Imagining, your arms stretching willingly. High above your head. His naked body close to you. A sultry smile moves across your lips as he moves his hands over the soft, smooth skin of your arms. He smiles back, slipping soft, silk like loops gently around each wrist, each tied firmly to a struggle bedpost.
His fingertips slowly move down your naked body, taking delight in feeling Your sensitive skin. He looks into your eyes, smiling again as he slips loops around each ankle. Your feet separately bound to the ends of the footboard with ties are loose enough for you to move just a little. You test the restraints, arching your back, lifting your ass off the bed, but you can’t move far.
This seemed like a good idea when you suggested it to him. The thought had Always been very arousing to you. Sometimes when he was on top of you, he would pin your arms back. That never failed to excite you. But now this was real. You test the ties again, feeling a little panic rising through you. To your surprise they hold firmly. Thoughts begin to race through you mind. Your vivid imagination moving into overdrive, conjuring up all sorts of worst case scenarios.
He notices your stress, giving you a reassuring smile, gently struggling your skin “Baby, don’t worry. I’ll be gentle as a baby. I think you might just like this.”
He continues to cares your skin, talking to you in relaxed, calming tones. His eyes move across your body. He tells you how beautiful you are. You feel fully exposed. Lips naturally parted…already damp in anticipation. His mouth leans close to them, blowing lightly. His damp, hot breath teasing your obvious arousal.
He pulls out a blindfold, enveloping your eyes in black. He does this under your strict protests. Your senses heighten…straining to hear, to feel what is coming next.
Something light, so very light moves across played arms, tickling you…such a light touch. You wiggle under its movements. A lazy trail over your arms, down your shoulders, around the curve of each breast. You slightly softly as it moves lightly over your sensitive skin.
You try to predict its path, but you are continuously surprised. It teases your breasts. Your arms pull involuntarily as another sensitive spot is encountered. The object lingers, teasing…unrelenting.
The sensings feel good at first but it quickly Becomes more like unyielding torture. Finally it stops. You breathe a sight of relief, resting…relaxing, until it moves again… slowly around each nipple.
Your breasts hot, swollen, nipples fully erect. The object moves around each one, brushing over both hard nubs. They ache for more. You beg him to take one between his lips, letting you experience the hot flashes of pleasure you need so badly.
But he refuses. You can almost see him smiling as he teases each firm breast, so firm, full. Nipples so stiff, yearning to be touched. Your breathing quickens.
The touch stops. You try to relax but can’t. Senses remain heightened. Looking for any sign of what could be next. You squirm, thinking you feel the object somewhere else on your body. So sure of it, but suddenly, there is nothing there.
There it is again, your left inner thigh. Light, tight circles, each moving higher. Your slit glistens in anticipation. Mind screams how badly you need to be touched.
“Baby” you moan, lifting your ass off the bed in the only direction you can move. Your voice pleases “Baby, please touch my pussy Baby. I need your mouth. I need your fingers. I need your hot, throbbing cock inside me right now.”
The object changes direction. Moving back over your inner thighs, slipping behind your knees. It traces a lazy trail down the curve of your toned calendar, your toes, teasing all those sensitive spots between each one.
You feel light circles over the soles of your feet, lingering at each delicate spot. Your body emrithing with each light touch. It’s not taking much, each spot so sstimulating.
He teas your other leg. No real pattern this time, sometimes higher, then lower. Seconds seems like hours. Your skin hyper sensitive now. You find it hard to talk, only moans, little screams. Sometimes an ‘Oh God’ is heard.
The object rests lightly on your mound, teasing it slowly. Tracing a line lower to the juncture with your thigh, gliding up and down the seam. Your burning with desire. Sweet juices freely flowing, puddling on the bed. You lift your ass again, lips full, parted. Arching your back, thrusting into the air. Aching to be touched, licked, touched…to be fucked. Something to give you your desperate release.
Now, two fingers trace the outline of your pussy lips. You moan loudly, thrusting up against them. They move inside you, enveloped by your hot, throbbing pussy. Plunging deeper, fingers curling as they emerge only to plumge back in, deeper and harder. You fuck them back hungrily, desperately, this is what you needed.
Thumb presses against your hard clip, rubbing it back and forth, up and down. Other fingers fuck you hard, unrelenting, without warning… screaming. Eyes close tightly, body emrithing, convulsing uncontrollable as an earth shattering orgasm rakes your entire being.
Pulling your blind off. Fingers resting inside you as the spasms subside.
“Baby,” I whisper, “Should I let you go, or would you like just a little more?”
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