
Author’s note:

The main theme of this story is D/s, but I flavored it with fantasy elements and a touch of mind control.

It’s another novella length story (41k words) like ‘Lucky Strike, Sir’, but it’s completely different. The erotic element at the core might be the same, but I think D/s is so rich and exciting, there are endless ways to be creative with it. It’s probably why I enjoy writing about it so much. You can load it with emotion and raunchy sex at the same time, it just makes sense.

I hope you enjoy Spellbound, and if you have any constructive criticism for me, throw it my way in the comments or via PM. I’d love to get my story above 30 votes, to get a reliable score, so if you feel like it, give me a vote.

Anyway, Thanks for giving this a try, I did my very best to make it worth your precious time.





Oz sifted through his mail, and a peculiar letter caught his attention. He’d neverseen his own name written in beautiful callography, people still did that? Nice though. Oz flipped it around, no sender. He shrugged and cut the envelope. The letter itself had the same beautiful handwriting, someone put a lot of effort into this.

A little note fell from between the folded paper. ‘Please read this letter out loud.’ Oz glanced at the letter, sure, why the hell not? Nobody here to laugh at him.

I, Osmund Bennett, declare that Nina Marshall is my slave, my property to do with as I please. She will obey my every word and live by the following commandments:

Oz stared at the words he’d just read. Was this some kind of sick joke? His eyes darted along the rest of the letter, and he shook his head in amazement. Whoever wrote this had some imagination. He kind of wanted to read everything out loud after reading it.

My command is her desire, she cannot deny me in any way. Her body is a toy for me to play with.

Her every move will be aimed at pleasuresing me, her every thought concerned with how she can serve me better.

She will be ready for my use at all times.

Being in my presence gives her pleasure, my touch gives her ecstasy, my command controls her mind and body.

I am her Master, and she will address me as such.

Failing to obey my command will result in punishment. Pain, withholding of pleasure, whatever it may be, she cannot escape her chosen punishment.

I, Osmund Bennett, hereby declare once more that Nina Marshall is my slave, my whore, my slut for the rest of her natural life.

She is my slave, and I am her Master.

A wave of dizziness swept over Oz when he finished reading the letter. He put his hand on the table for support and took deep breaths. Why was he so tired all of a sudden? He could barely keep his eyes open. Oz put down the letter and shuffled towards the bedroom. Maybe a nap would do him good. He yawned, yeah, a nap sounded great right now.


Oz woke up with asplitting headache. He squeezed his eyes shut and rubbed them to still the throbbing in his head, but it was no use. He glanced at his alarm clock, and a shock travelled through his body. 10 AM! He shot up and fell right back down when a spike of pain lanced right through his temples. Fuck that hurt.

He calmed down and got up more carefully. It was 10 AM alright, but today was Saturday. No need to panic. Maybe he should go to the doctor’s, falling asleep at 6 PM and waking up with a headache sixteen hours later didn’t sound too healthy.

Oz got out of bed, his clothes all rumpled, and slowly made his way to the kitchen. He grabbed the milk and drained the carton. The cool milk felt great running down his pared throat. Maybe he should make today a lazy day.

He put the empty carton on the kitchen table and picked up the letter. He should do something about this. Someone was sending weird letters with Nina’s name on it. What if he wasn’t the only one who got one? He had to let her know, maybe she could use it as evidence.

Oz grabbed his phone and scrolled through his contacts. Brad, Dan, Dave. How long had it since he’d heard from Dave? He couldn’t remember, but Dave probably still lived somewhere near Nina, if she hadn’t moved like he had.

He dialed the number and after a few rings, Dave picked up.

‘Dave speaking.’

“Dave? It’s Oz, remember me?”

‘Oz? Dude, how’ve you been? I haven’t heard from you in forever.’

“I know, I was thinking the same thing.”

‘You in town? Danny’s is still open.’

“Really? I thought he’d be dead by now.”

‘Nah, Danny’ll outlive us all. What about tonight?’

“Dave, I I wanted to, but I’m not in town right now. I was calling to see if Nina Marshall still lives somewhere near you.”

‘Nina? Man, you’re really dragging up the past. I remember Nina.’

“She still live near you?”

‘I don’t know, but I can give my sister a call, she’ll know. You need her for something?’

“I got this weird letter, had her name on it. I don’t know, it didn’t feel right, so I want to let her know, just in case.”

‘I get that. I’ll text you her number if my sister has it. If you’re ever around, give me a call, we’ll hit up Danny’s.’

“Will do.”

‘Great, see you later.’

