This is my second submission to the site. I encourage everyone to leave comments and vote.
For Bella — A Proper Slut
Special Delivery: Bella loses control.
Annabella was just arrived back to school after her winter break. She’d been home visiting family in Arizona. She loved her family, and it had been nice seeing everyone together. Moving away for college had been a very difficult transition for her. Bella, as her friends called her, was a good girl — honest, caring and considerate. Now that she was on her own, she found it unnerving taking control of her own life. She had always done as she was told as a child, and she felt better when someone was telling her what she should and shouldn’t do. Although being shy and socially awkward, Bella was determined to do well in school and make her parents proud. She needed their approval. In a way, she always needed someone’s approval to feel better about herself.
Bella climbed the stairs to the second floor of her apartment building and earned the squeaky metal door open while she pushed her suitcase into the hall. “Why did I pack so much stuff?” She thought to herself as she wrestled with her luggage sumbling down towards her apartment. She fumbled through her pursuit pulling out her keys, and finally managed to get through the door. She noticed a small package next the entrance. She kicked it inside with her foot before the door closed behind her.
Bella pushed her suitcase into her bedroom, and then fell back on her bed exhausted from the drive and the vacation. Her room was still very much that of a high school girl’s room. Posters pasted on the walls, a four poster bed with a pink ruffled comforter, and the errant stuffed animals of horses scattered about. She showed heavily before closing her eyes for a quick nap.
She had stopped off for two days on her way back to school to visit a guy friend. She had known him a long time, and the last time they saw each other she had slept with him. Bella cared deeply for this boy, and had hoped that things would pick up right where they left off. She was twenty years old, and had only slept with two people. Neither experience was very satisfied to her, but she noted that neither one was dissatisfying either. Perhaps it was her fault she often thought. Maybe she didn’t know what she was doing. Either way she couldn’t help but notice the constant urges for sexual satisfaction that boiled inside her.
Unfortunately, her time with Daniel did not go as planned. Bella tried her best to present herself as sexy as possible. She had leaned into him while they watched television applying the adequate amount of touching to hint at her sexual needs. She wanted him to take the lead. She wanted him to show her how to please him better. Daniel had not seemed interested. Bella wore a low cut shirt displaying a very general amount of cleavage to spark his interest, but he had hardly noticed her large full breasts partialy exposed for his approval. By the end of the second day, Bella found herself letting her hand wanderer as they cuddled on the couch. She could feel his cock beneath the fabric of his corduroy pants. She glanced at him for his acknowledgment to proceed. She wanted to see some recognition that she should continue. Daniel looked back at her, and although he didn’t say anything, she took the twitching in his pants to be an answer.
Mustering her courage, Bella slinked down to the floor and nervously fidgeted with his zipper before pulling out his cock. He wasn’t impressively large at all, but he was thick and she remembered the feeling of fullness as her pussy had stretched around it the last time they were together. She took his cock into her mouth and did her best to provide him with her oral skills. If she did this right, he’d demand to fuck Her she thought. If she could only get him so turned on that his animal instincts took over then she’d finally get what she so desperatelywanted. She was proud of herself. She incorporated all the tricks that she read about it. Sadly, Bella’s sucking did a bit too much for Daniel. With a satisfying grunt he emptied his balls into her mouth and yawned loudly as he sank back into the couch.
Bella was disappointed to say the least. She still knelt between his legs with a mouthful of his cum and a pussy that yearned for satisfaction. She had gotten no attention at all, although she did enjoy the taste of him. It made her feel naughty, but feeling naughty only made her crave a release even more. She quietly picked herself up and retired to the bathroom. She used her vibrator to get herself off, and then packed her bags so she could leave in the morning. As far as she was concerned the visit was a waste.
She had replayed the events in her head on the long drive back to school. “What did I do wrong?” She wondered. She didn’t think she was unattractive, yet he didn’t seem all that interested in her either. She hadOnly wanted to get fucked. The longer she had gone without sexual attention the more she wanted someone to take her. She fantasized about being used by someone that knew exactly what he wanted. Although, she was terribly inexperienced and didn’t have the self confidence to flirt openly with men, she still had these particularly naughty thoughts that she played out in the privacy of her bedroom.
