Weekend in Paradise Ch. 09

John was already at the table drinking coffee and reading the paper when Ice and I joined him.”Good morning John, sleep well?” I asked being polite.

“Like a baby for the first time in years until the alarm clock went off this morning.” he said winding. Ice had gone and brought the coffee to the table with sugar and cream and started a new pot. Poured mine then hers, added the sugar to both, stirred then added a little cream to hers. I observed carefully how she liked hers for future reference.

“Good morning, John, a refill?” Ice asked politely.

“Yes, please.” he replied.

“Should I make breakfast Master or is that Lacy’s job?” she inquired.

“It is your job my Love. Lacy’s maid duties were only to clean up after me and my quick visits.” I said thoughtfully.

“Bacon and what kind of eggs, Master?” she asked.

“Scrambled.” I replied.

“And you, John?” she asked her guest.

“Scrambled will be fine.” replied John.

Ice left for the kitchen to start cooking. Ice made sure she cooked enough bacon for all the guests. Made toast and eggs for her current eaters, just like she would at the dinner. She served me first of course, then John with the plates of food in one trip. Then brought her plate and a jar of strawberry jam.

Matt and Chelsie made their appearance from downstairs. “Bacon and scrambled eggs?” Ice asked as she started to get up.

“Please, finish eating your breakfast Ice. Chelsie will serve me.” Matt said authoritatively. John and I turned quickly to look at them. Our faces turned into a jaw dropping pantomime as we ogled Chelsie.

“Good morning.” John and I said simulateneously. Ice only knew they were close friends and partners of Nelson and John and didn’t think much out of the ordinary.

Chelsie made her way to the kitchen with her heels clicking, ass swaying and her breasts bouncing enough to keep her already sensitive nipples primed. Everyone watched her every move until she moved behind the counter. Chelsie began preparing coffee for her Master and herself. There was a knock at the door. “Ill get it, the rest of you finish eating.” Matt said helpfully since he was still standing. He opened the door and saw Ella standing there looking heavily abused. “Come in Ella. What the fuck happened to you?” Matt said shocked.

“I need to speak to John privately.” is all she said making her way in.

Chelsie dropped her Masters cup of coffee to the floor as she saw Ella walk by, stunned by the sudden recognition in her dream. “Oh shit, sorry.” as she came out of it and started to get the items needed to clean up her mess.

John was just as stunned as Ella walked in. “Ella what happened?” he asked very concerned.

“I need to speak with you privately if I may?” Ella said looking at John.

“Sure right this way. Let me help you.” John said getting up from his now finished meal and helped her to his bedroom.

Matt sat down in Johns place as Chelsie brought his coffee. “Your coffee, Master.” Chelsie said proudly. I sat agopeied at the sudden statement.

“Take John’s plate with you as it looks like he is finished.” Matt ordered.

“Yes, Master.” as she compiled. Chelsie made the eggs and toast for them and added the remainder of the bacon. “Your breakfast, Master.” she said as she placed his plate in front of him and hers in the spot beside him. She left to get her coffee and the pot to refill the others. Chelsie sat her coffee down, refilled Matt’s cup then came to me. All eyes were on her when she got to Ice. “More coffee, Madam?” she asked politely.

“Yes, please.” Ice replied respectfully not fully comprehending the statement. I looked at Matt and nodded his head knowingly as no words needed to be said. Chelsie looked at Mel, who was leaning against the wall looking inconspicuous.

“Would you like a cup, and something to eat also ma’am?” Chelsie asked.

“Yes. Please. Thank you. replied Mel.

Chelsie leftto find another cup, and started another pot. Chelsie returned and handed her the cup. Mel saw the sugar and cream on the table and helped herself. Chelsie went to make more eggs and toast at least.

Lacy came in and put away the eggs, milk and put the leftovers in the fridge. She came in and wished everyone a good morning and told them they could warm up the food for lunch when they needed. There would be fresh strawberries for desert when she got everything done. Then left. I noticed a very satisfied look about her and her more than happy voice. As she sashayed away wiggling her sexy butt in her normal daisy dukes and out the door. “She must have gotten laid well last night.” I said laughing.

With that, Chelsie got a piece of ham and warmed it up for Mel. Mel had taken a stool at end of the counter. She knew of John and Nelson from the club and heard the rumors they were very good Masters and high on the social chart. The best part, they were single and unattached. This could be an opportunity for her. She was a free slave and she liked it like that. She liked playing in groups and demonstrations at the club. Once in a while she would make a threesome with one of her fellow slave friends for a night or two when the mood hit her. She was perfectly happy as she didn’t want the burden of being owned. She was twenty-eight now and her thinking was changing however. She wasn’t exactly sure what she wanted and that made it difficult. Chelsie brought her a plate of food and dug in thinking about what she was wanting for the future.

“Mel, not to interrupt your meal, but can you give us some insight?” I asked.

“Only that it was Master Morgan who did it. Sprite was confused and dazed most of time getting here. I know she has a bad concussion but wouldn’t let me take her to the hospital because she was scared.” Mel said letting us all in on what she knew.

“This isn’t good, it will have serious repercussions. I said.

