I stand to a degree in the garage. My arms shackled above me and my feet secured to the cold floor. My ass stings from that wicked wooden brush that he knows I hate and adore. With each lash given my body begs for more but my mouth whimpers for him to stop.
My excitement still leaks from my body even though it has been a long hour since his presence was bestowed upon me. He left me with my nipples squeezed into two tormenting clamps as was my dreadfully sore clip. I twisted and wiggled as much as my strict bonds would allow stretching my limbs and relieving the undying ache that filled my muscles. Thoughts raced through my mind. I had done nothing to displease him, had I? Was this a reward for my good behavior? Would I sleep wrapped tight in his arms tonight or would I be left chained like a dog in the garage?
I whimpered softly. My need for release was still obviously present. I begged softly before he left me as he toyed with my cunt. His fingers pushed into me forcing me to jump from the slightly unexpected intrusion. I glared at him when he deprived me the choice of cumming which earned me my sore bottom.
He was in truth a fair Master. I knew it when I first met him in a chat room a long five years ago. I was slightly innocent and lost then, but he knew what I needed. He took to me almost immediately despite my little quirks and I soon fell for him much harder than a young girl should have. He moved me up to his home after my graduation which followed suit after my eighteenth birthday. I enrolled into college upon my arrival but the university was not the only place that I learned. My new college friends didn’t seem to understand why I would probably live with a man that was third years older than me, but they soon all learned I was madly in love. I was not allowed to spend the night off with my friends, but on some occasions I was allowed to go to parties and concerns as long as I was home at a half decent time. Some of my friends hadStayed over a few times but I found that my Master did not suddenly hide my role just because someone not in the lifestyle dropped by.
When I moved up here I told my mother and family that I was paying rent to live in a spare bedroom of the alumni. My Master being the kind man he is playing along well with it and puts the money I receive for rent back in savings account so that it is not necessary for me to obtained a part time job. The only things I can say I truly miss from Georgia are my friends who I no longer get to see or talk to except for an occasional email. The last time I saw them was at graduation and that was a long year ago.
My thoughts are interrupted as my Master walks into the room to stand before me.
“Does my slut want to stretch her arms? Would you like down?” My Master grew into my ear.
“If it would please you Master,” I whimper back.
He reached above me to release me from my restraints as the doorbell rang.
“Fuck.” He muttered under his breath as he slapped my ass in frustration before he walked to get the door. “Don’t run off now my slave” He smiled wickedly. I simply moaned softly in reply and stared at the floor. “Oh I almost forgot. Cum for me my slave.” My body bucked and withered in my bonds as I screamed out in pleasure. He was gone from my sight before I could thank him so I simply hung my head back down to stare at the floor as my body shook from my orgasm.
As Jeremy reaches the door he wonders who it might be. He opens the door to see an unfamiliar face. It was a young man with dark brown hair that curled out fashionably from under his Miller baseball cap. He looked to be about the same age as his dear Rai, maybe it was a kid from her class. She knew the rule; if someone was to come over she was to ask permission first.
“Hello Sir.” The boy said with a deep southern accent as he reached out his hand to be shaken. Was this kid told of their situation and making fun of Rai? Jeremy’s face turned stern and questioning, his refused to put out his hand to shake with someone who would make fun of his little girl.
“Do I know you?” Jeremy asked almost cruelly as he looked down at the boy.
“Umm, no Sir, I am Matt. I was hoping to get to see Morgan.” The boy said. “I drove a pretty long way.” Matt looked into the cold man’s eyes, “Do I have the wrong house?”
Jeremy noticed that Matt was becoming uncomfortable. “Morgan… Oh you mean Rai?” Jeremy said finally shaking Matt’s hand. “One moment, I will go get her. She is sort of” Jeremy paused, “tied up at the moment. You can step on in if you like.” Matt nodded. Jeremy walked him to a spot that was just inside the door, “Wait here and I will get her.” Jeremy left the kid to go to the garage and release his pet.
Without explanation he hurriedly walked into the door and undid her bonds. “Go inside, put on some clothes. Make yourself look decent. Quickly now.”
“Yes Master.” she replied as she wondered who was at the door. She ran inside to their room to put on some pants and a T-shirt. She hurriedly brushed her hair because he detested when she did not, and then she walked almost calmly to the den and saw her Master standing by the entrance. She walked up to him and knelt in front of him in clear view of anyone that was at the door but she did not care. She knew the consequence of not kneeling, and kneeling in front of a friend was better than being whipped in front of a friend.
