They were two fairly typical housewives. Prettier than average with much in common, they lived next door to each other. They were both 32 and elementary school teachers, teaching in different neary towns. They had married their college sweethearts right after graduation and both had two children, a boy and a girl now 7 and 5 respectively. Sarah’s husband Tom was a successful insurance broker specializing in large employees and Mary’s husband Jack was a financial adviser to wealthy clients. They had both moved to the small suburban town within a few months of each other after getting married. It was only natural they would become friends, and having the same time off as teachers only made it all that much better. Their husbands also got along well and often played golf and went fishing together on the weekends.
Sarah was a pretty girl-next-door type brunette about 5’8″ tall, with an athletic figure with pearl shaped 34C breasts, a firm butt and long legs. Her hair was cut shoulderder length and she had green eyes, an aquiline nose, medium complexion and a small mouth with thin lips. Her husband Tom was a handsome 6’1″ and about 165 lbs, lean but muscular and kept in good shape by going to the gym three times a week. Mary was a blonde that kept it fairly long, and although shorter than Sarah at 5″2″ she had a much fuller figure with natural 38D breasts, a thin waist and What could be called a bubble butt. Regular exercise and jogging keep her firm so there was no fat on her curvy figure. She had pale skin, big blue eyes, a few freckles across her nose and cheats, and full lips around a mouth that seemed too big for her face when she smiled. Her husband Jack was also shorter than Tom at 5’8″ and was a stocky 180 lbs., but with exercise like tennis and basketball there was no fat on him either. All in all, two good looking, youthful and sexy couples in their early thirties.
They developed a mutually beneficial plan not long after their first children were born to get time together as adults on Saturday nights as well as alone time with their own spouses, something many couples had difficulty with when they have children. Once a month they would get a single sitter for all the children and the kids would all stay at one home or the other, while the couples went out together to dinner or a movie, or had dinner and watched a movie, or had a gathering of several couples at the other home. Since the children were the same sex and ages and got along, it worked well. Then on two of the other weekends one couple would watch all the children at their own home, or take them all out to a movie or some other activity, allowing the other couple to go out alone or stay home and relax. They all know but left it unspoken that “relax” was euphemism for sex, something that was always difficult to find private time for when you had younger children.
This had gone on for several years as the children grew up and the prior Saturday night it was Sarah and Tom’s turn to watch the kids while Mary and Jack had an evening alone. Everything had gone as usual, but the following Monday on a warm summer morning things changed quite a bit. Both wives and the children had off from school, but the kids were all enrolled in a summer day camp and had left at 8:00 for the day on the bus that picked them up. The husbands had gone to work as usual. Sarah and Mary sat in Mary’s kitchen enjoying a cup of coffee and bagels as they made small talk about the kids and the vacations they were planning for later in the summer.
Then came the moment when everything changed. Mary was wearing a very short summer dress that showed off all her curves and had begun to make some fresh ice tea. She put the teapot on the stove and then bent down at the wait to retrieve a pitcher from the cabinet under the counter. This caused her dress to ride up in the back and show off a lot more of her derriere than she probably realized. That she was also wearing high cut pantis didn’t hurt Sarah’s view from her vantage point. What she saw were the purplish blotches that covered Mary’s lower ass cheeses and disappeared under her panties.
“It looks like one of us was one very naughty girl…” Sarah coolly commented.
Mary came up with the pitcher in one hand before understanding the meaning of what her friend had just said. Embarrassed, she hastily pulled down on her dress with the other, stammering ” No, it’s… it’s not like that…”
” OK, so what is it like?” Sarah persisted. ” I hope he is not abusing you.” And Mary shook her head strongly no as Sarah continued ” Come on, we’re friends and you can tell me. I promise it will be just between us. You tell me your secret and I’ll tell you one of mine.”
They had have friends long enough for this to put Mary at ease enough to begin, although hesitantly. ” Well… sometimes Jack… well, sometimes I need… want… to be punished, so he spanks me. There, I said it. And you know we hadSaturday night free since you took the kids… so he gave me a spanking… and then he fucked me silly.” She rushed through the last part as if that would make it less embarrassing.
