Spankings Ch. 06

Saturday night has become our weekly get-together night with a pair of other couples we know. Lauren and I are board game aficionados, so it’s an excuse to crack open new games, revisit old ones, or just socialize for the evening. Since we have the biggest house, we’ve been hosting the gatherings for a few months. We have a little conversation, a little drinking, some good-natured fun; all in all, it’s a relatively sedate time.

There’s also a bit of history with this group as well. Whenever the six of us get together with our larger group of friends, alcohol flows freely and inhibitions drop quite a bit. Drunken games of Truth or Dare have led to seeing each other in various states of undress, people bumping into each other “accidentally”, things like that. At one party, the six of us ended up sharing a large room as crash space and in the dark the soft, wet sounds of sex were clearly evident from each of the couples. We’re hardly swingers, but we’re not prudes either. That said, our group of friends aren’t aware of the kind of relationship Lauren and I developed. No one is, really. The kinds of games Lauren and I play, being a newly adopted lifestyle for us, aren’t exactly public knowledge. Moreover, our playing (as with our relationship) had started getting more serious as we explored each other.

The night was fairly calm, with light banter interspersed with the occasional involved conversation. For the first time in a long time, we decided to play different card games that evening. As the evening wore on, we settled upon hearts for its ease of play with six people in various states of inebriation. As hosts, either Lauren or I choose to be sober for the evening; tonight was my night and Lauren was downing girly beers (wine coolers and the like) pretty quickly. After a few games, it was clear Lauren was losing interest in the evening and had other things in mind. The white scarf I had asked her to wear tonight only heightened her anticipation throughout the evening, as she knew it both signed she was mine in public and that she was in for special treatment later. Lauren had also been drinking enough that her intentions for the evening were becoming transparent. It’s not just her libido that was showing, but her desire for more private games as well.

Later in the evening, the six of us ended up playing hearts. Lauren clearly wasn’t interested, but was playing the good hostess, being chatty and entertaining. After the first game, Lauren tried hinting that she was really “tired” and wanted to head to bed. I asked that she stay out with us for another game, as I knew our guests weren’t quite ready to leave and I wasn’t going to be rude and kick them out. I asked Lauren to stick around for another hand, which she did reluctantly.

“Good girls don’t pout, do they?” I grinned as I said this apparent joke, but Lauren knew what I was referring to. She just said that she must be a bad girl who needs a spanking instead of a card game. We shared an intense look as we laughed along with the others at the table.

During the first hand, it was obvious on the last card played that Lauren didn’t follow suit. She’d been drinking, but knew the game well enough not to do that. I was the first to call her on it, but she just shrugged it off and apologized. The same thing happened on the next hand, as well.

“I guess I’m not paying attention too well, am I, Tom?” Lauren just grinned as I shot her a look. Lauren knew better than to play like this; the first time, I thought it was just carelessness, but it was apparent she was just trying to get under my skin.

I just said calmly, “Just make sure you’re playing what’s in your hand, OK, hon?”

“Or you’ll what?” Lauren gave me an evil grin, prompting a lighthearted chorus of Oooohhs. “Are you gonna spank me?” A few giggles could be heard around the table.

I looked at her sternly, if only for a moment. Lauren was tipsy enough that she was trying tosee how far I would take things, especially around people we knew. I had teased Lauren about taking her training more overtly into public before, but hadn’t gone that far in part because I wasn’t sure I wanted to show that much of my private life.

I started to deal the next hand. “If you keep this up, I will.” My voice stayed even, but I gave Lauren a smile filled with ambiguity. Being tipsy, she wasn’t sure what to make of my comment and gave a slightly confused look. Even more amusing was the silence that fell over the table as our guests weren’t sure what to make of my comment either.

On the second play, Lauren dropped the queen of spades. When the next round of cards were played, the same suit as the first round, she followed suit. I throw my cards on the table.

“Lauren, you know better. I’ve asked you to play, to follow the rules, and you’re just being a pain in the ass.”

Lauren rose slowly, a bit woozy from the alcohol. “Well, you knew that I had other things on my mind…and that the pain I wanted was on my ass, so I guess you’re half-right.”

Looks were being shot again around the table and I had a quick decision to make: do I cover for this and usher Lauren to bed quickly or take this to its natural conclusion? Lauren stumbled slightly as she turned to go to the bedroom.

“Stop. Turn around this instant.”

Lauren knew this tone of voice, even in her inebriated state. I got a haughty look as she faced me, breasts heaving from her breathing.