After a brief nap, Bella woke and began to unpack her bags. She had put her clothes away along with her makeup and bathroom products. She stuffed her comically large suitcase back into her tiny closet. Finally she started setting out some clothes for the next day. School was back in session, and she would soon be busy with her studies.
Bella made her way back into the kitchen satisfied that everything was in order for the new semester. She fixed herself a snack, and sat at the small table in the kitchenette. It was then that she noticed the package sitting in the middle of her floor.She had almost forgotten about kicking in the door when she arrived home. She walked over and retrieved it before sitting back down to finish her snack. The package sat in front of her on the table. The more she stared at it, the more it seemed strange to her. It had her name written neatly across the brown paper packaging, but there was no address, no return address and no postage at all.
She reached into a kitchen drawer and retrieved a small knife carefully slicing the seams of the package. Once she opened it, she was even more confused, if not a bit shocked. She reached inside and pulled out the contents — one black satin blindfold and a small hand written note. She opened the note and began to read.
“Bella, put this on each night before you go to sleep, and make yourself cum.”
Well this just didn’t seem right she thought. Maybe someone was playing a practical joke on her. Who could be so lewd? She picked up the blindfold and felt the fabric between her fingersthinking about her failed attempt to get satisfaction with Daniel. She had already planned on masturbating before bed, what would be the harm in doing it with a blindfold on she thought. She brushed off the thought again trying desperately to figure out who might have sent this. Truth be told, Bella didn’t have a ton of friends at school. She certainly hadn’t met any men that might have gotten the wrong impression from her. If someone thought she’d follow this instruction then they must have thought she was downright slutty. ‘I’m not slutty,’ She thought to herself. But even she could recognize the familiar feelings building up inside her. Even she knew that despite her denials this had turned her on.
Later that night, Bella crawled into bed. She pulled her t-shirt off and slipped out of her panties and settled her petite, olive skinned body against the soft comfortableter. Her black hair fall across the pillows, and she spread her legs wide as her beautiful hazel eyes closed lightly.Her hands moved slowly down her body towards her neglected pussy. She touched herself lightly before opening her eyes and glancing at the blindfold resting neighborly next to the lamp on the nightstand. She bit her lower lip in contemplation and then reached out and grabbed it. She pulled the thin elastic strap around her head and positioned it in place over her eyes. It worked well. She couldn’t see a thing, and after a moment she let her hand travel back down to resume its work on her pussy. A few minutes, Bella erupted in a powerful climax that she was sure the neighbors might have heard. She relaxed in her afterglow with a wide smile stretched across her full lips. That had been more satisfied than most of her manual climaxes. For the first time she hadn’t thought about Daniel’s cock, but rather, she had thought about a stranger. In particular she thought about the stranger that sent her this blindfold.
Bella had fallen wait with the blindfold still in place. She woke to the chirping of her alarm. She reached up her tired arm searching blindly for the alarm on the nightstand before finally shutting it off. She sat up, stretched, and removed the blindfold that still covered her eyes. She held it again and stared at it. The same smile crept back across her face. She set it neatly next to her alarm, and got up to shower and start the day.
Bella struggled to concentrate on her new course schedule. She was trying to find the new classrooms on the expanding campus, but she was distracted. Every time she passed a man she wondered if that could be the guy that left her mysterious package. Her usually very normal libido had kicked into overdrive, and her pussy was beginning her for more attention. It was during her third class that day when she found herself drifting off. When the professor asked her a question, she snapped out of her daydream only to realize she was rocking on the end of her seat grinding her pussy on the hard plastic edge. She mumbled in an attempt to answer causing some milk embarrassment. It was then that she noticed a few guys in the row behind her staring in disbelief. Clearly they had noticed her gyrations.
