Spanked Housewives Pt. 03

This is part 3 of 4 parts. It is best to start with part 1 for background and characters. Enjoy!

Over all the years the two couples spent together they only shared their secret life with one other person, and when she got married with both of them as a couple. Sarah had a single female co-worker named Jackie, a 25 year old second year teacher, that she took under her wing to mentor professionally, guiding her in her first years at the school.

Jackie was petite at 5’2″, a quiet and serious young woman with shoulder length brown hair and brown eyes who wore wire rim glasses. Having seen a few photos of her in a bathing suit from a vacation at the shore, Sarah knew that underneath Jackie’s conservative work clothes was a very nice figure. In fact, Jackie had a youthful, athletic figure with 36C pear shaped breasts with only the slightest sag, capped by thick, long nipples surrounded by pink aureoles.

She had a 25″ waist and 36″ hips completed by a nicely rounded,firm ass. She kept a nice tan from her outdoor activities, but naturally had a pale complexion, which showed where her bikini always covered. When Sarah saw the photos of Jackie in a bikini she felt a surprise but familiar stirring in her loins, but kept her demeanor and actions completely professional.

Eventually as they became closer colleagues part of their relationship included talking about family and personal life. Sarah shared generally about her own while leaving out the sexual parts, except maybe some coy innuendo as to how satisfied her husband kept her. Jackie was from a small rural community and not all that worldly, but not completely without experience.

One Friday after work, over a few too many drinks, Jackie was complaining she had not had sex for way too long. That she was between boyfriends, and her last one wasn’t very good, and was too small, and she had to fake an orgasm almost every time with him and most guys, not that there had been that many as she held up a hand with four fingers upright. She admitted she would sometimes take care of herself later, so it had been way too long indeed since she was with a real man.

Then with slightly slurred speech Jackie blurted out “You know what I need?” then continued without waiting for an answer, “A damn good spanking! My last boyfriend just didn’t understand. Want to know a secret?”

Surprised at her candor, Sarah carefully nodded in the adequate in response, on the literal and figurative edge of her seat.

Jackie leaned in closer to Sarah and stated, in a hushed conspiratorial tone, “In college, my last boyfriend spanked me.”

Seeing Sarah’s shocked but caring star, she continued, “Yes, he did! He would do it whenever I didn’t get an A on a test or paper… and you know what? Sometimes I even got a few wrong on purpose! And you know why?”

Sarah slowly nodded no, amazing at where the conversation had quickly turned, as Jackie continued, “Because I liked it! Yes, it’s true. And the sex after was, well, it was the best ever…” She paused again and then added, “He made me do things…”

With that memory her words trailed off inside her own head. When she became aware of her surroundings again, she giggled an embarrassed laugh and complained about how hard it was to find the right kind of guy.

Sarah committed with her plight and laughed with Jackie About the spanking part, acting as if all was normal and harmless and her confession nothing special. But inside Sarah’s panties, she was aroused and wet as her thoughts were flooded with possibilities. She also hinted she understand exactly what Jackie means, and there were guys out there who would satisfy her needs, since she herself had one, which planted a seed in Jackie’s mind.

When she got home and was in bed with her husband, she revealed the conversation with Jackie. She wondered aloud what it might be like to watch Jackie be spanked, which aroused Tom as well. Having been horny since the conversation with Jackie, she lay on her back, spread her legs, pulled her husband on top of her and they had the hard, passwordate fuck she needed.

When they were done, Tom told her it was up to her, but if she wanted to bring Jackie to him, he would take good care of her, which brought a chuckle from Sarah and then, “I bet you would. I’ll see what I can do.”

Sarah talked to Mary about it the next day and they both agreed that one step at a time was best. Sarah would not mention Jack and Mary to Jackie, at least not yet, but she would pursue her. If they were successful they would follow up by including Jack and Mary, with Jackie’s consent of course.

The following Friday after work Sarah took Jackie out again to a local bar, and after Jackie loosened up with a drink and some small talk, asked her if she really liked being spanked. Jackie blushed red, remembering what she had confessed the week before, but trusting Sarah admitted she had never been mor satisfied and the sex was never as good as with that guy in college who spanked her.

