Southern Cumfort

I stepped out of the shower, squeezing the excess water from my waist-length brown hair. Wrapping myself in a big beach towel, I walked to my room, which was lavishly decorated with posters of my favorite musicians, tigers, New Age themes, and gothic stuff. I fumbled around in my underwear drawer for a pair of tiger-striped silk underwear, and a bra of the same style. I put them on, and scantily-clad, went to my closet and throw on a big, baggy t-shirt with my favorite radio station on it. Then, I went to my pants drawer and pulled out my favorite flare leg jeans. Socks and shoes were next, followed by make-up. Casual, I thought. I applied some foundation, then some eyeliner, and mascara, a little bit of purple eye shadow, followed by glitter. Lastly, I applied some light pink lips liner to my lips, making They look fuller and poutier, then touched them up by adding some shiny lip gloss. Swiping some deodorant under my arms, and spraying myself with some Calvin Klein 1, I quickly brushed my hair and blow-dried it. I sprayed my bangs and fluffed them. Flashing a smile to myself in the mirror, I dashed off to grab my purse. After that, I locked my front door and headed off to my friend Anna’s apartment by the movie theatre, which was 3 blocks away.

I knocked on the door, expecting her to be chatting on the computer with her Vietnamese boyfriend, Tam, or at least on the phone with him. She answered the door, and I immediately heard hip-hop music in the background, blaring. “Hi, Drea! It’s about time you got here! There’s somebody I’d like you to meet,” she said. “Drea, I’d like for you to meet Tam. Tam this is Drea.”

We exchanged hellos and smiles, and then I heard a male voice say, “Hey Anna, who’s here?” I turned around and saw a guy of about 17 or 18 with red hair, glasses, and a gorgeous baby face I had to drool over when I saw him. At first, I didn’t know what to say but just stare.

“Oh, Drea, I almost forgot! This is Alan. Alan, this is Drea.”He smiled the sweetest smile and said hello. I’m not sure if I said anything at all.

It turned out Alan lived only a few blocks from my house, and we’d became mutually interested in each other, so I gave him my phone number. “Maybe we can hang out sometimes,” I suggested.

“By the way, how old are you?” I asked.

“Twenty-three. How old are you?” came the reply. “Damn! You look a lot younger!! Oh, I’m nineteen.”


“Yeah. Well, I gotta bail out for now. Do you have the Internet? I could e-mail you,” he said. So we exchanged e-mail addresses. “I really enjoyed meeting you,” he said, leaning forward and kissing my cheek. I blushed a little and bit my bottom lip, nervously. “Yeah, you too,” I said, smiling.

I slept in since it was Saturday and got up around 10 am, and went to the bathroom, peed, then washed my hands and face. I was still in my pj’s, which were red satiny material, and I was preparing to do laundry, cuz my uniform for work was dirty. II went to the fridge and rummaged around until I found some orange juice, so I poured a glass and sat down before doing my weekend chores and decided to check my e-mail. I was quite surprised to see a message from “Alan McCoy”.

I clicked on it, and it said, “Hi, what’s going on? Wanna hang out sometimes? Well, gotta go. I’ll try calling you today. Bye.”

So I replied: “Hiya, Alan! Not a lot here, just getting ready to do laundry and dishes and clean my house. We could rent some movies tonight and order pizza, if you’d like to come over. I live on Bixler Avenue, 3 doors down from the post office in the brick house. Call if you need any more directions. 555-1231 is my #…oh, whoops, I gave it to ya last night. Oh well, there’s an extra copy!! Well, I better get off here, or I’ll never get my chores done! Have a great day! Bye!”

So I logged off, and went over to my stereo and turned on the radio. I walked over to my laundry room and opened the blinds. It was a sunny day; noNeed to have the blinds drawn or the windows closed. I smiled and sang as I did the chores for the day, and picked out an outfit to wear that evening.

I glanced at the clock. It said 4:26 pm. I figured I could log on and check my e-mail to see if Alan had written me back. And he did: “Drea, I’d love to come over for pizza and movies! I’m pretty sure I can find your house without a lot of trouble. Would it be ok if I brought over some liquor? What time should I come over? Is 7 pm all right? Gotta go…see ya tonight!” I replied saying it was cool to bring the liquor, and that 7 pm was perfect.

