This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.
All characters in all of my stories are over eighteen and legal adults in all sexual situations.
Spanking Her Slut
Impact Play for a Naughty Submissive
His scream echoed through the dungeon, her staging area, though Samuel knew that he’d done wrong to his mistress for her to drag him down there. A tall, dominant dragonness, Mistress Essa rippled with muscle, her scales a beautiful ebony, though the spines lining the back of her neck down to the tip of her tail were the most formidable part of her. Samuel was not allowed to call her anything but “mistress” and that was more than fine with him, finding his rightful place at her feet, kissing her claws.
Yet that didn’t make it any easier to bear through her paddle, the wooden spanking implement making him jerk and pull in his bondage, arms strung up over his head. She’d mercifully left his feet free but he couldn’t seem to get them under him, his arse and the backs of his thighs searing through with pain, though it simplified down into a dull throb, welts rising. A tool like that was designed to cause pain even though she pulled back enough to rake her claws over his backside, revealing in the damage she’d caused to him. Samuel shivered. She was yet to ever make it permanent but there was always that threat that the marks on his body, one day, would be left to linger.
He wasn’t sure whether he wanted that or not. But what he did know was that he didn’t want a choice in the matter, willing entrusting everything to his Mistress Essa, the one who lovingly and commandingly ruled his life.
“Oh, pet…”
There was nothing kind in her tone, all as he wantsed it, shivering under her touch. Oh, how he wanted that, how her voice made him quake… Why would he ever have wanted anything else, despite the burn of pain burning through his body?
“I think you need a more personal touch, slut… Something… Something.”
His mistress didn’t have to tell him and that was more than he deserved to hear even then, chest heaving, hanging his head, groaning deep in the back of his throat. He didn’t want to say anything to anger her anymore, torn between wanting the eroticism of her beating and the pain that, of course, seized through him with each and every impact. It was a delicious conundrum to be in and he simply could not resist moaning out loud, even though it would only rile her up all the more, encouraging her to beat him even harder.
She set her tools aside, slowly and Deliberately, the beautiful mistress that had turned his life around. His heart pounded and Essa chuckled throatly, a sound that struck fear into his heart in the very best of ways.
“There’s nothing as tough as a dragon’s paw…”
Paw? Well, he’d always called them hands but maybe -“
He shouldn’t have howled but he did, pulling and tugging at his chains, every muscle in his body straining to escape right there and then. Her hand covered more of his arse than any of her slender whips, fingers curling around, ensuring that the impact was even for the best coverage. It stung more than any tool, though he could not have said why, his dragon mistress crowding softly as a heated rise to his backside.
“Oh, that’s better!”
Whether it was better or not was beside the point for him as he had nothing to say in that matter, shuddering and jerking, his body straining to pull away as she beat him with nothing more than her paw. Essa’s hand connected with him again and again, forcing him forward, arms wronged back, the pain there nothing in comparison to the sering ache in his backside. His thighs, mercifully, wereleft out for the moment after her earlier caning but his entire body was left aching as if he had a run ten marathons one after other.
But he had to grit his teeth and bear through it, the pain sending his cock into a throbbing frenzy, lust courseing through. A long time ago being beaten had made his cock soften but not anymore, need throbbing wantonly through his soul, his shake harder than ever, spinning pre-cum that he knew still that he was not allowed to spend. But he couldn’t stop himself, arousal tearing through him, burning up a pathway through his veins as if that was it for his body, his nervous system on fire.
He howled. She didn’t hold back, even twisting her body a little so that she could use the length of her scaled tail too as an improved whip, using everything at her physical disposal to get a more “hands on” feel of his beating. Samuel’s chest heaved but he was barely with himself in that moment, shuddering and groaning, sweat dripping from his body, an itching trickle that, strangely, stood out as annoying among the blaze of pain radiating from his buttons. It gave him something else to focus on.
On and on. Oh, she had to have her fill of him and he danced from foot to foot, chains rattling, arms straining, pulling back so very far that, for a moment, he feared that they were going to be wronged out of their sockets. His mistress would never push him that far, however, toying with him back and forth along that line of pain exploiting into cruel pleasure, fat cock bobbing and twitching. Until, finally, he could hold back no more and climaxed with a broken moan, a strange sop, hanging there limp as all the energy and cum left his body.
“Well, well, well, slut…”
She paced around him but he barely had the energy left to follow her movements. That was alright, for she had more than enough patience to wait for him to recover, offering him a sugary beverage that he could drinkThrough a straw, a little energy returning. He grunted and told, his cock softening, though it would not be that way for long as she provided a vibrating cock ring that she had locked onto him too many times before. There was nothing like the sight of an implementation used to force his orgasm to send delicious fear through his heart.
“If you break the rules and get off, you know the consequences.”
And he did. Hanging his head, he exhausted softly, the ghost of a smile flitting across his lips.
“Yes, Mistress.”
It was almost as if he was looking forward to his punishment…
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