Spanking Theater

As I am writing this I have my left hand inside my panties with my second and ring fingers laying long against my labia and my cliporis trapped there in the finger crotch. That is my favorite way to cradle my pussy. If I press down firmly and rock my hand back-and-forth and I can stay aroused for the whole time it takes to write the rest of this confession. I hope you take your meat out, whatever form your meat may take, and stroke along with me while you read it.

I will warn you that my story is not vanilla. I have enjoyed things that some people find offensive and gotten into some kinky situations where the rules were different or even made up as the encounter progressed, but everything was done consensually and everyone always had a good time. Also, of course I didn’t discover my kinky side until I was over eighteen. So if you are ready for the ride, buckle up. (Personally I rarely turn down a good ride.)

My name is Emma Brittany. You probably don’t believe I would tell you my real name but that’s it. I don’t care what anyone thinks. My motto is “fuck it.” You can’t find me anyway. I live off the rabbit. I pay cash for everything. Oh if you get lucky you might get to see one of my performances someday, When I’m on stage I am Candy Kane the Rosy Bottom Queen and I am protected but after the show I disappear into the night so for you Emma Brittany is a ghost.

When I was in college that I found out how easy it was to manipulate boys just by offering them my ass across their lap. As a result I am now a 26-year-old college dropout. I mean I guess that wasn’t the only reason, but really how could I study with all those gorgeous horny bodies around me all the time? Cracking a book just didn’t compete. The problem with dropping out is as soon as I did my parents quit giving me money. So after quitting I was poor for several years. Being poor sucks. On the other hand, I don’t much like working either. It seems such a shame to spend all my time somewhere I don’t want to be doing something I don’t want to do like standing in a stupid store pushing buttons on a screen while checking people out for instance. I refuse to say “do you want fries with that.” I am allergic to perfume so I really can’t stand behind the counter and sell costumes to aging ladies who are hoping to find a magic pill that will make them as attractive as they used to be to whoever they are trying to attract. They say do what you like to do as your job and you will never work a day in your life. Well, I like hanging out by the pool in my bikini. I like eating out, and I mean restaurants and the other kind too. I like teasing men I don’t know and watching their reactions, and I like getting spanked.

I don’t know why I like getting spanked. I guess you would have to ask my therapist if I had one. Doesn’t matter. However, It has to be a specific kind of spanking. Not one where the spanker is just being mean, but one where I am being taught a lesson after havingbeen a naughty girl. Or maybe a scenario where I have been flirting with a stranger on the beach and got caught by my boyfriend, or maybe I didn’t do a job correctly at work, or maybe I got caught smoking and I have to hold a cigarette between my cheeks while getting swats as a punishment. There are all kinds of scenarios and they share the theme that I have been bad and need correction.

Just the thought of a good spanking makes my pussy and my bhole throb. I have been spanked by twenty-three people so far. I have kept a list. Nineteen of them are men. The strangest one I ever had, so far, was when a husband watched while his wife and I sucked and toyed for two hours before he spanked us both side by side. He didn’t even care about the double bj we offered.

I have done OTK, touch the toes, over a bench or chair arm, on all fours, strapped to the cross, diaper and wheelbarrow. Wheelbarrow is the most vulnerable in my opinion because my parts are so exposed. With my legs spread like that the spanker can see not only my crotch and my hairy holes, but because the labia is stretched open they can see all the way up my pink wet cunt to the cervix. I know, I’ve seen pictures.

The other thing you should know about me is that I am an exhibitionist. I am always the first one to get naked. I love skinny dipping. Once, at a hot springs in Colorado, well of course everyone was naked all day in the water, but that evening, in the shelter house there was a big fire and even though everyone else got dressed, I stayed naked all night. I danced around the fire and let everyone, including some old guys look all they wanted. Why shouldn’t old guys enjoy my skin too? It doesn’t cost me anything and it makes them so happy.

