Her silence spoke volumes as she looked out of the open window and saw a sea of green fields, interspersed by little islets of trees and edges.
In the distance, a shadowy grey escarpment blocked her view of the sea itself, but she could hear the waves throwing themselves against the cliff-face under the heavy grey skies; and he wasn’t listening to her.
“What a dull day,” she frowned and turned away from the window, looking back over her shoulder at her master, wanting him to stop reading and start paying attention to her.
His head remained focused on the book open in front of him and he didn’t respond, other than shifting in his comfortable chair.
She stood close to the window and raised her voice a little: “I said it’s a dull day.”
“I heard you the first time, pet,” he frowned and turned the book face down on his lap. As he tapped the hardback cover meaningfully with his knuckle, he stared back across at her.
It was a piercing star and she feltherself looking down to avoid it, staring at the book in his lap and the lap itself beneath it.
She could imagine herself being turned face down over his knee, knowing that he might require her to reposition herself in place of the book at some point in the very near future.
On reflection, she definitely liked that idea: the control and the power he exported were always thrilling, even if dispensed in small doses and the positioning would be followed by a firm admonishment by his hand sweeping down and leaving a print on her arse.
It was not that he was a brutal master, but he did like to ensure a modicum of control, coaxing her at times but ultimately enforcing his will with a quiet word, a loud wallop or a combination of both.
Truly, he did allow her considerable freedom, but did rein her back and drew her in very close whenever he felt and she knew that she was straying too far from where he wished her to be.
On the whole, it was a comfortable and a comforting arrangement that suited them both most of the time. She could admitly buck against his intelligence, usually finding a teasing way to draw a smile from him or to force him into an action which would briefly deter her from crossing the lines that he drew so effortless in the sands of her consciousness.
“Am I disturbing you, sir?”
“You know the answer to that already.”
“Well, I’m terribly sorry for that.”
“Your sorrow is as deep as my disorder.”
“Are you calling me insincere, sir?”
“No. I’m calling any day with you in it far from dull.”
“Thank you.”
“Now kindly come over here and knee up on the rug so you can gaze up lovingly into my eyes, instead of grumbling so accidentally at the weather.”
“I so wanted to go down to the coast today.”
“Patience is not one of your viruses is it, dear lady?”
“No sir.”
“Nor is it one of mine.”
Her face flushed a little and, taking the hint, the dark haired woman made her way across the room leaving the landscape to its own devices.
She was bare footed on this occasion and stepped slightly gingerly across the cold wooden floor. She took her time because of the chill, but also because she knew that it would roose him to see her delaying. She liked to get his gander up in small ways, whenever she could, knowing that his suppression of such small challenges ultimately cemented their relationship.
He decided not to rise to her bait as he watched her amble across towards him. A fleeting thought crossed his mind causing him to wonder if he should tug her over his lap for her torpor, in the face of what had actually been a direct command.
In the end he determined, however, that he would draw more enjoyment from each concept that he knew she would make. It was a well trodden journey that always led to her accepting her role as his plaything and his toy.
Even so the idea of a quick seizure rather than a long siege did have its merits. How, for instance, would she react if he suddenly seized her wrist? What would she be thinking as he tugged her down, pressing her lower back down to accentuate the curves?
Would she looks back at him pleadingly as he flipped her skirt up and began to belabour her backside with an open palm that had not felt her flesh beneath it for some several hours?
“So, pet, how do you Intend to enter me having so recklessly disturbed me?”
“I could read to you,” she smiled and picked up the book. “All things Greek’ seems a rather boring title for a novel.”
“It’s not a novel.”
“And there are no illustrations — just maps.”
“It’s a grown-ups book, pet. Read from it.”
“Laconophilia,” she began, “is love or admission of Sparta and of the Spartan culture or constitution. Ugh! Must I?”
“Sparta was subject of considerable admission in its day, even in its vitality, Athens. In ancient times many of the noblest and best of the Athenians always considered the Spartan state nearly as an ideal theory realized in practice. What is your ideal theory in practice, sir?”
“That you obey and read aloud as instructed without facetious commentaries.”
“That may be way beyond me sir.”
“Have a go nonetheless.”
