“I’m sorry,” she said as she put her purse on the hotel chair next to the window. “I know I’ve been annoying and needy, and it’s the last thing you want or need in your life right now.” She turned and faced him with her hands on her hips, not knowing what to expect. “But I can’t help it!” Hating how her voice rose like an angry shrew, she clamped her lips together and waited for his reaction.
He was leaning casually against the wall, swirling his amber colored beverage. From the looks of it, it was his first whiskey, but that wasn’t reassuring. She knew she had made him agitated in the last week, and she also knew how difficult that usually was to do. He finally lifted his blue eyes to meet her questioning grey. She couldn’t read him at the best of times, and this definitely was far from that. Setting his drink down, he finally spoke, his voice as cold as the melting ice in his glass. “I hope you are prepared for the consequences of your actions.”
Her heart slammed in her chest, and the palms resting on her hips grow damp. She tried to wipe them on her skirt, hoping he didn’t notice. His lips quirked a bit at the corners – he had noticed. Taking a last swallow from his glass, he pointed to one of the queen sized beds and turned towards his suitcase, clearly expecting her to obey his non-verbal command. She did. Walking slowly on her 5-inch heels, she carefully settled on the edge of the bed further away from him. He glanced over his shoulder, noticed her position, and shook his head. “You’re just going to make it worse,” he whispered and began to take items out of The Suitcase.
Deciding that she deserved whatever he had planned, and still hoping she would enjoy it as she always did, she crawled on her hands and knees into the center of the bed, her naked ass peeking from beneath her short skirt. In this position, she did not get to see his reaction which was exactly as he wanted it. He did not want her to see the desire in his eyes that could not be suppressed. She may be many things, but unattractive was not one of them, regardless of her personal feelings on the matter. Pale skin from head to toe, dark hair, and the sexiest mouth he’d ever seen. Her curves may be more than was fashionable, but her energy, intelligence, and sensitivity made her irresistible which was why she was here and not removed from his life as many other women had been. There was something About her that kept him coming back for more, but she would never guess that. She thought it was all about her.
He fought a smile as he noticed her skirt twitching. She never can stay still, he thought as he moved to where her head hung between her arms. He pushed her head down onto the bed and stretched her arms towards the headboard. The soft red cuffs he had been using on her since their first Visit were fitted onto her wrists, attached together with a click of metal. A soft gasp alerted him to the fact that she was not as wary as she should be. She thought this like the previous fun they’d had, and it was…to a point. Keeping a hand on the top of her head to prevent her from peeking, he attached the carabiner clip to the rope he had tied to the bed frame earlier that evening. He reached into the back pocket of his shorts for the recently purchased collar, and clipped it in place around her neck, carefully moving her hair so as not to pull. Startled, she attempted to twist her head, but was quickly prevented from doing so as he attached the other pieces of rope to the collar. He stepped back to admire his work, noticing she could move her head slightly from side to side, but not enough to see anything beyond the white sheets of the bed. Pushing her hair away from one ear, he whispered, “I will not be using the ball gag until you make me do so.” Her heavy breathing was his only answer to the threat, and he smoothed her hair over her head, saying “Good girl,” before moving away, flipping her skirt away from her ass as he went.
Thecollar was new, and she wasn’t sure she liked it. She tested the bonds on her wrists, and found that there was some give, but not enough for her to move. Especially not with her neck held immobile. The collar wasn’t uncomfortable. On the contrary, the lining was soft, and he had made sure no straight hair was caught. In a small part of her mind, she wondered what it looked like, but for the most part, she was thinking of what he had planned. Why did he need her so still? She knew she fidgeted; she couldn’t stop fidgeting when they were in the same room. She was always imagining his hands on her, the rare times his lips touched her skin, and she definitely imagined the heavy feeling of his cock as it slide inside her.
The first slap of leather on her bared flesh almost made her forget his threat about the ball gag.
He had spanked her before on numerous occasions, but whatever he was using this time caught her by surprise. As always, it didn’t exactly hurt, but the burning sing itleft made her clench in anticipation of the next blow.
He had not been prepared for his own reaction when he used the wide leather belt on her ample ass. He had read about it, and he had made sure his swing wasn’t such that it would actually hurt, so he was pretty sure she was going to enjoy the beating she had come. What he wasn’t sure of was if he would be able to control himself long enough to mete out her punishment.
She hadn’t done anything wrong, per se, but she felt she needed to answer for her daily texting habit. It didn’t both him. He actually enjoyed the witty exchanges, but she had misinterpreted a text from him as meaning he was fed up. His insight that he was not had made no impression, and so here they were enjoying the punishment together.
The second slap of the belt made her squeal, and he paused to enjoy his next words. “You have 6 more coming since 8 is your favorite number. I will not tolerate another sound.” The belt landed for a third timeto punctuate his statement, and the welt that resulted made him rethink the next 5 swings of the belt.
