Weekend in Paradise Ch. 07

My name is John Sebastian, lawyer and what I coin as a criminal interloper. I originally planned to be a corporate lawyer and I still am generally speaking, but only to the small businesses in the area. It is a niche that no one else really wants to handle because there isn’t much notoriety or big money. I do have a rather large clientele of mom and pop shops that keep me on retainer. I have one paralegal that Works for me and she is a collared slave. Not mine, but is one of the reasons I hired her. I have two retired ex-cops and one of their sons to handle my wet work so to speak. They are bounty hunters and also one of my clients, that relationship works out well.

Most of our work normally revolves around extortion, robbery, background checks, and contract dealings with larger supply companies. Matt, Chelsie and Nelson is actually one of my biggest clients and keep all of us rather busy. I don’t know how they do it but I can get the wet team in place and capture the crisisl element faster than the locals in just about every situation. Dan and his boys can get to the bottom of just about anything and determine who needs our criminal charges the most. Dan is the special agent in charge in the area, not sure how he covers for our dealings but he takes all the accolades and has turned down many promotions to stay here.

Matt, Chelsie, Nelson and I went to the same college together when I was finishing up my law degree. We know each other enough to say hello but that was about it, as we weren’t exactly friends. I interned with the DA’s office which wasn’t exactly what I had in mind but you have to take what is available sometimes. It did have its rewards in all reality.

I still remember the night I met Nelson which was actually a set up. I had just passed the bar exam and had been given an invitation for an underground club called the Slave Pen. It is a very exclusive club that costs a small yearly fortune to be a member. Well, back then it was asmall fortune to me. I got the invite because I was tagged as a possible up and comer. Yeah, they did their homework first before I got the invite. I didn’t know what to expect but I wasn’t disappointed. Men and women dressed, or lack there of, in their slave outfits catering to their Masters. It was a calm setting of relaxation, people sitting around having drinks just like anywhere else for the most part. With my invite I was handed a lean of a slave and she would show me around and answer any questions I may have but was ordered no touching. Her slave name was Sprite and she became my paralegal soon after that. You got it, I was being setup but in a good way.

I thought it funny after that because she went along explaining the rules and such but led me to the bar where Nelson was standing having a drink by himself. He was dressed the same as me which I thought odd but dismissive. Black jeans, black shirt, and a black sport coat with blue pinstripes. He ordered drinks for the three of us and he already knew what I wanted without asking. Sprite then led us to a table out the way of everybody where we talked for a long time about business. Sprite was our personal waitress so to speak. We watched some of the events in the other rooms where my dominate side came into being and learned many things over the years. I just never met the right woman to be with permanently but trained several neophytes over the years. Thusly that is how I got setup in my business and became a major part but totally separate entity of their business.

When they decided to sell, my business was a big sticking point in the negotiations. Nelson was the biggest asset and he was bound and determined we remained a part of it with the new owner in the same capacity much to their disdain. Though in the end they decided it was a great idea since they wouldn’t have to set up something similar in the local area and use us as a model in other areas. We finally got it across that it would be awin-win scenario.

As for the contract with Ice, it was a commonplace item in our sophisticated world. I just needed to set them up and make the contracts available to print after Nelson called me. I thought about doing it digitally then produce the hard copies at a later date but figured I needed the paper this time around. Found a Kinkos and used their printer for a price of course while enroute. I was almost to Beltera for a round of golf, spend the night and have fun at the casino when I got his call. His offer seemed more relaxing and fun, so I showed up myself, plus he needed my expertise and I wanted to meet this woman that suddenly captured him. She was extremely captivating alright, I could see the connection immediately myself.

I had my dalliances with women before but never one I would say I was ever smitten with. I rarely remember my first time with a girl. I was at a party and got a little drink, maybe more than a little. The town pump took care of me, the sex was probably the best memory of the entire affairs, fast, to the point then she was gone. I trained many young slaves, most were new to the scene and wanted to learn the experience for themselves. I always set them up with a three month contract. A couple decided it wasn’t for them after the period. Most found a new Master or Mistress after the period through our network. Many of them wanted to renew but if the spark wasn’t there I decided. Only one really wanted to stay and make it permanent, she was the best of all I trained. I wasn’t in love with her and she knew it but she loved the life and the way I treated her. I really think she liked my cock more than anything. It may have been fate rearing its ugly head, but a week before the contract came due which would have been the fourth, an emergency came up and she had to leave. She left crying and I haven’t seen or heard from her since.