I looked all inside my closet until I found what I wanted to wear: My baby doll t-shirt with the Hindu goddess Durga, riding her Tiger. I then picked out some black leather pants, dollar general flip-flops with yellow thongs. I laid my outfit on my bed and took a quick shower, and towel dried my hair, spraying through it some detangling spray that made it virtually tangle-free, shiny, and smelling like fresh fruit. I put on my pentacle necklace, got dressed, applied light, shimmery make-up and lip-gloss, and went to the kitchen to root through my miscellaneous drawer of pens, a notebook, stapler, three-hole punch, paperclips and coupons. I grabbed a Papa John’s coupon and my discount card for Blockbuster and put them in my wallet.

The clock said 7:10 pm and no Alan. I was beginning to get Really bummed, thinking maybe he just stood me up. So, just as I was about to go out for a drive, like I always do when I’m upset, I heard the doorbell ring. I ran and checked myself in the mirror. Then I looked thru the peek-hole in the door, and seeing it was Alan, I let him in, grinning sort of nervously. “Hi,” he says and gave me a hug. I managed to give him a squeeze and a little “Um, hi,” and as he embedded me, I glanced downward and saw that he had quite a package. I let my mind wander at the thought of what it would be like to have that big, hard love bone buried deep inside my warm, wet slit…

“Can I?” I am shaken from my fantasy and blink stupidly at him. “What? What’d you say?” I said. “I asked if I could put this bottle of Southern Comfort in the fridge.”

“Oh! Yeah, sure. Here, I got it,” I said taking the bottle from him. “Ya know,” I said, “I have some kick ass strawberry wine in here from a couple weeks ago When I was at this party down on Main Street…would you like some?”

“Yeah, I love strawberry wine,” Alan said, licking his lips, and again I was taken into fantasyland.

I got two wine glasses from the cabinet and said over my shoulder, “Hey, have a seat on the couch, if you want,”

“Ok, thanks!” I heard my crush says. I was in fantasyland a bit too long, Because I didn’t see the basket of laundry I mean to fold in the middle of the floor, and I tripped over it, sending the wine glasses shattering and cutting my left arm. I was more embarrassed than hurt, as I got up, tears filling my eyes, I turned away heading tothe bathroom, when I saw Alan run into the room.

“What the…? Oh my god! Here, let me help you,” he said, washing my cut with soap and water and drying it off. “Do you have any ointment?” He said. “Yeah, in the medicine cabinet. God, I feel like such an ass!! I guess we won’t be able to have that wine, now. Sorry, man,” I said. “Hey, it’s ok. We’ve still got that Southern Comfort in the fridge,” He took my injured arm and kissed it and smiled. It felt like the Amazon had been set free between my thighs, and my nipples began to get hard.

“Well, I better go clean up that mess in the kitchen,” I said. “No, it’s ok. I’ve got it. Sit down,” he said. Then, out of nowhere, I blurted out, “Alan, I have a crush on you. I think you are so hot and ever since I met you I’ve been fantasizing about what it’d be like to sleep with you,” He turned around with a shocked expression on his face and for a moment there was silence.

“Oh, shit…did I say that out loud?!” Then a smile spreadacross his face, and he leaned towards my ear and said, “I feel the same way towards you,” He grabbed me gently and sucked my neck. “I’m gonna go clean up that mess. Be right back,” he said grinning at me.

I hurried and changed into my red lacy teddie. I was relieved Alan didn’t think I was gross or anything. But I wondered if he was single? I sure hoped so.

He soon came back with 2 shot glasses of Southern Comfort. “Hey,” I said, “Are you single?”

“Yeah,” he said, taking a shot. I smiled to myself. “So, did you have any fansies about me?” I wondered, taking my shot of SC. “Hmm…yeah, there were a couple,” he said gently easing me onto the bed and caressing my face, neck, and chest. He licked his lips and took one of my breasts out from my lacy get-up and looked at me. In his eyes burned a fire of intense password, as his hands explored every inch of me. He opened his mouth and flicked his tongue on my exposed nipple, and blew cool air on it, and it hardened almost immediately. I compromised as chills of sensitivity went up and down my body.

