Sophie's Fantasy Come True Ch. 1

Sophie sat in the den at the computer. Her legs were up on the desk, bent at the knees. Her eyes were closed and her head was thrown back. Her mouth was open and soft whimpers escaped her. The soft hum of her vibrator filled the room. She had just finished another one of Spanker Sam’s stories. But it was the story going on in her mind, which had her fingers and vibrator working in and out of her pink swollen pussy. In her story, she was the one receiving his spanking. She could see his black thighs as she lay across them. The contrast of her white skin against his black skin excited her even more. In her mind, he spanked her again and she gasped out loud at the sting. Damn! It felt almost real. And then his fingers stroking her pussy.

Suddenly Sophie’s body stiffened and she jammed the vibrator up her cunt. She cried out loud as her orgasm wrapped her body. Sophie worked the vibrator in and out of her cunt like a piston. Good thing it was one of the soft ones. And Sophie’s bodyy jerked as each spasm hit her. She felt the hot, thick cum ooze from her cunt and she scooped some up on her fingers. He would make her do that when she came. She knew he would. And Sophie knew how her pussy tasted. She had sucked enough dick when it came from her dripping pussy. Hell! She did more than just have kids in her bedroom. She pulled the vibrator from her wet cunt and looked at it. Her thumb clicked the switch and it turned off. The crème that covered it was thick, with tiny globs all over it.

Sophie closed her eyes. She could almost hear his voice talking to her. “Suck it Sophie. You know you want to. You want to take this big, hard, black dick in your mouth. Can you feel it pushing between your pink lips? You’ve never sucked a black man’s cock before, have you Sophie?” Sophie shook her head no, even though he was only in her mind. “Suck it you horny slut! Suck it deep in your mouth. Show me that you can suck this dick just like a black woman would.” With a groan, Sophie pushed it between her lips. Just like she would have done if he were really before her, she pressed her lips down as she pushed it in. then with a groan, she began to suck it as she worked it in and out. Oh! He tasted so good. But she didn’t want him to shoot in her mouth. Not even her husband was allowed to do that to her.

But Sam wasn’t her husband. And she knew that he would do things to her that her husband didn’t dare. Sophie moaned as she worked the vibrator in and out of her mouth. She even pushed it back to the point that she gagged. Sam would do that to her. Make her choke as he fucked her mouth. Sophie felt her legs begin to shake. She had held them in an awkward position too long. Sophie let her legs drop to the floor. The sudden rush of blood flow caused her to gasp. Then she smiled. He would do things like that to her. Disreg her comfortable as he used her. Then she looked up at the time. Damn! Her husband would be home soon. She jumped up; thankful for the towelShe had placed beneath her ass, to catch her abundant spillage. She thru open the patio door and fresh air rushed in to help remove the cent of her excited sex.

She ran naked into the kitchen and hit the control on the stove. Dinner was started. She ran up to her bedroom and turned the shower on in their private bath. Quickly she showed. Making sure to use the shower hose to direct a jet of warm water right up into her cunt. The water felt so good, Sophie was tempted to just lean against the shower wall and let the jet of water play over her still throbbing clip. She bit her lip in frustration. She loved her husband but his idea of ​​sex left her unsatisfied. Not that he was good, he was. But Sophie wanted more. She wanted the kind of sex she read about in the stories. The kind of sex that Sam gave the women in his stories.

Later that night, Sophie thrashed beneath her husband’s pounding dick. But her mind was on Sam. He would fuck her hard. Not listening to her pleasures tostop. When her husband finished and pulled his dick free, like she did most times, Sophie turned around and sucked it as her husband’s tongue found her dripping slit. Would Sam like to suck her after he fucked her? She bet he did from the way he described eating pussy. Sophie made up in her mind that she would write to him. Tell him how his stories affected her. She would even confess how she fantasized about being spanked. She felt brave. He wouldn’t know who she was. And he wouldn’t know where she lived.


Sophie sat at her computer and wrote her letter to Spanker Sam. She was surprised when she received an answer from him. That started a letter exchange between the two of them. This progressed to their chatting online. Sophie would chat with him while her husband was at work. And their chat progressed to the point where Sam began getting her hot on the phone. She was seated at her computer. She wore a housecoat and nothing else. Her eyes starred at the words on thescreen. Sophie was caught between obeying him and disconnecting the line. Her hands Shook as she put her fingers to the keyboard. The screen remained still and her heart beat at the fear that he had disconnected. Then his words came over bold and blaring.

Sophie sobbed even as her fingers dropped to her naked crotch. Slowly she stroked her pussy lips. She was soaked. Her eyes lifted up and she stared at the screen. The words on the screen shocked her. It was like he was sitting there watching her. Sophie moaned as her fingers slipped inside her slippery tunnel. She couldn’t help it when her fingers worked back and forth. She surprised and throw her head back. “Oh yes, Sam!” She cried out. She told as she pulled her dripping fingers free. Slowly she lifted her fingers to her face.

