I will not go into detail here on how it came to be, but I, John, have been enslaved by my wife, Lisa. She has managed to put me under her complete control. I must do exactly as she commands at all times, or face punishment. She is in general a stern though loving mistress. She ensures that I behave properly, but rewards good behavior, and has my best interests at heart as long as I behave and serve her well. On the whole, my servitude has overcome my natural inclinations to laziness, procrastination, unhealthful diet, improver lusts and lack of exercise. She has truly “whipped me into shape” and improved my character in many ways. In short, she has made all those improvements in my male defects that women everywhere wish or hope they could make in their men, but usually do not have the power to achieve.
My bondage however is severe and complete. I am owned and controlled body and soul. I would of course prefer to return to my more natural habits and behavior, and would do soIf she were to relax her control. While I admit to the improvements it has made in me, it is of course utterly humiliating for a male to be so controlled by a female, and aside from this anonymous account that she has required me to write, I try to keep it as secret as I possibly can. Having other people notice how controlled I am, even in small or ordinary ways, is emaculating and humiliating in the extreme. Being seen as “hen-pecked” or “pussy whipped” is about the ultimate embarrassment or indignity for a male. Admitting it, even in secret, is totally humbling and embarrassing.
She generally prefers to keep me completely naked around the house. She says she enjoys having a naked male slave serving her and waiting on her attractively, and she says she enjoys watching my body as I go about my duties. It tends to increase her sexual desire, which is fine with both of us, however I have no choice in the matter regardless. I must satisfy her desires, but any sexual pleasure I may be permitted is entirely at her whim. She also says that being able to see at a glance the state of my penis helps her know what I am thinking or feeling. It makes it completely impossible for me to hide my male thoughts from her at any time. It also affords her complete access to my body, for control, discipline or reward (should she so desire) or to use or abuse as she pleases.. She seems to enjoy being so completely in control of me, and being able to all but read my male mind, which of course is primarily centered in my cock and balls.
Our back yard is fairly classified, so when I have to work out in back, she usually keeps me nude. Sometimes, she allows me to wear a to wear a to keep my prick from getting priced by the bushes or something, and shoes. When I have to work in the front yard, she puts me in shorts, but I have to strip to enter the house. Working outside with little or nothing on keeps me well tanned.
She has total control of my diet and exercise and has me fitter than ever. She says that if she is going to keep a naked slave, he is not going to be just a fat slob husband. She wants to enjoy looking at my body, so she keeps it well toned, and she closely monitors my rigorous exercise plan. She has set me up with a personal trainer at the gym, female of course – as my mistress strongly believes that males need constant female control. My trainer, to my total shade, is completely informed of my enslavement, and has been given authority to command me. This eliminates any need for her to ask or persuade me to do what I need to do She simply orders that I do it or be punished, either on the spot or when my trainer reports any problems to my wife later. While punishment by my wife is bad enough, to be publicly punished in the gym by another woman would add even greater humiliation, so I work very hard to meet her directives. The result is, I have lost about 50 pounds, and am trim and fit.
Working out in spandex under the close supervision of my trainer tends to be arousing. It can be quite embarrassing to be so obviously aroused in front of her, but there is no way to conceal it. She finds my situation quite amusing. She may even give me an occasional tweak in my privates if she feels like it. She exploits my enslavement for her amusement and to keep me working as hard as possible.
I do still have to go to work during the week to support us. Lisa Makes sure I am doing my job well in order to support her well. There is no chance for me to slack off while I am at work, as she reviews my performance evaluations, and keeps track of me during my work day by numerous methods. A web cam in my office allows her check on me and make sure I am staying on task at all times. She has even threatened to call my female boss, or perhaps worse my secretary, and have a discussion with They of my situation. I am always aware that if I fail in any way, such ultimate humiliations are always within my wife’s power. Strangely, I find the thought of such ultimate incredible humiliation to be arousing, a fact I am unable to conceal from my wife, just as I am unable to conceal anything from her. But though imagining such a humiliation is arousing, the reality would be horrible beyond imagination.