Sarah replied ” No need to be embarrassed, silly! I think lots of couples do that and it sounds hot to me, but that looks like more than just a spanking… it’s two days later… come on now, let me see it again and tell me the whole truth.”
Mary came over to her friend and turned around and lifted her dress and panties, to show the purple marks that covered both of her full, round ass cheeses. “Well… we have a paddle he uses to spank me…”
” Really… and you enjoy it? It must hurt to do that. Can I see it?
” It hurts like hell but does get me all hot and bothered… and wet… you Know…down there… and then when he…” she cut herself short and continued ” I’ll be right back.” Mary left and returned a few minutes later with a wooden paddle about 20″ long and 3″ wide and 1/4″ thick, shaped to have a handle at one end. She handed it to Sarah, who looked it over, feeling the smooth surface.
Then Mary said with some disease in her voice ” OK, girl, now it’s your turn. Tell me a secret about you and Tom. And after what I told you, it better be a good one.”
Without hesitation Sarah got off the stool. ” It seems we have more in common than we ever knew.” She turned around while unbuttoning her shorts as she bent slightly at the waist, hooked her thumbs into the waistband and pulled down the shorts and panties she was wearing, exposing her backside to her friend. There was no mistaken the five red lines and slight welts that ran across both her ass cheeses.
Mary brought her hand to her mouth in surprise and said “Oh… my… god.” She moved over behind her friend and reached down to feel the welts and examine the red lines closer. “What did he do? With what… and when?” she asked.
” This morning…. after the kids left and before he left for work… with a cane.” Sarah answered matter of factly.
” That must smart like all get out. What did you do to deserve that? And since you asked me, did you enjoy it?”
” You bet it hurts like you wouldn’t believe, but I didn’t do anything… he just wanted me to think about him all day long. And I sure do every time I sit down, and he knows I love it… I thanked him after each stroke, and mean every word. I only wish it could have been more.” After a long pause she added ” But he did let me suck him off before he left for work.”
” It does seem like we both love a good pain in the ass… and ‘let me’? … so it seems we have even more in common than spankings.” Mary unconsciously licked her lips while insinuating she also loved sucking her husband’s cock, and they both laughed. ” You’ve got to let me see this cane you use. I’ve never seen one in person.”
“Sure, but let’s go over to my place since it is too long to hide under these summer clothes and someonee might see me carrying it over here.” Mary poured the now boiling water into the pitcher with the tea bags and turned off the stove, and they hurried over to Sarah’s house. Once they got there Mary stayed in the living room while Sarah went upstairs to her bedroom. She returned with the cane, about 3.5′ long and made of rattan about 1/4″ in diameter with a leather grip handle. She handed it to Mary, who examined it Carefully before handing it back to her friend.
Mary surprised Sarah ” I can’t stand it. I really want to know what that feels like.”
Sarah replied “But I’ve never… that is always Tom’s job… to do it to me.”
“Come on… a few swats won’t hurt. Well, maybe it will… but I really want to see what it feels like.”
” OK, take down your panties and bend over the back of the sofa.” Sarah ordered, and Mary compiled. Sarah pushed Mary’s dress up on to her back and pulled her panties down to her knees. ” Damn girl, you’ve got a really nice ass. I’m jealous! Now you have to count the strokes. That’s the rule. And you are only getting three. And you realize this is probably going to leave marks like mine”
” Yes, Sarah, I understand. I didn’t tell you before but Jack is going out of town on business for three days today, so they should fade before he gets back… I hope.” As soon as she said that Sarah brought the cane down directly across both ass cheeses, and hard.
” Yowww!!!” Mary cried out and stood up straight and rubbed her ass cheeses. When she remembered the rule, she said meekly ” One” and returned to her position bent over the back of the sofa.
The next one came down across both ass cheeses once again, just above the last one.
” Hssssss…” came out of Mary’s mouth, but This time she remained in position and said firmly “TWO!”
Sarah took her time, holding the cane against Mary’s ass for a moment, and when she saw Mary wiggle her ass in anticipation of the next one, she lifted the cane and brought it down once more on her ass, this time just below the first one. Mary gritted her teeth and did not make a sound from this one, but said softly “Three” as she exhausted.
