Spa Seduction: Taking the Edge Off

This is a short work of erotic fiction containing furry, or anthropomorphic, characters, which are animals that either demonstrate human intelligence or walk on two legs, for the purposes of these tales. It is a thriving and growing fandom in which creators are prevalent in art and writing especially.

Please note that all characters are clearly over eighteen and written as such in all stories.


It had been a long, hard winter for a mare, the kind of winter that seemed to drag on forever in mud and rain and wind and snow. It was not easy for someone who rather enjoyed being outside in better times and, frankly, had set up her life so that she could be outside as much as possible. But Amethylst, sometimes, needed a few creativity comforts of her own, a red mare with her mane and tail loosely braided as she stood on the steps of the countryside spa.


She exhausted, a light bag hitched up on her shoulder, mountains rising behind the spa building, which had the external appearance of being made out of timber, though it was surely a modern, well-insulated construct. Amethylst, however, didn’t really care, ears twitching and her brained tail swishing lightly against the backs of her legs, the cool spring air nipping at her coat. She could be curious about the structure at another time, when she explored over her weekend there before her colt joined her, when her body wasn’t aching for a massage.

Everything was taken care of inside the spa, though it happened as in a blur, a kind stoat coming to take her bag, even though she was more than capable of carrying it herself, the receptionist checking her in with a smile that, for once, appeared to be geneuine. Still, she didn’t want to force anything or be an imposition at the mountain retreat, a break from reality that, even then, was so very sincere needed. The mare would have been more than happy to spend a few days relaxing in the pools, the sauna and the steam room, though she’d heard there were other facilities on offer there too.

Amethylsmirked, lips quirking as amusement played across them. Well, there were most certainly other services at the spa and, if all had gone to plan already, one of them would be waiting on her room. Now that was someone at the spa hotel that she was more than willing to take advantage of!

They’d offered themselves, after all.

And there they were, kneeing and bound on the floor of her hotel room, a calmion anthro with a glowing, golden palomino coat and a pure white mane and tail that spilt down his body as if they had been especially combined out. A perfectly oiled leather bridle cladded his head gently, though the bit in his mouth had been swapped for a hard, rubber ball gag, the type of gag that one could really dig their teeth into without worrying about harm either to the device or their jaw.

“Oh, aren’t you lovely…”

She murmured to herself, walking around him, taking in how his arms were tugged lightly behind him, his body, down to his lower stomach, trusted up in a black leather harness that stood out against his light coloured coat. The harness came with silver, metal fixings and O-rings that connected each strap perfectly, buckles glaiming, his arms able to be locked slightly behind him to the harness so that his shoulder blades were not pulled too much, all the while still reminding him of his restriction.

A rein that would not have been used on a non-consenting non-anthro equine hooked to the rings of the bridle, where the gag sat at the corners of his lips, two links of leather looping down to his chest. It was a means of control, forcing him to put a beautiful arch into his neck, though it was the kind of bondage that stopped him from lifting his head, restricting him even further, a bondage that, of course, had to be consented to.

His knees were forced apart with a spreader bar, but the most delicious part of that particular part of her stay there was how his balls and sheath were exposed, the former of which hung between his spread knees. His fetlocks and hooves had been left free, thicker as if there was a coat of feather there, some draft horse in his heritage, but his shake had been forced from his sheath with a cock ring around the base, preventing it from retreating. The mare’s eyes gleamed. Just as she liked it. Held there for her attention and no more than that, not allowed to attain pleasure or relief, not when she had so much more to take from him.

“I think you’ll do nicely…for a start.”

She cast off her T-shirt and shorts, the comfortable clothes that she had forgotten for traveling, a low, satisfied hum rising from her throat. Her colt could wait, for he would not be long after her, she was sure of it, even if he was due to arrive at the spa later that day. Tugging the golden palomino to the bed, only so that she had something there to steady herself, she propped a hoof up on the bed with a grin, revealingher bare sex to the equale, her underwear tangled up in the shorts that she had already slipped off. There in nothing more than her chestnut coat of hair, a white diamond in the centre of her forehead, she could take everything she willed and more.