After her last class, she rushed home to her apartment. Throwing the door open and discarding her clothes in a pile on the floor, she dove into her bed and drive her vibrator deep into her pussy. Once it was seated inside her, she reached over clutching the blindfold and placing carefully over her eyes. The blackness made her sight in satisfaction. With a slight turn of the end of her toy, the vibrator came to life. Bella mad an audible groan as she began to work the toy in and out of her pussy. An hour later she had came down from the last of many powerful climaxes.
The second night of self satisfaction had actually done nothing to curb Bella’s growing sexual appetite. She found herself racing home every day to slip the blindfold on and touch her increasingly needy pussy. She varied the pleasure in ways,alternative between her vibrator, fingers and a small dildo. One thing became quite clear, though, none of her orgasms were as satisfied as when she wore that blindfold.
It had been a week, and Bella’s curiosity over who delivered the mysterious package had grown as much as her sexual desires. She had never been one to excessively masturbate, but lately she was sure she had set some type of record. She wondered how she could go on without knowing who had done this to her. She usually prided herself on her self control. She had never been one to obsess in life, and was always grateful for what she had without asking for more than she thought she deserved. Her increasing needs were scaring her a little. This was out of character for the shy girl, and the more she thought about how strange her behavior had become, the more her pussy ached for attention.
Bella had gotten through her last class of the day, and wearily made her way home to indulge in her own self satisfaction.She created the top of the stairs, pried open the metal door and entered into the drop hallway. She stopped abruptly noticing a small package sitting outside her door halfway down the hall. Her heart jumped. Bella rushed forward in anticipation picking up the package, and looking around to see if anyone had seen it. Perhaps she was looking for who might have dropped it off. She examined the name on the outside before tucking it under her arm and pushing inside her apartment.
She set the package on her bed. It was the same curious shape and size as the previous one. No addresses, no names, no postage… save the name ‘Bella’ handwritten across the top. She grabbed a knife, and opened the package carefully. She peeled the flaps of cardboard back to reveal its contents, and let out an audible gasp. Inside was a handwritten note and black leather bondage collar. She tore the note open and began reading it.
“Bella, wear this each night along with your blindfold and make yourselfcum. Leave the window curtains open for anyone that might be looking.”
This was absolute age to Bella. There was no name, no address, and no hint as to who might have sent this. It answered none of the questions that plagued her. In fact it made her need for answers so much worse. “Who’s doing this?” She groaned out loud. She wondered if this person realized the absolute pain and pleasure This was causing her. She wished that he would at least leave a clue to his identity. Something. Anything.
She pulled the collar out examining it. She knew what it was. “Who would send a bond collar?” She whispered to herself. “Clearly someone thinks I’m a slut.” Bella was having trouble admitting that she just might be a lot sluttier than she ever thought. She put the collar on wrapping it tightly around her neck and claping it shut. She walked over toward the mirror that hung above her dresser. She smiled slyly. She did like the way she looked in it, and she looked naughty. She admired it for another moment before thinking that perhaps it was the way it felt that she liked. The thick leather band wrapped so snuggly around her neck. It was just a bit constricting. Yes, she thought. It’s the feel of it she liked most, and she certainly felt slutty.
Bella walked over toward the window opening the curtains allowing a view of her room. She climbed into her bed and shed her clothes. Reaching over to the nightstand, she grabbed blindfold and slide it into place before digging her fingers deep inside her gushing cunt. She worked her pussy over and over thinking only of this man. “Who are you?” She thought. “What will you make me do next?” And then her orgasm rocked her petite frame sending her into blissful slumber.
Things were spirally out of control for Bella. She was normally a Well put together girl. She was studious, well adjusted and responsible. The adventure of a second package had driven her into an absolute frenzy. She found herself making lists of people that she suspected might have sent these items. She designed scenarios where someone might be trying to prank her or embarrass her. She eyed everyone suspiciously when they spoke to her. This carefree girl had boiled her life down to two observations getting herself off and discovering the identity of the mystery man. She even began to wonder if this ‘he’ might be a ‘she’. Could a woman be behind this plan to drive her into a sexual black hole? Bella even began carrying a spare set of panties in her bag in case her daydreams created any noticeable secretions — which had happened twice in the last few days already.