Mary remained over the back of the sofa and Sarah touched her friend’s ass to feel the welts begin to form as the red lines became more pronounced. She heard Mary moan “Mmmmm” to her touch. She then did something that surprised herself but seemed natural at the time. She moved her hand between her friend’s legs and Mary moved them slightly apart, giving Sarah her tacit approval. Sarah’s hand covered Mary’s mound with its’ wispy blonde fur and a finger pressed into her slit, and found it dripping wet. Mary moaned but did not move as Sarah flicked her finger back and forth across her now erect clip. It only took a short time before she had an Intensive orgasm, squeezing Sarah’s hand between her legs as the waves of pleasure passed through her body.
Mary did not consider herself a lesbian at all. She had fooled arounda few times with a close friend in high school while they were learning about their bodies and boys, but aroused as she was this just seemed like a natural thing to happen after getting caned. Sarah also had little experience with another woman, except for a few times with her college roommate who was always horny after a few too many drinks, but apparently knew just what she needed to do to Mary. So while it Surprised them both, neither felt particularly embarrassed or ashamed, but rather felt a kind of intimacy they never had before..
When Mary calmed down Sarah removed her hand, patted her butt lightly and chided her “I thought you might have needed that.”
“I sure did.” Mary got up and shuffled over to the mirror that she knew was in the hall to the kitchen, her panties still down around her knees, and turning her backside to it looked over her shoulder and saw the results of the caning she had just received. Three red lines and the beginnings of matching welts were becoming obviously across both ass cheats, and she felt them lightly. ” Wow, that is amazing. I am going to have to get Jack one of those. You’ve got to let me know where you got yours. I may even use rush shipping so it is here when he gets back!”
“I’ll give you all the info when we get back to your place. And fair is fair, I think you owe me a few swats with that paddle!” she laughed as Mary gingerly pulled up her panties and let her dress fall down into place, and they went back to Mary’s house.
Sarah’s living room faced the rear of the house, but Mary’s house had a big picture window in the living room facing the street, so they went up to her bedroom to assure privacy after Mary retrieved the paddle from the kitchen cabinet where she had left it.
” Ok, girl drop Those shorts and anything underneath them, and get yourself up on the bed on your hands and knees.” Mary commanded with a tone of fake authority. They both know this was a new role for them, as they were usedto being on the receiving end. Sarah pulled down her shorts and panties down for her friend for the second time that morning and left them on the floor as she got up on the bed. With her morning caning and the red lines and welts still fresh, she knew this was going to hurt more than it might otherwise. Mary repositioned her a little so her knees were at the edge of the bed and pushed her head down to the comforter, which raised her firm, tight ass up even higher. Mary caresed the welts on Sarah’s ass once more and rubbed the paddle she held in her other hand across Sarah’s back, and then moved it down underneath her to press the cool wood up against her breasts, knowing this would heighten the anticipation Sarah felt. Sarah’s shivered and her nipples became erect.
” Same rules. You count each one, but there will be five. Understand?”
” Yes, I understand…”
The paddle came down hard on her ass, across both chefs evenly, and she cried out “Aaiieee…” and gripped the comfortabler tightly, then finally said “One.”
A second blow came down quickly after that, but this time landed on only the left cheek. This concentrated the pain more and she cried out again, still gripping the sheets, and called out “Two.”
The third blow came down on the right cheek, again concentrating the pain, and she cried out a little louder “Three!”
Then Mary brought the paddle down across both cheats twice quickly in succession, not waiting for Sarah to count. As she began to cares Sarah’s hot red ass cheeses, Sarah said quietly ” Four… Five.” Mary had cared her for a few moments when Sarah spread her legs apart slightly. This gave Mary access to her pussy and she moved her hand against Sarah’s shaken mounds, pressing first one finger into the wet slit, then another. As she began to move her fingers in and out of her friend’s tight pussy, she used her thumb to find and press against her clip. Sarah pressed herself back into her friend’s hand and moaned with pleasure. As with Mary not long before, it did not take much or long for Sarah to be brought over the edge, and her pussy gripped Mary’s fingers as the spasms of her orgasm tightened around them before she collapsed on the bed. Mary put the paddle down and got up on the bed and lay next to her friend, and as they held each other knew a new bond had been established.