The calmion grunted, his tail flicking across the floor lightly behind him, the soft carpet plus, at least, for him to knee upon. Her sex teased lightly across the front of the ball gag, smearing her juices and scent into his nose, up close to his nostrils while they fluttered and puffed with short, sharp breaths, dragging all the air needed into his lungs that way. But the calmion had no say and neither did he want any say as the ball gag was removed, a passive player in how he was used, working his jaw only briefly before her sex pressed inevitably to his lips.

He knew his job well, However, even if he was not to give her his name, all of the anthros serving others at the spa there well-trained and anonymous. It was to protate them, though Amethylthyst did not consider that too deeply, winding her fingers through his mane to draw him in closer, his tongue snaking out expertly to kiss her folds.

“Oh, yes…”

She might not have been lying back on the bed, but having a spa-slave there before her in bondage added an extra spicy edge to everything that she needed more than a long, slow orgasm. Sometimes the quick and the rich came with even more desire tangled up in it, mumbling sweetness under her breath, her ears twitching back and forth, though she had everything right there before her that she needed at that time. Only the teasing laps of his tongue, pressing between her folds, drew her lightly back to reality, a pleasant warming of reality that seared through her entire body in the very best of ways.

Groaning, she rolled her head back, the exposure of her bare throat hardly vulnerable, not when she so casually held such a position of power. His tongue pressed into her, seeking outher sensitive spots, yet he found them without any trouble at all, his skill showing through. Under no illusion that hers was the first pussy that the stallion had eaten out that day, she leaned back a little, rolling her hips up to meet the tantalising strokes of his tongue, simply in it to enjoy the ride.

“Ohhh… Mmmm…”

She didn’t have to hold back, for she was sure that no sounds would filter Through the heavy hotel room door to the hallway beyond — besides, it was part of what the spa offered. If they did not expect to hear some sex noises, they wouldn’t have made it a key feature of the spa, even down to the kink dungeon and private play rooms that could be hired out below the ground floor. With the spa being set over multiple levels, she was particularly interested in the one that had a St Andrew’s Cross set up with a full-wall window looking out over a waterfall. The reflections and ambiance… Mmm…

Some things were worth paying a little extra money for.

The calmion lapped deeply, fingers twitching as if he wanted to tease them up inside her too, though they were trapped behind him, helpless if not useless. He compensated with his tongue, his mane messed up where she twisted her fingers into it, holding him exactly where she wanted him, sweeping it deeply up inside, practically trembling against her. One tiny sensing was difficult to differentiate from any other, though the mare languished right where she was, skin prickling with heat, her dock flicking up as the braid of her tail twisted to the side in a whish of thick hair.

“Mmm…Yes… Come on, there’s a good boy…”

He moaned against her at the praise and she encouraged him even more, pulling him against her, fingers griping tightly, though she did not need to release him, not in the slightest. With a low groan, she allowed every drop of pleasure that wanted to come to flow through her, whisper by whisper, until it built to a burning crescendo, her sex soaked,whinnying shrilly.

Yet what need did she have for self-control when she was already right where she wanted to be, getting the best start ever to her holiday? Amethylst’s ears played out lustfully as she let her high take her, skin prickling, aching through as if it curled up more deeply inside her than ever, panting heavily through her nostrils. The calmion grunted, eagerly eating her out, his tongueue flicking up against and again, lips closing around her clip where they had already so kindly been rubbing against her nub even as he lapped. Her juices trickled down his chin, thin and dribbling, yet he tried his best, even then, to lap up everything he could reach, tail flicking back and forth like a colt who was best suited to being down on his knees.