“Same here.”

Dave sent him Nina’s number not too long after. Oz added the number to his contacts, but he didn’t call her right away. His head hurt too much. All the pain had balled together into a single point, pounding his skull. He stumbled back to the bedroom and sleep claimed him again.

This time, the sharp sound of the bell started Oz awake, and he made his way to the door with his arms stretched out before him, careful to not bump into anything. His hair was a mess, and he was still wearing the same damn clothes. He opened the door, and a stunning blonde stand before him, a suitcase in hand.

She smiled when she saw Oz and said, “Hi. Can I come in,Master?”

“What? Sure.” He stepped to the side, but before the woman could make it all the way past him, Oz grabbed her by the shoulder and pushed her back. “Wait, who are you?”

The blonde looked at him over her shoulder, her face flushed. “Don’t you remember me? I’m Nina.”

Oz let go, and Nina walked past him, into the kitchen. He followed her and found her with her hand on the letter, smiling. “You read it, all the way to the end.”

“You know about that letter? I was going to call you about it.”

She turned to face Oz and said, “I sent the letter, Master.”

Oz took a step back and folded his arms together. He felt like shit, and this conversation wasn’t making things better. “You sent it? Why?”

“I wanted you to be my Master.”

“Sure, of course. Anything else?”

“I succeeded.”

Oz frowned and said, “Look, Nina, I think you should go. I’m not in the mood for bullshit right now. I’d appreciate it if you went away.”

“Is it your head?”

He squited. “Why are you asking?”

“Because your head hurts, and you’ve slept a lot yesterday and today. You probably can’t remember ever being so tired.”

All expression bleed from Oz’s face. “And how do you know that?”

“It’s what happens the first time you use magic.”

Something just snapped, and Oz grabbed Nina’s wrist and dragged her towards the front door. “I don’t know what drugs you’re doing, and I don’t care, I don’t want you here. You’re leaving, now.”

With a thumb, Nina dropped to her knees, yanking Oz backwards. He grit his teeth at the pain pulsing in his head and turned around. Nina looked up at him, tears glistening in her eyes. “Please! Let me explain!”

“Explain What? You show up here, spouting crap, and I’m supposed to go with it? If this is a prank, then you picked the wrong guy to play it on. I was worried about some creep sending letters to God knows who, and you sent it yourself, and it’s supposed to be magic? If you’ve got an explanation that doesn’t make me want to throw you out on your ass, then go ahead, I’m fucking listening.”

“Thank you, thank you so much, I’ll explain everything. Just please believe me, Master. I’d never lie to you.”

“Stop calling me that. It’s Oz.”

“I can’t!”

“Why not?”

“Please, I’ll explain! Just wait a little, OK?”

He glared at her, his jaw clenched. “You’ve got five minutes.” He checked his watch. “Starting now.”

“I’m a witch.” Nina said, “Not a very strong one, but I still know magic. I know you won’t

believe me, that’s normal. My coven’s secret like in the stories. The letter was a spell I made, a contract. For it to work, you had to agree to the terms in very exact wording. You had to speak the words out loud.”

She glanced up at him and right back down at the floor. “When you read the letter, you finished the spell I started, and I felt it lock in place. I can feel the bond between you and me. You used magic, but youdon’t have any innate talent, so the spell used your own energy to complete itself. That’s why you’re so tired and your head hurts. You’ll be fine in a few days.”

Oz jerked his thumb over his shoulder. “Time’s up. You can leave now.”

Nina grabbed Oz’s legs and mashed herself against him. “Master, please! I’m telling you the truth! Let me prove it to you.”


“Give me a command.”

“Alright, let me go.” She let go of him. “Now leave.”

Nina clamped on again. “Please, anything but that! I’m your slut, I’m your whore. Tell me to fuck you, tell me to do anything at all. I’ll do it!”

Oz surprised and looked down at the women blubbering at his feet. “Go sit in the couch and wait for me there.” He held up his hand when Nina opened her mouth. “Not a word, I’ll be there soon enough.”

He watched her go back inside and ran his hand through his hair. What was he supposed to do? Every time he told her to leave, she throw herself at his feet, begging himto stay. He’d have to convince her somehow. He didn’t want to deal with her fresh from bed though, so he dragged himself to the bathroom, throw off his grimy clothes and jumped in the shower. The hot water did wonders for Oz, and he closed his eyes at the wonderful warmth pouring all over him.

His body felt heavy, and Oz slumped forward. Slowly, he sank down on his knees, fast sleep. Again.


“Master, Master!”

