Speeding Ticket

You’ve worked a long day, had to stay late because of an audit and you’re tired and frustrated. It’s raining out, and you are driving home, not paying attention to the speed limit … simply wanting to get home.

I am on duty, sitting in my patrol car on a quiet stretch of highway watching the sparse traffic cruise by. It’s late, rainy and I’ve had to pull a double because of cops calling out sick. I see lights approaching and check the radar … 63 in a 45. Time to hit the lights.

You look up in your mirror and see the blue lights. “Shit” is all you say, and you slow to the speed limit. You’re close to home so you don’t want to pull over yet. You come to your turn-off, signal and make the turn.

Watching your progress, I follow you. Lights on, but no siren … I know you see me. You’re driving slowly now, but not stopping. I wonder what you’re doing and why you aren’t stopping. I’m about to hit the siren, and you pull over, actually into a driveway. The garage dooropens and you drive in.

I pull in behind you, grab my ticket book and walk to your door. It’s pouring out and I get wet following after you. “Hey, why didn’t you pull over back there?” I ask. You step out of the car and look at me, then you look down, knowing you’ve been bad.

“Um … uh … I’m sorry, I didn’t want to get wet” you say sheepishly. “I thought it’d be better in here, I’m sorry Sir.”

“Alright, I understand. No need to be scared miss. But you should pull over as soon as you see the blue lights, otherwise I might think you’re trying to get away.” I say. “Now, do you know why I pulled you over?” I ask.

“Well … um … I-I guess I was going too fast. I’m really sorry sir, I don’t usually go fast, it’s just that I wanted to get home in my pajamas and into bed.” you say.

“Well, I’ll try to make this painless for you so you can go get comfortable soon.” I pull out my ticket book and ask “may I see your license and registration please?” You seem to react to the statement, and quiver just a bit. “Yes sir.” you say, biting your lip.

You reach into your car and get the documents. You turn, head tilted down, and present them to me. Intrigued, I take them from your hand and look at them. Your hand drops to your side, and you stand there, head bowed.

“Look, you know what you’ve done, and I think you’re being too hard on yourself. I’m not going to write you a ticket, but please keep to the speed limit or I may not let you off next time.” I say. You look up just a bit and I can see the corner of your mouth curl into a smile. “You don’t have to let me off this time Sir” you say “I should be punished for breaking the rules.”

My head tilts as I wonder about your comment. “You mean, like you want me to write you a ticket?” I ask.

A small giggle escapes you as you say “No silly, I mean YOU should punish ME.” and you give me a wink. You turn and head towards the door leading into the house. You open it, and step inside.Before disappearing you take one final peek out the door to see if I’m following. When I see the look on your face in the doorway, I drop my ticket book and follow you inside.

Entering through the door I find myself in a dark room. It’s the kitchen, some appliances have digital clocks illuminating the night. I call out “Miss? Where did you go?” I stop and listen, then I hear footsteps upstairs. I find my way to the stairs in the dark, and climb them two at a time. I reach the top and see an open door with a light on, a dim light but still a light. I approach the door and see you there, kneeing on the floor, arms at your side, head down, waiting for me.

I step into the room. You don’t move. I approach you and stop right in front of you. You remained settled on your knees, ready for punishment. I inspect the room, it’s a bedroom. On the dresser are some items, but it’s too dark to make them out. I think for a second, taking in the whole situation. Something like this has neverhappened to me before, and it’s a lot to digest.

I approach the dresser for a better look, and upon seeing what items lie there, I understand.

From the dresser I take two items, and walk back to where you are still kneeing on the floor. I reach down with one item, and wrap it around your head. You remain kneeing, now blindfolded.

I pull the dress you are wearing up over your head. It Come off easily leaving you in your bra and stockings. Red stockings, no panties. “Very nice” I think to myself. I unclasp the bra and slide it down over your shoulders where it drops to the floor.

I lift you to your feet, you willingly take my direction and stand. We take the few steps to the bed, where I lie you down, face down, bottom up. I lightly cares your bottom with the tips of my fingers and you react to my touch with gentle soft moans.

Gently, ever so lightly I brush my fingers across your bottom. The goose bumps raise with my touch. You begin to move your hipswith the motion, enjoying the lightness of the touch.

Without warning I ready the second item from the dresser top. I pull back my hand holding it, and let it slam down onto your bottom SMACK! The paddle is the second item.

SMACK, SMACK, SMACK … I continue. “You have been a bad girl” I say as you whimper. “You can hurt someone driving that way, you need to learn” SMACK, SMACK, SMACK. Your bottom is getting pink and you are whimpering into the pillow.

I put the paddle away, and admire my work. “Now, for the real lesson” I say.

You hear the distinct sound of zipper being opened, and you let out a sight of anticipation. I drop my gun-belt, pants and boxes to the floor. I unbutton my shirt and let it fall as well.

I pull you towards the side of the bed, turning your head to face me. I rub my soft penis along your cheek. Your obedient mouth opens in anticipation, or is it hunger?

Out comes your tongue, it finds the tip and you give a lick. I react witha slight throb. I’m growing now, faster. Your open mouth finds its way to me and your surrounding my shaft with your lips.

Moments later I’m fully hard and you are moving your head back and forth, up and down the length of my cock. Your tongue is experienced and adds to the pleasure giving. I grap a fist-full of your hair and guide your movement while I thrust against the side of the bed deep into your throat.

Your hand finds its way into the action, cupping my balls gently, following the rhythm already established. “This feels so good right now, I could live here forever.” I think to myself. “Mmmmm” I let out a moan of pleasure. “You really do know what you’re doing” I say.

My hand, the one not gripping your hair, finds its way down your back, following Your spine until it reaches the top of your bottom. Down a bit further and I brush across your anus. Still further and I find a moist, warm opening. I insert a finger, and you let out a moan.

I spend a bit of timemassaging you there, all the while you never break stride with your mouth. This feels good, very good. But I must keep going.

I want to cum, deep in your throat. I want to cum, all over your face. I want to cum, on your tits. I want to cum, inside of you. But I know the reality is that I’ll only get one chance … tonight.

I pull out of your giving mouth, and climb onto the bed. I raise up your hips, and slide my hard cock into your wet pussy. You gasp as I drive myself deep inside you.

On my knees, I slam my hips into your pink bottom, over and over again. My finger finds your anus, and I slip it in.

We continue like this, banging our bodies into one another. Breathing heavily, moaning with each impact.

My finger stimulates your ass as I continue to thrust again and again.

You begin to moan, louder and louder. Finally you say “Sir, may I cum Sir?” Hearing this is such a turn-on for me, and I reply “Yes Princess, cum for me”.

You let out a wail as the orgasm hits, and your body shivers and convulses. Feeling this I begin my ejaculation. I pull out just as it starts and spray my fluids across your bottom and up your back. I let out a primary groan of pleasure as this happens.

“Oh fuck yes” I say as the spew shoots out. “Arghhhh”

I move around back to your head and say “clean me”, and you willingly obey, licking every drop from my spent cock.

I return to the pile of clothing on the floor and get dressed, but before leaving the room I say “Drive safe ma’am”, and leave.


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