“What kind?” Matt askedNot understanding.

“Lets just say he might be better off running for his life. Our society, which I am sure you will become a part of soon enough, more than frowns on that kind of behavior.” I said taking a sip of coffee.

“Society? I don’t understand.” Matt asked curiously.

“Yes. You think people like John and I, make up our own rules as we go?” I asked tyring to make him realize the complexity he is burgeoning towards.

“I didn’t know, how do they find out? Matt asked.

“I doesn’t get hidden for long in most cases unless you make all your own equipment and clothes. The industry actually has its own checks and balances and the society looks after it all. It is as sophisticated as our software.” I said trying not to scare him.

“I am a free slave. I have rules and rights I must follow, but also afforded their protection. I got in because of an incident that happened that had nothing to do with the society. A sadistic bastard was killing people, robbing them a few years back. I was one of the victims but he got scared away. The society came to the rescue protecting me when no one else would. They thought it might be one of their own. It wasn’t, but with my help they got him. They invited me in and I accepted. I am a little different as I pay no dues. I am not sure why. Mel explained.

“I do. They made enough off his capture to pay Your dues indefinitely because of being friends with Sprite. You are listed as an honorary member, John saw to it.” I said clearing up that little matter.

“Wow! I didn’t know.” Matt exclaimed.

“For another time.” I said.

We sat around the table talking about the wedding. About Matt and Chelsie as Ice only met them briefly yesterday and knew nothing about them.

Chelsie remained quiet the entire time, listening. She debated about apologizing now but it seemed too much was happening. She decided it would be better not to bring it up at the moment.

“More coffee everyone?” askedChelsie as she gathered the rest of the dirty plates and headed to the kitchen. She returned with the fresh pot, filled Matts first then went around the table then Mel last.


Sprite had related to me what had happened to her. She knew she needed to go to the hospital but was afraid, Edward might find her. She had Mel drive because she was afraid to do that even. “I will take care of you.” I said thinking things through.

I pulled out my phone, turned it on and looked through the phone book. I found the number to the Operational Director at the Slave Pen. I got the secretary who said he wouldn’t be in til mid to late afternoon.

“Call him.” I told her. “Tell him it is a serious out of bounds member emergency and to call me back immediately.” I yelled at her in the narrowest authoritative voice I had.

“Right away Sir.” was her reply to that.

Devon Marks had been the Operational Director at theSlave Pen since it opened. He made sure that the members of their community played by the strictest rules. Any reported violence were dealt with swiftly and justly, no exceptions, no gray areas. Getting into the society was very stringent and many activities that determined entrance was only known by three individuals. Many had been turned away for one reason or another. Several infiltrators, spies, agents and con artists had have appreciated and dealt with accordingly. It was exclusive and highly private as well as legal, safe and consensual. The Masons and Templars even commented them on their secret and some were even members.

Devon called me back within five minutes with a very sleepy voice. “What is up John?” he said yawning. I explained the situation to Devon.

“I’ll get someone right on it, leave it to me. I’ll call when I have answers.” he said in a pissed off manner. I told him to leave me a message as I was going to be busy and away from a phone for awhile. Or,If it was serious to call Nelson Johnstone, he would know where I was at and will know a little of the situation and hung up.

I opened my brief case and pulled out Sprites undercover identity. I always carried a copy for emergency purposes. I handed it to her and said, “This will hide you at the hospital if needed. I will have someone watch over you and make sure you stay safe.” I told her.

With that John walked back to the dining area with Ella, whose name is now Millie, clinging to him. John sat Millie in the chair vacated by Chelsie, who was in the kitchen cleaning up the breakfast dishes.

He walked over to Mel who he had met a few times at the Slave Pen. “Mel, I need to wipe the GPS and put in a destination for you. It will be the parking tower downtown, slot 42B in the private sector. The entrance card is in the car. Then I want you to call this number for a limo and use the code BELLOW3 then the address. Then wipe the GPS clean again.” I said as I gave her thebusiness card and mine also. “Go to the Slave Pen and ask for Devon Marks whom you know. Here is a hundred dollars, tip the limo driver fifty. The rest is for you to get something to eat if needed. Devon will make sure you get home safely. Tell no one, other than Devon, what has gone on.” I explained to her. We went outside and got everything in order, including the bags Sprite had packed and made sure of the instructions. I put her bags and computer in the trunk of my car. With that she took off and I returned to the house.

I walked back in and said, “Everyone, meet Millie Jamison.” Everybody but Ice understand.

“Glad to meet you Millie. What happened?” Ice asked curiously. But no answer was forthcoming.

“I need someone to take Millie to the local hospital and stay with her til I can get someone here to help?” John asked cutting Ice off.

“I will do it!” Chelsie quickly said. “I will stay with her and hold her hand all night if I have to.” she further volunteerd. Everyone stared at Chelsie. “I will explain later, Master.” she further stated.

“I guess you can count me in with that also.” said Matt a little perplexed and shrugging.

“Just tell the hospital she fell and banged her head. She has the insurance card.” John explained. “Other than that, the less you know is best and mums the word.” John said. Ice looked confused. Chelsie got up and helped Millie out the door led by Matt.

