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Fathers, do your daughters act out too much? Mothers, are you tired of the yelling and shouting? Well then, it is time for you to get the new and improved spanking machine. Yes, that’s right, a new and improved spanking machine. This new model has everything our test families asked us to include. Padded restraints to hold your naughty brat down with, multiple implements to spank their bottoms, and an angled top, to provide more of a target, while making them feel more vulnerable. Yes, the Acme Spanking Bench, mark 2 – The next generation in spanking and corrective measures.
Sarah, Michele, and Mark Roberts had been watching the local news, when the advertisement had come on. Mark and Michele had been interested, but Sarah had just started complaining about how the television would be so much better if there weren’t any advertising on it. Mark had copied down the internet address listed for the machine, to get some more information. He had been tired ofhis daughter’s outbursts, but he also had some plans for his wife as well. Both the women in his house had begun to get more of an attitude than he felt was warranted.
Mark Roberts wasn’t against women’s rights, he just didn’t like the changes that had been forced down the throats of most of the men in the world. I mean, it was bad enough that more difficult topics were being discussed, but some of the ads on the television could make any guy really nervous. I mean, who wanted to hear a girl talk about male enlargement, or listen to some utter nonsense about some affairs? A guy could only take so much. Mark decided it was time for him to put his foot down, so to speak. He wanted his wife and their daughter to know that he was in charge, and that was the way it was.
Michelle Roberts had married Mark when they had graduated high school. They had been in love before then, but it felt right to wait till they were on their own, to make it official. She had enjoyed their wedding,and the lovely dress she had forgotten. The ceremony was thrilling, especially when she had said those words, “I do” and sealed herself to her new husband. The after party was fun, as both of them spent the time dancing together, and accepting compliments from their guests. But that night, when they were in their bedroom alone for the first time, Mark had surprised Michelle by sitting down on a chair, and pulling her over his lap in her wedding gown. She had been surprised by this, but then she felt her dress being lifted up the back of her legs,a nd she blushed.
Michelle hadn’t forgotten any regular panties for her wedding, instead, she had on a pair of white panties with a simple message on them “Spank Me”, written in red letters. When Mark had lifted his wife’s dress, and read the panties, he smiled, and lifted his hand, and SMACK, he began spanking his new wife. Michelle squirmed on her husband’s lap, and yelped with each smack on her bottom. Her legs kicked and her bottom wiggled as the spanking continued. She could feel Mark became excited too, but the pain in her ass was more of a distraction. The spanking she received lasted a good 15 minutes, before Mark stood up, and took his wife on the floor, her red bottom high in the air.
Now, almost 18 years later, Mark decided that both the women in his life needed some correction of their own again. He had refrained from spanking his wife out of respect for their daughter, and he hadn’t spanked his daughter because of his wife. But both women were about to learn that the genie wasn’t gone, it had just lain dormant. Mark sat at the computer, looking at the spanking machine website, and decided the time was right. He ordered the machine and some matching uniforms for his wife and daughter. He also ordered some other items for them, which he would expect They to wear for him from now on.
The following week, a box arrived for Mark. He took it inside, and into one of the bedrooms. He had installed a lock on the door, and had begun doing the remodeling for his new toys, shortly after he had ordered the machine. His wife and Daughter were curious, but after telling them it was something for work, they let it go. Mark meanwhile had torn out the carpet, sanded the walls, and had installed some new shelves. He had spent the last 3 days painting the walls a soft red color, and installing some thick padded floor carpets. Finally, with the machine Here, he began unpacking it and the other items within the shipping box.
He first took out the clothes, and began by hanging them up on the walls, on the hangers beneath painted signs with his wife and daughter’s names on them. Each contained a matching outfit, sized to fit. He then unpacked the panties he had ordered, and again placed them in a drawer in the shelf with the intended wearers name in it. Finally, he set to work assembling the machine. Thankfully, there was a guide book, and the machine came pre-drilled and wired.
Standing back, afterer nearly 4 hours of work, Mark smiled. Before him stood the assembled spanking machine, waiting for its first victim. The machine was a wooden frame with padded kneeing platform, and an angled top part, which would force his wife and daughter to lean forward and downward more, thereby exposing more of their backsides to the rotating paddle. Mark had installed 2 sets of the quick clamps on the benchmark, so that both his wife and daughter could be on the machine benchmark together. As a final torque, he had installed the control box on the wall next to the light switch. Smiling to himself he wrote a note to both his wife and daughter, and left it on the machine, before he called out that he was going to take a shower, and if they wanted, they could look into the room. He then set the special locks on the door, which would trap anyone in the room unless they knew the keypad number to release them. He then smiled, unlocked the room, and went out to the bathroom, to shower.
Sarah was curious about all the building her father had been doing. When she heard him in the shower, she decided to check out what was so special in the room. She went up and opened the door, and walked inside. She had closed the door, so as to not be caught being a sneak, but she hadn’t looked in the room before she closed the door. Turning, she saw the spanking machine from the television add, sitting there. She also saw a shelf with her name on it, along with a school girl uniform, maid dress, bikini, and a drawer with her name on it. She opened the drawer, and found panites with “Spank me”, “Brat”, and “Naughty Girl” printed on them, with a handprint on each ass cheek. Sarah wasn’t sure what to think, but as she looked at the clothes, and the machine, she heard the door close again, and a startedled gasp comes from her mom.
Margret had entered the room as well, and was equally surprised to see the machine, the clothes, and her daughter all in the same room. Both women looked a little confused, but then they went for the door at the same time. Michelle pulled on the handle, but the door refused to budget. Sarah saw something on the machine, and pulled a note from the benchmark, and began reading.
