Spanking the Houseguest Ch. 01

Chapter 1.0 – You call this abuse?

Note: All participants in this story are over the age of 18.

All good things come to an end, eventually. In the case of young adults, house mates come and go.

Ann and Dave had lived together for two years, first as friends in different bedrooms, then as frequent sex partners. Then, not so frequently.

Finally, Ann moved in with Kendra, her bi-sex focus on bed partners had made a tectonic shift towards women.

It could have been tough on their sex life, but that didn’t have to stop. Friends with benefits just got new vendors. In fact, they still got together for an occasional friendly encounter, but know their future wasn’t together. Fortunately, neither of them had to go without sex. Ann had Kendra and a slew of women eager to explore. Dave spent most of his time with two women friends who lived together. Their affairs began as revenge fucks against another housemate, and then sweetened to justplain pleasure romps. But that’s another story.

Now, Dave’s housing complications were economic, not romantic. Rather than handle the full rent on his own, Dave invited a fellow engineering classmate to share the townhouse. His thought was a guy would be simpler, no romantic complications. Steve was easy going. They don’t even cross paths very often, as they both spend so much time in school and with Girlfriends. They would be phantom housemates, a simple and straightforward housing arrangement.

Yes, but… Softhearted Steve got caught in a clever ask. His girlfriend, Bonnie, has a cousin named, Molly. Molly finally got fed up with her no account boyfriend and mouthed off. He beat her up and kicked her out of his apartment. Not the worst thing that ever happened to her, but it could be for Steve’s sex life. Now Molly was camping on her Cousin Bonnie’s couch.

Not only did Molly’s presence on the couch crowd Steve’s love life, she is a general downner. Worse, Steve can’tget away. Bonnie never liked to stay at Steve’s new hill-billy slum townhouse. Bonnie thought it was too slummy. The neighborhood was a slum, but inside was a good, clean, cheap place to live. It was perfect for an engineering student. Anyway, that argument was not winnable, so Steve quit trying.

Bonnie hated a plot to get Molly gone from her couch. She didn’t want to go to Steve’s place but it was perfectly fine for Molly. She figured with a phantom housemate like Dave and an empty third bedroom Molly could move into Steve’s place. It would get her apartment back. She could get her toes curled regular without an audience. After all she argued, Dave is hardly ever there, the third guest bedroom is open, it has a mattress… the push was on. Steve caved. After all, Steve is mostly at his girl friends apartment too.

Molly was moving.

Suddenly, one day, Dave came home and was surprised to find a strange woman in his living room. “What the fuck? Who are you? How did you get in here?” he asked.

“Steve let me in; I’m Molly, Bonnie’s cousin. He said it would be alright.” Molly has landed, faith accomplish.

Dave looked around, got more pissed and took the phone into his room. Behind the closed door he made a call to Steve at Bonnie’s place.

Barely able to control his voice he started as a whisper but wound up shouting into the phone. “Steve, what the fuck? There’s some strange woman moved into the back bedroom. She says you gave her a key!” he yelled.

Steve calmly explained, “Molly is Bonnie’s cousin. She lost her apartment and needs a place to stay,” His Zen calm was the direct result of a thoroughly satisfying fuck, the first such in weeks. Bonnie had only needed some privacy. Molly was never coming back to her couch.

“Man you should have asked me,” he calmly said.

“Ah, give her a break. She has no job, no money, no place to stay, just a few wound clothes and a wound out car that hardly runs. She has been begging placesto stay and has destroyed her welcome with all of her friends and her cousin. She doesn’t eat anything or seem to be getting her act together. I think she is depressed.” Steve said.

“Well, that’s enough to get you down, but why make her my problem? She’s in my place and I don’t want her here. Man, she’s going to be a real downer on my sex life. What if I want to bring someone here to fuck? I can’t be bringing in strange with her around,” he said.

“Come on man, you’re never there. You are always with Laura. It’s not going to be a problem. After all, she will only be around a little while, until she gets back on her feet,” Steve said.

“Why doesn’t she stay with Bonnie?” he asked.

“She did for a while, sleeping on the couch. I got to admit it was cramping my sex life with her there. Bonnie wanted her gone. If I didn’t get her out I was going to have a bad case of lackanookie,” Steve joked.

“She stinks! I mean she smells. Her hygiene isn’t good, her hair’s greatsy and nasty with split ends. She must not be bathing. It’s rank. The eating thing explains her clothes. She’s all funky and the stuff drops on her bad. She’s really fucked up, like MAJOR DEPRESSED!” he said.