“Sorry darling, the lives we lead sometimes borders on a so-so spy novel.” I quipped. “That is why we are selling the company, too much stress.” I explained.

“Ain’t that the truth.” John chimed in.

“I forget about the exciting news I have.” John said eagerly.

“First, do you know what was up with Matt and Chelsie this morning?” John asked curiously. Ice looked confused as ever.

“I think I can answer that.” I said laughing.

“Please tell Nelson, inquiring minds want to know.” John said laughing.

“I kind of thought ita little strange myself in some aspects.” Ice said coolly.

“Well, for you my wife, Chelsie is the reason I was here on spring break that time. She has been paying dearly for her mistakes since then, but really it was the only mistake she has made. She got pregnant by Matt on her little excursion and that was actually her fault also. Matt and I didn’t really like each other that much and Chelsie was the cause of course. Chelsie lost the baby and had to have an emergency hysterectomy. We were both actually heartbroken over all that. Matt broke down and confirmed in me that he was trying to be chivalrous with Chelsie because she got falling down drink. I won’t go into all the details but basically Chelsie raped Matt, though I am not sure you can rap the willing. Matt was still a virgin at the time, believe it or not, so I believe him because of Chelsie’s old roommate, Kelly. Kelly was a beautiful cheerleader and used sex to get what she wanted or needed. She struck out with Matt and that ended that relationship because Matt walked out. Matt stayed with Chelsie through thick and thin and I admired him for that and we became best friends because I understand. I confirmed in Chelsie of what I have become and she was jealous. Chelsie was happy for a long time because she had the both of us in all reality.

Though I wouldn’t take a whip to her or actually fuck her because Matt loved her more than me. She wanted away from Matt and the only way to do that was to sell the company to dissolve the partnership. I figured that out long ago but I was overly stressed and decided I wanted out too. This weekend has probably devastated her to no end, she missed out on the dream wedding to her dream man. I told Matt a long time ago he would have to break her to make her realize what she had. I saw her Almost break down twice yesterday. It really pained her to congratulate you, Ice. I gave her one of my cryptic messages to figure out. From her actions this morning, I think Matt showed her that he could be me though she had to realize it herself. I explained out of breathe.

“Wow! To carry a torch that long and see the flame go out in one instant had to be a heart breaker.” John said.

“I carried the torch longer but I got what I wanted in the end, My Master.” Ice said leaning over and kissing me.

“I think she wanted to apologize but wouldn’t do it because Mel was here.” I further stated. “She didn’t want a strange hearing it.” I added.

“I haven’t a clue about Millie though. That throw me for a loop.” I added totally clueless.

“Now what is your exciting news?” I asked curiously.

“Well Nelson, you always told me I would know when the ton of bricks hit and Not to let it get away. Well, last night it happened. I actually proposed to Lilly and she accepted. I sort of tricked her into it but she agreed afterward. I have been on cloud nine since. We are suppose to go somewhere special for a picnic ride. Do you happen to know where, and do I need anything special?” John asked excitedly.

“To the knoll I would imagine. There is a picnic table, oak tree and hitting post. I can give you some equipment, just don’t put the cart before the horse on using it. She might bring her own.” I said thoughtfully. “I don’t know her personally as it has been a long time ago and she is older than both of us by a couple years. I assume this is an attempt at fulfilling your request from Bruce.” I explained filling in what I might or might not know for sure.

“Wow, you guys don’t mess around when you make up your minds about something. I know a little bit about her but probably nothing that will help. Her and Dakota have been living with her sister and brother-in-law, Bethany and Jeff, since about the first of the year.” Ice declared.

“I think nothing more than a couple glasses, corkscrew and a nice bottle of wine will do the trick. If she is serious, Bruce or Deuce will set her up with the necessary equipment of her choosing.” I said knowingly.

“John knows about the playroom and how to get in, Ice. We have played together there a few times before. Though one of them was purely business.” I laughed.

“Never thought we were going to get that info out of them.” John said laughing. “She got scared easily though when I pulled that locked up bull whip out and he shit His pants when I craked it on the floor and sparks flew.” He remembered laughing.

“That damn thing scares me also. It was meant for rustlers in the old days to exactly a slow revenge. Not even sure it was ever used in all reality.” I said thinking, as it had a set of now rusty barbed wire spur in the end of it.

We go down stairs and open the secret door, both John and Ice know about it, Matt and Chelsie don’t. I found a leather saddlehorn bag and put a miniature soft cat, John’s favorite toy, along with the wine, glasses and corkscrew.

“That should do nicely, just in case.” I quipped. John agreed and Ice seemed impressed though she was wanting to play I think.

“Since Matt, Chelsie and John will be gone this afternoon, I think we can have some play time, Love.” I said smiling.

“Oh, thank you Master.” Ice excitedly replied doing a Heigl dance impression. As we left for the dining room once again.

“Ice and I have to go get a few things from the farm and will be back in a couple hours.” I tell John.

“I have my other outfit in the car. I can put the skirt and shoes on in the car while you drive over Master.” she remembered.

“A splendid idea.” I say.

With that Ice and I leave for the farm. John is waiting patiently for his companion.


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