While waiting for John to show up a thought came to mind. Matt and Chelsie would be devastated if I didn’t invite them to the wedding at least. So picking up the phone I make another call to my business partners and long time friends.
Chelsie answered with her normal chipper “Hello Nelson, this is an unexpected call. What’s up?”.
“Do you have plans this weekend?” I asked.
“No?” she said inquiringly.
“How about a relaxing trip to the ranch this weekend.” I said excitedly hoping to take her by surprise.
“What for this time? asking with confused conviction.
“A wedding.” I said laughing. Knowing I had her.
“Whose and why would I want to go other than for fun?” she said noncommittally.
“Mine.” I said laughing. I think she dropped the phone as I heard a loud bang and a little scraping before she said something.
“You got to be kidding!” Chelsie sounding surprised.
“No I am not kidding.” I said with a serious tone.
“We will be there then, what time?” she said with an interesting voice. Sounded like she was more upset than anything but I played it off.
“Wedding will be around 6 pm and don’t forget to pack for the weekend.” I stated. “Could you stop at my place and pick up my blue pin stripe suit?” I asked since they had a key to my place.
“Will do.” she said and hung up. What has he got up his sleepe?, Chelsie thought. He can’t do this to me, not now. I have got to put a stop to this. Then again, he might be scheming one of his deliberate elaborate jokes with a goal in mind.
A few minutes later there was a knock at the door. I looked at my watch and it was 12:15. Wonder who that could be?, I thought as I opened the door. It was John, who has been my lawyer and friend since Matt, Chelsie and I started our business. He has done many some sordid dealings for me as well as the company. I ushered him in and asked him, “What would you like to drink?”.
“Whiskey on the rocks would be fine. I think I may need one.” he said. I fixed him his drink and set on the table in front of him.
“You got here awfully quick? I wasn’t expecting you for another hour.” I stated more as a question.
“I was going to spend the weekend at Belterra with a golf club in my hand and other things but this actually seemed more attractive to me. I had my laptop with me, so it was easy getting the contract setup. Finding a printer was the hardest part.” laughing as he explained.
“Before we get to the contract John, we have something else to deal with first.” as I told him of the situation. John pondered for a few minutes.
“I think this is a job for Ed and his boys.” he said. “I’ll call Dan also just in case this becomes an out of state problem. If it is a false alarm he can attend the wedding at least.” John said laughing. He made the phone calls while I went and called Ice in.
“Last chance to back out. I will understand if you do.” I asked solemnly as I escorted her to her seat.
“No Master, I want this more than anything.” she said smiling.
“Ice, this is John Sebastian my lawyer. John this is Glare Ice Snow.” I said with pleasure introducing them as they exchanged hellos.
John opened his briefcase and pulled out a manilla file folder that held the contract and his laptop. It looked pretty thick from my view point as he started opening it. “Don’t worry,” he said, “three copies, one for each party. I just need you two to sign and date here and here at the appropriate tabs, I sign here as the witness and will notarize.” I didn’t have any qualms about signing as I trusted John and started signing in my spot. Ice on the other hand, I expected to read it carefully and ask questions. To my surprise she didn’t and just signed away as did John. John notarized each copy then gave everyone their copy. John typed something onto his computer and said “All done. Congratulations.”
“Ice, I need you to send Lacy in, then wait at the car as she is going to take you shopping. But first I want a kiss.” I said commandingly.
“Yes Master.” she said while standing. I think I surprised her as it was a very long and password kiss. She looked at me with love in her eyes and just had to kiss her one more time. My hands had wondered on their own under her skirt and grabbed both globes of her ass and pulled her tight. Our hips were dancing slowly together as our breathing started to labor. Fighting away the desire, I had her scoot out the door and it wasn’t easy. Lacy came in as requested.
“Lacy, Chelsie is coming and bringing my blue pin striped suit which solves my attire. I need a white shirt however, so while your out pick me up one. I would imagine Matt will bring his if Chelsie has her wits about her. As you can tell, John has his already. That leaves James if you want him to match up.” I said giving the last minute instructions.
“Yes Sir.” she said with a smile.
“If there is time, hair, makeup and nails may not be a bad idea. Just have you and her at the shelter at 6 pm sharp dressed and ready.” I said thoughtfully. Lacy rushed out the door, ass and hair swinging to a beat.
“My god!” John said as he watched her leave. “How do you survive with that walking and talking wet dream around you all the time?” “Ice could be mistaken for Chelsie almost. I understand why your moving quick, she was the original.” John told as if in dreamland.
“It is difficult at times, you got used to it though. You are absolutely right about Ice. We were young lovers at one time.” I stated, knowing my dream woman is going to be mine.
I told John that Matt and Chelsie were coming but he had the choice of bedrooms. He chose the upper one this time as it was closer to the kitchen. He asked me if it was possible to find a companion like Lacy or Ice to go riding with. I told him, they are off the market and don’t grow on trees but I would check with Bruce if he knew someone. I also told him that Mr. and Mrs. Snow were coming and I would like it if he were present. I made a fresh pot of coffee and washed the dirty cups and set the table for their arrival. I also made a couple of turkey sandwiches for John and I as I was getting hungry.