“A while back she was zaftig, but she quit eating,” Steve replied.

“Stopped eating? Shit man, she ate everything in the pantry. All the food is gone, mine yours, Everything. She even ate all the brown rice, which was a 10 pound bag! You owe me a grocery run,” he said.

“OK. I’ll do it. You know what it is. Man, that Lysistrata thing is awful,” Steve said.

“Fuck. Dammit, I guess I can’t just throw her out. I guess she can stay for a few days, but you got to get Bonnie to clean her up. And make a grocery run, today. You owe me man,” he said.

“Alright, alright, I’ll get Bonnie and we’ll make a grocery run.”

“OK, but make sure Bonnie gets her to clean up. She stinks.”

“See ya later. I’ve got to study,” Yeah, study Bonnie’s cooter, you fuck.

With that Dave hangs up and goes down to find Molly in the same spot. “I guess you can stay for a little while, but you have got to keep the place and you’re self clean. You need a bath bad. Those clothes are really funky too,” he said.

“Another thing; you can’t just eat all my food. You need to make a grocery run and buy your own food. I’m not running a charity here,” he said.

Molly didn’t say a thing while he talked to her. Later that day, Bonnie got her cleaned up and did laundry. A small step forward.

Then three steps back. The few days turned to weeks, Molly is still around. When she eats, she eats the food Steve and Bonnie bought once again, cleaning out the pantry. She helps herself to the place while the guys aren’t around. Out of money, Molly doesn’t do any shopping so the cupboard gets pretty bare. At least she keeps the dishes washed though her hygiene is not any better. There are no signs that she is looking for a job or another place to stay.

Spring break comes; Susan and Laura are off to Florida, without Dave. Having to work, Dave is heading back to the townhouse for almost two weeks.

After spending the night having good by sex with Laura and Susan, he helped load their stuff into the car. He sees them and the carload of girls off on their spring adventure. Now alone, he makes off to his house around 10:00 am. Thinking to himself, a week without Laura or Susan, is going to be no fun. He mentally examines a list of his female friends thinking about a spring break sex hookup.

Then there is Molly, sitting Indian style on the couch, watching Steve’s crappy TV. Molly is once again stinky, her dirty clothes and hair gross Dave out. Dave wonders, have you no pride? You eat our food. Go ahead and use our soap.

He makes a cup of coffee and settles into his favorite chair. After turning the TV down he starts to read a book and easily ignore the TV. Finally he can’t stand her unappeaaling aroma any longer and blurts.

“Hey, Molly, you stink. Go. Get cleaned up!” Dave does think there just might be a Cinderella hiding in the dirt. Even if she isn’t, she would smell better.

An hour later, Molly has made no progress to cleanliness. She is lonely. Dave is her target as she starts to talk, interrupting Dave’s concentration. He’s curled up in his recliner trying to read. Molly works to get his attention with comments on the TV show. His short distracted responses only encourage the lonely girl to talk more.

More and more she talks faster and faster. Now, non-stop, she manically talks random shit.

Then finally, she tells him her story. “I got dumped by my boyfriend, if you can call a rat fuck’n abuser any kind of friend. He started out as a sexy bad boy. But he was a loser dropout. He told me I was fat and punched me. I lost weight so he punched me. He told me I’m ugly and punched me. I gave him blow jobs and fucked him but it was never good enough, so he’d punch me. I couldn’t take it anymore. I screamed at him when he beat me. He burned my clothes and throw me out. They called me for work at his number. He told them I’d left. I lost my job. I have no clothes, no money. My car won’t run. I have no home. This is so fucked up,” Molly is in tears. Real or acting it doesn’t matter. She is too unappeaaling to comfort.

He was careful to express no interest. Jesus why did you take it so long? Why didn’t you leave him when he hit you the first time? Sad. No self-confidence, he thought to himself.

Undaunted, she continues to pepper him with questions. He gives her short answers. The girl is persistent. Dave has to admit, she sounds intelligent, but maybe just a little flaky.

Molly tries a new tactic to get attention; she crosses the room to climb into Dave’s lap. The girl is stinky. Dave closes his book and tells her “Jeeze Louise, You need a bath. This would be more pleasant if you clean up and wash your hair.”

Now silent there is no more chatter from Molly and no action, just a lap full of gamy smelly girl.

“Why don’t you take a bath?”

No answer.

“Are these your only clothes?”

No answer.

Sternly, he looks at her.