Oz woke up to a small hand tugging at his shoulder. He was cold, shivering. He opened his eyes, and Nina’s worried face hovered before him. “You need to get up, Master. I can’t get you out on my own. Are you hurt somewhere? Did you fall? I’m so sorry.”

Still sleepy, Oz reached out and stroked Nina’s cheese. She closed her eyes and gasped at the touch. “Shush, I’m fine. I’m not hurt, just cold. The towels are behind you, grab some.”

Nina hurried and dumped an armload of towels in front of Oz. “Can I help you dry off, Master?”

“No, I’m fine. Just go back to the couch, I’ll be there in a second.”

Nina opened her mouth to argue, but thought better of it and nodded. Oz watched her go, her tight ass swaying. He shook his head and got up. One towel was all he needed, so he took one from the pile and put the others where they belonged.

Soon enough, he was dry and clothed again. The gears in his mind had started churning again, but he was calmer now, rested. He made coffee and took two cups with him. “I made coffee.”

“Thank you, you didn’t have to.”

“It’s alright.”

Oz looked at Nina, and something felt off. It seemed somehow natural for her to be right where she was, like some kind of map in his head had a little cross right there, on the couch. He closed his eyes and said, “Can you do something a little strange for me? Stand somewhere else in the room without making a sound.”

Nina nodded and quickly got up. “Yes, Master.”

Oz put his fingers in his ears, closed his eyes and counted to ten. Before opening his eyes again, he pointed at the spot in the room where he knew Nina would be. And there she was, smiling at him. “Do you believe me now, Master? The bond tells you where I am. It’s still weak, but with time, you’ll be able to use it.”

“For what?”

“To read my mind, to talk to me in my head, to see what I see… Whatever you want, Master. No matter how far away you are, you’ll be able to use me.”

“That makes you excited.”

“You can tell? Already?” A huge smile lit up her face. “I didn’t expect you to feel my emotions so soon.”

Oz leaned back in the couch and stared at the ceiling, he felt Nina come closer. “Stay where you are.”

“Yes, Master.”

He returned to his inspection of the cracks in the ceiling. What had happened to Nina since he moved away? She’d cried when they’d said goodbye, but he’d always thought she’d move on from him pretty soon. He looked back at Nina, and she sat kneeing on the floor with her cup of coffeecradled in her hands. “Why are you here?”

“Because I want you -“

“Yes, because you want me to be your Master. Why?”

“You understand what I wanted, and I never forget that. It hurt when I couldn’t move when you did, I wanted to stay with you. Now I can finally get away from the coven, so I came here.”

Oz leaned forward on his knees. “Are you sure? Because I remember being with you, and it’s not something I’m proud of. I used you for sex.”

“I wanted you to, Master. You knew I wanted to be your fuck toy, and you made it true. I loved it, all of it.”

“You shouldn’t have said that to an eighteen-year-old.”

“It’s all I wanted.”

“And now you’re back.”


“Only we’ve got this now.” He pointed from his head to her head.

“We have more than that, Master.” She put her cup on the coffee table. “Please tell me to come.”

Oz’s eyebrow lifted. “Is what I think will happen going to happen?”

“Please find out.” Her cheeses blushed a deep red, and her big brown eyes stared up at him, begging.

“Alright then, come.”

Nina slumped, and her body shook. She wrapped her arms around herself and fell on her side, one hand pressed to the crotch of her shorts. She took short, gasping breaths as she weathered through the storm unleashed in her body.

When it finally passed, Nina pushed herself back into a kneeing position and took her cup of coffee back in hand. Her chest still heavened when she said, “If you command me again, right now, the same will happen, and it’ll keep happening until the energy stored up inside the bond runs out. It will recharge over time, using my stores of magical energy.”

Oz just sat there, staring. “You did this to yourself?”


“What happened to going on a date?”

“I… this is better. Without the magic, you’d never have complete control over me.”

“And if I don’t want this? Say I don’t like you, why would I let you force me into taking you asmy girlfriend?”

Nina Shook her head. “I don’t want to be your girlfriend. All I am is your slave, your slut, your whore. I’m a set of holes for you to warm your cock in. Do with me whatever you want to, just please keep me.”

“I have a girlfriend.”

“That’s okay. I’ll serve her too, I’ll be her little bitch. I’ll do anything she Wants.”

“And you want this because I was an insensitive dick to you?”

“That’s not how it was, Master. You used me, you pushed me, and you were rough with me, but you never hurt me. We laughed together, and you fucked me, all the time. It was perfect. The first time I felt like I was myself.”

