Special Night

She sat in her new living room, thousands of miles from where she had called home for so long. She had left her friends and family and moved to where He lived to be near Him. When she sat checking her email later that morning she saw she had a new message from Him. He had sent her an email simply stating that she needed to be dressed in an elegant yet provocative way and to all His usual standards and be ready by 7 pm. He would come by and pick her up when He got off work. She ran to her bedroom and throw on some clothes, a little makeup and tossed her hair into a ponytail. The she ran out the door to buy something new to look perfect for Him since it was the first time since she had been in town that He had taken her out. She spent the rest of the morning wandering in and out of stores in the mall till she found the perfect little black dress. She paid for it and anxious home to get all the things she needed to get done completed so she would have plenty of time to get ready.

When she got home she hung up her new dress on the back of the closet. She dropped her flip-flops into the bottom of her closet then stripped out of her jeans and t-shirt, tossing them into the dirty clothes hamper. She slipped her small feet into her 4 inch red heels and buckles the strap around her ankle. Walking over to her dresser she picks up the bright red leather collar He had bought her to wear when she was home alone and slips it Around her neck securing it before she went about her chores. Even though they didn’t live together He required her apartment always be kept in the order He would expect her to keep His house in if they lived together. After finishing the last of her chores she wipes a straight curl from her eyes and sights saved she has time to take a relaxing bath before tonight.

Wandering into the bathroom she reaches into the tub and puts the stopper in the bottom before turning the water on. She pours some bubble bath into the tub as it begins to fill withWarm water. As the tub finishes filling up she leans over unbuckling her shoes and slipping them off and pushing them to the side, then she reaches up and undoes the collar and places it on the countertop. Turning to turn off the water she catches her reflection in the large mirror on the wall, staring for a moment as she trails her nails over the bruises on her ass. She loses herself in thought for a moment about the night before when she received the marks, lovingly recalling every lash from His crop. Stepping into the tub she sinks slowly into the warmth of the water letting the jasmine cented bubbles engulf her. Relaxing she let’s her mind wander to thoughts of Him.

As the water grows cold she is brought back to reality and sits up grabbing her razor and shaving cream. Resting one leg on the edge of the tub she smoothes the cream over her toned leg, then drags her razor across the skin being careful not to cut herself and being just as careful not to miss a spot. She repeatsthe same treatment on the other leg then her armpits. Rising out of the water the bubbles drip down her body and back into the tub as she sits on the edge, sliding her thighs apart as she smoothes a liberal amount of shaving cream over her pussy lips. She carefully moves the razor over the sensitive skin removing every trace of hair. Rinsing her razor she unplugs the tub and turns on the shower letting the warm water beat down on her body rinsing the last traces of bubbles from her flesh. She washes her hair quickly with jasmine scented shampoo and conditioner then shuts off the shower and steps out of it. Water dripping to the floor from both her hair and body, she picks up a large fluffy towel and wraps herself in it. She plugs in her hair iron and grabs a clip, she walks back to her room pinning her hair back in the clip as she goes.

Grabbing a bottle of lotion from her dresser she tosses it onto the middle of her bed and proceeds to dry herself off. Once dry she settles onto her bed and pours some lotion into her hands then works it into every inch of her skin, making it soft to the touch. She stands and wraps herself in her silk robe and goes back to the bathroom to dry her hair. When her hair was dry she grabbed the hair iron and went to work making her naturally curly hair straight. Finally satisfied it’s straight and has no frizz in it she tucks it behind her ears then she puts on her makeup. Not a lot Because she knows He doesn’t like a lot of makeup on her. As she applies her favorite silver eye shadow to her lids she begins to guess at what He may have planned for the night. Snapping back into reality she glances at the clock and realizes she is down to 30 minutes to finish getting ready. Quickly she finishes her makeup and dashes back to her room to get dressed.

She slides her new stockings onto her legs, turning to check in the mirror that the black line tracing up the back of her nude stockings is even, before adjusting the black lace that lined their top. Satisfied she slips her feet into the shoes he bought her, a pair of 5-inch spike heel pumps. A soft giggle escapes her lips as she thinks about how even in these shoes which would make most women cross into the tall category she is still what most would consider tiny. She reaches for her new dress and slides it off the hanger, admiring it for a second before slipping it over her head and working it down over her curves. She loved how it fit her like a second skin, she knew that He would too and that’s what really mattered. The dress was black lace with a nude colored slip underneath it, falling to her mid thighs just barely covering the black lace that topped her stockings. The top half was a v-neck, which plugged down revealing the tops of her ivory breasts. Crossing to her jewelry box she pulls out a pair of simple silver hoops and slips them into her ears.

Her nails trace lightly over her exposed collar bone and neck, she knew the dress needed a necklace and it drove her crazy to not wear one which she felt made the outfit incomplete. But He had forbidden her to wear anything about her neck since she had moved there because as He said the only thing that belonged about her neck was His collar. Which to date He had not seen fit to ask her to wear, singing softly she banished those thoughts from her mind knowing eventually He would ask her. Finally ready she goes out to the living room and sits on the edge of the couch to wait. Then the doorbell rings her breath catches in her throat as she moves to open the door. He smiles obviously at the obvious work she put into looking good for this night.

“You look wonderful My pet,” He said, “I do hope You are ready for what this night has in store for You.” She nodded slightly and with that He took her by the arm and guided her out the door and to His car. Once He had her seated in it He slipped a blindfold over her eyes plunging her world into darkness. She was lost in thought as they drove off into what would be the most memorable night of her life.


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