Alan’s hungry mouth soon found mine, and our tongues were intertwined. His hands, also very eager, found other parts of me, as did my hands on him. I felt his warm, long fingers travel their way down between my legs and in between, pushing aside the red lace, searching for that deep wet, hole he craved so much.

I melted in his arms. He caresed and licked my breasts, kissed my mouth, and plunged his fingers deep in me. “Do you have a condom?” I said, ready to have him in me, pounding away. “Yeah, I have one, but there’s something you should know about me,” he said. “What is it?”

“I’m a virgin,” he said. “So, if we do this, you’ll be my first. I’m kinda scared you’ll leave me Afterwards,” I held him close to me, and kissed him. “I wouldn’t leave you,” I said. “But this is only the first date and we’re already in bed. We still have lots to learn about each other,” he said. I agreed. “I know a way wecan get to know each other…” I said, a big grin spreading across my face.

“Mmm, yeah, me too,” Alan said, unzipping his pants and taking them off. He quickly put the condom on and smoothed me in French kisses and slowly began to penetrate me.

“Ohhh, God…mmmm, Alan!! That feels so good!!” I exclaimed, bucking my body against his, making him go deeper. He responded with his own moans and groans and I loved how he thrusted his huge cock in me, holding me tightly. I wrapped my legs around the small of his back. He began pumping harder and faster and he finally came to orgasm, yelling at the top of his lungs how good it felt.

He was smoking a lot when he was done and I asked him if I was any good. “I can’t get enough of that tight pussy! In fact, I’m gonna do some naughty things to you until you cum all over me.”

“Oh, you mean like role play games?” I asked. “Yeah, and you are my bitch. Get on your hands and knees,” he commanded. I did as I was told. “Now, spread yOur legs,” he said taking the belt from his jeans.

“I haven’t ever…” I began. SMACK! “Shut up bitch and do as your told!!” he yelled at me. “Spread your legs and let me stuff my dick inside that wet cunt!!” I did. He picked me up and tossed me on the bed.

“I was disappointed in your performance, you little whore. Sit with your ass in the air,” he said, getting Some KY Jelly and rubbing it on my pumpered hole.

“Spread your legs and bare down, bitch, ’cause this is gonna hurt like fuck,” he said.

“No!! No!! Don’t!! Please..” He rammed his erect penis in me as hard as he could, up inside my backdoor. I cried and screamed for him to stop but he didn’t. Instead, he pulled out a cucumber and smiled at me.

“Your pussy’s gonna enjoy this!” he said, plunging the huge vegetable up my tiny canal. He was digging his nails deep into my back, and I was sure I was bleeding. Except it didn’t hurt now. It felt very good! I pushed against his huge cock in my ass and I felthim moan as he exploded in me. He then pulled the cucumber out of my twat, licked it clean, and had me lick his dick until it was no longer coated with cum. “Did you cum yet, darling?”

“No, master!”

“Well then, we will just have to use other means won’t we?” he said. “Lay on your back, and keep your legs spread,” I did. He grabbed my thighs and plugged his tongue in my pussy and shoved the cucumber up my ass and thrust it in and out. My body soon began to quiver and I had waves of pure orgasmic pleasure course thru my body. Soon I realized I could not take any more. I began to weep.

“It’s too much pleasure!! Stop!! Please!!” Alan’s face was, to say the least, soaking wet with my juices. He was breathing harder than I was.

“So, do you like the kind of reindeer games I play?” Alan asked me.

“Hell yes!” I replied, a big grin on both our faces. “I think I love you,” I said, sheepishly.

“I think I love you, too,” he said, kissing me. “So, what do we tell our friends when they ask how our pizza date went?” he asked me.

I thought for a moment, back to the broken wine glasses and how that pretty much started it all. “Smashing,” I said. He agreed. And we both smiled and laughed, drifting into slumber land together.


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