“We have company.” Jeremy as he brought Matt closer. She hated that she was to stare at the floor at this moment. All she could see were her Master’s shoes and a strangely familiar pair of boots. Jeremy loved to toy with her like this. He knew that she hated just staring at their feet but would not dare budget and get a whipping for misbehaving. “Well says hello.”
“Hello Sir?” Rai said in a questioning tone.
“Hello Momo.” the familiar voice said.
“Matt?” her voice questioned. She could standit no longer; she glanced up then jumped to her feet when her question was answered by her own eyes. “Mo!” she exceled as she throw her arms around her old best friend from Georgia. She forgot that her Master was standing beside her as she clung to him. “God I missed you!” She kissed Matt’s cheese then hugged him again harder. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see my bitch.” Matt teased her with affection. The pair used to be like brother and sister but Jeremy was not aware of this. She finally let go of him.
“How did you get here?” She asked him.
Jeremy then walked up behind her and dragged his arms over her shoulders reminding her of reality and her position. “Want to clue me in?” Jeremy more so demanded than asked from his slave.
“Oh, yes Sir. Sorry Sir.” Rai said, “Can we go sit in the den?” Matt looked at her strangely. He wondered why his Momo would be kneeing in front of such an older man, and why would he put his arms around her, and why ask permissionsion to go sit in the den instead of just doing so?
Jeremy looked at her sternly but walked into the den to sit in a chair. Rai followed him and Matt followed her. Matt sat on the sofa and patted the spot beside him, but Rai looked at Jeremy for permission.
“You know where to sit Rai.” Jeremy said matter-of-factly. She went and knelt beside him quietly.
“Sir this is one of my old friends Matt from high school. I have known him since eight grade. We were very close. He is like a brother to me.” Rai explained as she looked up at her Master. She saw him calmly.
“Why does he call you Rai?” Matt asked.
“Because I like that name.” Jeremy answered for her.
“Your middle name.” He replied. “Of course.”
“What brings you here?” Jeremy asked.
“Well, my school is on summer break and I wanted to come visit one of my old friends. I missed having to fuss at someone all the time.” Matt smiled softly as he looked down to Rai.
“Where are you planning to stay? I assume you will be here more than one day?” Jeremy asked.
“I suppose there is a hotel around here somewhere. This was the first place I went when I arrived here.”
Jeremy nodded. “Excuse us for a moment Matt.” Jeremy said as he grabbed Rai’s arm and lead her to their room. He shut the door for privacy.
“You want him to stay here don’t you?” Jeremy questioned.
“Yes Sir, please?”
“And where will he sleep?”
“In one of the spa bedrooms.”
“I don’t know about this.”
“Please Sir. He won’t trash our house or rap me at midnight.”
“If he does trash my house you will pay for it. As for the rap, you would enjoy it.” He smiled softly at his slave but she didn’t notice.
She looked down at the floor then pleadingly back to him. “Please Sir?”
“Fine. He may stay as long as you act decently. I have a few plans for him anyway.” Jeremy said as he walked to the door. Plans? She thought…. plans for what?
“Master… What do you mean plans?” Rai said as she looked at him softly. Jeremy chuckled and simply opened the door and left her to wonder.
Jeremy sat back in his chair and patted his lap for Rai to sit upon it. She did so quietly, almost instinctively.
“If you have no where else to stay you may stay here.” Rai said softly as she looked at Matt.
“That is OK. I can get a hotel room somewhere.” Matt replied.
“I insist.
“Well… okay then. I will stay.” Matt replied.
“I am going to the store. You two can catch up alone. I will see you in an hour or two.” He rubbed Rai’s hair affectionately, “Behave my pet.” He stood pulling Rai against him. He kissed her passwordately while wrapping his arms around her. “Bye.” He kissed her again holding her tighter against him. He kissed deeply and passwordately forgetting the small audience.
Rai went to pull away as he ended the kiss softly, but he held her tighter in response. He leaned in to her ear and whispered softly “Do you want me to pull you over my knee in front of your guest?” Her body went stiff as panic set in but still her clip stung with a familiar wetness. He would do it, she thought. He had done it before. “I thought so. Never pull away from me. I do not care who is watching. He kissed her again making his little slave relax. He moved His lips to her neck and nibbled softly. Then he bit her early gently like he knew she adored. She moaned gently then remembered her friend behind her. She cought hoping to cover up her moans. “This will be fun” he whispered. He spanked her ass once. “Be a good girl.”