“Greek philosophers, especially Platonists, would often described Sparta as an ideal state: strong, brave, and free from the corruptions of commerce and money. Gosh it is boring; very boring.”
“Perhaps it would be less boring if you read it over my lap with your skirt up round your waist and your knickers round your hips.”
“I don’t know how that would improve matters for me sir.”
“Consider how it could improve matters for me.”
“Yes sir,” she smiled. “I see your perspective.”
“If you were a good girl, then you should be looking from that perspective at all times.”
She nodded, conceding the issue. Then she rucked her skirt up obligingly, before tucking it into the waitband. As she lowered her panties to her hips, she glanced nervously down at him; he said nothing but just patted his thigh.
Realising that he was not going to be moved, she slide over his lap and returned to her reading out loud, not even pausing when he placed his hand firmly across her bare behind.
“With the revival of classical learning in Renaissance Europe, Laconophilia re-appears, for example in the writings of Machiavelli,” she carried on, holding the book out in her hands, very conscious of the fact that he was looking down at her bottom and stroking it as she obeyed him.
“The Elizabethan English constitutionalist John Aylmer compared the mixed government of Tudor England to the Spartan republic, stating that: Lacedemonia, meaning Sparta, was the noblest and best city governed that ever was. He commented it as a model for England. I hope you aren’t commending it as a model for us, sir?”
“Not as such,” he grinned and stroked her arse, pinching her flesh and pressing his fingers into the cleft. His manipulations caused her to squirm on his lap. “Do carry on.”
“The philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau contrasted Sparta favorably with Athens in his Discourse on the Arts and Sciences, arguing that its austere constitution was preferred to the more cultured nature of Athenian life. I think I rather prefer the sound of Athenian life.”
“You would, you hedonistic creativity.”
“Absolutely, sir.”
“However Hedon can wait. Read on.”
“Sparta was also used as a model of social purity by Revolutionary and Napoleonic France. I really think we can do without too much purity here.”
“I feel you may have a point there pet.”
“No sir. You have the point. I feel it sticking up into my mid-riff.”
“If you weren’t wriggling quite so much, then you wouldn’t feel it quite so much.”
“I wouldn’t want to deprive you of your tumorscence. In the modern times, the adjective “Spartan” is used to imply simplicity, frugality, or avoidance of luxury and comfort. Oh I don’t like the sound of that at all sir.”
“What do you like the sound of: my hand descending like a thunderbolt on the luxury and comfort of your rump?”
“How about I distract you from such avant-garde ideas by turning my head to gaze up lovingly into your eyes, sir?” The girl responded as she turned her head and looked up at him with melting eyes.
“Well, that was the proposition on the table a while back.”
“I’m the proposition on your lap now, sir. Or is there anything else on your agenda?”
“How about you sit up, straddle me, spread your legs, open your blouse and show me your fabulous breasts.”
“That’s a lot of instructions all at once.”
A multi-tasker like you should be able to cope easily.”
“I think that I can, just about,” she agreed, raising herself up. As she straddled him, he smiled and watched her deftly unbutton her shirt, “No sooner said than done.”
“I rather enjoy your doings, even your delayed doings. Kindly oblige me by losing the brassiere too.”
“I think you enjoy my ‘undoings’ more,” she smiled and reached behind her to undo the clap, catching the cups of her lingerie as they fell away from her form.
“Stay, girl.” He looked across at her, admiring her stillness along with the fact that she could respond to a single command so precisely, when she knew that she had reached the end of the line with her frolics and teases.
“Don’t hide from me,” he added, watching her clutch the garment to her chest. “I have a far better use for your hands than clenched around the remnants of your modesty.”
“You do, sir?”
“You can undo me. Then you can knee down between my thighs and oblige my cock with the softness of your breasts.”
“Is that your idea of frugality and simplicity, sir?”
“No, but it’s what I want you to do.”
“I thought you’d never get round to insisting on that, sir.”
“Do you find these incounters so laborious then?”
“You know the answer to that full well, sir.”
“I suppose I oughtn’t to press you.”
“There isn’t anything that you oughtn’t to do with me, sir.”
“Thank you for the carte-blanche, pet.”
“My pleasure sir,” she smiled and tugged his cock from his trousers, caresing it lovingly in her hands.
