Sarah had always loved to be spanked. Any previous boyfriend who didn’t deliver her the spankings she sexually demanded didn’t last long. She had been with Max for over six months and spanking was a vital part of their sexual relationship. Max was reluctant at first to admit how much he enjoyed spanking women and in particular spanking Sarah.
On the evening in question Max was desperate to create havoc with Sarah’s bottom. He had been away for over a week and had abstained from masturbating the whole time. Sarah was unaware that Max had planned a surprise for his 24yo girlfriend. He knew it was a very risky surprise but Sarah loved surprises and had always enjoyed the variety in their sex lives.
Within a minute of her arrival at his spacious house they were both naked and she was across his knee. They didn’t need any other foreplay, as this was the way they loved to start things off. The first dozen were delivered with no great force. Without saying a word Sarah moved off his lap and knelt between his legs to take his erection into her mouth. At this stage she knew not to use her hands on him or to masturbate herself. She licked him only occasionally taking his purple head into her warm mouth. She would judge when she had got him excited enough but without any risk of bringing him to orgasm. This was quicker than usual but that excited her.
Back over his knee the next dozen were delivered with more force and did start to change the color of her tight cheeses to a shade of pink. When she dismounted this time she knelt on the sofa next to him facing the back. Her back was arched in an attempt to offer him as much access to her pussy as possible. Max was not surprised to see that her pussy lips were redder than the cheeses of her ass with her arousal more evidence than usual so early in the spanking. His tongue Found the wetness and made sure it was spread from her clip to her anus. His mouth was gentle and not too demanding but elicited a beautifulSigh of arousal. Sarah loved this slow build up. They both knew when it was time for her to get over his knee again to receive more spanking. As usual the third set of spanks was harder than the previous two. The heat would start to spread from her cheeks throughout the whole area as each blow landed. Sarah knew that the painful heat of her bottom and the arousal of her pussy would melt together and she would start to zone out slightly. As she once again climbed off his lap she sensed something had changed and looked towards the door behind her and was shocked to see Max’s father. He was naked, a smile on his face and an erection.
It was his erection that despite her surprise she studied. She had expected to see that it was huge but due to the fact that it was pointing directly at her she could only really see the large head. She had expected it to be huge because it was a game that Max had played with her on many occasions. He would repeatedly get her to the edge of orgasm but dely her. He would then either tell her that his father was going to fuck her with his huge cock or require her to tell him that his father was fucking her. Due to the timing and or the fantasy Sarah always orgasmed immediately. What was happening now however was taking involve Max’s Dad to a completely different level. She was concerned just his being there might trigger her to orgasm just as the fantasy had always done. As Bert (Max’s Dad) walked towards her she did get a better view of his bouncing erection. It was a good size but not the monster that it was in her fansies.
“What a wonderful sight. Your bottom always looks beautiful my dear but reddened and bouncing as it is right now it is exhaust. Max did say that I could watch but I was rather hoping to be allowed to do a little more. If I am not mistaken you were just about to take my son in your mouth again. Please don’t let me interfere.”
With this he sat next to his son, his erection matching Max’s. Sarah wasdesperate to mount the older man’s lap and receive his erection but resisted. Instead she knelt and took Max’s straining cock in her mouth. Even as she did this she maintained eye contact with Bert who she found completely mesmerizing. Max was delighted that Sarah had welcomed his father so happy. Sarah sensed that Max was very close to cumming very quickly. She had a decision to make but it was not one that she wrestled with for long. She did fleetingly look up into Max’s eyes to check that he was not going to prevent her involving his Dad. There was no such reaction and Bert’s cock was soon feeling her warm mouth enveloping it. It did take a couple of minutes to get Bert to the point that he thought he might explode but she knew just what she was doing. She challenged Bert with her gaze as she asked,
“Are you going to spank me then? I need to be spanked hard now and then fucked into tomorrow.”
She was over his knee in seconds. Max had remained where he was and was delighted that after a little maneuvering her mouth found his cock again. The spanking was very firm as Sarah wanted and each time his hand landed her mouth closed harder on Max’s erection. After a dozen or so Bert paused and caresed the beautiful now glowing cheats before teasing his middle finger very close to anus. Her reaction was to try and make his finger find the center of her tight orifice. He teased her getting closer and closer Each time before removing his finger.
“Are you as almost absolutely exciting as Max says you are? If you are I would be delighted to pay your tight little anus plenty of attention. How does that feel my dear?”
“Fuck that is so fucking sexy. Please don’t stop I could lie here all day and let you finger my bottom.”
“You can have some more once you have taken your last spanking. These will be the hardest yet and I would be delighted to hear you reflect that pain, although you must not let Max out of you mouth.”
