Here I stood with my dick trying it’s best to rip a hole in my boxers. Before me Brianne stood buck naked, with her legs played leaning forward her hands clinging tightly to the brick half wall in my living room. Her huge tits dangling beneath her body, her head bowed she finally spoke. “Master, please punish me for what I did. Please make me sorry I didn’t follow your rules.”
As I raised my hand to spank her bare ass I thought about the short hours that had brought years of fantasy to an unexpected fruition. I have known Brianne since she was seven years old. She and my daughter played together. Her parents and my wife and I share so many life events you would think that we were family. I never gave Bri a second thought when she was young. She was an unruly child and Grow to be a bit of a hellion as a teenager. Most of her life I had no use for her.
It was just after she turned nineteen that my whole thought pattern of her changed. She had played a rough game so far. Got pregnant young, and had the baby while in the county lock up for a drive off without paying for a tank of gas. She gave up the baby for adoption but she took it hard. One Saturday afternoon she showed up at the house wanting to ‘borrow’ $10 for gas. Her folks had moved about 6 hours off and she was pretty much on her own so I wanted to help, “Let me grab my boots and I’ll take you down and put it in the tank” I said.
At this she got a bit huffy, and with her hands on her hips rolled her eyes, “What, you think I am gonna go buy shit to cook meth?” She thought she was being tough but as she was 5’3″ and on the plump side of things she looked more comedic than tough and I was a bit annoyed by her bellygerence.
“Little girl, if you were doing meth you would be skin and bones with Your teeth falling out selling your ass down under the Commerce Street Bridge. Now you have a choice either put away the bravado and accept a tank of gas and a gas station chicken dinner or I can doYour folks a favor and turn your ass over my knee and blister it for being a little bitch.” All this brought her up short and she just stood there staring at me.
We stood there staring at each other for a few minutes when she finally spoke. She licked her lips just a bit, her eyes were wide and her breathing had become a bit shallow, “You’d spank me? Really?” Suddenly this conversation had a whole new tenor to it.
Not knowing what to say I nodded. She stood and looked at me wide eyed breathing hard for several seconds. This girl is an F cup if she’s an inch so I couldn’t help but to watch her massive chest swell up and down. The tension began to draw out and at the end I broke the silence, “Come on, let’s get you some gas.”
The moment was gone but the spell was far from broken. For the next five years she was one of my favorite masturbation fans. Don’t get me wrong I love fucking my wife, we have a very fun sexual relationship but there are certain desires of mine that she is just not interested in. Some that she had been willing to indulge, such as tying her up, had been precluded by the development of a joint disorder. As such these fansies of Bri became a release for these particular parts of my sexual personality.
Years passed, Bri married had another kid and seemed happy for a while but then that marriage tanked because, as she said “I just can’t keep my god damn legs Together!” Her ex got custody and she moved away with her folks and I kept her great big tits and plump ass on my shelf as a fun little fantasy with a happy ending.
It was Memorial Day that dropped the hammer on everything that had gone before. My wife was off on a cruise with about 80 other women belonging to a social organization and I was just spinning wheels and going to work while she was away. I took a couple extra days off just to have a mini vacation of my own.
Thursday evening I got home knowing I had 5 days off and there was no one in the housewith me. I stripped my work clothes in the foyer and walked into the kitchen to pour a whisky. I hammered down a shot then poured some better stuff on ice and was just about to find a good porn scene to jerk off to when I heard her behind me. “Oh, Shit Sorry! I thought you would have clothes on!” As I turned there stood Bri in my foyer.
I was a bit panicked “what the hell? Don’t you knock?” In my racing state of mind I completely forgot I was standing there in my stretch boxers with my dick at half salute considering what porn to put on. She stood for a moment looking at me with my cock pressing against my boxers wearing nothing else but a wife beater and a glass of Jamison’s.
She smiled and said, “Well if you tried shutting the door it might help, it was half open when I walked up!” She stood and seemed to reconsider her Stance as I looked hard at her. “Look I came up to see the kids and I got no place to stay. I left a message for you. Aunt Rose said it was Ok.” Hangingher head she seemed defeated, “If you don’t want me here just say so, I’ll go sleep in the park in my car.”
Grabbing my cell phone from the counter I saw I had missed calls from my wife and Bri as well as Bri’s mom. “Crap, you’re fine Brianne, your mom and my wife just don’t seem to remember I get no reception where I work. Come on let’s get your shit.”