The thing that Bella couldn’t understand was that this was exactly what she needed. It’s what she had always wanted. She was being told what to do, and her need for approval made her follow each command. It was different than her childhood though. She wasn’t being told to do her homework or clean her room. These commands came with such intense sensings, which by themselves were slightly addicting.
It had been two weeks now and Bella was no closer to finding any answers than she was the day this all began. She walked back from the library briskly when it had occurred to her that the second package arrived exactly one week after the first. Once again she paid open the heavy metal door in the staircase and stood quietly looking at a small package sitting outside her door. She beamed at the sight of it. Finally, she hoped to get a hint or clue to the identity of her man.
Bella sat on her bed again with the new box in front of her and knife in hand. It was like déjà vu. She broke the seams, opened the box, and withdraw the contents. This time she found a black garter belt, black thigh high stockings, two nylon straps and a hand written note. She peeled open the note and began to read.
“Bella, wear the garter belt and stockings each night along with your collar and blindfold. Attach the nylon straps to the bed frame at the foot ofYour bed and bind your ankles so your legs are kept wide open. Cum five times each night. You’re being a very good slut so far.”
She gasped aloud. It was true; he did think she was a slut. Bella sat there staring at the new items, and tried to understand the last couple weeks. Maybe she was a slut. She was surely unable to resist her need to comply with this stranger’s commands. She needed it. She felt alive for the first time. She was good at following instructions. She thought about the wording. He was pleased with her, and that made her want to please him more. She could look past the fact he thought of her as slut, as long as she compiled with his requests and earned his approval.
She quickly got up and tried on the garter and stockings. Whoever had sent these items had gotten her size perfectly. She Completed her ensemble with her black collar. She looked at herself again in the mirror. She bit her lower lip lightly as she admired herself. Her trim stomach and olive skin tone looked so good against the black collar, stockings and garter. Her breasts were so large, and hung so strictly. Each breast capped with a dark nipple. She thought she looked incredibly sexy. She shouldn’t have trouble getting a man. In fact, if it weren’t for her good girl personality and slightly awkward social skills she probably would have had many men by now. She smiled at thought. “I could be a slut.” She said to her reflection. “I could be a proper slut if I wanted.”
Saying it out loud sent a tingle down to her pussy. She needed to cum. Bella turned around and grabbed the nylon straps quickly attaching them to the feet of her four poster bed. She climbed onto her comfortable pushing aside her stuffed animals, and began to attach the straps to each foot pulling them tight. Once they were in place, she slid the blindfold down over her eyes and laid back to begin her evening ritual. It feel particularly naughty tonight. She tugged each ankle feeling the strength of the restraints. She felt so exposed and so vulnerable. The feel of the nylon on her skin brought her new sensings she didn’t even know existed. She dug her vibrator deep inside herself and used her middle finger on her clip. She came quickly. She almost always came quickly lately. Tonight she couldn’t stop herself though. Her need was insatiable, and each orgasm only made her want another. She was coming down off her tenth climax when she finally drifted off.
Surprisingly, Bella still managed to complete her school work, which seemed like a miracle to her at this point. She had become adept at giving herself small orgasms during class, or larger ones in the bathroom stall between classes. Nonetheless, she did her work and then went home to masturbate. She wondered what people must have thought of her. She had become slightly more withdrawn lately, but overall she looked like any normal kid on campus. Certainly no one would expect that she makes herself cum between ten and thirtytimes a day depending on her workload.
Bella found that she enjoyed sleeping with the straws attached to her ankles and her collar and blindfold on. It had been another full week, and she spent the entire day thinking about her man. She wondered if he was at her apartment at that exact moment dropping off her next package. She had contemplated staying home, and catching him in the act. She needed her package. She needed the next item that was going to lead her down the path he set out for her. She wanted to play by his rules.
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