My dear wife and daughter: Before you both stands the implementation of my authority over you. I have been waiting far too long to see what sort of wife and daughter I have, and I have to tell you, so far I have been unimpressed with your behavior. This ends today. As you probably have discovered, the room is locked, and there is no way out except thru the door. You also probably have noticed the clothes, and will probably put 2 and 2 together, but in case you can’t, here’s the deal. You will become a matching pair of girls for me. Whenever I demand a maid, you both will appear in your maid’s outfits. If I demand a report card from school, you both will come as schoolgirls. And if it is time to go use the pool in the back yard, it is bikini time for you both. For now, however, I wantYou both in the school uniforms. Once they are on, both of you should climb onto the benchmark. It is pretty simple to get into position properly. Just put your knees on the lower part and spread your ankles till they are resting in the clamps. Then bend forward over the top part of the benchmark, and put your wrists into the other set of cuffs. Once they’re in the proper place, the cuffs will close automatically. Then you just have to wait.
Sarah was shocked that her father had written such a note, while Michelle seemed almost resigned to the fact that their bottoms would be spanked sooner or later. Slowly, Michelle decided to set the example for her daughter, and she turned to the small shelf with her name on it, and pulled down the school uniform. She witnessed, and began removing her pants and shirt, before slipping off her panties and bra. Sarah just watched as her mother pulled on a pair of panties, before slipping on the blouse and finally squirming into the jumper uniform.
“Sarah dear, you might as well get dressed too. Your father isn’t going to let us out of here, until we both have been on the machine. And its not like you haven’t changed before. Now anxious up. The sooner you get dressed, the sooner we can get out of here.”
Sarah witnessed, and reluctantly slipped off her jean shorts, and pulled her own tee off her chest, before removing her own bra and panties. Sarah blushed as she knew her mom was looking at her smooth pussy, and quickly pulled on a pair of the panking panties, before slipping on and buttoning her own uniform’s blouse. She also slipped into her jumper, and both mother and daughter buttoned up the side of each others uniforms, before fixing their hair into simple ponytails.
Sarah, nervously but with a resolve to not let her fear get the better of her, climbed up onto the spanking machine first. She put her knees into the slots, and spread her ankles, till she felt them settle into the smooth lower part of the cuffs. She heard them hiss close, and lock with a loud CLICK. She knew her legs were spread wide by the position of the cuffs. Nervously, she bent her body over the middle of the bench, and lowered herself till her chest rested on the padded upper part, and allowed her hands to find their way into the cuffs at the front, which likewise clicked closed around her wrists.
Michelle looked at the position her daughter was in, and saw it was perfect for a spanking. Knowing Sarah couldn’t escape, Michelle went to her daughter, and flipped her uniform skirt up, exposing her panties, stretched tight over her ass. Sarah squirmed, and looked back over her shoulder at her mother, but Sarah knew she was helpless. Michelle likewise knew her own bottom would be on display soon enough, and reluctantly, she also climbed onto the benchmark, and felt her ankles becomes prisoners of the cuffs on the benchmark. She leaned forward, over the benchmark, and allowed her hands to find their way into the cuffs, but not before she flipped her own skirt up.
Sarah and Michelle squirmed on the benchmark, their panty covered bottoms on display, awaiting the man of the house to decide their fate.
Mark checked the peep hole he had installed in the wall of the room, and saw the 2 lovely bottoms of his wife and daughter wiggling over the spanking bench. He smiled, knowing his plan had worked. He took his time and got dressed. He then went to the door, and opened it, smiling.
“Well, what do we have here? Two naughty schoolgirls? Well, we can fix that. Let me just make some adjustments.”
Mark smiled as he heard his wife and daughter began to plead and whimper to him, beginning to be released. He just smiled, and moved the wooden paddles into position over their squirming asses. He made sure the impacts would properly swat both their bottoms fully, before stepping back, and turning on a video recorder. Then he went to his wall controls, and punched in a code. On a display in front of his wife and daughter, a clock appeared, with 15:00:00 on it. Mark smiled, and pressed the start button on the control.
The machine came to life, strking both mother and daughter on the ass, bringing a shocked and pained yelp from them both. As the spanking machine warmed up, the speed of the strikes remained constant, but the fire in both mother and daughter’s backs heated up. Mark listened to them as they protested, pleased, begged, then began sobbing as the machine continued its relentless attack on their exposed bottoms.
Sarah squealed and kicked as the paddle rained blow after blow on her bottom. Her wiggling ass pleased her father, as he watched from his office, on the video he was making of his wife and daughter’s first ride on the benchmark. Michelle likewise was wiggling her ass around as the paddle repeatedly struck her ass as well. Both women were reducing to sobbing and crying as the timer passed the 10:00:00 mark.
Both women could see the timercounting down, and knew they still had 10 minutes to go. Both finally gave up their struggle and just wept and squealed as the machine spanked away at their exposed and vulnerable asses. As the women wept, they knew a new life had opened for them. One in which they would find themselves repeatedly over this infernal benchmark, getting their asses spanked.
As the timer stopped, the paddles stopped. The only sound in the room was the sobbing and moaning of the 2 women over the spanking benchmark. Mike smiled as he stopped the recording, after catching some of their whimpering on tape. He made sure the camera had zoomed in on both pairs of red cheeses, and the tears streaked faces of his wife and daughter. He knew he was going to have a block buster, when the DVDs sold. Smiling, he made a quick sample video, and posted it on his personal website. Even Before he went to the other room, to release his wife and daughter, the site had over 2000 hits, and orders for the DVDs. Mike vowed he wouldmake more, as time progressed. For now, he had 2 women who needed to be calmed down, and treated for their sore bottoms. He was sure he could tame his wife, but he was unsure of his daughter. Oh well, if she refused, she could always stay on the machine.
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