I am, in truth, an ordinary-looking girl. Kind of skinny with smallish boobs and a tiny tummy pouch. I do have an oversized, for my body, ass, which is an, ummm, asset for a spankee. Even though I have light brown hair (top and bottom) and am not a true blonde, I have very light creamy skin that reddens easily which heights the drama of any good spanking. My most impressive feature is my lush patch. It starts at my navel and travels gloriously down my public mountain until it splits into two furry beasts and frames my slit beautifully. Then it trickles down into the most delicious tiny hairs sprinkled like a candy topping around my little star-shaped sphincter. Right in front of my unusually large cliporis, the hairs have grown long and straight like a VanDyke bear. They have been measured at just over four inches and I’m not exaggerating.

So my new boyfriend, Louie and I were in the park the other day sitting on a benchmark. I have a special benchmark there I like to sit on because it is right on the curve of the jogging path. That means when the runners Come down the path they can see me sitting on the benchmark from quite a way away and they’re running right towards me until the path curves away only a few feet before the benchmark.My game is to sit there on the bench and then when a cute boy starts coming down the path towards me, to open my legs up and give him a look. Sometimes it’s just a flash and sometimes if they spot me early in their approach they get to look up my dress for 10 or 15 seconds. I like to wear yellow panties so there’s no question about what they’re looking at. If I wore black panties they might think it was just a shadow. I only do this when I’m with a boyfriend because I don’t really want anything to happen I just get a thrill out of exposing myself.

Exhibitionism does several things for me. It makes me feel naughty and in need of discipline. It puts me in control sexually. There is also the danger of humiliation aspect. I don’t want the moment to get weird, but knowing people might freak out is part of the thrill. Sometimes I, or we if the boyfriend is in on it, go with the ‘accident’ scenario. Usually when that’s the case you can say “sorry sorry” and back away. If it’s straight-up exposure then I try to have an exit strategy and to pick spots that give me multiple escape routes. Usually, I’m just flashing but sometimes in the right locations, I will get totally, pink skin and goose bumps, pussy hair flapping in the wind stark naked. I will suddenly jump out in front of a victim and then run away. That’s the biggest thrill but the scariest and most dangerous. Once, after losing a bet, I did get naked and do a walking streak from one car to another waiting car a hundred feet away through a busy street crowd. Maybe a hundred people saw me, but it was all over so fast that nobody had time to recover and react. What were they going to do anyway? Of course if a cop or someone that knew me had been there it could have gotten dicy. It was worth the risk though for the tectonic plate shift in my clitoris and anus.

Someday I may go to the limit and actually fuck in public, but so far I’ve been chicken. Anyway, for me flashing my body to a stranger and then disappeararing is the sweet spot.

Louie and I hadn’t been together very long and he didn’t know the extent of what a freak I am so I didn’t know how he would feel about my prediction for exposing my body. I couldn’t help myself though, old habits die hard, so I was doing my flashing on the down low. I would wait until he was staring at his phone screen and then spread my legs. I would look away like nothing was happening and then casually glance back to gauge the effect on my victim. I got away with it twice, but the third time he caught me.

“Emma! What are you doing?” I slammed my legs together. “Are you flashing the joggers?!”

I was flustered. I didn’t know how he was going to react.

I put a hand on his thigh, near his package, which is a trick for diverting a boy’s attention that generally worked quite well.. I was getting ready to deny it or apologize, whatever I had to do when he said, “do it again.”

So when the next male came into sight I opened up for him.It was an old guy, maybe forty and he was huffing and puffing until he spotted me then suddenly his eyes got big and he seemed to get renewed energy. Probably became a confirmed jogger after that so maybe I saved his life.

He jogged on around the corner reluctantly glancing back several times.

So Louie says “Emma, ​​I can’t believe you are flashing other men behind my back While you are with me.”

“It’s just a little game,” I said. “It doesn’t mean anything.”

“Well, it means something to me. It means you need to be taught a lesson about respect. It means you’re getting a spanking tonight!”

“Ooo”I whispered in his ear, “my pussy’s getting damp.” I wasn’t lying.

Louie had spanked me twice before. Not on the first date or anything. The first time was the third date. I teased him and teased him and kept telling him how naughty I was until he said, “maybe you need a spanking,” and he thought it was his idea.