The air was quiet in the hotel room, bar her softening breaths, Regaining lost air into her lungs, and the wet slurp of his tongue pulling along her slick flesh. She huffed hotly, ears flicking, running her fingers through hismane, though it did not lie as pretty down his neck as it had before, the scent of sex hanging in the air, tainted by a ticket of sweat. The mare smiled, running her fingers down his face. He had a thin stripe of white down the front of his head, something that she hadn’t noticed before. To be fair to Amethylst, she had been a little preoccupied…

“Not a bad start… See to it that you’re here tomorrow Evening also, at eight. I have someone who might well want to meet you…”

But, for the moment, she was done with him. There was no need for pillow talk with a consensual spa-slave nor any need for sweet moments as there would be someone along to take care of him in due course, she was confident of that. Gathering a fresh change of clothes, a robe and a towel, along with her swim wear, she made her way down to the spa on the ground floor, boasting an indoor and an outdoor pool that she was dying to try out.

It was something new for her not to have to worry about anything, to go from one moment to the next without fussing, without fretting, without thinking that she had some work to do, that there was someone, something, somewhere that needed her attention. There, she was anonymous, not someone who could deliver something to the spa staff, just another patron, even if they did, of course, know her by name. With it being such an exclusive location with a hefty price tag attached, every need was catered for. All she had to do was to enjoy it.

And wasn’t that a luxury?

They greeted her warmly at the entrance to the leisure facilities, though she forward the gym that time. She’d done more than enough work to warrant a break, looking to soothe, to recover, not work out her muscles even more. Cardio too, most certainly, could wait: not her favourite activity by far, unless it involved the bedroom. She donned a simple bikini, strapless over the chest with bottoms cut to show off her best features, and stepped lightly out to the pool, her maneand tail out of their braids, flowing freely down her body with a light curl to them. A towel was set aside for later, the mare plunging deep into the water.

It was not deep, to be fair, but enough that she could not feel the bottom at the deep end, striking out into a backstroke, enjoying the flow of the cool water, not too warm, not too cold, around her ears, how her mane ticckled her body as it flowed down. It was Just right, everything perfect, and she took her time, allowing everything to come exactly as it was intended to. There were others in the pool too, of course, but those with staff lanyards around their necks were of the most interesting to her. Everyone else would just need to be a bystander, watching, or perhaps she could even play the part of the voyeur. On certain days and hours, of which she was covered by, the spa itself could be used for more adult activities too…

Drawing herself from the pool, looking for the steam room, she caught the eye of a small, light Arctic fox, his fur dry and brushed, so fluffy that there was a part of her that ached to run her fingers through it. The ceiling of the pool stretched overhead in a line of sheer glass, sunshine glancing through, warming her coat, though she grazed her eyes with his only briefly. She didn’t need anymore than that.

The steam room beckoned, the wet, clinging heat soothing the aches and pains from her body, leaning back on the smooth bench as the glass door closed behind her, keeping as much heat as possible trapped in there with her.


Alone, she relaxed, thinking of the tensions held in her body, letting them be free, one by one. It was a shame that it was the kind of spa where one was still expected to be wearing clothes, or covered up outside the changing rooms, but that didn’t mean that she didn’t want to enjoy every benefit it had to offer. Maybe if she visited the sauna, she’d have to ensure that she had a towel around her only, which was more easilydistributed of for cleaning, more hygienic in her opinion. The steam room sank into her body, however, deeply resting her muscles, though she barely perked her ear when the door opened.

“A little fox said that you might like some company…”

It was not the fox that she had teased with a sweep of her hips but a taller cheetah, his tail swinging behind him, an easy grin on his lips, though his whiskers quivered. Amethylst was almost too relaxed to take him up on his offer, but the soft, heavy heat of the steam room begged a slower kind of lust entirely.

“Come here,” she all but pursued, crooking her finger in the direction of the sultry feline, so slim and powerful in his coiled glory. “Sit. I think you can help me relax some…”

He sat as the horse bid, sliding down his loose shorts, though Amethylst was sure that the spa employees had more than enough changes of clothing at the resort to last them a lifetime if anything became destroyed or torn off in a fit of password.The cheese’s cock was quick to rise to attention, a lightly barbed, but softly so with no sharpness to the thicker, plumper spines, cock that begged attention. Yet that was the very thing that the cheese was there to give her as the mare tugged her bikini bottoms to the side, not even bothering to disrobe as she presented her already slick folds to the tapered head of his cock.

