What my wife wants

This a story my wife write to a girl at work at she wanted to be with…..

[b]Just want to share with you a story that has played over in my head a few times, that will never come true but I still live in hope that it might because it is everything I’m longing for……
My parents are away for a few days, so you and I decide to have a “girls night in” at their place. Just to spend some time together. I get you to bring a DVD since you’re the movie expert. We’ll get Thai delivered or something.
Everything starts off quite innocently. You arrive about 3pm. It’s a hot day, so we go for a swim in the pool. Neither of us came prepared (no cozzies) so we go in with our underwear on. And that’s where it all begins…
As we’re striping off, I can’t help but watch as your shorts come down then as your T-shirt is lifted over your head and I see your bra for the first time. The electricity starts to build. Then there is your creamy white stomach that I catch glimpses off at work and would love to lick all over.
Then we get in the pool and start playing around. Again it all starts off quite innocently with us racing each other, then splashing each other, then wrestling each other…but the feeling of your wet body sliding over mine sends sparks through me. And there are pink bits showing through your white bra. Then I look down to my own breasts and notice the same, and my nipples are very hard (funny coz the weather is so hot).
Just then, you pin me up against the side of the pool. It’s a game. But as I try to free myself our breasts rub against each others, our thighs are touching. We stop for a second. But neither of us move away. Both slightly out of breath. You move a straight hair from my face and pin it behind my ear. Your face is just inches from mine. You thrust your hips forward and I can feel our public areas touching. Then with a slight side movement your tight is between my legs and mine between yours. Can I fight the urge to kiss you again?
We are looking each other in the eyes, then I glance down and notice how elicing your wet slightly parted lips look. Just when I realize that I am no match for this electricity, you must have come to the same conclusion because your lips are now pressing gently against mine. I feel a sudden heat between my legs and have the need to start grinding against your thigh. A moan escapes me as I pull you towards me, kissing more urgently. Our tongues start tasting each other. I can’t get enough. I need all of you.
Your hands are running up and down my hips. We are still entangled as one. Then I feel you tugging at my undies. It’s awkward because we are in the pool and my undies are hugging my body. So you tell me to jump onto the edge of the pool. I obey.
You move my knees apart. I have a cameltoe. You can see the contour of my most private area. You run your finger lightly up and down the slit before asking me to raise my bum then freeing me of my pants. Then once again you move my knees apart to expose my wet, freshly sad pussy now level with your face.
I’m slightly embarrassed, but the look on your face tells me that you like what you see and the next thing I know your tongue is flicking my swollen clip. My eyes close and again a low moan escapes me. You could see my pussy was glistening wet but you thought it might be from the pool. As your tongue darts into my hole you realize how wet you have made me. My back is arching and I’m holding your head against me. I’m thrusting against your mouth. I’m in danger of cumming too soon. I want to taste your juices and feel the texture of your soft pink pussy lips in my mouth.
I slip back into the pool. Fuck, I need to see you. To feel you. I slide up against you again, I tilt your head to the side and kiss along your neck….licking and kissing. While at the same time I unfasten your bra strap, and you mine. Bras are flung absolutely towards the edge of the pool. Breasts bobbing with erect nipples. Then wet breasts being pressed up against each other as we entwine in another hot embrace. I can feel our breasts sliding over each other.
Next thing we know it’s raining. It may have been raining for some time, we can’t be sure, but now it’s pelting down. Enough to break our embrace. We decide to go inside and run a bath.
I show you where the bathroom is and ask you to run it while I grab us a champione each and a platter of chocolate coated strawberries that I prepared this morning. When I enter the bathroom the first thing I see is you bending over the tub. Your undies still clinging to your sexy bum. I ease them from your hips and slide them down. You step out. I can’t resist giving your bum a cheese bite.
This makes you turn around and face me,Only I’m still kneeing down so your gorgeous pussy is right in front of me. Fuck! She is beautiful. I gently push you back so you are resting on the edge of the bath. I ease your tights a little further apart, while never taking my eyes off your glistening pink pussy lips that have slightly parted. I look up at you. You know what I’m about to do, and you are not stopping me.
I lean in and start licking the inside of your thighs, getting closer and closer to that throbbing hot spot. Until I cannot stand it any longer. I gently take your moist clip into my mouth and suck lightly. I can taste you and I love it. I run my tongue along the length of your lips, then flick over the tip of your clip. You respond by moving your hips and moaning.
