Weekend Gathering – slave girl sara
November 2019
You know sometimes you get a brilliant idea, you know, the best idea anyone has ever had? Well I had one, but, you know when you sometimes get a brilliant idea, the best ever but you have no one to bounce it off for the negatives it may be trouble?
After my 10k run I think I must have had running in my blood again, I used to be a junior international.
I had lost a heap of weight, a size and cup off my boobs and felt really good.
So good that when I went out on this particular Friday night with the girls I felt a little tarty, you know, putting it out there a bit?
At last I was on the train to Leeds, and who should be the conductor but the lad who opened the doors for me a few weeks ago when the train was ready to set off.
He was also sometimes the conductor of the train I use to get to work and back.
I was the only one to get on at that stop and showed my pass.
We stood near the door where he goes to make announcements and stuff.
I knew the journey and that we had minutes before the next stop.
I turned to face him and lifted my mini up, we were soon in his room.
No time for much really, so a quick fingering for me and cock pulling for him.
His other hand down my bra, boy did I need that aperitif.
I came just as the train stopped and the girls got on.
It was a good night to start with and later turned into a great Friday night in town.
All the usual girls with all the usual boys sniffing round for a pickup.
It seemed a great relationship we all had, all the boys wanting a fuck no matter where or when and us girls needing a fuck when we needed it, not just to please the guys.
Not sure about the rest but I think I am more like the boys, lol.
As always a couple of the girls fancied a quickie and disappeared to the side street in the centre we called pussy alley, and not a cat in sight.
There can be fOur or five girls pinned against the wall as the boy`s cocks find their destination beside the crotch of our knickers, if we had some on.
Nothing serious just couples releasing the stresses of the week with the enjoyment of a fuck.
I noticed a few different older boys tonight, they looked like nice young men in their second year of uni.
I had my eye on one good looking guy in particular and when he made a pass I took him to pussy alley.
He fumbled so I got his cock out, a good size for one so skinny, popped an envelope on him and took him in.
No knickers on tonight, I felt so needy.
He tried to kiss me on the lips so I lifted my jumper and bra to take his mind off it.
He was soon hooked on to a nipple, I felt him cumming but I was not ready so nipped the base of his Shaft to put him off a bit.
He was cute, in the right place at the right time and it was only just a little past nine when we got back to the rest of the gang. Plenty of timefor even more fun.
Before I left home I had left a bit of clothing on my bedroom floor, Daisy saw it, told Sir and I was over his knee before I left for a hand spanking.
The reason I mention that, the alley buildings are all rough stone and the shag I just had rubbed my bottom so hard I was now hot to trot.
I went to the bar for my round and a guy said, “Hi sara, is it too early to claim you?”
I got the drinks in but not mine and took him by the hand to the unisex toilets and baby changing facilities in the centre.
I never asked, just stripped naked and knelt down as he dropped his pants.
I only sucked a little when he pulled me to my feet, turned me round to place both my hands on the hooks behind the door and whipped my bottom and back with his belt.
Not sure who gave in first, but I was soon bent over being fucked.
Boy was I ready for that, and fortunately he was a stayer too.
He said he was from a BDSM site I use, just in Leedsovernight and to mention Trev Acum, not sure of his second name, Sir or Master T.
Well Sir T, your minute of fame, and thank you for the loan of your cock.
We re-joined the girls and continued our night out.
Laura and I saw these two guys at the taxi rank queue, we struck a deal, if they shared our taxi, only about £4, they could shag us before we went.
Back down to the alley, this time we put the boys against the wall.
We took their cocks and wanked them, then rode each in turn till they filled their packets.
Home, shown and in bed, well before eleven.
After waking Sir and Daisy at seven we all sat having breakfast and I told them of my night.
As I was still naked Sir checked my back and bottom, a few light marks.
Over the counter I went with Daisy being put on the counter under my face.
Sir was soon in action and so was I.
Not being rude, but can you think of a better scenario with three adults enjoying ourselves inthe privacy of our own kitchen dinner?
I tided away the breakfast things, was dismissed for a shower and told not to go too far today as we had guests this afternoon, oh and not to dress for the occasion.