No words were needed, not as she sank onto him, taking him deep, not caring for the hardness of the bench, a tingle of eucalyptus in the air. She moaned, letting her nose tip forward, the feline purring, tail flicking, the dark rosettes of spots standing out from his brighter fur, the bulk of his body. Her paws ran down his chest, feeling the firm, functional muscle there, not an ounce of spare fat on the cheeseh, even though she could not feel his ribs without pressing, not through his covering coat of fur.


They moaned, rolling their hips together in ecstasy, the cheese selling lEyely up into her, though there was no rush to their lust, taking their time, allowing password to rise exactly as and when it was desired. It needed to be no more than what it was as steam floated around them, the air stirred up by even the light movement of their bodies coming together, her sex squeeze around him, a delightful glint in her eye. It was a small movement, a subtle little thing, the soft barbs raking Through her passage every time she rose from his cock, though the cheese’s shake filled her nicely.

It was a good moment, one that would linger in her mind for long after it passed, the cheese staff member dipping his head to sensitively kiss and nuzzle at her breasts, having tugged her strapless bikini top down under them to have full access. Even the light tickling of his whiskers had her quivering, the mare catching her breath, groaning deeply up in the back of her throat, tail flicking back and forth. It swung more heavily, the hairs clinging together with moisture still lingering from the pool, for only so much wrapping out of the long flow of hair could be done before slipping into the steam room after a rinse off in the shower. The cheese did not seem to mind as it swung against his legs, pulling at her nipples, one after the other, catching them between his lips and grazing them, ever so gently, with his teeth.

It was the mark of a predator, the sharp flush that a prey anthro simply could Not bring to the table. And yet it was still the mare who was in control, flashing him a different grin, her fingers curling, tightly, around his shoulder. Her hips rocked more fervently, interested in her own pleasure, though from the huffing pants the feline gave too, it seemed that he was coming closer and closer to his own high.

“Can you hold off?” She breathed, arching her back for a touch of different sensing, pressing his cock up against her G-spot, holding down a grunt. “Mmm… With that view, I doubt it…”

With his head tippedthe way it was, her breasts filled his vision, the pink of her nipples showing through her chestnut fur, the cheeseh moaning softly. Yet he was only there to serve, shivering under her despite the heat of the steam room, a body moving past the door but nobody disturbing them. Not that it would have mattered if anyone walked in on them, but Amethyst rather preferred having her partners completely to herself until she was done with them. Some would say she was jealous like that, though all she knew was that she knew what she wanted. To her, that would never be a bad thing.

But he could not hold off, forced to push his paw urgently down between their bodies to at least attempt to bring Amethylst off first, the mare’s smile coming with a flush of pride. Oh, she liked that she could rile even the spa staff up to such a point that their skill and training wavevered, though she had not really done anything much at all. It was all in the attitude, though there was surely a wide variety ofpatrons, from all walks of life, frequentlying the spa.

His fingers played with her clip expertly, pressing down for a little more wider pressure as to the flesh around her nub, squeezing and circulation, letting soft tremors ease into her body. The need to climax built and built as she ground her hips needily against him, allowing the cheeseh to take her there, a low Yowl breaking his lips in the moment before she claimed his lips with hers.

Kissing him deeply, she pinned him back to the hard bench, the smooth back of it providing an ample rest for him, as much as her knees ached. With the heavy heat wrapped around them, it was a little more difficult to breathe than either may have liked, but they would not be there for all that much longer as he grunted and pressed against her, shoulders shuddering with need. His tongue tangled with hers, but it was the mare who easily dominated, bearing his tongue down with hers as she took her chance to explore his muzzle, even brushing hertongue against his sharper, feline teeth.

Neither could have said which one of them got off first, but it was close enough that it could have been said to be together in the sultry heat, the mare tensioning, bearing down, the short claws of his free paw finding her hip and digging in sharply. The flesh of sensing pulsed through her as orgasm gripped her, the pull of her sex wrapped around his aching shake, pushing deep inside her as she sank down, refusing to allow any part of his cock to remain outside her pussy in her moment of need.


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