Bri laughed a little and I realized I was still in my boxers. “Well you don’t seem to mind.” She blushed a little and looked away, I was deflated by this point so I grabbed a pair of gym shorts and we brought Bri’s 2 small bags in. The dogs jumped all over her and finally settled down. I ordered pizza and poured myself another whiskey. Pauling a moment I yelled to the living room, “You I have Shiner, Jamie’s, and Vodka.”
Bri laughed before she replied, “I’ll take a Whisky since you offer, never thought you’d be plying me with liquor.” There was a bit of playing challenge in her voice.
I poured twofingers and dropped in some ice and as I walked in and hand it to her I swatted her butt, “Careful little girl I would still spank your bare ass to make you behave.” She stopped short, tilted her head to the side and stood there looking at me.
She sat down and we made small talk while watching a some raunchy comes she picked out on the streaming box. Pizza came and we finished up the bottle of Jamison’s and moved on to a half bottle of JD that was in the cabinet. I was just about to excuse myself to bed and give my crank a good hard turn when she spoke.
“Would you really? I mean if I was going to let you would you spank my bare ass?” She stood as I looked at her. I took a slow sip of my whiskey. Finally she turned. She set her glass down and grabbed her massive chest lifting her t-shirt clad tits, “Seriously, if you could do anything you wanted with these and spank my ass would you?”
Maybe it was the booze and maybe it was my quickly hardening cock talking, but Istood and stepped past her and turned so I stood behind her. I placed my hands on her hips and slowly wrapped my arms about her waist. I leaned in and kissed her neck softly and she made a mewling sound in response. I felt her hands on my own and then I grabbed her wrists. Pulling her arms so they crossed I held her too me and pressed my clothes covered dick against the crack of her ass, “Little girl, if I was to spank your ass it would only be if you were my slave. You would have to promise to be my property.” My hands began to roam up her body. I cupped the fullness of her breast in my hands, this flesh would be mine to do with as I please, and you would not be in possession of yourself. My whim would be your desire.”
I released one arm and wheeled her around to face me with my free hand I grabbed her by the back of her hair and made her look up at me. “If this is what you want get on your knees.” I knew this was a turning point. If she freaked out I would have a crap load of explaining to do. She stood there. Uncertainty in her blue eyes, I released my grip and placed my hands on her shoulders and pushed ever so gently and she whimpered as she sank to her knees. Her face was on level with my erect dick.
She raised her hand and caressed my dick through the layers of fabric. It took every ounce of will power I possessed but I grabbed her hand and slapped it hard. “You will not touch me unless I permit it.” The look on her face was shock as she rubbed her assaulted hand.
I pushed her down to a sitting position on the floor. “I will make the rules clear. You are to submit to me. You are giving yourself to me as property; to command and do with as I please. Your body is here for my convenience and pleasure and your person is here to make sure I am not disappointed. I may tell you to clean my kitchen, I may fuck your ass, I may decide you need to suck my dick before I go to bed. I may do nothing at all however that is unlikely.”
The whole time she was on her knees looking up at me. “Now what, you want these big tits out?” She cupped her breast and lifted them and was again shocked as I gently pushed knocking her off balance. As she teetered I grabbed her again by her hair and turned her face towards my own.
“This isn’t your rules any more little girl. You have got what you want through throwing tantrums and making people give You shit just to shut you up for a long time, you have used your tits and ass as weapons as soon as you figured out boys would want to play with them. You have always had some measure of control. That is at an end my pet. You are not in charge and you will do as you are told.” As I let go of her hair she lost all balance and fall over on the carpet.
Slowly, like a puppy that had been smacked on the nose, she got back up onto her knees. I was really starting to get into the game; Bri had not even started to understand it. “You name is now ‘Fuck Meat’. That is all you are to me. You will not speak unless spoken to and you will address me as ‘Master’ or ‘Sir’. Now get on your feet and strip, I want to inspect my property.”
She got slowly to her feet. She looked around the room and then reached down and unbuttoned her jeans. As she did she looked at the tent made by my cock, she smiled a bit and ran her finger just underneath the lace waist band of her panties. Like her lips she looked at me and began to sway her hips while pulling down her pants.
I didn’t wait for her to play any more I grabbed a pair of scissors from the end table and with my left hand grabbed the collar of her t shirt. Pulling her upright I cut the ribbing, tossed the scissors aside, and ripped her shirt down the front. Grabbing her bra between her tits I pulled her back to me and grew into her face, “I said Strip Fuck Meat! I’ll let you know when I want a show.”
