Spanked in Front of the Ladies

I’d been looking forward to the weekend at my friend Tim’s apartment by the beach. The plan was that his girlfriend, Keri, whom I knew pretty well, would be there, and also their friend Samantha, whom I’d met a couple of times. Between Keri and Samantha, I knew there’d be plenty to look at. Moreover, I had some hopes that maybe Samantha would be interested in me. It was a two-bedroom apartment, where I was slotted to sleep in the living room, but hope sprang eternal.

Things didn’t go exactly as I expected. That night, after dinner, everyone had a couple of drinks, and we were hanging around the living room, watching the start of a sci-fi movie Tim had picked. The ladies were in short skirts, which I was having trouble pretending not to notice. Tim was wearing a pair of khakis, and I’d put on sweatpants, which did a poor job of concealing my interest. The ladies were sitting on either side of Tim on the sofa, while I sat in an armchair, feeling a bit of envy.

Anyway,at one point, Keri got up to bring us some beers, and he playedfully swatted her on the back of the skirt. Samantha then giggled, and got up to help Keri in the kitchen, and I impulsively gave her a pat on the butt. “Hey!” she turned around, not amused. All three of them were staring at me. Tim spoke up, saying in a stern voice, “That’s not acceptable, Kevin.”

“Oh, are you in charge around here?” I said, unthinkingly. I was now not only jealous and horny, but also embarrassed at being admonished.

“I am in charge here,” said Tim evenly. “This is my place, and you’ll behave yourself while you’re present.” The word “present” hung in the air, like something he’d say to an unruly student.

My desire to show the girls I couldn’t be bossed around like this impelled me to an unwise reply. “Yeah? Well, let’s see how you enforce those rules.”

“If you don’t behave, I’ll show you how,” said Tim, clicking pause on the movie. “Keri, get me my hairbrush. You know where it is.” There was something knowing in his voice.

Keri smiled, went into a bedroom and emerged with a hairbrush. The concept that Tim might use it as a disciplined tool seemed to be something she was already familiar with. She handed the brush to him, with a smile towards me. I glanced over at Samantha, and she looked at surprised at the way the conversation was going, but intrigued. I could feel my face flush at the thought that the women were seeing Tim assert such authority over me.

I couldn’t leave well enough alone. “If you’re suggesting what I think you are, I’d like to see you try it,” I challenged Tim.

“Fine,” he said. He got up, walked over to me, and grabbed my upper arm with his left hand, while still holding the hairbrush in his right. Before I knew it, he’d walked me over to the sofa, and pulled me across his lap. I put up a struggle, but the man was just too strong. Within a few moments, he’d pulled my sweatpants down to around my knees. Then he pinned my arm behind the small of my back.

“This won’t be very long or hard, because it’s a first offense,” Tim said. “But it’s a lesson you need to learn.”

With that, he brought the hairbrush down on my underwear-clad butt. I squirmed but didn’t continue to struggle, as I had a strong feeling that doing so would result in my briefs coming down too. I glanced over at the girls, who were watching raptly. Keri looked bemused, while Samantha seemed to have a serious fascination. I was mortified, of course.

After a dozen or so smokes on alternate cheeses, Tim spoke to me. “Kevin, I’m going to let you up, and you’re going to stand in the corner for a while, pants down. You may keep your underwear on, as long as you’re quiet and behave yourself. I’ll let you know when you can rejoin us.”

And so I did. The three of them watched some more of the movie, while I listened and stared at the wall. After a while, Samantha walked over to me, having gotten a nod from Tim that I saw from the corner of my eye. She said, “You can pull up your pants now and sit with us.” I did so, and to my happy surprise, found that some room had now been made for me on the sofa.

“And you’re welcome to join me in my bedroom tonight if you’d like,” Samantha said. Before I could answer, she turned to Tim and Keri and said, “That’s assuming you two don’t mind. And Tim, of course I’ll need to hold onto that hairbrush of yours, just in case someone misbehaves.”


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