Oz got up and walked over to Nina, she put her hands on her back and pushed her ass off her feet. Her lips were slightly apart, and he felt hope well up inside her. Hope he’d let her taste him, hope he’d use her again. He shook his head, and she lowered her eyes. “I’m going for a walk, I need to think about this.”

“Should I come withyou, Master?”

“No, stay here. I won’t be long, find something to do in the meantime.”

Outside, a cold breeze tore at Oz’s shirt and played over his skin. His cock was hard as steel. He’d used Nina as a puppet, and it had been the best sex he’d ever had. In the years since her, he’d found no one like her.

And now she was back, more beautiful and willing than before, linked to him through a magic bond that gave him control over her he hadn’t even dreamed of. If he’d used her badly before, he knew his current self could do a lot worse. Or better, depending on your point of view.

What would Sara say? That was the million dollar question. Sara was the girl he couldn’t let slip. Smarter than him, just as horny, and so bad he couldn’t help but love her. If Sara wanted to, she’d make Nina her bitch ten times over. His cock pushed against his jeans again, and he told. If you want to know the answer, ask the question.

He dialed Sara’s number and stood behind a wall to keep out of the breeze.

‘Hey, Oz.’

“Hey, Sara. I’ve got a situation here, and it sort of involves you.”

‘Good or bad?’

“Could be either, right now it’s neither.”

‘You’ve got me curious. Spill it.’

“There’s a girl at my place, an ex-girlfriend from a few years ago. I got a letter from her yesterday saying I’m her owner, and she’s my slave. No joke, she’s serious. Anything I tell her to do, she’ll do. I told her I had a girlfriend, and she said she’d be your little bitch too. So there it is, what do you say?”

The line stayed quiet for a long moment. ‘This bitch, what’s she looks like?’

“Pretty much the exact opposite of you. Long blond hair, big breasts, long legs, curvy.”

‘So I’m what? Short, scrapny and flat?’

Oz laughed, “You are, you know that. You’re also sexy as hell. Different package, different flavor, I guess.”

‘You should work on your flattering, Oz.’

“Maybe I should, but I want you to trust me and believe what I say. That’s also why I called.”

‘So you haven’t stuck it to the bitch yet?’

“No, I’ve been sick all weekend. I’ve barely been awake long enough to scratch my ass. I’m feeling better now though.”

‘Good enough to do her?’


‘Do her then. I’ll be over tonight at six, make sure she’s ready for me.’

Oz grinned. “Anything you need?”

‘I’ll bring what I need.’

“Great, see you tonight then. I’ll make dinner.”


“Of course, I know what you like.”

‘You’re the best, Oz.’

“Right back at you.”

Oz smiled when he thought about Sara. She was a firecracker from an illegal brand. She’d mess with your head and simply wait for you to find out you’d been played. He loved that about her, that pinch of crazy added the spice he needed. On his way home he thought about her and Nina together, and he groaned when his cock hated him for wearing tight jeans. He quicklyned his step, high time to show Nina her newplace in life.


When Oz made it to his front door, he felt Nina again. A tiny ball of worry buried deep in his brain. He opened the door and there she was, on her knees, waiting for him. “Is everything okay now, Master?”


“I can stay?”

“For now.”

Nina squealed and throw herself against his legs, crushing her ample tits against him, her shoulders shaking as sobs wrapped her body. “Thank you, Master! Thank you so much. I’ll be a good slave for you, you won’t regret this.”

Oz ran his fingers through her blond hair and said, “I know you will. You’ll be my little whore.”

Nina didn’t answer him, she just nodded and squeezed herself tighter against him.

“It’ll be like before. That’s what you want, isn’t it?”


Oz tapped Nina’s temple. “You’ve given me a wonderful toy to play with, I appreciate that.”

“It’s nothing, Master.”

“If you say so. All I know is that I can do so many things I’ve never tried before. Like this: I want you to go to the living room, get naked and present yourself somehow. The moment you’re in position, you’ll start coming. If you shift even a little, you’ll stop coming until you get back into position, then it starts again.”

Nina groaned in need at Oz’s words. She looked up at him, her big brown eyes open and vulnerable. “Will you use me, Master?”

“Only if I like what I see.”

She nodded and anxious off to the living area. Oz watched her go and wondered if she’d undress real slow to shorten the time she’d have to torture herself. He knew she wasn’t the kind of girl to freeze up when she came, she’d always been a compromise and a moaner. He grinned, she’d be a wonderful mess by the time he got to her.


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