From the wave pool one can reach 4 thematic pools without leaving the water, but always have to climb over a wall.
I was relaxing in the cave (with waterfall) and admiring the surrounding plants when I suddenly saw something even more beautiful.
A blonde young woman, I estimate to be in her early 20s, slowly rose from the wave pool as she climbed the first wall. Now there are more beautiful women in bikinis walking around in that swimming paradise, but this one caught my attention in particular.
She was wearing a bikini that made it look like her breasts were being presented on a platter; the nipples were properly covered, but everything above them was appetizingly presented for inspection. She knew that too because my attention was rewarded with a friendly sensitive smile and a wink.
However, the real spectacle only came Now. Right after her, her friend, a slightly less slim brunette, took the wall and immediately my eyes bulged out of their sockets.
Thetop of her bikini was quite conventional, not really covering but not revealing too much either. The panties, on the other hand, were a thong that would only cover a possible Brazilian wax in the front and in which her labia just barely fit.
Worth seeing in itself, of course, but her groin area also turned out to be purple and blue, with some blood-red welts that made it clear that the discipline was not caused by an Unfortunate fall.
Just as she was about to descend the wall on the other side, she stopped and responded to her friend by expressing her disappoint and despair, except for one sentence that I could not understand with her face and facial expression.
With her legs slightly spread, she looked at the area so that I could admire her buttocks. Beautiful, very beautiful even, but completely undamaged except for a few red stripes along the sides. When she bent down, turned away from me, to examine a plant up close, I saw that the whip had also been struck seVertical times on the fold of skin between her buttocks and tighs.
After the blonde had said something else, she turned promptly towards me, stood there for a while, but only looked at the waterfall at her feet. However, my imagination went wild when I saw that not only her left side was black and blue, but her entire public area. That girl must have given up! I could vividly imagine her cries and whimpers, heard them in my imagination.
After another comment from, unmistakably her Mistress, she descended into the next pool and the spectacle was over for me… largely anyway because a little later I saw them standing in another pool while I was walking around on dry land.
The brunette twisted and turned under a small waterfall while the blonde bobbed in front of her, clearly orchestrating the movements. When she saw me she gave her slave girl a passwordate kiss, looked at me and made an inviting gesture to come into the pool too.
As much as I wanted but more than a smile I couldn’t give because my son had suddenly appeared next to me.
Later that evening I saw them again and the mutual relations were confirmed once again. We crossed paths in the park. Me in a golf cart, they in a butt cart.
Although there were two driving positions at the front, it was only the brunette who pedaled while the blonde sat comfortably in the rear seats. The lady was given a royal tour and clearly enjoyed her power. With a friendly “Hey” we crossed paths, more was not possible given the presence of the wife and son.
The next few days I looked out for them, but apparently they had left the park.
Yet it is struggling that BDSM adepts recognize each other quite easily, while vanilla enthusiasts casually pass you by.
After all, both the abuse of my tits and the ownership marks are only vaguely visible and the bolts in my ‘cock’ are not really noticeable under my swimming trunks… sufficiently discreet for average people, sufficiently noticeable able for others of the same kind.
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