Weekend in Paradise Ch. 03

I was in the shower once again with the water cascading over me while soaping and rinsing. It was suppose to be a relaxing time away from the stress this weekend, I was thinking. Well, it has turned out to be another day at the office for me, more or less.

While I was driving off, Chelsie walks in wearing a white form fitting dress that displayed her cleavage off as usual. The length was relatively modest with matching four inch open toed pumps. Her makeup was impossible as always.

“My you look fetching.” I said admirably.

“So do you.” she said licking her lips in a seductive manner.

“Like what you see, do you?” I said, as I was naked after all.

“Always have sweetheart. Always have.” she replied lingering her words a little down in the mouth. “Are you sure about This Nelson? Because I…I..never mind. Lacy brought your shirts, I put them on the bed.” she said as she walked out.

I continued getting ready. She wanted to tell me something but didn’thave the heart to say it. That wasn’t like her, was she trying to stop me? I wondered. Chelsie and I were an item in college for well over a year. She was just like Ice in most instances though she never annoyed me that caused a breakup. We were suppose to go to Aspen for spring break one year. She backed out at the last minute with an excuse. She went with Matt to Cancun instead and I found out About it. That led to my first episode in the secret playroom. She said she was sorry afterward but the damage had been done. I told her I should tie her up and take a whip to her. She noticed that I had changed a lot after spring break, more commanding and focused. She confirmed in me that it would have made a big difference as she would have become my life long loving slave.

We remained very close friends After that, especially when she found out she was pregnant. It was Matt’s and they got married soon after. At first I was jealous and had a lot of animosity towards Matt. She was a little over five months along when she lost the baby because of an infection. The doctors had to do an emergency hysterectomy to save Chelsie. Matt stood by her side, even to this day. I stopped being jealous along with the animosity as I saw Matt truly loved her. We became inseparable after that and were dubbed The Three Amigos.

I have noticed they seemed drifting apart lately though and were sort of the driving force behind selling the company. They are both dominate however but it never seemed to both them. That one statement she made all those years ago still echos in my head, my life long loving slave. I wonder, nah I thought, as I finished dressing.

I rejoined John, Matt, Chelsie, and James in the dining room. Lilly and Dakota had left to go to the party a few minutes before. We were all dressed pretty much alike in blue pin stripe suits and no ties. “I see you look rather happy now, John?” I said seeing his old jovial self.

“Yes, turning down golf for a horse ride in the country looks better and better all of a sudden.” He said smiling.

“Hit it off with Lilly did you?” I asked some surprised.

“Yes and that son of hers is one sharp cookie also. He reminds me of me when I was his age.” he said shaking his head in disbelief.

“A little uncomfortable, James?” I said as he kept scratching and reading. “Lacy had to guess at the size and it is a little tight in spots. But yeah, just a little.” as we all laughed.

Matt handed me a drink. “Here is to Nelson! May this endeavor bring him a life filled with love and happiness.” He toasted. “Here! Here!” the others said before we all took a drink.

“Here is the plan. Lacy is going to bring your car to the party and Ice is going to be in the backseat blindfolded. Lacy is going to get out and help Ice out of the car at the sidewalk where her dad will be waiting to walk her down the aisle, er sidewalk. Lacy will then take her place in the brides maid line. Her mother will remove the blindfold and hand her the bouquet. The music will start and they walk up the aisle, um sidewalk, to the entrance of the shelter. It was the best we could think of at the moment.” James said of his plans. “We also asked Bethany and Lilly to be bridesmaids to fill her side to make it equal.” He further stated.

“Well I guess we have a plan and I think we better get going.” I said looking at my watch. We all went out and decided to take Matt’s SUV and stuffed ourselves in. If it was going to be a long ride we would have taken two cars, less than a mile we could suffer. James had Matt blow the horn which must have given Lacy a signal.

We arrived and there was a lot of people in attendance, lucky James made sure we had a parking place close by. They had wedding bells hanging all over the shelter house. Flower vases with irises and carnations set on the picnic tables and a dozen roses set aside. A three tier wedding cake. I found out later, it was made and delivered and cost a little extra as it was an emergency order. The ladies in attendance were dressed up for the occasion but the guys were in their usual jeans and sport coats for the most part. Mr. Snow looked dapper in his black suit, probably the only one he owns I thought laughing. Looked like Mrs. Snow went and bought a new dress from the looks of it, pale yellow and had her hair done. The JP was in place right behind the entrance which had a trellis wrapped with red carnations.

We heard Lacy blow the horn. “Quiet! Places everyone!” bellowed Bruce. Lacy had followed the game plan so far and parked exactly where she was suppose to. Mr. Snow had to help Lacy out of the car because the outfit and shoes gave her problems at first. Lacy actually needed a little help from Mr. Snow getting Ice out Also. They did manage to get her in place though. Lacy, Lilly and Bethany all walked up the sidewalk and took their places. I noticed Lilly and John were making eyes at each other. She had also removed her earning for appearances I think. I noticed Lacy had trimmed her hair and added blue, red and blonde streaks.

Ice looked absolutely perfect in the dress, she had her hair cut into a little shorter razor shag and added blonde streaks to her dark red hair. Beauty queen was my first impression. Mr. Snow and Ice intertwined arms and Mrs. Snow removed the blindfold. The look on her face was priceless. She looked at her mom who kissed her cheek and handed her the bouquet. Then to her dad who also kissed her cheek. I think both of them said congratulations but I am not sure. The music started then Mr. Snow started walking her up the sidewalk slowly. Her skirt and shoes made her walk slowly of course. Her makeup was precision and not over stated. She saw me and had tears running down her cheeks. Happiness I hope.