The cent of her heated sex hit her nose. And Sophie inhaled deeply. Sam had said he loved the way a fucked pussy smelled. She looked at her fingers. Then the words on the screen caught her eyes. Sophie closed her eyes as her fingers slipped between her lips. She sucked and the loud slurping sound almost scared her. Sophie made slurping sounds as she sucked her crème off her fingers. Somehow, it tasted so much sweeter and thicker than usual. She worked her fingers back and forth. Just the way she imagined that Sam would work them if he were here. His instructions grow even more demanding as time went on. And Sophie found herself eagerly following his orders. Then things grow even hotter for the white housewife.

It was Tuesday. Her husband was safely atwork. Sophie sat at her computer with a sheer negligee on. But she didn’t wear the matching panty. Sam had instructed her on the computer to remove them. When the phone rang, Sophie jumped to answer it. “Are you wearing any panties?” No hello! No pleasuresantries! Just his question, and Sophie could feel her hand shake. “No Sam! I took them off like you told me to.” She could hear his slow even breathing on the line. Sam had her slowly stroke her pussy. All the time talking dirty to her as she was given one instruction after another. Then he began to talk about spanking her. Sophie could feel her heart rate increase, along with her password and lust.

“You would love to lay your sweet white body across my black thighs. You would be on your stomach and my hands would cares your soft white ass. That’s what you want, isn’t it Sophie?” her lips trembled. “Yes!” she whispered the word. “You know I will spank you with your panties on first. And then I will stroke between your thighs and make your pussy wet.” Sophie’s breathing grow faster. “You will have to lay still as you feel my fingers slip beneath your panty. I will brush against your pussy and you will tell me all the things you wish from me.” Sophie allowed a soft moan to escape her lips. Then she shut her mouth tight. But his laugh let her know he had heard her.

“You will feel the sing as my palm lands flat across your white ass. And I will spank you over and over, even if you beg me to stop.” Sophie gasped as he told her of his plans. “Will you stop if I ask you to?” He laughed. “When you were small and you got a spanking, did they stop just cause you asked or begged them to?” Sophie swallowed hard. “No! They kept spanking me until they wanted to stop.” She heard his soft laughter. And for some reason, it both scared and excited her. Then his voice grow low and soft. Even sexier than before. “Would you like me to describe to you exactly how I will spank you?”

Sophie couldn’t stop now if she wanted to. She didn’t want to know. Was afraid of what he would say. And yet, the fingers driving in and out of her sopping wet pussy wanted to know. They needed to know. She couldn’t stop the soft moans that escaped her lips. “Please? Please tell me?” She winced at the whining voice she heard. Surprised that it was hers. “Do you remember telling me that you owned a vibrator?” Sophie nodded her head, then remembered he couldn’t see her. Damn! She was beginning to feel like he was right there in the room with her. “Yes. It’s a nice sized one. Should I get it for you?” Again, she was offering to help him. And yet, she wanted to. She felt compelled to help him excite her.

“I will wait for you to get it. And when you come back, I expect you to be ready for what I am going to do to you. You do want this, don’t you Sophie?” Her breathing was coming in gasps now. She felt lightheaded and giddy. “Yes! Oh yes! More than anything.” She heard his self-assured laughter. He seemed so in control, so confident that she would do what ever he told her to do. Then she smiled. She would! And somehow he knew it. He had her exactly where he wanted her and she wanted to be there. “Please don’t hang up? I will run and get it.” She heard him laugh and tell her not to trip and fall.

Sophie ran to her bedroom and rummaged thru her night table drawer. In her haste, she pulled the drawer completely off the track. She didn’t care. She would place it in later. She grabbed her vibrator and ran down stairs. She picked up the phone. “Hello?” There was only silence. “Oh please be there! Sam?” His soft voice made her relax. “I’m here sweet one. I have to ask you something?” Sophie tried to get her breathing under control. She didn’t like him hearing the way she was gasping for breath. “Yes, anything.” She heard him breath. “Do you have a phone in your bedroom?” The question took her quite by surprise. She even looked at the phone in wonder.

“Everyone has a phone in their bedroom.” She heard him sight. He did not like the way she had answered him. “No! I have three bedrooms in my home. My master bedroom has a phone. But the other bedrooms I use for pleasure and I do not allow a phone to interrupt me. Now, I want you to sit in your chair, and you will do things exactly as I tell you to. Do you understand me Sophie?” Sophie swallowed hard. Her mouth felt dry. And she Felt like an electric shock was running up and down her body. But nothing could compare with the aching throb in her pussy. She wanted to touch it so bad. But she knew he did not want her to. Not yet!

“Open your legs wide and place them up on the table. That’s it, sweet one, bend your knees so that your pussy will open wide for me. I am going to just sit here and look at it while I talk to you. And you will not touch any part of your body until I give you permission. Do you understand? If you do, I will hang up and never call you again.” Suddenly her heart stopped. She needed him! Even more than she needsd to feel her pussy being filled. And right now, she wanted to jam that vibrator up her hungry throbbing cunt until she screamed. Then she found her voice. “Please Sir! I will do only what you tell me to do.”