A primary means of her control over me is the clear plastic chatity tube she has installed on the end of my penis. It prevents me from any unauthorized touching, so my sexual release is completely under her control at all times. Further, it does not even allow me to pee without her permission, ensuring her absolute and complete control over my body and mind. The device does not restrict my ections in any way, which is fortunate, as her control keeps me highly sexually aroused a great deal of the time. This also allows her to easily note my arousal at a glance, which increases her ability to control me.
She makes sure that I pee just before I go to work in the morning. Of course, by the time I get home, I am quite desperate to pee, and am in considerable disappoint from my full bladder. That certainly assures that I hurry right home without any dawdling. Once or twice, I have gotten desperate and had to call her during the day and beg to be allowed to pee, and she has had to drive down to unlock my cock. I had to be punished later for her inconvenience, so I try to drink as little as possible during the day. That has completely cured me of my caffeine addition, and having alcohol with lunch is completely out of the question, which also keeps me working hard all day (in more ways than one).
Usually when I get home, she has reserved the time to assure my discipline and good behavior. I am required to immediately strip completely naked as soon as I come in the back door. I must then present myself for her inspection, then with her permission, drop to all fours to kiss her feet, and then beg to be allowed to pee. Sometimes she is busy when I get home in which case of course I just have to wait as patiently as I can, and not disturb her in whatever she may be doing. If she is talking on the phone or whatever, she certainly does not want me interrupting her with my “problem” like a little boy nagging at her to ask to go pee-pee. So if I see that she is busy, I must stand quietly, naked, out of her way, with my bladder ready to burst. and my penis locked up in her control device, usually hard as a rock as well, which means that even after she releases the pee-lock, it is still pretty hard to pee through my erection. I try not to whine or dance too much, as it will only earn me some discipline of one sort or another, maybe a paddling on the spot, a spanking a little later, a night without sexual release, or just having to wait even longer to pee. If I am good and wait patiently without bothering her, she is apt to reward me with a little light stroke of my penis after my pee, or some kindly petting of my bare bottom.
One day, I came home from work as usual desperate for permissionssion to pee, to find my wife having coffee at the dining room table with two of her women friends, Wendy and Janet. All three are all quite attractive women who would turn heads anywhere. I know the rule, that I was supposed to strip immediately and present myself naked for inspection, but I didn’t want to do that in front of her friends. In addition to the fear of being exposed naked (which would be bad in Enough), I also feared the humiliation of having my chatity tube showed to them, and then the likely explanation of my slavery that is the reason for it. That would be just way too embarrassing. Not only that day, but anytime I ever saw them in the future, I would be humiliated again by their knowing my situation. I walked into the dining room and said hello to them, then leaned down to whisper in my wife’s ear to please not make me strip in front of her friends and to please let me pee in private. As you can imagine, she was quite annoyed, both because I was interrupting her conversation, and also because I was ignoring her clear rules. She turned and told me sternly to quit avoiding it and get striped immediately, and that I would certainly need to be punished for my disobedience. Well, I turned beet red with embarrassment, and her two friends jaws dropped open in amazement. I knew there was no way out, and very reluctantly began to remove my clothes.
Wendy and Janet started looking a little embarrassed also. Wendy said maybe they should leave us alone. But Lisa insisted they stay:
“Oh, don’t go. You are both married, so you’ve both seen naked men before. I think you should stay and see this. Besides, he really needs to be distributed and having you here will help make the point.”
Lisa told her friends not to worry, that I was completely in her control and required to obey her every command as her slave. Their initial embarrassment turned to amusement as they saw how I was forced to do whatever Lisa demanded, and they began giggling as got my shirt off and dropped my slacks to reveal a thong brief. I hesitated at that point, only to receive a very stern swat on a bare bun as my wife told me to quit dawdling and get naked this instant.
“Will he really do anything you tell him to?” Janet asked. “You really have him that well trained?”
“Given his present condition, he really has no choice, and besides that he’d darn well better, or I’ll tan his little bottom, or worse, and he knows it.”