I said “Yes Daddy. Should I lay on your lap?” You never saw a pair of pants tent up so fast. He was very gentle and I had to say “harder” three times before he believed me.

The night of the park flashing was the first time he spanked me bare. He made me put the yellow panties in my mouth so I wouldn’t forget why it was happening. Apparently, he is a quick study. Louie gave me ten on each chef. I pretended to try to get away and I put a hand back there trying to protect my rear end but he held my wrist and gave me ten more until I thrashed in ecstasy for real. Then he did something new. He spread my cheese apart and said, “you know, Emmy, you have a very cute butthole. Would you mind if I kissed it?” So I got off his lap, turned away from him and bent over. I stayed in this position for a few seconds giving Louie a commanding view of my pinkish brown star-shaped sphincter with its seven major ridges leading in to a little cross in the very middle that expands politely if you say “Open sesame” patiently with a well-oiled fingertip. Then I backed into him and let him rim me to his heart’s desire with my hot red cheeses rubbing against his happy cheeses. Then I took him into my bedroom, got him as naked as I was and blew his lovely cock while I sat on his face. That was the first time I thought he might be as freaky as I am.

Louie is a wonderful guy. He’s cute and all that, but he is also sensitive and always thinking of others. That’s why I wasn’t surprised when on our next date he said, “I may have a little solution to your money problem.” It turns out he had been talking to a couple of his buddies about his new girlfriend and how she was an exhibitionist who liked to get spanked. He said he didn’t mention me by name or tell them anything about me except those two things and also that I had the longest pussy hair he had ever seen.

“Anyway” he said, “one of them said he’d pay good money to see that.”

“See what?”

“See you get spanked.”

“Oh! Whoa, I don’t know I have never doneanything like that. What kind of friends do you have anyway?”

“Horny ones!” We both laughed and didn’t say any more about it. Still, I felt the familiar tingle of blood rushing into my cliporis. I already said I have an unusually large cliporis, but more about that later.

That night I dreamed I was on a stage in a theater filled with horny men who all watched and cheered as my naked ass was given a good going over. When I woke up in the morning there was a wet spot on the sheets. Apparently I came in my sleep! That’s how erotic the idea was to me. Of course I would never do anything like that I thought.

The next week was kind of a nightmare for me. On Tuesday I started a new job selling clothes to fat old women. Telling them their butts didn’t look big in that dress or that the special new bra would make their saggers look perky without making their shoulders ache. It was miserable and I had to ride the bus an hour each way and without my boyfriend there I didn’t feelcomfortable doing any flashing so it was no fun at all. When I got my paycheck at the end of the week it barely even made a dent in what I owed in back rent. The only thing that made the week tolerable was knowing I would see Louie again on Saturday night.

When Saturday night came I was mostly excited. I haven’t known Louie that long and I wanted to make sure I keep his interest so I wore my red mini with black lace panties. I don’t have to wear a bra because I’m only a 34 and my tits are as soft and resilient as memory foam. (Even though my breasts are on the small side, my aureoles are large and light brown (the same color as my anal area.) They take up a good half of the shaft when relaxed and then tighten and push my nipples out like bing cherries when stimulated. (I am told that many cultures Consider this to be a sign of a person with an unusually high sexual drive. Can’t argue with that!)

I wore a black satin top that matched my panties. It was the kind with a large opening around the neck so it could slide off one shoulder. I had it in the back of my mind to pull the top of my dress away at the right moment and let Louie look down the front. Just the thought made my nipples harden. Louie has a good job so he took me to a nice restaurant which was wonderful after my terrible week.

I teased him all through dinner, leaning forward across the table and playing with my blouse top in the candlelight. I accidentally brushed his fly with my fingertips as we walked back to the car. He was ready to pop right there in the car and wanted to pull over but I made him wait and when we got back to my place I had him sit on a chair and keep his hands by his side while I did a slow striptease for him. By the time I got down to panties, I could see that he was in ago so I gave him permission to get naked and it was my turn to sit and watch as his beautiful body came into view. When he released his cock it popped up like a diving board. It relly is a beautiful penis. He is circular and that’s the way I like it. Just a personal preference. About 7 inches long which is perfect for my pussy. I don’t know any girls that actually prefer huge cocks. It can hurt. I want an outie that fits my innie.