I start to dart my tongue in and out of your opening. Getting deeper and deeper until my nose is pressed up against your clip and I can’t go any deeper but you are saying “Fuck, fuck,fuck..” and I look up intoyour face and It shows that you are desperate for more..
I promise I’ll be gentle. I rub my middle finger around your wet throbbing opening, then slowly insert it until it is fully inside your tight hole. It went in quite easily you are so wet down there! I feel your muscles contract around my finger. I bring my finger back out then slide it in again. I do this a few times then when I think you are ready I leave my finger deep inside and move it back and forwards. My finger is fucking your g-spot and you’ve never felt anything like it before.
You are screaming out! Just when you thought you were about to burst, I reach up and grab my champione. I dribble it onto your pussy then gradually take your swollen clip back into my mouth and starting sucking on her while still fucking your g-spot. Your eyes are closed, your back is arched and your hands have gone white from hanging onto the bath so hard. I don’t want you to cum yet, so I Pull my finger out of yourpussy, and it is drenched in your cum.
It takes us both a couple of seconds to continue composition. We are both flushed. We try and act normally and hop into the bath. It is a large tub. You sit in front of me. We are so close that my breasts are up against your back. I grab a strawberry and feed it to you.
This reminds me of when I gave you massages at work and my breasts were hard up against you, but the feeling of my burning wet flesh against yours is so much better. I move a little away from you, but only so I can start to rub your shoulders. I start to knee my hands into the tense muscles in your shoulders. There is too much friction, so I grab the bubble bath to use as luxury.
My hands start to slide more easily. I dig my thumbs hard into your back muscles, then run my hands firmly down your sides. You lean back into me. I run a wet washer over your neck and shoulders, then I tilt your head to the side and bite your lower neck, then slowly lick the length of your neck up to your ear. I start to nibble your earlobe, and you can feel my hot breath against you.
While I’m kissing your neck, my hands have found your beautiful firm breasts and are gently pinching your rosy buds. You look down to watch. You didn’t know your nipples could get this hard. The soapy suds make my hands slide so easily over your wet breasts that are sitting just above the water. A later of soap starts to form over them, but your delicious looking pink nipples are still showing through. I’d love to take them one by one into my mouth but as I stand up to move so that I am sitting in front of you, you say that it is your turn to wash my breasts. Dam, I’ll have to wait! But the thought of your hands fondling my breasts soon fills my head and make up for my disappointment. I notice that you’re looking at my pussy as I manoeuvre around you and the bubblely later of soap suds dripping off her.
I sit in front of you facing you. Both of our legs are outstretched – my legs are over the top of yours. You spend a moment just looking at my breasts. At first I’m worried and self-conscious, then you reach out and take one in each hand and start to play with them. My worries disappear. I can see the enjoyment on your face. You pluck at my hard nipples and cares the fleshy curves.
Next thing I know you are easy me backwards so that I am lying on my back, then you slide on top of me . We look each other in the eye, then we start a gentle tongue probing kiss. You stop suddenly, leaving me wanting more. You slide your body lower over me so that you can take one erect pink nipple in your mouth. Fuck, where did you learn to suck nipples like that?
Your tongue is amazing! But I need it back in my mouth now, so I pull you back up and start hungrily kissing you again. We start to feel that throbbing need between our legs again. Our soapy breasts are again hard up against each other. I slide my hand down to you clip and you to mine. Before I even start to rub, you are grinding against me, begging me to release your tension.
I can feel your clip growing and hardening in response. Fuck, you are good with your fingers too. You have me moaning into your mouth as we kiss. Wait, now you are moaning too. I can feel our bodies begin to tense. We are both on the broke of cumming. We hold on as long as we can then as you start to shudder and scream, I let myself go too and my pussy muscles start to convulse in such a release. No girl has ever given me an orgasm before… until now! Fuck, that was good!
Somehow you are now on the bottom. My arms are wrapped around your neck and my head is resting on your shoulder. Your arms are wrapped around my hips. We can feel the heavy rise and fall of each other’s chests as we are still coming down from this high. The rain is a teaming down outside, it sounds so nice through the window. Funny how I didn’t notice the rain until now.


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