I heard the Clydesdales and wagon arrive and went outside to greet Mr. and Mrs. Snow. I helped them off the wagon and ask them to enter and be seated as I needed to ask Bruce something. I asked Bruce about an escort like Ice or Lacy to accompany John for a ride tomorrow other than Sky. He didn’t know for sure but know of someone that might be willing. I also told him that we shouldn’t need the wagon or horses any more today.
I returned to my guest and future in-laws to make the introductions with the pot of coffee filling every ones cup. “John, this is Margret and Henry Snow. Mr. and Mrs. Snow, this is John Sebastian my friend and lawyer.” I said as I made the introductions and they exchanged pleasuresants.
“I don’t get it. WhyDid you send a horse and wagon to get us?” asked Henry perplexed.
“Well, I found out this morning the bank is being forced to foreclose on your property next Friday.” I said, finding no way to break what I knew and guessed gently.
“How did you find that out?” Henry asked rather sadly.
“Ice told me.” I replied as Henry looked confused.
“Let me explain Before you ask another question. Ice was here this morning but it had nothing to do with your farm but she told me about it. I made some inquiries and some calculations and if you sold your entire herd you would probably be a little short. My theory is that you couldn’t get trucks in here to ship the cattle to market anyway. Am I correct?” I asked guessing.
“That is true, they said they wouldn’t do it because they were afraid they wouldn’t get paid and I wasn’t sure how they knew. How did you know that?” Henry asked quizzically.
“Just a hunt.” I replied thoughtfully. “Did you know there were hired thugs wcatching your place?” I asked worried.
“No, I didn’t know that.” Henry said looking shaken and Margret gasped.
“I intervened and took care of the debt for you under the present circumstances. I don’t want the farm falling into some scoffrels hands or someone looking to make a fast buck either. I know you are good for it. Further we are about to appreciate those thugs and we have a special agent on his way to sort it out. The horse and wagon was to get you here safely and unseen.” I said mysteriously.
“I thank you so much Mr. Johnstone but what could be so important that it couldn’t wait and where is Ice?” Henry asked befuddled and distraught looking around.
“Ice went to Florence with Lacy to shop about twenty minutes ago.” I said chuckling.
“Shopping for what?” he asked scratching his head.
“A wedding dress, though she doesn’t know it yet.” I said with a smile as Margret’s eyes shot wide open.
“Henry, he is asking you if he can marry Ice, don’t you get it?” said Margret getting blurry eyed. Now she understands her reluctance to date and always displayed our picture in her room.
“Huh? Now I am even more confused.” said Henry bewildered.
“Yes, I am asking for your blessing to marry your daughter though she actually asked me in a round about way. ” I said laughing.
“I don’t see why not, Especially if she asked you. I know she always held out hope for you. Though I don’t get it after all these years.” Henry said with a half smile and frown.
“If she is shopping for a dress, when is the wedding? asked Margret smartly changing the subject to more important matters.
“Oh in a few hours from now at the shelter house, say 6 pm.” I said glowing.
“What do we need to do? asked Margret knowingly.
“Not sure really. I got James, Bruce, Deuce and Lacy on it. I am sure they forget something as well as I. But I don’t think it will matter.” I said
There was an unexpected knock at the door. I looked at my watch, 2:30 pm already as I answered the door. Matt and Chelsie had arrived carrying my suit. “Come on in, the party is just starting.” I said laughing. “Mr. and Mrs. Snow, this is Matt and Chelsie Devine, my partners and colleagues.” “Matt and Chelsie, this is Henry and Margret Snow, my soon to be in-laws.” I said introducing everyone.
“I am confused, not a date on the horizon and your getting married today?” asked Chelsie a little perplexed and upset at the same time.
“Yes, the right woman proposed to me and I accepted.” I said somewhat jokingly.
“That’ll be the day!” Chelsie cried wanting it not to be true.
“It is true Chelsie, I got it in writing. She is a beautiful and wonderful woman, you will see.” said John with a smile as Chelsie’s mouth fell open.
Once again the there was a knock at the door. It was Ed Reeves, retired ex-cop and bounty hunter. “Come in Ed.” I said welcome him. As Special Agent Dan Reed pulled in. “Come in Dan and jointhe party also.” I yelled welcome him also.
We introduced Ed and Dan to the Snows as they knew everyone else. “So what have we got going on that was so important for me to drive way out here in the sticks?” he asked blatantly. I told him about what Jeff and Henry had told me and I let Ed take it from there.
“We appreciated the two goons from Florida outside with these burner phones that have only called another burner number in Miami. One had this 9MM on him and it looks like he has used it before. They don’t know much except to stop the transport of cattle and stop the Snows from getting to the bank. Ed said knowingly.
“Alright, let me see what I can find out about these two and see where that burner is, if it is on.” Dan said seriously. He stepped outside to make his calls and interview the goons.
“John, could you take Mr. and Mrs Snow home? I think they have a wedding to get ready to attend.” I asked pleading.