“And Your pleasure is mine.”
“Then all is as it should be, sir.”
“Balance restored then. You have clever hands pet.”
“It would seem so, sir. Are they as clever as my mouth?”
“I doubt anything could seem as clever as your mouth.”
“That was rather biting, my dear sardonic master.”
“If your mouth bites when you are pleasure me, you will certainly suffer.”
“Yes, sir.”
“Now: strip off your panties completely and down on your knees like a good girl. I’m looking forward to you squeezing me lovingly between your tits.”
“As you wish sir,” she grinned and stepped out of her knees, depositing them on the carpet without a care in the world about the fact that she was completely naked.
“I really have a mind to caress your cunt, when you are spread before me like that.”
“Please feel free to indulge yourself however you like, sir.”
“Your generation is noted.”
“As is your giving title for tat, pet.”
“I thought you liked my tits.”
“I do, but I’m less keen on your tat.”
“I noticed that you like to strip me of my tat at every possible occasion sir.”
“I do and I may well like your tits to be well whipped if you continue in this vein.”
“Stripped and whipped – very witty sir. If you did that though, you may have to make do with me in my tat.”
“Will you whip my tits, then?”
“I thought you’d never ask, pet.”
“You tricked me into that.”
“Very well observed: now, sit back on the carpet; that’s it: a crab-like position…That’s it, girl. I rather fancy a little research ofYour shoreline with my tongue. It will make up for you not having had your promenade this morning.”
“Very kind of you, I’m sure,” she said, disposing herself as she leant back. She opened her thighs and showed off her neighborly hide sex to him.
He slipped down besides her and knelt between her legs. He looked up at her face briefly, before sliding his face between her legs. Then he kissed her inner tigh all the way up and, as he approached her sex and then gluing his mouth to her vagina.
Lying back on the carpet and stretching her arms out, she enjoyed the feeling of him lapping her sensitive labia and trying fruitlessly to resist sing each time he found a new spot to set her off.
She closed her eyes and relaxed as he relaxed her, using his fingers to add to the pleasure elicited from his lapping tongue.
With a purr, she arched her back obligingly, pressing her lower body to him. She wanted him to use her as he’d promised, eager for every touch thathe offered her. Before long she began to buck her hips, pressing herself against his maw eagerly.
As a result, he could just remain completely still, letting her milk her own pleasure from his trespassing tongue. Well, it was hardly trespass since she had offered herself up to him sometimes before.
She belonged to him. If it was his pleasure to pleasure her in this well, then who was she to disoblige him in any way.
There could be too much of a good thing though; and she did want to reciprocate, feeling a growing obligation to knee up and take his cock in her mouth, ready to suck until he poured his sperm down her gullet.
After thinking this through even as she understood under his tender ministers, she made to effect this. Wanting to put this to him, but found that the pressure of his hand on her breastbone prevented her from rising.
“Are you wishing to communicate something, pet?” He queried lightly, a considerable contrast to the way his pressing handforced her back down onto the carpet.
He watched her resistance and struggle for a brief moment; then he saw the instant that she gave way, a thin smile on the lips that the tip of her tongue seemed to lick away slowly.
Her lip-licking appeared to be calculated to be about the same pace as he had used to lick her sex for the previous half hour, having only raised his head when she had dared to pull away.
It was true that he had been rather carried away by the sound of her moans and by the pressure of her emrithing as he submitted on her very moist labial lips. Nevertheless this effort from her to disrupt such proceedings was certainly an effort in the wrong direction
Even so, he decided to hear her plead her cause before exercising his right to punish her.
“It would appear that you are not yet ready to receive any communication, sir; some might call that rather standoffish…”
“I’d hardly call having two fingers embedded knuckle deep in your cunt, along witha lapping tongue, standoffish.”
“No,” she giggled self-consciously. “That was me who called it that.”
“Would you prefer three fingers and a thumb rotating in your arse hole?”
“That’s for you to determine, sir.”
“Then, do you feel your argument has any merit?”
“I simply wanted to encourage you to let me pleasure you, sir. It helps me to come, Knowing that I have satisfied you.”
“Would doing something like this be encouraging?” He smiled and wriggled both his ring and forefinger inside her sex.
