Special Occasion

The doorbell rang as I applied my lipstick. I looked over at the clock and smiled. Mark was punctual as usual. Usually, we stayed in, but tonight we were going to Outback for dinner. I made it to the bottom of the stairs before the doorbell rang again.

I checked my hair in the hallway mirror one last time before I opened the door. Mark looked nice in a red patterned dress shirt and dark blue slacks. I could tell he liked the way I looked in my black dress. After kissing me on the cheek, he stood and waited while I locked the door. He followed me to his car.

I waited while he opened the car door for me. I enjoy Mark’s showing me courtesy. Besides, he knows if he’s not courteous, he won’t be invited in after dinner.

On the way to Outback, we talked about our day and what we’d been doing since the last time we saw each other. After the car went quietly, I decided to play a little game with him. I told him he couldn’t take his hands off the steering wheel as I reached over with my left hand and found his cock through his slacks. I fondled his cock while he drove in silence the rest of the way.

I suppose he was grateful that he had to walk around to open my door. Gave him a moment for his stiff cock to shrink. He followed me to Outback, and opened the door for me. Fortunately, it wasn’t a busy night, and we were soon shown a table.

Mark pulled my chair out for me, and helped me get seated before he sat down facing me. I don’t care for steak houses, but Outback had chicken and seafood entrees. After thinking about my choices, I decided I wasn’t too hungry and ordered a large salad with chicken. Mark ordered a large sirloin with rice and a small salad. We didn’t have to wait too long for the salads. Mark finished his salad quickly and watched while I finished mine.

Mark looked relaxed when his steak arrived. I decided to have some fun with him and pulled out a cigarette. I put the lighter on the table and waited. Mark surprised, picked upthe lighter, and lit my cigarette. I took a puff and blew the smoke in his direction.

It was enjoyable to watch Mark’s disappoint grow as I blew smoke at him while he ate. I know it was a rude and mean thing to do. Which is why I enjoyed it. I like to see how mean I can be to Mark, while demanding a courteous response. It’s amusing to me to see how far I can push him.

A couple of people looked over at me with obvious disapproval. I smiled back at them, since they could never understand the relationship Mark and I enjoyed.

Mark ate his meal without looking at me. He didn’t even flinch when I pulled out a second cigarette. He lit my cigarette and continued with his meal while I smoked.

After Mark paid the check, he stood up and helped me get out of my chair. He followed me to the door, and held the door open for me. He followed me to the car, and opened the car door for me.

Mark drive silently on the way back to my house. I felt I might have pushed him a bittoo far by smoking while he ate. I thought about teasingly rubbing his cock again but I decided I didn’t want to play if he was sullen.

After Mark pulled into my driveway, he walked around and opened the car door for me. He followed me to the door and watched as I unlocked it. I turned around and smiled at him. He looked at me with a pleading expression until I told him, “You may come in.”

Smiling, Mark followed me inside. He made himself comfortable in the living room while I went upstairs to change. After a few minutes I came down wearing a pair of jeans and slippers. He was already sitting on the sofa and I sat down on an ottoman in front of him. Not the most comfortable seat, but it gave him room to rub my back and shoulders while I watched my favorite TV shows.

Yes, I sat topless and made Mark rub my shoulders and back. I’m pretty sure he’d rather be fondling my ample breasts, but he knows that my breasts are off limits to his touch. Not that I wouldn’t mind thefondling sometimes, but I want to be consistent with Mark. After all, he expects me to be his domme, and I want to be the domme of his dreams.

I pulled a cigarette from the pack and put it in my mouth. I waited for Mark to pick up the lighter, lean forward, and light my cigarette. I felt his breath on the back of my neck as he lit my cigarette. It’s amusing watching him reach around my body to light my cigarette. He knows the punishment for brushing his hand against my breast is 20 lashes of the whip against his back.

I’m not one of those domes that make a game of punishment. I want my sub to do what I tell him to do, and not worry about it anymore. Otherwise, why have a sub? I admit, sometimes I’m tempted to twist my body so Mark’s hand “accidentally” brushes my breast while he lights my cigarette, so I can punish him, but what’s the point? Playing with him that way is not worth shaking his confidence in me. If I want to whip him, I’d just suspend him and tell him I’m whipping him for my pleasure.

I enjoyed watching TV for a couple of hours while Mark massaged my back and shoulders, and lit cigarettes for me. When “Desperate Housewives” was over, I turned the TV off, got up, and moved the ottoman out of the way.