She added that it didn’t hurt that his was the biggest cock she ever had. On that cue Sarah simply propositioned her, telling Jackie that her husband regularly spanked her too and she also found it very, very arousing, and added in a secret that she was never left unsatisfied afterwards. She finally just asked her if she would like for Tom to spank them both, with no obligation after that.

She could come to her house and have dinner and then they would see where it might go, depending on how she felt. She assured her anything that happened after dinner would be totally in Jackie’s control. He would spank Sarah first so she could see what to expect and then, if she still wanted to, he would spank Jackie. She would have a safe word to stop at any time.

Was Sarah offering her husband to her for a spanking, and maybe sex? Jackie was too shocked to answer at first, so finally replierd, “You’re kidding, right?”

Sarah replied, “No, Jackie, I’m serious. And so is Tom. He doesn’t joke about spankings, and he told me it would be his pleasure to be of help to you. If you want me to prove it, my ass is red and sore right now from the spanking I got before I left the house for this lunch. I asked Tom for it to help me focus on why I’m asking you to let him spank you.”

Jackie’s face turned a mixture of curiosity and surprise, but with her affection and trust for Sarah, and more than a little feeling of unbidden arousal at just the idea of ​​getting a spanking, did not reject the idea out of hand. She soon realized Sarah really was serious and thought about how much she missed being spanked, unconsciously squirming in her seat.

Then She recalled seeing Tom at the school employee’s picnic, and knew he was a hot guy, and desperately recalled the bulge in his pants. So she made her decision, surprising herself since this was far out of her comfort zone, and agreed,asking Sarah when and where. Sarah told her if she was free they could do it the following day, which was Saturday night, when her kids were going to stay over at friends’s houses.

Jackie said she had nothing to do anyway, so why not sooner than later. Sarah gave her the address and told her the time to arrive, and added with a wink that it would be best for her to wear a dress and added that Tom likes garters and stockings. She would make dinner, so all Jackie had to bring was herself. That settled, they both left soon after and when she got home Sarah excitedly told Tom what had translated. Both really hoped it would happen, although they knew Jackie might change her mind in the light of the next day.

Alone in her thoughts on the way home Jackie was highly aroused contemplating what Tom would do to her. Sarah had implied that sex was possible and apparently ok with her and wondered if his cock was as big as that boyfriend in college. She couldn’t imagine getting spanked and then not fucked, since they had always happened together for her.

She surprised herself when she realized she was also aroused by the thought of watching Sarah get spanked too, another first for her other than in the spanking videos she sometimes watched when she masturbated. Sarah was pretty and had a nice body, and she imagined how she felt and tasted, another thing she had never done before other than some kissing and petting with a girlfriend in junior high school. She had no thoughts of backing out and as soon as she got home tore off her own clothes and masturbated to several orgasms before falling asleep.

The next day she deliberately keep herself from masturbating as she often did on Saturday mornings, wanting her arousal to be as piqued as possible. After showering, dressing and eating breakfast at a local eatery, she Keep busy shopping for just the right dress and lingerie to go under it. Returning home in late afternoon with her new purchases she took a long bath and carefully held herself smooth all over except for a small trimmed patch above her pussy.

She made her hair up as nicely as she ever did, but stayed with minimal makeup to retain a more innocent look. She had found a short, silky dress in a flower print that accentuated her curves and was low cut at the neckline to expose her breasts almost to the nipple. They were pushed up and together by the new lacy white half bra that left her nipples exposed and obvious when aroused through the thin material. She had matching panties that covered some but not all of her nice ass. A matching garter belt and white, lace topped stockings completed her ensemble. The dress was so short that the tops of the stockings were often exposed as she moved, and they were definitely visible when she sat down.

When the time finally came, she drove carefully in her nervous excitement to the address she was given and found a well-landscaped, large house at the end of a quiet cul-de-sac street.She saw Sarah’s car in the driveway so she knew she was at the right house, but sat in the car for a few moments getting up the courage to go in.

She took a deep breath and opened the car door, went up the walk and rang the bell. Sarah answered the door, also wearing a very short dress that showed off her figure perfectly, also with stockings, and Jackie handed her the bottle of wine she had brought. They kissed on the cheek and turned together to see Tom standing in the foyer. Sarah introduced him and he held out his hand and shook Jackie’s with the appropriate pleasuresants.