Saturday afternoon soon arrived and we had a few people around to play.
All were in our lifestyle; I knew them all from the circle of friends we mix with, but I had never been naked in front of them, well, not all together.
Not that I did not want to show the new me off to them you understand.
I knew and hoped what we were in for when Sir said at lunch. “Shower and naked and in the hallway at three sara.”
“Yes Sir.”
I cleared the lunchtime dishes and went for a shower, I stood in front of the mirror admiring the new me, vane I know, and not really me, but I am a girl after all.
I pinged my nipples and ended on the bed for a play, I must have reached such a high, I woke with a start, it was five to three.
I had another quick showerand got into the hall just as the doorbell rang.
I took a deep breath and peaked around the door, “Ah good afternoon Sirs and Misses, welcome please come in, excuse my dress, or the lack of, just had a shower.”
I opened the door wide and they all moved past me with a long glance my way.
“You look stunning sara, have you been working out?”
I arched my back a bit more, “A little Miss, thank you.”
I followed them into the blinde.
“What time were you told to be in the hallway sara?”
“Three Sir.”
“And what time was it?
“About ten past Sir, I fell asleep on my bed.”
I did not need to tell, he sat up in his chair and made right angled with his knees and I went over.
The conversation began and I was spanked Intermittently for ages, Sir would stop and rest his hand on my back as the other stroked my reddening bottom, then back spanking again.
“You know how to say sorry sara, our guests first?”
Another of those questions not needing an answer.
I knelt in front of where Mr. Blower was sitting, real name, I kid you not.
“Sorry for having to be spanked in front of you for being naughty Sir.”
He unzipped and I wrestled out his, two handfuls and a bit, limpish cock.
Completely shacked not a rough area anywhere, I tweaked his ball bag as I licked his length.
I saw he liked that so squeezed a little harder as I took him in, my eyes never once leaving his face and eyes.
I soon had him rocking back in his seat.
He had obviously not used it for a while as he squirted down my throat, I looked at Sir and he smiled.
Mrs. B. was at his side and lifted her skirt over my head as I knelt before her.
She moved the crotch of her tiny knickers to one side to give me full access.
Again perfectly bald with lots of juice to lick from her inner thighs, she obviously enjoyed my spanking
I was so ready to please a ladies pussy she too was soon arching her backto release her juices.
The conversation was going on around me as I moved to Mr. Pilkington, a bank manager in our area.
I had been over his knee umpteen times before and his wife`s at cookery classes, she spanked us for fun.
He was around three hands full, and thick with it. I had to unbutton his fly and made sure I constantly touched his cock under his jumpey shorts.
Getting him out was a real wrestle, I remembered he loved the bottom of his shaft having most attention and having the pee hole sucked just before he came.
Mrs. P was next, I said my speech and she tapped her knee, that was my second spanking and I was soon wriggling and in tears as she moved down the backs of my legs.
She eased me off, stood to remove her trousers and knickers and I sucked her as she stood. She and the rest were all naked by the time she came.
I went to move my head and she pushed me back in for seconds.
Mr. P. had Daisy over the settee arm and was in herpussy as Mrs. B sat astride her head.
Mr. B. pulled me off Mrs. P and took me, missionary to start with then progressed around my body.
Sir had Mrs. P, kneeing, I thought he may, he loves the control he has over us in that position.
After a couple of hours Daisy took me to the kitchen to check on things in the overn then to shower.
Everyone cleaned up and we all sat down to a warming beef and oyster stew with jacket potatoes and crusty bread.
The men returned to the locke for a brandy and I took in the coffee.
We girls were still all naked of course but the men had dressing gowns on but all had their willies dangling down on view, lol.
Sir’s the longest, Mr. P’s the thickest and then there was Mr. B`s, still a good size but by no means a show Winner.
After a few loosening drinks we unwittingly acted out an old Victorian orgy.
Willies, tits, bums and pussies all over the place, wow what a show.
Towards the end I was sent to make coffees and as the kettle boiled I heard an orchestra of spanks resounding around the lounge.
I took my time and enjoyed someone else`s bottom being reddened, that said, I wondered when it would be my turn.
At bedtime I found out!
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