“Sure, my pleasure.” said John. Henry andMargret thanked me profusely before leaving. They were happy I was going to be their son-in-law as they left. Though I am not so sure Henry was quite so keen on me picking up the lien.
Dan came back in and said, “Those two are wanted in Florida, one for a jewelry heist and bail jumping, the other is wanted as a suspect in a murder investigation. This could be the weapon used. I called the Sheriff to come and get them. Ed, you will need to go down and fill out the paperwork to claim your bounty. The phone in Florida led to a real-estate office that fronts a warehouse. The Miami office knew nothing about it but seems very fishy to them, so they are going in heavy to check it out. It all ties back to that Greg Jeffers in New York.” he professionally related.
“Ed and Dan, You are all welcome to Stay for the wedding tonight. It could be rewarding for future endeavors.” I said with a laugh.
“Who is getting married?” asked Dan.
“I am.” I stated. They both looked at melike I was crazy. Knowing me though, they knew it wasn’t out of the realm of possibility. “Next drive way up I said, starts at 6pm.” I said.
“This I have got to see.” said Dan unbelieving.
Dans’ phone rang so he stepped outside again. When he came back inside he was smiling from ear to ear. “They got them he said. They raided the store front and the warehouse. They got the records of what their plans plus a truckload of drugs and illegal weapons. This is huge and not over yet. They are keeping it quiet until they can make raids in New York.” Dan informed us. “It seems they were buying notes on distressed farmers to buy them out. Then set up secret drug labs. No one would notice a couple cattle trucks moving stock around a couple times a month. Luckily they didn’t succeed anywhere but they had twelve properties lined up in different states.” said Dan smile.
The local sheriff and dependy showed up to take the two criminals into custody. Ed and company followed them to fill out the paperwork so they could claim their bounty. Dan went also as he needed to file his report and brief the locals. It had been a long day already and there was still a lot to do yet.
Once I returned to the house things had calmed down. John had returned and put his bags in the bedroom he claimed. I showed Matt and Chelsie to their room downstairs so everyone could get ready for the wedding. I checked the time and we had two hours left before the 6 pm show at the shelter. I decided I had enough time to sit down and relax with a Jack and Coke before I needed to get ready. John decided to join me.
There was a knock at the door that took me by surprise. I opened the door and found a strikingly good looking woman with piercing green eyes and blonde hair cut in a long bob that framed her face and makeup that made Her look rather mysterious. She seemed vaguely familiar but I couldn’t place her. “Mr. Johnstone, could I have a moment of your time?” she asked nervously as she pulled her hair behind her left ear. That movement was designed to reveal her earning. It was actually a belly button ring with the word SLAVE in gold letters with three long chains that dangled to her shoulder with all points ending in blue sapphires. She had a young boy with her about the age of fourteen I guessed, that I assumed was her son because of the resembling features. “My name is Lillith Peterman but Please call me Lilly. I am Bethany’s older sister and this is my son Dakota.” she said as she straightened her hair. “Now I remember you. Please come in Lilly and have a seat. You too Dakota.” I said as the recognition dawned on me.
I got a coke out of the friede for Dakota before I went in to finish my drink. “John, this is Lillith Peterman or Lilly as she wishes to be called and her son Dakota. “Lilly this is John Sebastian my friend and lawyer.” I said introducing them as John politely held her hand and immediately got lost in her green eyes. “Now, what can I do for you” I asked curiously.
“Bruce and Bethany said you might be able to help me with a couple problems. Though I understand you are getting married today and doubt you have the time, but I figured I might check to make an appointment before attending the party. We have just recently moved here and have been staying with Jeff and Bethany until I get settled. I would like Dakota to learn how to ride, just to get him out and away from the X-Box all day.” she stated her desires directly.
“So you want to learn how to ride a horse Dakota? I asked.
“Yes sir.” he said with bright eyes.
“Pleasure, dressage or jumper like your mother?” I asked remembering her style from way back when.
“I think pleasure for a start.” Lilly piped up. I was wondering if that had a double meaning behind it.
“James handles the appointment book for beginners and he is busy at the moment. I can have him call you some time next week to set up the appointment times.” I said looking at Dakota.
“Thank you Mr. Johnstone, I would love that.” Dakota said sincerely.
“Lilly I have just the horse for you if you would like to ride tomorrow. John here needs a guide as he doesn’t know the area very well.” I said with a wink. “Or a date for this evening for that matter.” I added with John starring at me like I was crazy. Lilly looked at me as I pulled my left earlobe and turned again.
“I think I can take care of that.” she said with a smile and displaying her earning so John could see.
“Well John?” I said with a grin.
“Sounds like a plan to me.” John said agreeing quickly.
“I will let you chat as I need to take a shower and remember the wedding is a surprise and Ice may be back any minute.” I said reminding John. At least it would give them something to talk about.
It is close 5 pm and Lacy hadn’t returned yet, she is sure cutting it close I thought. I trust her as she always comes through with flying colors. So I am off to get ready for mybig doings.
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