Sarah herded them all into the kitchen where the table was set and the meal was ready. Jackie and Tom sat down and Tom opened and poured the wine while Sarah served the dishes to the table. As they enjoyed the meal of salad, fish, potato and vegetables the conversation was easy and casual. The ladies talked about school and Jackie told them about where she was from, her family, the college she attendeed and other normal topics when you first get to know someone.

Tom was attentive and asked pertinent questions that put Jackie at ease. Of course underneath all of the benign conversation was the real reason Jackie was here. Tom knew it was best to let her get comfortable and not push her, understanding her anticipation would only increase her arousal as time passed. Jackie had two glasses of wine, enough to relax her but not so much to loose control of her situation. Eventually the meal was done and after having cake and coffee for dessert, Jackie exhausted herself to use the bathroom. Tom cleared the last of the dishes while Sarah followed her.

When Jackie came back Sarah was waiting for her and, taking her hands in her own and facing her, asked her if she still wanted to go through with it.

Jackie replied, “More than ever. Tom seems very nice and I trust you both.”

“I’m glad you think so. Before we go back in, I want to give you a safe word. If at any time anything happens and you want it to stop, just say ‘red’ and I promise Tom will stop immediately and there will be no hard feelings. As much as he is in charge from this point on, it is not unlimited and you have the final say for what happens.”

“I appreciate that. Thank you, I’m ready. But first, well, you are so beautiful…” and leaned forward and kissed Sarah softly on the lips as she looked into her eyes. Sarah squeezed her hands and returned the kiss. When they parted, Sarah released one hand and still holding the other turned to go back to the kitchen.

Sarah led her back to the kitchen, where Tom was sitting nursesing the last of his glass of wine. He looked over the two lovely ladies who stood before him for a few moments, then ordered Sarah, “Both of you go to the TV room. Be ready for me.”

This unnerved Jackie a little at the directness of his tone while knowing the time for her spanking was getting closer, but she went hand in hand with Sarah out of the kitchen, down the hall to what apparently was the TV room. It had plus carpeting, a sofa, a rectangular table in front of that and an entertainment center and bookcases on the other side. Sarah took off her shoes, knelt down on the carpet facing the sofa, put her hands on her widely spread knees and indicated for Jackie to do the same, who knelt beside her. They waited for several long minutes before Tom joined them and sat on the sofa in front of them.

He addressed Jackie simply and calmly, “Why are you here?”

She was surprised at the direct question that he obviously knew the answer to, but answered with a little hesitation and nervousness, “To get spanked by you.”

He then turned his attention to Sarah, “You didn’t tell her how to address me?”

“No, sir, I’m sorry. I forgot,” She replied.

“Then tell her now. I’ll take care of you later.”

“Yes, sir,” She replied with a slight tremble in her voice and turned to Jackie “Whenever you answer sir, always include ‘sir’. And do not speak unless told to or asked a question.”

Tom asked Jackie again, “Why are you here?”

She replied quickly and with more confidence than she really felt inside, “To get spanked by you, sir.”

“Very well, stand up,.” he told her and she compiled, standing next to the kneeing Sarah. “Now Sarah, remove her panties.”

Sarah reached up under Jackie’s dress and pulled down her panties, which Jackie stepped out of. She was glad she had thought to put them over her garters. Even though she was still dressed and covered, somehow that left her feeling very exposed.

“Jackie, knee again, and Sarah, stand up.” The two women compiled at once. “Jackie, remove Sarah’s panties.”

Jackie reached under Sarah’s dress and pulled down her panties and Sarah stepped out of them. Jackie liked feeling the fine silk and lace, admiring her friend’s taste in undergarments, but her thoughts were interrupted as Tom continued, “Sarah, give Jackie her panties and kneel. Jackie, bring them both to me. On your knees.”

Sarah gave Jackie her own panties and Jackie said, “Yes, sir,” and scooted forward on her knees and handed both panties to Tom, then scooted back next to Sarah. Tom brought one pair to his nose and sniffed, and then did the same to the other before holding them hanging from his fingers, a darker moist area on the crotch of both panties obvious evidence of their arousal. Tom smiled as Sarah and Jackie both hung their heads, knowing that he knew that the anticipation of what was to come alone had aroused them both enough to show on their panties as a wet stain.

