Spankings Ch. 02

A few days have passed since the purchase of the first ruler. Things have been busy for both of us and while our playing has been varied and still of the D/s variety, it’s been a little hectic and I haven’t been able to pay as much attention to you as either of us would like. That is, until Wednesday night that week.

As I mentioned, things have been hectic. The house has gotten a little messy, dishes have piled up a bit, things like that. It’s nothing that an hour of cleaning won’t take care of. Because you will get home earlier than I will on Wednesday night, you said that you would take care of those things and we would order out for supplier. When I get home, the living room is flawless, picked up and clean. However, dirty dishes are still piled up in the sink. You’re sitting on the couch, reading a book, lounging around in your work clothes (jeans, low-cut sweater, clogs).

“I thought you were going to take care of dishes tonight, too.”

You just look at me and shrug. “I didn’t get to them. Didn’t feel like it. Besides, we’re ordering out, anyway. I ordered a pizza when you pulled in the driveway.” Your nose goes back into the book.

I raise an eyebrow. “But you said you would take care of that. You knew this was going to be a long day for me and I wanted to have everything cleaned up around here. I wouldn’t have minded doing it myself, but you promised me that you would take care of things.”

Again, you just shrug, not even looking up. “I’ll get to it when I feel like it.”

You know exactly how much I hate it when you tell me that you’ll do something and then let it go, especially with cleaning. When you tell me that you’ll do something, I expect that you’ll do it when you say you will. I just stand there, staring at you, waiting for some kind of response. When you keep reading, I just sight and set my briefcase down, giving you one last chance to do or say something, anything.

Without saying a word I walk over to you, grabyou by the hair and start pulling you off the couch. You drop the book and immediately yelp out, more in surprise than pain. You start crawling along as I’m dragging you back to the bedroom, knowing that you’ll be completely dragged by the hair if you don’t use at least a little movement on your own. Neither of us says a word and you practically go limp until we actually get to the bedroom.

Once we’re there, I sight. “Go in the closet and bring me your ruler, then take off your jeans and clogs.” You start to undress. “Lauren, I said to bring me your ruler first. Don’t you think you’re in enough trouble right now as it is?”

You give me a bit of a puzzled look, your jeans around your ankles. “Look, the delivery person is going to be here really soon. Don’t you think this should wait until…”

I stride quickly to you, grab you by the hair and bend you over the bed, swatting your panty-clad ass three times in rapid succession on each chef with my hand. “I didn’t stutter, IDidn’t speak in a foreign language, and I didn’t ask to be questioned. What did I tell you to do?”

Your voice chases a bit, almost sobbing. “To grab my ruler and to take off my jeans and clogs.”

“Did you do that?”


“OK, then. I’m going to let you up and give you one more chance to complete this very simple task.”

You look back at me with a slightly pained look, then you walk into the closet to get your ruler. Holding the ruler in your mouth, you slip out of your clogs and jeans.

I look at you. “Well? Are you just going to stand there?”

You look at me, then drop to your knees and hold up the ruler for me. I take it from you, then unzip my slacks, my mostly hard cock flopping out and hitting your face. Your lips start to reach for it, but I sharply slap your shoulder with the ruler once, making you yelp.

“No. This isn’t about my pleasure right now, this is about making sure you do what you’re told. You promised me that you would handlee two very simple tasks this afternoon and you ignored one of them. With attitude, I might add.”

Your head bows slightly, my cock resting on your forehead, cockhead in your silky hair. “I adore you, but this kind of behavior isn’t acceptable, is it?” You shake your head no. “So what’s even more disturbing to me is that you know this is wrong, but you’ve chosen to act like this anyway.” I place the wood of the ruler next to your cheek, then chin and raise your face to look at me. “Do good girls do what you did this afternoon?” Again, you shake your head and I scream. “Get up on the bed. Rest your head on your palms, elbows propping up your head, knees down, ass in the air.” You star at me for a moment. “Now!”

You scramble up on The bed and assume the position diagonally on a corner of the bed, head at one edge, feet barely dangling off another edge. I walk behind you and start rubbing your ass with the ruler. “Lauren, why am I doing this?”