Quietly she removed her torn shirt and the rest of her clothes until she was standing only in her panties. As she hooked her thumbs in the waist band I moved again. Reaching down between her legs I grabbed the crotch of her panties and pulled away from her. The sopping fabric clung to her pussy hair and I felt her tense as she yelped. She was breathing hard as she continued to push them down her legs I let go the wet fabric as it approached her knees and let her drop them round her ankles, kicking them away.
She kept her eyes down as she stood naked before me only her long hair and tas hiding anything at all. “You will need to shake that pussy Fuck Meat, It would always be ready for whatever I want to shove inside it.” She nodded; I could smell her juices flowing. “Show me your tits bitch.”
She lifted her pendulous breast in her hands and looked slowly up at me. I grabbed on by the nipple the stainless barbell piercing between my finger and thumb. I heard her intake of breath. I looked across the room and saw the brick half wall. “over there,” I pointed where I wanted her, “assume the position.”She walked carefully across the room and placed both hands on the half wall, spreading her feet she bent over and stuck out her ass.
I let her stand there for a minute or two knowing that her legs and arms would soon grow wear. “You are a very bad girl Fuck Meat. You are a cock tease and a slut and you need to pay for that. You have also made me angry. You tried to be in charge and tempt me with Your tits. Then you tried again after I told you that I was in charge. The show you tried to put on will have to be answered for. Now you will answer some questions for me.
I raised my hand and let it fall hard on her ass. She flinched but didn’t cry out. “Have you ever swallowed cum?”
She seemed confused for a moment, but then answered. “no no I spit it out.” My hand came down hard on her ass. I waited a moment and smoked down hard again and then a third time, finally she answered again “Master! I spit it out Master I am sorry.” Softly U began to rub the red welts.
“That will have to change Fuck Meat, along with Shaving that pussy of yours” She was breathing hard. As I rubbed her ass I would occasionally rub between her ass cheeses. Her pussy was as hot as hell and dripping on the floor.
My hand struck down once more, she got the message, “Yes Master.” She stammered out “Swallow and Shave.”
“Now one more question,” I smiled knowing I was leading her into a trap, “do you want me to fuck your ass?”
She paused and glanced up, “No sir I only did that once and didn’t like it” My hand came down hard 3 then four times.
I told you what you want doesn’t matter, you are meat for my pleasure.” All the time I continue to rub her warming red butt, teasing her slit, and now putting pressure on her ass. “You are breaking my rules little girl, what should I do with you?” I stepped back letting her stand her arms aching and legs trembling.
Something inside her broke loose. She bowed her head, “Master, please punish me for what I did.Please make me sorry I didn’t follow your rules.” I began to swat her ass. Watching her tits bounce with each percussive strike. My dick felt like it was going to exploit.
At last I stopped and dropping my boxes I stepped behind her. I pushed my cock down and beneath her crotch so it would rest up against her clip but not inside her hot dripping cunt. I rubbed both butt chefs continuing to tease her ass and cunt and bending forward grabbed one of her tits in my hand. “now my Fuck Meat what do you want.
Her breathing was very shallow I could tell she was so close to orgasm that it would take just pushing my dick inside her to take her over the edge. Her voice was ragged “I want to Shave for you, and drink your cum… and…”
When she paused I stopped rubbing her ass. After a few seconds I raised one in the air, that was all it took. “Oh god Please fuck me! Fuck me any way you want, fuck my ass Sir! Please oh please just fuck me Master let me cum!”
It was tempting, very tempting but instead I leaned over her body taking both her tits in my hands I stood her up and whispered in her ear. “I will fuck you and make you come when you have earned it. Right now you are being punished.” She whimpered in my embrace, “now lie down on your back I see no reason I should not get off”
I fished some massage oil out of the end table and straddled her torso. Pouring some on the head of my cock I looked her in the eye, “first chance to earn you fucking slave jerk me off.”
She stared at first but then grabbed my dick and started strucking it she used her other hand to spread the oil on her tits and slowly began to use them to trap and stroke my member. It feel like heaven I smiled and watched as the head grow red and swollen and then I blew my load, the first thick rope landing on Bri’s face the next hit and down her chin the rest was spread about her tits. She lay there for a moment as if she were done but then remembered what she had said. Slowly she scooped up my jism with her fingers and licking them off swallowed my load one finger full at a time.
I stood up and looked at her. “Well Fuck Meat we have a few days, if you want to continue this go clean off my dick and then shower and clean up that cunt. No didling yourself in the shower either, you cum when I say you cum.”
She grinned, got on her knees and sucked my cock into her mouth. After licking it off she stood and walked upstairs and into the shower.
It was going to a long weekend alright, a long and interesting weekend.
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