Well, we played for hours. Doggy, 69, reverse cowgirl. He is a very energetic and athletic lover. Eventually Though I started getting a little sore so I slipped a finger into his butthole and he came like a steam locomotive. That’s another little trick I learned a long time ago.

After we cleaned up a bit we were cuddling in bed and I was drifting off when Louie said, “I talked to my friend again.”

“What friend?”

“You know the one that said he would pay good money to see you get spanked.”

Well of course I knew very well which friend he was talking about. I had been thinking about it all week, but only as a fantasy. I didn’t think there was anything serious going on.

“Oh yeah.”

“Yeah. He said hewould pay $250 just to sit in a chair and watch while I gave you a spanking.”

$250 was almost as much as I made working all week after the government got done robbing me. This was starting news to me. Suddenly I wasn’t at all sleepy anymore. My mind was churning, dreaming up scenes and thinking about how much I needed the cash. This wasn’t like sex for money I told myself. First, this wasn’t real penetrative sex and secondly, I’d probably do it for free under the right circumstances with the right guy.

I guess I had been quiet for a while because Louie said “what are you thinking.”

“I don’t know. I was thinking about what a weird idea it was and I was thinking about how much I needed the money and I was also thinking about how hot it would be. What do you think?”

“I was thinking about how erotic the idea was and I was also thinking I bet I could get $500 out of him. He’s rich.”

“$500! And all he’s gonna do is sit in a chair and watch? And he’s gonna keep his clothes on? There’s zero chance I’d let him fuck me you know.”

“Well, I wouldn’t want him to fuck you either. I know you like to show off so I wouldn’t mind him seeing your charming and edible body as long as we are in control and I’m the only one that gets to touch your perfect ass.”

I took his semi-hard cock in both hands and we drifted off to sleep with visions in our heads.

I had another miserable week of trying to help fat ladies zip up their dresses and commuting on the bus. I got a letter from the landlord telling me to coough up or move out. I decided to skip lunches in order to save money. When the weekend rolled around I was more than ready to see Louie and have a good time.

We went to the beach and I caused a small sensing when my bikini top “accidentally” slipped off. Louie whispered in my ear “you’re getting a spanking for that” and my cliporis engaged so much that it was probably visible through my bikini bottom and anyone could’ve seen it except they were all still looking at my tits.

This is probably a good time to tell you about my clitorial experiences. I already told you I have a big one. When it is fully engaged and my vaginal lips are pulled away from it, it sticks out a good 2 1/2 inches. You know what it looks like. A soft yet sharpid shake and a cute pink mushroom cap. That’s right, it’s my sweet girl cock sticking out there for you to suck on. I haven’t had many female lovers but none of them ever had any trouble taking it into their mouths, it’s the boys that it gives pause to. They tell themselves it’s a clip but deep in their reptile brains they know they are getting ready to suck a cock, many of them for the first time. Maybe there’s a little anxiety that they might like it a bit too much and start thinking About the real thing. But when I pull my legs back to my ears and spread the pussy lips apart and that thing pops out straight at them they can’t resist for long. I know that sucking cock is oneof life’s great pleasures and I want them to have that too. I think we’re all bisexual to a certain degree, along a curve. It is foolish of a guy not to take advantage of all the cocks out there that are so easy to suck if you want to. It like triples the available sex for a single guy if he’s willing to play with a penis.

When we got back to my place I had a few things prepared. First, we played a game I like where we cut cards and the loser takes off one piece of clothing. I won because the cards were marked.

Louie was naked and I was not. He wanted to play another round and was foolish enough to agree that I would get one wish if he lost. Of course I cheated and he lost.

“Let me have your hands,” I said.


“Your hands. I’m going to tie them together.”

“You never said anything about that.”

“Well, I’m saying it now. You played the game and you lost. Give me your hands.”

Reluctantly he brought his hands toward me. I took a piece ofrope from my nightstand drawer and secured his wrists together. He tested the binding but I knew my ropework and he was secure. I pulled out another piece of rope and did his ankles before he could object.


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