Sarah felt very empty when the finger that had been stroking in and out of her bottom was removed. The spanking was much harder and applied to already tender flesh stung badly. She couldn’t control exactly what she was doing with her mouth but Max was soon holding her head as he got closer and closer to cumming. Max didn’t want to cum this way but there was no way he was going to do anything that would stop what was going on. The noises that Max and Sarah were making excited Bert and made him fully aware of Max’s prediction. With this he spanked her harder. Sarah knew what to expect a couple of seconds before Max wailed and ejaculated with great force. Sarah held his erection still as he sent rope after rope into her mouth. She only had the head in her mouth by the time he finished filling it. It struck her suddenly that Max was not going to end the spanking session as he always did, fucking her firmly from behind. She had fantasized about Bert fucking her many times but now it was all could think of.
Having stopped spanking Sarah when Max came Bert had played with her bottom as he had earlier. Sarah loved it but knew it was not going to bring her the much-needed orgasm. They did not have to communicate as Bert eased her off his lap and she knelt in front of Max. Sarah expected and wanted Bert to simply fuck her dripping pussy. She was gentle with Max’s super-sensitive cock using her hands mainly on his balls. Bert was behind her and eased her cheeks apart and found her anus with his tongue. When he moved his tongue to her swollen wet pussy he ensured that his nose replaced his tongue. She loved what he was doing but was desperate to receive more, much more. Having been very highly aroused for over an hour she told Bert in very clear wording.
“I need to be fucked and fucked now. Are you going to put your cock to the purpose it was intended or are you expecting me to masturbate myself instead?”
“Oh I am sure that Max will be ready to fuck you very quickly. Have a little patience while I enjoy your beautiful bottom while you prepare my son for what he has earned.”
Sarah was gutted to be told to wait but did enjoy the attention Bert gave her. They both knew that he could bring her to climax with his mouth alone. He kept her at boiling point seamlessly changing when she threatened to exploit. She swore at him for frustrating her but upped her attention to Max’s fast recovering cock.
“I think he is ready to give you the fucking you crave so much. Max get on the floor on you back I would love to see Sarah mount you and take all her frustrations out on your cock.”
Neither of them wanted to argue with this plan and Sarah was delighted as Max’s fully recovered cock sunk into her as she knelt facing his head. Bert however did have a surprise for her as he told her to lie forward on Max as he was going to cane her as she fucked Max. This shocked her, excited her and worried her slightly. Would she be able to orgasm while being caned? She didn’t want tobe teased any more she just wanted to be fucked and to cum. She len forward as instructed and kissed Max before laying her head on his shoulder.
She didn’t wait for the cane to land but started to fuck Max’s cock as hard as the very limiting position allowed. She was instantly on the verge of losing all control until the cane landed. It sucked all the air out of her lungs as she screamed in pain. It took her a few seconds to be able to resume the fucking. The shock and the pain had briefly strange her approach to orgasm but it returned over the next thirty seconds. When she thought that nothing would prevent her climax the cane landed again. Her wail was partly sheer pain but mostly frustration. She didn’t stop her thrusting this time but yelled at Max to fuck her and his Dad to cane her. Both obliged. She screamed as the cane landed three more times but now the pain only aroused her more. The fucking became frenzied and she didn’t even hear Max announcement his orgasm. Her orgasmexploded in her head and she had no idea what her body was doing. In fact half way through a long violent climax Max slipped out of her pussy but she just carried on thrusting against his diminishing cock. Having loved watching the couple in a total frenzy Bert struck Sarah’s still empire ass one last time.
The stripes across her backside had risen immediately crisscrossing her red cheeses. Bert took one last look before kneeling down and offering his cock up to her relaxed anus. It took four or five thrusts before his balls brushed against her pussy. Sarah was completely past any protest even if she had wanted to. She had always enjoyed being fucked anally and this felt wonderful. As Bert penetrated her deep and thrust into her hard she rubbed herself against any part of Max that she could stimulate her clip on. She never came down from the high of her orgasm and whether being fucked prolonged that orgasm or whether she started a new one didn’t both her as the orgasm becamecentered deep in her ass. Bert knew she was cumming hard as her anus milked his cock with violent spasms.
When all three started to recover from the explosive sex Sarah was, for the first time, embarrassed. She apologized to Max whose laugh left her in no doubt that she had been set up by her very willing boyfriend. Max was willing again the next morning when he and his Dad took turns making love to a very willing Sarah. The reality of her having sex with her boyfriends father was almost as exciting as the fanses Max had encouraged her to have as she had approached orgasm so many times before.
Spanking and caning became a feature when the three of them enjoyed having sex regularly. Sarah had always enjoyed being spanked but now she learned how to process the extreme pain of caning that allowed her to reach new heights of sexual excitement and satisfaction.
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