Molly starts to chatter on about cartoons on TV, saying everything except answers to his questions. Moreover, there is no motion toward the bathroom to clean up. It pisses Dave off. She remains perched in his lap straddling his knees. He can see up the loose legs of her short shorts to her hairy groin. Her posture is terrible as she sits croouched over Her tits are hidden under a huge nasty inside out black t-shirt and the way she holds her arms across her body.

Dave thinks, enough already, I know how to fix this. It’s time for action.

“One last time, Get in the tub or I’ll scrub you myself.” He says.

Big. Tactical. Error.

Now, Molly doesn’t move or speak at all. Her jaw is set, mouth pursued in a thin line. Her head is down, face shrouded in her dirty hair, chin almost to her chest.

One last try, he gently lifts her chin with one hand to look at her face. Her eyes are closed and mouth set tight. Hiding like an ostrich.

Shaking his head, Dave picks her up over his shoulder and climbs the stairs to the bathroom. His action terrifies her. Molly hasn’t struggled, she is docile. She fears a beat. Just like her old boyfriend would beat her.

Easily holding the much smaller woman over his shoulder he starts filling the old claw foot bathtub with warm water.

He stands her on her feet by the tub and holds her firmly by the shoulders, saying. “Stay right there,” She is so short, it’s like looking down at a child. Afraid she will bolt; he keeps one hand on her as he dumps some bath oil into the tub with the other. He can feel her body tremble under his touch. Can she be that afraid?

As the tub fills with soap bubbles, he asks, “Do I need to wash you too?”

No answer, no action from Molly. She twists her hips,holding her arms tight across her chest hiding her breasts.

Dave says, “You need to answer me or I’m going to strip you and scrub you.”

No answer, no action from Molly.

She stands with her face turned down, hidden by her greasy hair. Dave unbuttons and drops the girl’s shorts and pulls off loose dirty gray panties. No reaction. Her arms stay clanced around her body. She trembles.

He grips the hem of her black t-shirt and pulls it up. “Raise your arms.” No action. “Dammit, Move,” She holds herself all the tighter.

So he ticles Molly in the ribs, easy, then hard. Squirming she still clenches her arms down tight trying to block the ticle. He ticles her behind the knee and when she bends to stop him he strips the shirt up over her head.

Molly Now stands naked except for a saggy gray bra.

Molly crosses her arms over her breasts defiantly, but the bra closes in back. Dave reaches around her in a hug, quickly undoes her bra and pulls it off overher shoulders.

She fearfully trembles in his arms.

“You’re shaking, Are you cold?” Molly has no answer. “The water is warm; you will be alright, just climb in.”

Molly does not move, just stands silently hugging her unfasted bra over her breasts. Dave thinks, she might be dirty, but she is definitely doable. Hmmm, needs a shake too.

As she stands with head down, Dave nicely asks, “Please get into the tub.” No answer, No action.

So Dave wraps her in his arms taking hold behind her tighs, under her arms and picks her up. He turns and gently lowers her into the tub. The warm bubbles water swooshes suds up to her waist. Molly cowers, her unfasted bra clenched tight to her body with a fetal curl. The bubbles fill the tub.

Molly can’t stop her fearful trembles. Her experience tells her. Men hit.

Dave knees beside the tub and uses a large plastic cup to pour water over her hair. Filling his palm with shampoo he works it into her greasy stringy mop. Molly just sits with her eyes closed; head bent forward as Dave washes her long curls.

He is gentle, massaging Molly’s scalp sensitively.

The warm water and finger massage seems to grip her heart. Warmth radiates through her. She thinks to herself, “Why does it feel so good when he rubs my head?”

He can feel her full body trembles slowly quiet in the hot bath as he washes her hair.

He rinses and washes her hair twice ending with conditioner finger combined through her now curling tempers.

Next he soaps a wash clothes to scrub down her back from shoulders to butt. He pulls one of her arms loose from her fetal curl to free the soaked bra from her grip. Her muscles unlock. She relaxes allowing him to move her arm. He washes her arms and arm pits stroking down her sides with the clothes.

Thinking maybe she will take over, Dave asks her “Molly, please take the clothes, you can wash your front,” No answer, no action.

Dave takes her chin in hand lifting her face. She grimaces stone faced with eyes tightly closed. He gently washes her face and neck down to the top of her C cup breasts. Her nipples are tight little buttons with crinkly aureoles. She isn’t suffering too badly.

Gently rinsing her face with the wash clothes gets her to relax her grimace.

