Sorley's Hotel Ch. 01

Cassie Summer is the Customer Services Manager in Sorley’s, one of London’s leading 5 star hotels. Responsible for more than 200 staff, the Belfast woman loves her job. If the reception can’t address a customer’s problem and the duty manager can’t address the problem, Cassie is the next step up. If she can’t make a customer happy the only recourse is the big boss, Mr Sean Sorley, and it is Cassie’s over riding duty to make sure that Mr Sorley never has to deal with an angry customer.

Sean Sorley is the Irish entrepreneur who owns and runs Sorley’s. He established the hotel, decorated it in a quirky, arty style that celebrations and rich tourists love, recruited the top chef for the Michelin star restaurant and built the spa that has a range of treatments so desirable people travel the world to visit it.

So it’s no surprise he’s a darling of the social pages, who love his handsome looks, great dress sense and soft Irish charm. And he’s a great boss. The staff love him. Cassie loves him. He listens to her views, appreciates her ideas, make her feel like a valued member of staff.

So why does Cassie feel nervous? She’s been summoned to Mr Sorley’s office and has no idea why. As she makes her way down the corridor she thinks hard – did she miss something, screw something up, get a complaint? Cassie knocks the door.

“Come in”. Sorley is behind his bigg walnut desk, tapping at his lap top, “Sit down.”

There’s definitely something going on, Cassie hears it in Sorley’s tone.

She waits, saying nothing, while the boss finishes what he’s doing. Finally, he looks at her, and looks.

Sorley taps the desk with his pen. “Who is Lady B, Cassie?” he asks her.

And all of a sudden Cassie’s head is spinning, little white flashes are going off behind her eyes, and all she can think is, “Fuck, fuck, fuck”.

“Lady B, Cassie” Sorley repeats.

All Cassie can manage is “I’ve no idea”.

But she has a very good idea. She just can’tbelieve Sorley is asking her about it.

“No idea? Are you sure?” Sorley asks her.

“Yes, Mr Sorley. Is she a customer?” Cassie asks, and feels silly and guilty and certain she is going to get sacked.

“Let me refresh your memory”, Sorley says cooly as he turns the laptop round.

Cassie can’t help blushing as she sees the screen. A slim woman in a black under bus corset, her pert, creamy breasts thrust at the screen, holds a riding crop with a pair of velvet evening gloves. The woman’s long neck is all you can see, no face.

“I don’t know who she is.” Cassie decides to front it out, “I can’t see her face”. Cassie knows you never see the woman’s face, plausible deniability she had called it at the time. Impossible to prove it’s her.

“How about now?” Sorley asks, hitting the play button.

The voice on the film has a posh Belfast accent, “You pathetic piece of shit. How dare you presume to stand there with your lame, little cock in your hand waiting for me to tell you how to wank. You will be on your knees licking up your cum before I am done with you”.

Sorley pauses the video and watches Cassie.

“Granted, it sounds like me.” Cassie concedes, “But it isn’t me and I’m shocked you would think I would do this. I shouldn’t have to watch this sort of…filth” Cassie is panicking now, maybe she can make Sorley think she will sue him.

“You insult me, Cassie. What sort of an idiot do you take me for?” Sorley has raised his voice, he’s clipped and angry. “You are the face of this hotel, my customer liaison. You cannot fucking embarrass me like this and expect to get away with it.”

Cassie shrinks back in her chair, she has never heard him swear before. She tries a more conciliatory approach, “I’d never do anything to hurt Sorley’s. I swear, I love this hotel.” At least that’s the total truth.

“You insist on this charade? Very well.” Mr Sorley points at the frozen image on the screen with his pen, “That picture inthe background” he indicates a corner of a painting behind the woman, “I’ve seen it in your house. Those gloves, you wore them to the gala last month.”

Cassie’s heart sinks and she blushes red, embarrassed by her own carelessness.

“And, as if I need to go on, that emerald necklace round Lady B’s neck … you’re wearing it now.”

“I’m really sorry, Mr Sorley.” Cassie knows she has been caught red handed, there can be no denying it now, “I love this job, and I do love this hotel, and I’m good at what I do. The job, I mean.” She’s babbling, “Please, no one will ever know that I’m Lady B. Please don’t sack me.”

“This video has 70,000 hits on this website. It’s on three other websites that I looked into, and many more I’m sure. There are 12 different Lady B videos here. Do you think no one will recognize you?” Mr Sorley speaks more evenly now, as though satisfied by her admission.

“I’m so sorry.” Cassie apologises again, “But no one has recognized me so far, inTwo years. Please.” She’s pleading.

“You have risked the reputation of this establishment, you’ve insulted me. Do you think I am one of your pathetic little porn addict subs?” Sorley is cold now.

“No, Mr Sorley. I was really shocked that you had this video. I couldn’t think what to say. What can I do to make it right? Please. Anything.” Tears are singing Cassie’s eyes.

Sorley pauses, staring at her again. He’s watching her closely, “Options, Cassie. I like you, so you might have some options.”

“Yes, sir” Cassie gasps with relief, options are good. “Anything.”

“Very well. Option A – take it or leave it. I’ll write you a very good reference, and you can walk away and get a job in any hotel in the world – until someone else finds you out.” Sorley stops talking and looks at Cassie. “Or Option B. You stay and you keep your job. And you assume a new role with me.”

Cassie is intrigued by this last statement. What can Sorley mean? “Thank you, Mr Sorley butI don’t want to leave.” Cassie takes a deep breath. “What other role?”

“This is your last chance, Cassie. Choose an option, but know that if you choose to stay you must follow through. No references. No second chances, with Option B.”

“I want to stay. I’ll do anything. Option B.”

Sorley gives a short laugh. “Very well, Cassie.” He gets up and walks around the desk. “Option B. A new role for Lady B, porn queen, mistress. You will learn your place. Say, Yes Sir.”

Cassie suffers a moment of anxiety. What has she got herself into? She swallows, “Yes sir” Cassie answers, hesitant.

“Say, Yes Sir” Sorley repeats, ice cold.

“Yes, Sir” Cassie is quicker with the response now. This could be interesting.

“Good girl” Sorley looks down at Cassie, “From this point forward the only words you may say to me are Yes, Sir. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir”, Cassie answers at once.

“You know how this goes, Cassie. I am your master, not your boss. I own you. You will obey me, immediately and without question.” He looks at her, eye browsers raised.

“Yes, Sir” Cassie is breathing heavily now. She realizes she is actually excited by this proposition. Surrendering control could be fun for a while.

“These are the rules, only these. When I send for you, you will come at once. When I instruct you, you will comply I can’t wait to play this game.

“Yes, Sir” Cassie almost purrs the answer. Sorley is standing beside her and she can see his cock stirred in his perfectly cut pants. Fuck, he’s handsome, Cassie thinks. I can’t wait to play this game.

“Bend over my desk” Sorley says.

“Yes sir” Cassie gasps, bending over her tight business skirt stretches teach across her bum.

Sorley stands behind her, his hard on pushing against her arse. Cassie feels her knickers get wet with excitement.

“Do you want fucked, Cassie?” Sorley asks.

“Yes Sir” Cassie gasps heranswer.

“When I want to fuck you I’ll send for you. Get back to work, now. And remember the rules.” Sorley dismisses Cassie, turning away and sitting back behind his desk.

Cassie straightens up, looks Sorley in the eyes and answers at once, “Yes, Sir”.


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