Since I had just stripped to my thong brief in front of three women and had my bottom swatted, it was pretty obvious that she was right. Humiliating though it was, I slipped the thong right off, to reveal my locked up genitals, which provoked huge giggles from the women, and resulted in my blushing from head to toe. My penis was now shriveling in its tube at my acute shame.
The intense giggling from Wendy and Janet didn’t stop them from checking out my body with their eyes. My hands involuntarily went to the “fig leaf”position as I stood there for inspection. Lisa picked up her long handled wooden spoon and rapped my knuckles, forcing me to quickly jerk my hands away. She then used the spoon to deliver three singing spanks to my bare behind, leaving it even redder than the rest of me.
She rather crossly told me: “You know better than to try to cover your cock in front of me. Now behave yourself and quit acting up in front of my company. You are embarrassing me with your reluctant obedience. You will have to be punished for your slowness to obey. Continuing to be naughty like that will make it much worse for you. Now behave yourself!
Well, I don’t know which was more humiliating, the “dressing down” or the undressing, but either way, I didn’t think it could get much worse.
It required great effort for me to resist trying to cover up with my hands. My wife pointed to the floor and snapped her fingers, requiring me to drop to kiss her feet. The other two ladies were quite amazing atmy docility. Now completely naked and humiliated at my slavery anyway, I again begged for my wife to please let me pee, but since I had annoyed her by interrupting her friends’ visit, she told me I would have to wait a bit longer, and to go stand in the corner until she was ready. I went to the corner and assumed the “parade rest” position, facing out, with my hand behind my back and feet apart. Lisa then explained Things in a bit more detail to her still amused and giggling girlfriends while I stood, utterly shamed in the corner facing them. As they listened and asked questions, they kept glancing over at me, and looking me up and down apprisedly. I feel my penis begin to swell, which they were quick to notice and comment on.
Finally, Lisa called me back over to, hefted by cock and showed them the chatity tube. Wendy said: “Wow, Lisa, for months you’ve told us you had him under control, but until now, it was hard to believe. That penis lock really does work!” This came as a huge shock to me. What I had thought was my secret shade, had been a lot more public than I knew:
That was when I realized this was not entirely news to Wendy and Janet, but that Lisa had already told them about her control over me. Until that moment, even standing there naked, spanked, ordered, scolded and controlled in front of Lisa’s girlfriends, I had still hoped that my humiliation would not be known outside that room. Now I know that my secret was already out. Suddenly I realized why Wendy and Janet had been giving me strange looks for months whenever they were around me. It hadn’t been too overt, but they had tended to smile or giggle at me as if my fly were open or something, which had been making me uncomfortable. I was wondering if maybe the penis tube had been slightly visible Through my pants. Now I understand that they had known about it for months, and had been smiling about not only that, but about what a sissy I was, being completely controlled by my wife.
IShould have known that women tell each other almost everything about their husbands.. Now I was wondering how many others knew, and just how public my slavery really was? Even knowing I was not allowed to speak, I almost asked anyway, but I knew asking would only get me another spanking. Lisa would tell me what she wanted me to know, whenever she wanted to tell me, and asking would only delay me getting to pee, for which my need was now so great, I was barely able to stand still and upright.
As I began fidgeting, standing there next to Lisa, she told me to stand still and be quiet while she finished her conversation. The girls started talking among themselves again, laughing and giggling. I can’t honestly say I could follow the conversation, as I was too distracted by my focus on my bladder, my singing butt, and my embarrassment at my nakedness. In addition, as she talked, Lisa began sort of idiot fondling my balls. She didn’t seem to be paying much attention to what she was doing, just sort of absent mindedly massaging them. This was pretty hard to stand still for, but I did my best. My penis, which had gone soft from the embarrassment, started hardening, lengthening and rising, much to my further embarrassment. Getting an obvious erection in front of females is acutely embarrassing. I think it is because it lets the female read the male’s mind and know how much he craves her attentions. It is humiliating to be so much at the mercy of female whim, and for them to know how much power they hold over us.