Her eyes are still closed as his fingertips massage her forehead, ending with a firm pinch at the inner corners of her eyes across the bridge of her nose. His other hand rubs the back of her head at the base of her skull. He knows from experience this little squeeze play feels wonderfully good.

He has watched her nipples peak up from her aureoles as he washed her face. Wise to her now, Dave turns her chin to look him. She opens her eyes, looks him in the eye as he says “You like this don’t you.” Dave asked.

Molly has been passive, stone faced for so long. At his last comment, an uncontrolled flicker of a smile passes her lips. Molly tries hard to put the blank face back, but this gentle guy and luxurious bubble bath is making her think.

Maybe he won’t hit me. A tear forms in her eye.

Molly slumps limp against the arm Dave has behind her back. He lays her against the tub and soaps the clothes again.

He pulls up and scrubs on the tough called soles of her feet one at a time. The clothes tickers making her jump and jerk. She fights to keep a smile from her lips. He runs the clothes between her toes as she quietly involuntarily twitches with the pleasureable ministers.

Dave wraps and soaps the clothes to scrub up her calendar and tigh, first one side then another.

He unfolds each leg to wash behind her knee. The stroke up her thigh sends tingling anticipation shooting out from her pussy all over her body.

Molly’s nipples crinkle tight. Molly lays her head back against the tub with eyes closed.

Finally Dave wraps and soaps the clothes once more to wash Molly, starting with her belly,

circling up over her breasts, then down to her pubes.

Dave washes her breasts. First lifting to wash under the fold, then gently squeeze and pulling her nipples. His touch sends pulsing waves of pleasure to her pussy… Lastly, with just his hand he washes between Molly’s legs all the way back to her butthole. Dave has her slide down into the tub to give him more access and he cleans her gently in every fold and crevice. Molly’s eyes remain closed.

Now clean, Dave needs to rinse off the remaining soap bubbles and suds. Dave says, “You need to stand up so I can rinse you.” There is no action.

“See,” he says, “If I don’t rinse you carefully, you could get irritated from the soap. I need to rinse you here.” He cups her breast and thumbs the nipple.

“I need to rinse well all over.” His hand slides over to the other breast. “I really need to rinse down here.”

He slides his hand between her legs, struggling along into the crevice of her groin deep down into the valley of her butt cheats, andslowly struggling back up with palm on her cunt lips.

Reaching a fingerprint to her vagina, he circled her lips, and then pulled back up to slowly slide his fingerprint over her clip. “It really needs to be rinsed; I have to do this over and over.”

Molly takes a breath as she shows another flicker of a smile, slowly opening her eyes. It is awkward leaning over the old tub, but Dave reaches in and rubs. His finger strokes gently press where he knows the feelings are exhaust. Her stone face, her efforts to control breathing cannot mask her growing excitement. Her hands grip the tub sides. Her hips tremble, her legs jerk as her clip slithers under his fingertip strokes. A bloom of pink colors her throat. His fingertip enters her vagina as his thumb mashes her clip against the digital intruder. In seconds Molly squeaks shaking her way into a rather major orgasm.

Slumping back against the tub, she gives off a high pitch but mellow ‘hum’ as the orgasm fades and his fingers slowlydisengage.

Now he tells her, “I’m going to rinse you and you need to stand up. I’ve treated you very well, but if you don’t cooperate now, I’ll dump cold water on you, and it won’t be nice.

So what will it be? Nice or nasty?” he snarls out comically the last word ‘nasty’.

For the first time in an hour, Molly speaks, meekly saying, “Nice.”

“Nice what? You need to be polite, say Nice, Please.”

Dave takes Molly by one nipple squeezing gently. Molly’s cunt flushes.

Prompted, Molly says, “Nice, Please.”

“OK Now, Stand up,” and she does. A through gentle hand rinsing with warm water pleasantly sluices off the remaining bubbles while gentleing her with effleurage.

Dave pats her dry with a clean towel, wraps her body in the towel and dries her now curly brown hair with another. By the end of the drying Molly is smiling broadly with the pleasure of his hands all over her body.

“Now your teeth, here use this new brush and brush your teeth,” As Molly hesitates, Dave says,

“If you make me do it I’ll use hand soap. If you do it you may use toothpaste. Which will it be; Nasty or nice? Either way, you will have clean teeth.”

Molly then reaches for the brush and say, “Nice, Please.” She puts on her own tooth paste and brushes her teeth. The tooth brushing action looses the towel revealing shaking boobies as Dave stands behind her with a boss, finger combining her hair.


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