“Sarah, come here,” Tom ordered. As Sarah had advised, he had decided it would be better to have Jackie watch him spank Sarah first, also knowing her anticipation would only enhance her arousal even more. He was aware of her curiosity regarding women, so seeing Sarah’s very sexy butt couldn’t hurt in convincing her to accept her own spanking.

Sarah shuffled overto Tom on her knees, and laid herself across his lap, feet on the floor and head on the sofa on his other side, arms tucked under her chest. Tom caresed her ass through her dress before slowly revealing the naked ass underneath. Jackie watched in rapt attention and held her breath as her co-worker’s ass was exposed to her for the first time, feeling her own arousal increase at the sight.

Tom raised his hand and brought it down hard on Sarah’s ass, the sound echoing through the room as Sarah reacted, “Aaahhh…”

Tom raised his hand again and brought it down hard once more, and again and again for about a minute, altering from one chef to the other as Sarah continued to moan and cry out from each smack. Jackie could see a slightly pink tint begin to appear on her ass. Tom looked Jackie straight in the eyes, holding her gaze as he caressed his wife’s ass for a moment before starting to spank her once more.

Sarah moaned, tensed and relaxed and raised her ass up to meet the blows as the spanking continued. When her ass was a nice shade of red, Tom stopped and pressed his hand between her legs, his fingers entering her pussy, finding it as soaking wet as he knew it would be. Sarah moaned in pleasure as he fingered her, until he removed his hand and held it up for Jackie to see the juices that coated his fingers. The smell of female sexual arousal that already permeated the room was obvious to Jackie as well.

Tom pushed Sarah off his lap and when she returned back to knee next to Jackie on the other side of the table he said, “Both of you stand,” and they quickly stood side by side. “Sarah, remove her dress. I want to see her body. Is that acceptable to you, Jackie?”

“Yes, sir,” Jackie replied with a great deal of nervousness in her voice, but she stood there as Sarah moved behind her and slowly unzipped her, then peeled the dress from her shoulders and it fell into a pile at her feet. She stood there in just her half bra, garter and stockings, feeling more exposed to this man than if she were unclothed completely. Her nipples jutted out from her breasts, fully erect with arousal. She clapped her hands behind herself, somehow knowing not to hide her shavled pussy from his gaze.

“The bra too,” Tom ordered, so Sarah unclasped it in the back and slide it off her shoulders and it too fell to the floor. Sarah bent down and retrieved the dress and bra and folded them neatly and placed them on the table, returning to stand next to Jackie, taking a sideways look at her lovely friend.

The conservative clothing she normally wore a lovely body. For the first time Tom saw her body; slim in the waist, firm breasts with slightly upturned and large nipples surrounded by dark pink areoles, proportional hips and long, toned legs for her petite short height. She was shaken on her pussy and had trimmed and shaped the hair nicely above it. Topping that body was a pleasant oval face with medium length brown hair and brown eyes, a button nose above a wide mouth with full lips. With an air of objective evaluation, Tom looked her up and down and said simply, “Very nice. Very nice, indeed. Now turn around and let me see what I have to work with.”

Jackie’s cheats blushed at the compliment as she turned around, slowing down as her back faced him to let him linger his gaze on her ass. Her skin overall was slightly tanned, except for her breasts and her pussy and ass where it was obvious she had forgotten a bikini, which were still her natural pale skin.

“You are very beautiful, Jackie, and to be blunt about it, you have a very nice ass that I will love to spank. Turn around to face me.” Tom said, which disarmed Jackie’s final defenses. She knew he was being honest and truly found her pretty, she was glad he liked her ass given what was to come.

“Thank you sir.” She replied softly. She turned and saw the huge bulge in his pants, but only gasped to herself.

“Jackie, come here. Sarah, knee,” Tomordered as he patted his thighs. Sarah knelt and Jackie around the table to Tom and laid herself across his lap as she has seen Sarah do earlier. But unlike Sarah she was naked except for the garters and stockings, which she knew framed her ass nicely. Tom caresed her ass and followed the lines of the garters up her back, over her shoulders, arms and down to her thighs for several minutes, and she finally relaxed under his touch.


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