As with all our cases of such nature, it will be seen to anyone that all our tracks are covered. It will only be found out that the bounty hunters got a lucky tip from a credit card transaction and they took action. Though someone, this time, could do a lot of snooping and possibly tie it all together. Though it might only be a very highly hypothetical scenario.

Then Lillith Peterman stepped into my life. She was beautiful, she was dressed up but down at the same time. Those piercing green eyes of hers, a blonde to boot and such an angelic voice. I was captured by her but knew it was just a meeting to set up horse riding lessons for her son, Dakota. I paid some attention to the details but wasn’t paying attention to some of the double entendre that was going on. Nelson was setting me up on a date for tonight and tomorrow. She was wearing a wedding ring so I figured she was taken. Then she displayed the earning Then I understood. That brightened my day some but still things didn’t look bright for a future with her it seemed. How wrong I was.

Nelson left to takea shower and left Lilly, a very appropriate nickname I might add, to chat for a while. I found out she lost her husband and Master in Afghanistan about two years ago. She had been wandering around as the life she loved and adored had all been taken away from her. She recently moved here because this is where she grew up and the only family she had left. I figured out she was here for herself as well as Dakota. She was sure full of subtlety as the rings were to keep the potential poachers away.

Lacy came in to bring Nelson his shirts but Chelsie said she would take them into him as she wanted to talk to him. I did pick up on the pleasuresants between Lacy and Lilly and Lacy’s wink to the both of us. Lacy just said to take good care of each other before scooting out the door. Now I know how Nelson felt when you meet ‘the one’, you just know instantly. Nelson, that ass, he strikes again. The whole thing may have come out of the blue but very sublime.

The wedding was Cinderellaesque. The surprise on her face was priceless and we will have pictures of it. They couldn’t wait to say yes, even before the JP asked, it was so funny and like Nelson anyway. My time with Lilly was fantastic. I may not be good with square dancing like she was but I gave it my best foot forward or backwards sometimes. She knew how to waltz, foxtrot and tango which surprised the hell out of me. We burnt up the dance floor as others watched. It was like we had been doing it for a while, it may not have been fancy as seen on tv, but it was good.

Nelson put the collar on Ice, such a beautiful item. I learned its history along with the rings when they came back to the table. I asked Lilly to put her earning back in and be proud of it with me. I didn’t order her, it was my subtle way of asking her to choose. She looked down as I was holding her hands, I think she was looking at her wedding rings and contemplating. She reached in her pursuit pulled out the earning and put it in. She looksd up at me with those eyes and smiled. I grabbed her hands in mine and pulled her gently across the table for a kiss. It may not have been the most romantic first kiss but it was heavenly to me. I felt on top of the world.

“Are you positively sure? There is no turning back as I have never chosen a wife before.” I asked making my intentions perfectly clear.

“Yes Sir, I am sure.” she said with a smile. Then it must have slowly dawned on her. The realization of the rest of what I said. Her eyes grew wider than I thought possible.

“Sir.” she started, looking dumbfounded for words. “Is that a proposal? As this one is at a loss for words.” she finally got out.

“Yes Lilly, it is a proposal. You have already captured my heart with all the fiber of my being, like no other. Nelson once told me, when you know it will hit you like a ton of bricks. That has happened and I am not going to let it get away for any reason.” I said assuredly.

She looked like she was goingto fear. “Breathe.” I told her as she looked like a ghost. She grabbed her glass of champion and took a big swallow.

“Sir, this one acknowledges your proposal and accepts. I thought this was a dream all of a sudden.” she stated in surprise. We both got up and had the most passwordate kiss of my life. Then had a glass of champion to toast each other. We remained arm in arm the rest of the evening and her smile never left her face.

I really wanted her to spend the night with me but she had Dakota and didn’t want to burden her sister. There was also the fact I was staying with Nelson and his new bride. Tomorrow was a different story as she would be there for a picnic lunch for our riding rendezvous and she knew of an appropriate place to go. It was time to go and I didn’t really want it to end but not much choice. Lilly and I said our good byes kissing and a little playing I might add.

I got to the house and tried to be as quiet as possible. Then again I heard a loudsnap and a moan from downstairs. I doubted Nelson and Ice were in the playroom as the door would have been left open for me to hear that. Chelsie was in rare form and looked like a jealous woman on fire. Had to be Matt and Chelsie but that didn’t sound like their kind of activity. I thought about investigating but thought better of it. I went to my room and fell asleep dreaming of Lilly.


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