep quiet about it until I can spring it, except John privately of course for his guidance.” I said with a wink.
“No problem.” Millie said.
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