“If this is what you want, then you’re getting it.” I looked at the group of people sitting at the table. “Let’s head into the living room. Lauren, I want you to get the wooden table tennis paddle from the box in the kitchen. You also need to head to the bedroom, get your newest toy, and take off the white scarf.”

Just as Lauren was showing disappointment, I added, “Put the red scarf on before you come back.” Her eyes just widened, but she nodded and went to complete hertask.

From there, I have to admit I was a little surprised. Our friends looked at each other for a moment, but headed into the living room to the sectional sofa without question. I suppose the comments we had made throughout the night took some of the suspension from this moment. Jan sat on one end, Gary (her beau) next to her, then Julie, then Derrick on the other end. Meanwhile, Lauren was coming back into the room in a bit of a daze, paddle and toy in her hands, red scarf around her neck. I scooted the loveseat away from the wall and placed it so it was facing the group.


Lauren just looked at me with eyes like saucers. “Place the paddle and toy on the chair, take off your clothes except for the scarf, putting them off to the side of the room, then stand there until you’re told what to do next. I’m explaining This in more detail because I’m assuming that’s the only reason you haven’t followed instructions already.”

And so she stripped, slowly peeling her clothes off, desperately sensitive. After stepping out of her panties, Lauren took the pile of clothes to the side of the room and sat on the loveseat, putting the paddle and vibrator in her lap.

“I didn’t tell you to sit, Lauren.” She stood with a jerk, face flushed. “You’ve really lost your composition tonight; it looks like I need to install that back in you.”

I looked to our friends, shifting slightly on the sofa, more from arousal and anticipation than anything else. “You have to understand that Lauren’s normally a very good girl. It’s just sometimes she needs more discipline than others. Tonight is going to be another part of her training and you get to watch how much of a good girl she can be.” I paused for a moment. “Turn around slowly for our guests, pet.”

I sat down in the middle of the loveseat as she finished displaying herself and indicated that she needed to assume her training position. She was on her elbows and knees on the loveseat, nipples barely grazing the fabric, head up, perfectly round ass high in the air. I scratched each chef twice, revealing in the sound. I just rubbed Lauren’s ass for a short while instead of continuing the spanking. In her impatience, she started to wiggle her ass slightly; I could let that go. It was her insistent whimpering for more in front of our guests that wasn’t acceptable right now.

“Lauren, why are you wearing the red scarf?”

After a few seconds of silence, Lauren received three quick smacks on each cheek, much harder than her usual “play” smacks. I received no response afterward and leveled three more smacks on each cheek, leaving the skin red with my handprints. More silence followed, along with three more hard smacks on each cheek. However, her hazardous and impatience had been replaced by perfect posture, straining to maintain stillness. I glanced up to see four sets of hands roaming all over each other. Everyone was letting their hands run free, eyes glued to Lauren and her demuresexiness.

“Sir?” Lauren’s voice was a whisper. “Sir, I’m wearing the red scarf because it’s my training scarf. It’s the one I wear when I have a lesson to learn or revisit for the evening.”

I looked at her and smiled. On the couch, clothes were all half-undone, the foursome jerking off either themselves, each other, or both. The sounds were soft, slow, wet, and unmistakable. Lauren’s ass was hot from the spanking she had received, but her arousal was even greater. I dipped a pair of fingers inside her for a moment, easily sliding in and feeling her grip me. As I pulled my glistening fingers from between her legs, our guests made an audible gasp as I smelled Lauren’s arousal over her bright red cheeses.

“And what’s your lesson for tonight, precise?” I slide two fingers inside her again, thumb rubbing firmly against her clip.

Lauren gasped, but hoarsely whispered, “I need to learn control.”

I scratched her ass once, but hard enough to jolt her body forward.”What kind of control?”

“S-s-self…control.” Lauren’s arousal was freely flowing over my fingers by now and she was fighting through her erotic haze just to answer coherently.

“Very good, precise. And since you haven’t been good at controlling yourself tonight, I need to make sure that you remember how.”

Reaching next to us, I grabbed Lauren’s new favorite toy, a small g-spot vibrator. This seemed to make her climax in seconds, which had made it a wonderful tool in her training lately. I started moving it inside her, slowly massaging her, but not flipping on the vibrator. Not yet. This always led to a slower, more powerful build to her climax, and Lauren knew it. For the first few minutes, she held up very well. Lauren maintained her composure and at first was able to just enjoy the movement inside her. But it wasn’t long before she wanted to cum, keeping her eyes closed, concentrated as hard as she could on not letting go…which is about what I can say for our friends. I hadn’t been paying close attention, but if Jan and Julie hadn’t climaxed yet, they were both having a wonderful time. Gary was having fun, but it was obvious from the way Derrick kept moving Julie’s hand away as he stiffened that he was pretty far gone.