Wendy and Janet were facing me and were clearly noticing my growing problem, much to their interest and amusement, though they just continued their female gossip with Lisa for a while, but when that subject was done, Janet pointed out my erection to Lisa, and asked how the chatity device worked.
Lisa ordered me to go around next to Wendy and Janet, so they could get a closer look and feel. As they examined it, she explained how it worked and what it did. Unfortunately for my embarrassment, their manipulations and my exposure caused me to become ever more aroused, to my ever greater humiliation.
By this time, the pain from my bladder was unendurable, and I just couldn’t stand it any more. I again dropped to all fours, kissed Lisa’s feet, and begged her to please, please let me pee. She was not at all pleased. With the wooden spoon she whacked my rear (which was sticking up in the air) and said: “Young man, your silly male needs should never interfere with my orders, and you’ve just earned a severe spanking when I get to it. But since I want to show the girls how the tube works anyway, I will let you pee now, but you have to do it here where they can watch. Go get a pitcher to pee in and be quick about it.”
Having to pee in front of spectators is not easy for me, even in front of other men. It is also extremely embarrassing. I had learned to do it in front of Lisa, but the audience of Wendy and Janet seemed far worse.I really didn’t have a choice though. I went to the kitchen to get a half gallon pitcher, then came back to Lisa’s side of the table. She said, “No, John, you need to come back to where Wendy and Janet can get a close look.” That was just what I was afraid of.
On wobbling knees, I went over to their side of the table. My penis was fully erect inside its clear tube. I set the pitcher on the table. Lisa got a pair of handscuffs from a drawer and gave me the command: “Hands!” I put my hands behind my back and she cuffed them there. She explained to Wendy and Janet that since I was well trained she usually didn’t both with the cuffs, but given how naughty I had been, she thought it would be good to demonstrate the whole training process and to keep me always under lock and key in one way or another.
Then she showed them how the penis control device worked. The device consists of a clear tube about two inches long, closed on the end with a rounded cap shaped more or less like the end of the penis. When locked in place, the tube covers the sensitive glans end part of the penis. It locks in place by two clips that go through two piercings in the glans of the penis, one on each side. (I will save the story of being taken for the piercing for later). So it sort of “floats” out at the end of the penis, moving in or out as the penis hardens or softens. It is just large enough in diameter to allow for my fully enlarged sexually aroused state, and fits loosely when my penis shrinks. In my soft state, it covers my whole penis and pushes against my balls. In my hard state, it only covers the end, but stops me from masturbating, since I can’t touch the sensitive part. I can get aroused, but then I can’t do anything about it but get frustrated.
A urinary plug about one inch long protrudes inside from the center of the end cap. When the cap is put in place, the urinary plug fits up into the urethra about and inch and a half. The plug needs a little lubricant when being put in place to allow it to stick up inside the urethra. The plug is hollow and flexible. After it is inside my cock, a little rod is forced up inside it from the outer end, forcing it to swell out and block off the urethra. Under extreme pressure, I can force a little urine to leak out around the plug, but it puddles in the tube and then wets my pants or the floor, and I can’t get enough pee out to relieve myself, so I don’t try that. Aside from the embarrassment of peeing my pants, it would also get me a switching when Lisa found out. I suppose you might wonder why I don’t just rip the thing off and free myself from enslavement, but to do so would likely result in serious damage to my cock. I even tried one time to just pull it off, but there was just no way it was going to happen. I was well and truly under Lisa’s control.
Janet asked: “Wow, this cock lock is neat. Did you make this yourself, or did you buy it somewhere.”
“Oh, no” Lisa answered. “I didn’t both with it myself. I just had John figure it out and make it. Males spend half their time thinking about their penises anyway, so getting them to work on anything to do with their penis is no problem at all. Males are so silly. I will never understand male fascination with body parts. If they aren’t thinking about their dick, they are thinking about tits, butts and vaginas. I can’t imagine how a few body Parts can be such an endless source of interest for them. It’s really infantile, but that’s the way they are, so we might as well take advantage of it, and use it to get them to serve us.”
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