” That was really nice… thank you… ” Sarah said quietly to Mary.
” I really enjoyed it too… I wonder what took us so long to figure this out. I mean, now it seems obvious what was going on. There were hints we both gave over the years but never picked up on, I guess.”
” I know what you mean, but I’m sure glad we figured it out now. The question is what do we do now?”
” Well, I don’t know about you but I am horny as hell, and Jack won’t be back for three days, so you stay right there!” Mary said emphymically as she got herself up off the bed. She went to her walk in closet and while she was tHere, Sarah got up on her knees and admired her own reddened ass in the mirror over the dresser across from the bed. The lines from the caning still showed, but there was now a nice red background to them. As she was admiring herself Mary returned, now naked and holding two nice size dildos, one in each hand. She dropped them on the bed and moved to pull Sarah’s blouse up over her head and throw it to the floor. She pushed Sarah back down on the bed and picked up one dildo and handed it to her, and took the other for herself and moved so her head was next to Sarah’s crotch, and vice versa. Both women spread their legs, exposing their wet pussies and began to use the dildos on each other. First they moved them back and forth across the outside getting them wet, but soon began to press them into their friend while holding her ass with the other hand, which each knew was still sore. It did not take long before both were moaning wildly as the dildos were plunging in and out of their pussies, their juices coating the dildos and dripping down their thighs. Sarah was the first to take the next step, and pressed her mouth against Mary’s open pussy as she pressed the dildo all the way in, and began to flick her tongue across her friend’s clip. Mary quickly reciprocated and moved in closer as she pressed her dildo into Sarah’s pussy and began to lick her friend’s pussy, quickly concentrating on her clip as well. They both held on tightly to each other around the waist and buttocks as their hips moved involuntarily. Within just a few minutes they both tightened up and squeezed the others head between their tights as they continued to lick at each other’s clip and they had an orgasm together.
When they both finally finished, they collapsed back on the bed and let the dildos fall out of their pussies as they held each Other, breasts pressed against abdomens, heads resting on thighs and legs and arms intertwined. Eventually Sarah recovered enough to turn herself around so they were face to face, their faces glistening with their friends’ juices, and they tasted themselves on each other as they kissed softly, hands caresing breasts and backs, not saying anything yet. Without a word Mary got up and pulled Sarah up with her, and led her to the bathroom. Mary turned on the shower and they both got in to luxury under the stream of hot water. Mary soaped up Sarah’s lean body and then washed and conditioned her hair, and then Sarah did the same for Mary’s curvier body, taking extra time on her full breasts and shaped ass. Once they rinsed off they got out, put on a pair of robes Mary provided and took some time drying and brushing their hair in silence. Make-up came next, but that was kept simple as neither used much in the summer when not working, unless going out for the evening with her husband.
They got dressed again, Sarah in her same clothes and Mary put on shorts and a low cut tee shirt top with spaghetti straps that stretched tightly across her full breasts. They washed and put away the dildos, and the paddle, and made the bed again, removing all traces of what had happened only a short time before. They went downstairs and Mary poured the ice tea she had made earlier in glasses filled with ice and they sat silently at the kitchen counter side by side.
Finally Sarah broke the ice ” Well, I hope you are not so damn horny anymore…” and they both broke up laughing until Mary responded ” No, I think that did the trick… for now at least”
“Well, I sure hope so… if not, I can’t help you.” which made them laugh some more.
When they calmed down, Mary got serious ” You know everything is different now. Where do we go from here?”
Sarah thought for a moment before replying “I’m not sure, but I hope we can be even better friends… and I would like to think maybe we can do this again… it really was very nice and after all the boys are not always around… and I think maybe we could bring our husbands into this as well. After all, we both like getting it more than giving it… or at least I do… and I don’t think they will really object if we give them the opportunity to spank two hot women instead of just one.”
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