She pulled against the restraints on her wrist, writing in the pain/pleasure in which she was immersed. She wasn’t sure she could remain quietly through 5 more swings. Her ass burned from the 3 she had been dealt, and she refused to ask him to stop. It wasn’t that she disliked the ball gag. On the contrary, she enjoyed it since it was his favorite toy. However, she hated giving him the satisfaction of winning, even though he did…every time…
Glancing again at the welts on her ass, he wondered if it hurt as much as it looked. By the condition of her pussy, not hidden at all in the position she was in, he had the feeling she was enjoying herself. Swollen and wet, it begged for his cock, and he was having a hard time resisting. Laying down the belt, he shed his t-shirt. One less thing in his way when he did fuck her, and that would be sooner than he intended. She did thisto him…every time…
Two back to back, and the collar bit into her neck as she tried to pull away. She let her singing cheats rest against her ankles, and her knees came together in a protective gesture that did not go unnoticed by the man wielding the belt. She had never been so close to tears in his presence before, and she didn’t want to show him that weakness, but then again, what did it matter at this point? It was no secret that she craved him. Not just the physical, but the friendship that had evolved. What were a few tears amongst friends, right? And yet, she held them back because tears may stay his hand, and even though she hurt, she knew the pain would pass, and the pleasure would remain.
When she sat on her heels and brought her knees together, he thought he may have crossed the line. He had done so once before. That time, she had not given in and had forced him to make the call to stop. But not before he knew the pain had eclipsed the pleasure. This time, hewasn’t sure. She was unusually quiet, but that could be her stubborn streak at work. He should stop. The welts were not fading, and she would be sore for days so he should stop.
And then, her beautiful white ass rose from her heels, and her knees slide along the bed sheet until she was open for him once more. His lips quirked at his brave girl, and instead of landing another blow, his hand moved softly over the red marks he had given her. His body covered hers as his fingers slipped in the wetness of her pussy, unerringly finding the hard nub of her clip. He bit her ear before whispering, “You haven’t cum yet tonight. The way you’re moving against my fingers tells me you want to, and since we’re over halfway to 8, it seems like a good time for you to do so. You can scream if you like.”
She did scream eventually. A low, throaty howl into the mattress as she came, his heavy panting in her ear pushing her higher. She hadn’t known she was so close. His enjoyment of her always made it easier for her to cum. As he moved away, she felt his fingers leave her still pulsing clip, and swing number 6 landed unexpectedly on her still singing ass. She grew, angle now more than hurt, and his answering chuckle made her pull against her bonds once more.
“So it’s time to gag you, is it?” She shook her head as vigorously as the collar allowed, and then realized she could say anything since she’d be gagged in a matter of seconds anyway. “How you expect me to keep quiet as you beat me with…whatever it is you’re beating me with…is beyond me! I’m not going to be able to sit for weeks, and how exactly am I to explain…” The rest of her tirade was cut short as he inserted the black ball and strapped it tightly against her skull. Bound, gagged, and collared, she had never looked so beautiful to him. Her simmering rage was palpable even in her current state, and he quickly stripped, knowing he wouldn’t be able to wait much longer. And she thought she was the one being tortured!
His hand stroked the belt, wondering how he would deliver the final 2 blows. There was no part of her ass that had not received the kiss of the leather, but he would not even consider striting her elsewhere. Her skin was very fair, so he knew the marks were more exaggerated on her than they would be on someone else, but he still hesitated. Behind the ball, she screamed something unintelligible and thrust her ass toward him.
She could no longer distinguish one streak of pain from the other. Her entire backside felt as if it were glowing red, and it probably was. At this point, she did not feel as though her “crime” of texting too often fit the punishment, but it was too late now. All she wanted was for the last 2 strokes to be done. So she moved. She rocked her ass from side to side. She moved her knees a little further apart. She pumped her hips ever so slightly. Not being able to see anything beyond the limited view of the mattress, she could not tell if her taccusing had elicited a response. She counted to three before she received an answer to her non-verbal request.
The wide leather belt swung quickly, once for each red cheese, before he dropped it to the floor, donned a condom, and shoved his entire length into her waiting hole. In spite of the gag he heard her grunt each time he bottomed out, but he didn’t care. He didn’t care if his hips slapping her ass hurt her. He didn’t care that her grunts were turning into screams. All he cared about was cumming. Gripping her hips, he thrust over and over, his control almost completely gone. Eventually, he did hear her screams, and normally he would have stopped to coax another orgasm from her. Instead, he glanced down, saw his dark hands on her white hips, saw the red stripes on her ass that he had given her, and his control left. He bent over her back, placed his forehead on her shoulder and pushed his cock as deep as he could. She was so hot and so wet. The sounds she was able to get through the gag were incredibly erotic, and he couldn’t help it; he bit her, hard, thrust deep, and groaned as he came.
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