“Because I’ve been disobedient.”

“Why else?”

“Because to be a good girl means I need to be distributed, in every sense of the word.”

“That’s right. It means that you need self-discipline to do what you’ve agreed to do and to be distributed to be the kind of good girl you’re capable of being. Since you’ve lacked self-discipline today, what do you think that means you need right now?”

You think for a few moments and whisper, “I need to be disciplined. I need to be your good girl again.”

I pause. “So what does that mean, Lauren?”

You whisper, even softer, “That I need to be spanked.”

“I’m sorry, but that’s not good enough.”

You hang your head down off your palms and I slap the back of your thighs with the ruler. “Posture is important, Lauren. Discipline, remember? What do you need to do right now?” I can hear you crying softly, a release and not sadness when you whisper in a barely audible voice, “Please spank me.”

I slap your tights again with the ruler, close tothe knees. “I couldn’t hear you.”

Slightly louder, you say, “Please spank me.”

You feel three quick whips of the ruler against your thighs again. You know I’ve heard you. “I’m growing tired of this, Lauren. Either you want to be a good girl or you don’t. Which is it?”

Tears are flowing freely down your cheeses when you croak, “Please, please spank me. I’ve been a bad girl and I need to be punished for my transgressions. Please, please, please…”

Upon the last “please”, you feel the crisp whip of the ruler against one ass cheek, then the other. You feel 5 blows per cheese, then 10, then 15. The blows are struck in different places, but you know your ass is definitely red, probably turning purple. Your breathing is heavy, eyes glazed over…and get you five more blows of the ruler against your ass after a brief respite. I move in front of you and whisper, “Good girl,” and shove my rock-hard cock in your mouth. I cum quickly, just as you love in this situation, coming in your mouth and shooting a little on your face, rubbing my hot cock and cum into your lips, your chin, your neck. Moving behind you again, I spread your legs slightly and feel your pussy, wet with desire. I take two fingers, scoop your cum and move in front of you again, rubbing it over your face before feeding the remnants into your mouth.

I lean down and whisper, “You were Such a good girl to take your punishment without crying in pain that I’ll allow you to touch yourself and cum.” You look up at me and I smile softly, moving behind you. As your fingers start furiously rubbing your clip, I smile your ass with the ruler again. It only takes three blows before you’re shot over the edge into orgasm.

You cum hard, all of your pain, your ecstasy, everything exploding at once. It’s an intense orgasm, one that I can tell you’ve needed more than either of us realized. You’re lying on me, limp as a rag doll when the doorbell rings. This quickly causes you to come to your senses, bringing you back to reality.

“Well, Lauren…go get the delivery.”

You give me a panicked look. “You’re kidding, right? I can’t go to the door like this!”

Walking over to my closet, I pull out an oversized button-down shirt. “Throw this on and get our delivery.” I grin. “If it’s a guy, maybe your cleavage will be enough to get you a special deal.”

You give me a look that insinuates I’m pure evil, but you’re loving every second of it. As you’re getting ready quickly, I’m soaking you in. You’re positively radiant, glowing…not just from the glistening cum on your cheats and lips, but from the experience itself. Your thighs are glistening, your face a little sticky, your hair disheveled…you smell just as you look: freshly fucked.

You answer the door in your shirt and nothing else, with the shirt so open that it’s practically showing off your entire chest. I’m watching quietly out of sight from the person at the door. When you open it, it’s some 18 year old boy, completely shocked at the sight in front of him.

“How much do I owe you?” I can see you turning from submissive into seductress in the blink of an eye.

“Ummmm……$23.49, ma’am.”

“Hrm. All I have is a 50 dollar bill. Do you have change or would you like a…tip?” You grin slyly at him, the cent of your arousal permeating the air.

The delivery boy stammers and walks off without taking the money, leaving the pizza box in your hands and almost sprinting back to his car. Instead of getting change, he starts the car and drives off quickly. As you close the door, you look back at me and we involuntarily burst into laughter. I kiss you softly, tell you again that you’re my good girl and that I adore you, then we curl up together for the Evening.


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