They finally made the trip to me, Mr. Snow Shook my hand, then placed Ice’s hand in mine. I mouthed an I love you. I got a return I love you. We faced the JP and listended to his spiel. When he got to the part, Ice… Ice spoke up with “Oh My God YES!”. before he even got any further so I followed suit with “Oh Hell Yes!. The crowd was laughing as the JP finished the ceremony and we kissed which lasted through the applause of the crowd. We had forgotten about the rings. I was surprised Bruce and Deuce hadn’t stepped in and got a set from their stores as they do make them.

“Lets eat!” Yelled Bruce. Instead of cooking on the grills that were available, they had the affairs catered which consisted of turkey and a ham as the main course. Mashed potatoes, baked potatoes, baked beans, peas, corn and green beans for sides. Desert was strawberry short cake.

John immediately captured Lilly as they were not far apart for the rest of the evening. Though I am not sure who was capturing who as I noticed she was wearing her earning again later with pride and didn’t care who saw. I saw Dakota with a girl his age named China Blake who was taking him into the barn to see her horse. I wonder if he needs a chainerone as I remembered her mother from my youth.

After eating, which was very delicious, James and I made our rounds with the well wishers as did Lacy and Ice. Drinking champione for the most part as we had our own little supply. Most had heard about the local arrests that were made and the happenings in Miami and now, New York as well. Greg Jeffers had been arrested along with a major drug kingpin, Dametry Gilroy. Dan had been corralled by Bambi Hightower and her huge tits, which didn’t surprise me. She owns a coffee shop in the shopping area and is the areas information broker among other things. All three of her employees, whom I’m not all that familiar with, had taken up residence with Ed and his boys, seeking the inside scoop I bet.

I got to Jeff Brandt, the bank manager, and his wife Bethany, I thanked them wholeheartedly for their parts in the days activities. He told me the transaction was untraceable as the starting source were bearer bonds in Munich. How he did that I am not sure but I imagine it involved favors. Bethany also thanked me, which set off my bewildered look, til she pointed to Lilly and John.

I finally got a little alone time with my bride. “How do you feel about being my wife?” I asked her happy.

“I thought I had died and gone to heaven, Master.” came her cooing response.

“It didn’t take me all that long to accept your proposal Love. I have always loved you since we were kids. I just had to surprise you.” I said emphatically.

“I guess I did proposal in a way, Master. You have surprised me so much, my stockings are wet to the knees. I haven’t been this wet since you whipped me. I love you with all my heart” she said beaming.

“It was you all those years ago?” I said stunned.

“Yes Master, It was me you took your anger out on that evening. I was there because I loved you. I loved you even more afterward.” she said with sparkling admission. I kwassed her hard and long, if there wasn’t a crowd I would have taken her right there.

“Grab your partners! yelled Bruce. “Deuce has his voice ready to go!” he added. The music started and Deuce began his square dance routines. Yes we danced the first two but she was having trouble in the heels and she didn’t want to take them off. So we sat and drank some more champione and fed each other some food intermingled with a few kisses, okay a lot of kisses.

At one point I noticed Chelsie watching us. She had a solemn look on her face like she was going to cry at any moment. Maybe my thoughts earlier that I disregarded were correct. Then it was time to cut the cake. No we didn’t throw it in each others face or make a smear job out of it, just a simple loving feeding to one Another.

When it came to the presents everybody was probably stamped. What do you get newlyweds that probably have everything? We did get towels, sheets, a blanket and some glasses that fit in well, everybody can use those at some point. I guess we can find a home for quite a few things or use them as presents later.

Bruce and Deuce came up to us last bearing gifts. “Nelson this gift is from your mother. She had me make it many years ago.” Bruce said.

I unwrapped the present to reveal a maple box with our brand engraved on the lid. Opening the lid revealed a gold collar and a blue velvet pouch. The collar had three wires hinged to a plate on each side. The three wires became one on each side that ended in a permanent locking clasp. The plate had a ring set in the center and a heart hanging from the bottom center. Inscription on the heart read: Nelson 05/27/12. The pouch contained a lean about three feet long. I looked at Ice, she was awe struck but nodded her head. I put it around her neck and locked it in place. It looked beautiful then I kissed Ice. Then I attached the leash and let it dangle and decided it would be better to drop it between her breasts inside the corset.Then hugged Bruce and cried.

“This gift is from your father. Made at about the same time. We decided it would be best to wait and open them together.” Deuce said. I unwrapped the present and found another but much smaller maple box with our brand on the lid. Inside the box was a set of gold rings with our brand engraved several times around each. “Hopefully they fit.” Deuce interjected. I didn’t have time to get rings for the ceremony, was it fate I wondered. I slide the ring on Ice’s finger, it fit perfectly. Ice slide mine on, a little tight over the knuckle but it was fine. I hugged Deuce and cried some more.

Ice leaned against me and whispered “It’s alright Master.” She had tears in her eyes also. Finally I let go and held Ice for the longest time in an embrace.

After a while we went and set down and drank some more champione. Henry and Marget came over. He shook my hand and hugged me as no words were necessary. Margret kissed my cheeks and hugged me also. “I know we are happy because you are happy. We love you also, son.” consoled Margret. With that we toasted one another. Lacy, Lilly and Bethany all came over to admire our new adornments with awe, especially Lilly.

Matt had to drag Chelsie over almost. She gave Ice a kiss and congratulated her with a kiss on both cheeses. She kissed and hugged me with stoic behavior. I whispered in her ear “Look deep inside yourself and you will know what is true in your heart then act on it.”

We danced a slow song then decided it was time to leave. I had James drive us because Lacy had problems driving in her outfit.


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