After giving Lauren’s ass this chance to recover, I grabbed the wooden paddlel. I used it lightly on her ass at first, Letting her get used to its sting while fucking her with her toy. Lauren’s hips started moving involuntarily, but she brought it under control quickly. I again smiled, enjoying the sight of our friends in their full bliss and Lauren at her submissive best. Then I started using the paddle with slow, forceful smacks, the vibrator still inside her. Lauren cried out once, but I didn’t punish her for it; she rewarded my leniency by successfully fighting to stay quiet.

“I want you to look at our friends and see the state you’ve caused them to be in.”

Lauren could barely open her eyes due to the excuseisite torture she was receiving, but she looked directly at the two couples wantonly playing with each other. This was too much for Derrick and he lost it, shooting all over his belly as Julie rubbed his cum into his skin and over his cock. By this point, everyone was playing with someone else; Gary was even getting jerked off by both Julie and Jan at the same time. I had kicked the loveseat out slightly so Lauren could keep her posture, but still see this out of the corner of her eye, serving to tease her even more. I continued spanking Lauren with the wooden paddle using steady, even strokes up and down her legs and as while working the g-spot toy inside her. Still, she was being good. This was her favorite toy and made her come quicker than anything else lately, but she was holding back her orgasm, not even asking for permission to cum.

Lauren had bitten her bottom lip so hard that she was almost ready to draw blood and her entire body quivered, barely holding back the torrent of her release. With all we had been through this evening, I was impressed with Lauren’s willpower.

Satisfied that my good girl was back, I simply whispered, “You’ve been a very good girl throughout all of this. You may cum if you wish.”

I turned the vibrator on as I continued to smack her ass with the paddle and slowly rocked her toy back and forth inside her. I was almost afraid This would be sensing overload for the poor girl as she bucked wildly on my lap, convulsing wildly, gushing, screaming in release from holding back her orgasm for so long. Lauren was in another world, all control, discipline, and inhibitions vanished; because she had been so good, it was a fitting reward. I looked up for a moment to see four pairs of eyes fixed on her, with Julie and Jan jerking off Gary to climax, with Gary and Derrick’s fingers noisily pleasing the girls.

Lauren was exhausted, but I kissed her softly on the cheek and told her that I was extremely proud of her. She reTried some towels for our guests so they could clean up a little bit, then slowly stumbled to the bedroom after bidding everyone farewell for the evening. I could tell things had gone further than anyone, including me, had thought they would. The feeling of eroticism lingered in the air, even through the slight nervousness and embarrassment at the realization of the evening’s events. Julie was the last out the door and turned as she said that she hoped Derrick was going to get his second wind when they got home or she was going to continue without him.

After everyone left, it was time for Lauren and me to have a discussion. I took her to the bedroom and had her knee, hands claped behind her lower back. I stood in front of her, speaking firmly and gently.

“Lauren, being submissive isn’t just about being bad and getting the kind of punishment you want.”

Her eyes continued to study the floor.

“You wanted to be punished in public tonight, didn’t you?”

Lauren gave a slight pause, hesitating before speaking. “Sort of. You took it a lot further than I expected. I was being played more than anything and wanting to get a smile on the ass in front of everyone, something like that. I was just trying…”

“You were just trying to get me to react a certain way for you, right?” I smiled softly, then took Lauren’s chin in my thumb and forefinger, raising her head so she could meet my eyes. She looked at me for a moment, nodded her head, and looked down again.

“Lauren, when you’re submissive, it’s about giving up control. Don’t get me wrong; I want to see you happy and I don’t want someone who’s passive. But when you’re clearly trying to be a brat to get a certain kind of reaction, that’s not always going to fly. Sometimes I’m willing to go along with the theatricality of it because I adore you, but other times you have to be reminded who’s in control. If you get the reaction you want every time, I’m not really the one in control, am I?”


“No, what?”


“Likewise, if I give you a kind of reaction because we both know you expect it after you behave a certain way, you’re not really being submissive, are you?”

“No, Sir.”

“Very good, precise.”

I lifted Lauren’s head again, smiled softly, extended my hand to her, and gently tapped Her on the arm. Lauren unclasped her hands, brought one hand to mine, and stood up as I indicated to her that she should. After a brief embrace I told her, “This is all a part of your training, Lauren. When you generally don’t understand something, I’m not going to be overly harsh. But realize that you’re always going to get a firm hand so you understand how this works. You always have my respect, but I always have your control.”


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