He let go of her and watched her stand there on weak knees. He loved that about her. She could get so aroused in the strangest situation with just a bite or a few words. Jeremy nodded at Matt, grabbed his keys then left them alone, closing the front door behind him.
Matt shocked her by picking her up and tossing her upon his should then dropping her down on the couch. He sat beside her.
“Now tell me what the fuck you are doing with an old man?”
“It’s complicated.” she said quietly. She didn’t want to have to tell him that Jeremy was her owner, not her boyfriend, but then again he would probably learn that soon enough.
“Well are you dating? Or what?” She looked at him shyly. “Stop being a moron and tell me now.” Matt ordered her. He looked into her eyes and waited impatiently.
“Well. He is my Master.” She said softly.
“Is he why you moved here?”
“Have you fucked yet?” Matt smiled softly.
“Yep.” She replied happy for the new subject.
“How was it?”
“Is that the only reason you are here? The sex is good. I thought I taught my little Momo better than that.”
“No. It is more than that.”
“Why must he be so old?”
“He isn’t that old. He is only third years older than me. And he knows what he is doing, simple as that. And besides, when have you ever seen me with a man that was not older than me?” Rai defended herself and her Master.
Matt smiled wickedly. “What?” she asked.
“Did you finally get to give that blow job that you have been on your knees for?” Matt laughed as she blushed.
“That and more.”
“Like what?”
“None ya” She said childishly.
Matt pulled her across his lap and ruffled her hair playfully. “You love the poor fool don’t you?”
She smiled softly, “Madly. I love him and all his little quirks. Sometimes I wonder where I would be should he ever tired of me.” She told softly and laid her head down on his lap. He stroked her hair tenderly as he looked down at the little beauty that lay before him. She turned herself so that she could see his face. He poked her nose playfully. In return she snapped at his fingers like a little puppy he thought. He laughed.
“You better behave little girl or I will tell your Master what a brat youhave been.” He smiled wickedly at her. Her face flushed red as she stared at him in shock.
“You wouldn’t dare!” She exclaimed as she jumped up off his lap.
“Oh… Is that a dare? You are going to dare me? What happened last time you dared me. Oh yes that’s right. I told your ex that you were dying to give him head.” He wickedly raised his eyebrow at her.
“I mean…” She paused as fear and confusion struck. Oh god. If he tells Master I was a brat. She looked at Matt painstakingly. “Please don’t. Come on Matt.”
He hugged her tight against him, “Oh hush now. I was only joking. Calm down little girl. Calm down.” She breathed again for what he thought was the first time. Maybe this guy was her Master…whatever that means. So what would that make her? His slave? To toy with, to play with, to whip, and to fuck. She always had been a tad bit submissive. He never really knew what that means, but she had told him she was.
He looked at her softly and wiped the tears that had formed in her eyes and held her against him. He missed her so much. He knew she liked him from the day that they met, but back then he never was into girls that liked him back then. It bothered him that she was no longer his Momo. Now she was Jeremy’s Rai. He showed softly. He wanted her so badly. She was cute when they met but now that she had lost some weight and matured into a young woman she was what you could call beautiful. He could now feel his cock getting hard because of the warmth she provided as she laid with her head in his lap. He hoped that she could not feel the slightly obvious bulge.
She whimpered and lay back again against his leg. “Matt.” she squirmed uncomfortable, “Your zipper is poking me in the back of the head.
Matt laughed softly. She was still a little innocent. She was definitely the same person that she was in high school, but something drastic had changed about her… she seemed…… happy? Yes that must be it. He was glad for her, but that could’t stop the feeling that he wanted her to himself. Jeremy didn’t seem the type to share.
He looked down at her again. Her eyes blinked sleepily and she yawned softly. She nuzzles her head against him softly, “Good night Master.” she said absently forgetting whose lap she was in.
Matt continued to pet her hair softly as she turned to lie on her side facing him. It looked like the poor thing had a rough morning. He then remembered what Jeremy had said when he arrived. “She was tied up.” Did Jeremy mean literally? He was sure to find out soon enough.
He reached for the remote without disturbing Rai and flicked on the TV. quietly. He was sure that Jeremy wouldn’t mind him doing so. It was an easy way to kill an hour or so while she slept.
When he turned on the television he didn’t really look at the logo at the bottom of the screen until he heard a whimper from a bound woman. What was this? He watched intently as the hour flow by and for some reason hiscock stiffened beneath her. He wasn’t repulsed by something he should have been. He should have been he thought. Right?
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