I watched Mark get up, take off his clothes, and stand facing away from me with his wrists behind his back. I picked up a pair of leather restraints, and locked his wrists behind his back. I tied the end of a cotton rope to his wrist restraints, and walked upstairs to the bedroom, with him following me.

Mark surprised me some time ago with a Sybian. I try not to use it unless he’s over, but sometimes I just can’t help myself. I know how much he enjoys being in the room while I pleasure myself.

I say being in the room, because Mark came up with an ingenious way to torque himself while I ride the Sybian. The first time he described what he wanted, I wasn’t sure how it would work out, but after seeing how it worked, I decided I loved his suffering. Now I have him torment himself every time I ride.

Once we got to the bedroom, I picked up a pair of clothespins tied together with a cotton string. Standing in front of Mark, I pinched each nipple and clipped the clothespin on. I love the way he winces as the clothespin pinches his nipple and cuts off the flow of blood.

After I put the clothespins on, I had him open his mouth. I put the cotton string in his mouth and told him to hold the string with his mouth. The string makes the clothespins stand straight out, and I love the way it looks. I flicked one of the clothespins with my finger just to see him wince again.

I helped Mark down to the floor in a kneeing position. I took the rope tied to his wrist restraints, and pulled his wrists as high as I could, tying the rope on a shelf brake above him. Yes, I had trouble picturing it when Mark described this to me. By pulling his wrists as high as I can, he bends over at his waist with hishead almost touching the floor. All he can see is the floor.

Once I tied the rope to the shelf brake, I slipped out of my slippers, dropped my jeans to the floor, and stood in front of him to look down at him and enjoy his disappoint. Before I’ve had a chance to do anything, his arms are twisted and stretched by the rope and his nipples are pinched by the clothespins. I get wet every time I think about standing naked in front of him, and all he can see are my feet and ankles. I fondled my breasts and pinched my nipples with my hands, enjoying knowing that he couldn’t see what I was doing.

I walked over to the Sybian and got down on one knee. I rubbed some oil on the dildo and felt my pussy. Yep, as usual, no oil needed there. Contentedly, I put the oil down and eased myself on the dildo. I enjoyed the full feeling for a bit, especially with Mark suffering in front of me, before I turned the vibrator on. In this position, if he wanted to watch me, he could have picked hishead up. Which would have strained his neck muscles and pulled on the clothespins even more.

I’ve never seen Mark look up at me, and after the first couple of minutes of victory, I no longer cared. I turned up the rotation and victory speeds a bit, and felt the dildo moving in my pussy. I bent over so the rough ridge in front of the dildo violation against my clip. I closed my eyes and the only thing I cared about is the victory pulsating through my body.

I know, I know, I’m a bad domme for losing control like that while my sub is bound and suffering. So far, we’ve both enjoyed the situation, although I’d feel bad if Mark’s torque caused permanent damage while I rode the Sybian.

I increased the speed of the vibration and leaned forward until I felt the first orgasm throbbing through my body. Barely pausing, I Increased the rotation speed and angle. Leaning back, I felt the dildo rotating against my g-spot, and twisted my nipples with my fingers. After a while, the sensings of the second orgasm exploded throughout my body.

I lowered the violence and rotation speeds, and enjoyed feeling the lighter sensing in my pussy. I looked over at Mark. He was quietly looking at the floor, although I could see his arms trembling. I wondered how long I’d been riding and looked over at the clock. I whistled under my breath seeing that it’d been over forty-five minutes. Maybe I was getting too accustomed to the Sybian.

Too bad for Mark I was in no worry to dismount. I reached over and picked up my cigarettes and lighter. After lighting my cigarette and taking a puff, I looked at Mark again. His arms were trembling even more, and I could hear his moans over the victory. His visible suffering turned me on so much, I wanted to put the cigarette down and ride to another orgasm, but I took goal on him. I decided to do something unexpected.

“Drop the string and look at me,” I commanded.

Mark let the string fall from his mouth. He raised his head as high as he could, which was enough for me to see his face. I could see the pain in his face from the clothespins hanging from his nipples, the stress on his arms, and now the stress on his neck muscles. I turned up the victory speed a little and relaxed feeling the dildo vibrating in my swollen, wet pussy.

“You may watch me while I smoke,” I cooed.

Mark didn’t seem all that grateful. I was about to put the cigarette down and ride to another orgasm before I heard him say, “Thank you Mistress Lauren.”

I smiled. “That’s better Mark.” I cupped my breasts with my hands. “Enjoy the view. After all, this is our third anniversary, and I’m happy I did something special for you.”


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