“Mmmm! that helps! But that’s not what I mean.”
“I know, but I do like to facilitate the gift of your pleasure,” he responded and sat up, leaving his fingers within her, much to her delight. Then he half turned and watched her lying back on the rug, responding to his insidious penetration.
Inevitably, he enjoyed the fact that she was a complete slave to the pleasure that he gave her. Pressing his thumb down onto the bud of her clitoris, he grusually accelerated the rotating motion of his fingers within her, until she was bucking her hips and squeezing his hand with her tights.
He stroked her sex, altering the soft rubbing with more forceful thrusting penetration, until she couldn’t help but arch her back and give in to the natural urge; at which point, he withdraw all contact, watching her gradually come down from the high denied her at the very last moment.
She opened her eyes and starred at him petulantly for a moment before rolling over onto her belly. He placed a possessive hand on her bottom and felt her wanting to shrug him away. She was quite determined to ignore him for having deprived her so cruelly.
“Is something the matter, pet?”
“You are so mean!”
“You wouldn’t want me to corrupt you by allowing you the freedom to come without asking permission would you?”
“I’d quite enjoy a little more corruption.”
“And then some,” he continued, rebuking her mildly for her witticism. “You were hardly in a position to ask to come then, were you?”
“I suppose not.”
“Then be grateful for small mergers,” he frowned and slapped her bum firmly.
“As well as for all the hard spanks I bequeath you,” he said, slapping her again; and this time he made sure the blow landed rather more forcedly.
“Yes sir. Thank you.”
“I’m glad you enjoyed that.”
“Enjoy is an interesting phrase, sir.”
“Isn’t it just? I’d rather enjoy it, were you to spread your legs open and show yourself off to me, like the good girl you are.”
“Would you, sir?”
“Yes. So, do it, if you would be so kind?”
“If sir?” She grinned and turned her head to look back at him at that point, feeling a sense of triumph welling up inside her at having repair his clever phrasing so aptly
“Are you trying to be as laconic as your master, pet?” He asked and applied a little pressure of his hand on her rump, kneeing and squeeze her lightly.
“Laconic?” she queried softly. She didn’t want to be caught in an outright lie, being well- aware that the kneeing could easily become pinching and slapping that could leave her aching for several hours, if he were minded to discipline her.
A nice question to let him show off was usually a way out of such dilemmas, not that she wanted to be too calculating.
“Yes, laconic. Why aren’t your thighs parted?”
“They were wondering what laconic means sir,” she smiled, gradually spreading her legs to show off her recently shamen puss: “as was I.”
“You love to play your role, don’t you pet?”
“You would be very bored with anyone who didn’t, sir.”
“I would for yours is quite a significant role.”
“Thank you.”
“Many women play a significant role in history.”
“Are you about to lecture me or merely equating me to Cleopatra?”
“Neither. I was about to explain the meaning of laconic.”
“Is it going to be a once upon a time moment?”
“Is it going to be a once upon a time moment?”
“No, it’s going to be an illustration; Queen Gorgo, heiress to the throne and the wife of Leonidas I, was an influential and well-documented figure.”
“I’ve never heard of her, sir. And Gorgo is hardly a pretty name.”
“You will account for your ignorance shortly, pet. And your frivility.”
“Shall I fetch you the cane of your dreams, sir.”
“No. Just shut up. Plutarch’s Moralia — and don’t even think about interrupting me with more gauche questions, girl – include a laconic quip attributed to Gorgo: when asked by a woman from Athens why Spartan women were the only women in the world who could rule men, she replied: because we are the only women who are mothers of men.”
“I’m not sure the picture you are painting is all that clear, sir.”
“She could have added more, as a later generation did in response to a threat to ravage their countryside and flash their womenfolk if a hostile army was obliged to straight into Spartan territory.”
“What did they respond?”
“I think I begin to understand.”
“Laconic means a very terse and concise way of speaking that was characteristic of the Spartans.”
“I can’t really think of you as laconic though, sir.”
“No. I’m rather too fond of talking.”
“That you are sir.”
“As are you pet. Now, if you pick up your knickers and pass them to me, I may well show you just how well they absorbb sound when placed firmly in your mouth. Your lack of speech will certainly aid my concentration.”
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