Even as she heard his slow even breathing, she was in shock. She had never talked to anyone like that before. She had sounded so much like, the little girl, she had been so long ago. And yet that made her feel even more vulnerable. She closed her eyes and her mind painted a scary picture for her. She was a little girl. And she was standing before a tall black man. He was admonishing her and telling her he would spank her. But instead of being afraid, she was excited. She wanted to lift up her little dress and stroke her tiny pussy for him. But that would only get him angrier. So she stood with her hands behind her back. His words brought her back to the present.

“I will have you enter my room wearing nothing special. You will be dressed as casual as if you were goingshopping. A blouse and skirt would be nice I think. And since it is not too cool just yet, a pair of sandals so there is no stockings to get in the way. I will take you over my knee and slowly lift your skirt. The panties you wear will be the tight silky kind. Do you own panties like that, Sophie?” Sophie had her eyes closed. As he spoke she imagined it like he said. She could see herself walking into a room with him standing there. “Yes. Can I wear the red ones? They look good against my white skin.” She could hear his laughter in his voice.

“Yes! The red ones do bring out the whiteness of your cheeses and thighs. I will just admire you at first. Seeing the way the material is pulled tight over your soft ass. And the way the crotch pushes into the lips of your pussy. You are already wet in anticipation.” Sophie’s breathing grow quicker. She was afraid of how much this would hurt. And yet she had no control to stop it. “You feel my hand softly stroke your ass and you tension up.” Sophie gasped as she felt him touch her. “I take my time and just let my palm rub your cheats softly. You begin to relax. Still afraid of what’s to come but for the time being, you try to relax.”

“Are your nipples hard, Sophie? Stroke them for me.” Without opening her eyes, her hand came up and she stroked first one tit then the other. Her nipples were rock hard. “Lightly pinch and pull the nipples. That’s the way I will do it for you.” Sophie did it and found she was super sensitive to her own touch. She moaned, as her fingers pinched and pulled her nipples. “You feel my hand on your ass now. Lightly struggling the soft white flesh. You sight and I feel you relax beneath my touch.” Sophie did sight. And she felt her tense body begin to relax. “Now my fingers are stroking you right at your inner thigh. Almost brushing the crotch of your panty. You lift your ass up a bit and open your thighs just a little. Do you feel yourself doing it for me?”

Sophie was about to answer him. “SMACK! My palm crashes down on your left cheek.” The sound was just like flesh slapping flesh and Sophie jumped. “The pain is so suddenly and sharp, that you cry out. Not because it hurts, it scares you. You struggle, but my other hand is in the small of your back holding you down. SMACK! I give the right cheek the same slap. A soft moan escapes you. Then you feel my palm once again, rubbing your ass and stroking your thighs. Then I began to talk to you. “You have been denied this kind of pleasure. But I am going to teach you how stimulating and intense it can be. Until the time I allow you to get up, this ass belongs to me.””

” SMACK! SMACK! This time I slap your cheats in quick succession. I can hear your gasps. You are afraid to cry out. Afraid that someone will hear you and know you are being spanked. But have no fear; no one will hear your cries or your pleasures. “You are a lovely woman, Sophie. With creamy, soft, white skin! I can see that your ass will take my spanking very nicely. SMACK! SMACK! Then my hand goes back to rubbing and strugging the pain away. This time I do let my fingers stroke the crotch of your panty. You gasp when it touches you. You can feel how wet you have become. Are you still struggling and pulling your nipples, sweet one?”

Suddenly Sophie opened her eyes. She could feel the sensing that her constant pulling and pinching of her nipples was causing her. She hadn’t realized she was still doing it. “Yes Sir. You didn’t tell me to stop.” She smiled when she heard his soft laughter. She had pleased him and that pleased her. “Did you feel the way my hand spanked your sweet bottom?” She felt herself flush with embarrassment. She could actually feel her ass tingle. “Yes! I could feel it when I thought about it.” She was breathing hard but even. “Take the vibrator and lightly run it along your pussy lips. Do not push it in or touch your clip.”

Sophie fumbled to grab the vibrator. She had placed it on the table and in her haste, it dropped to the rug. She picked it up and held it close to the phone when she turned it on. She wanted him to know she was doing it. Slowly she slide it along her leg. When it touched her pussy lip, she gasped out loud. Then moaned. “It’s so swollen! My gosh! They have never been this swollen before. And they feel so sensitive. Oh yes. That feels so good. Can I rub it inside?” He didn’t answer her at first. Then he did. “No! Not yet! I just want you to let the vibrator play along your pussy lips. Go from one side to the other. But remember; do not let it slip inside. If you do I will see it and hang up.”

Sophie looked down at her pussy. She couldn’t believe how red it was already. And the lips were so puffy they looked distorted. But she concentrated on just rubbing the outside of her swollen pussy lips. She did not want to do anything to make him stop. And she could feel her excitement building. This was nothing like when she used her vibrator alone. This was so much more intense. Even without stimulating her clip or inner cunt, she could feel herself building towards a climax. “Now stop, Sophie! I want you to lick the tip of the vibrator. Don’t suck it. It didn’t go in your sweet pussy yet. Just lick any of your juice off.”

Sophie lifted the vibrator up. Disappointed that he did not let her finish. But she obediently did as he told her to. “Did you go and get the dildo I told you to buy?” Sophie pulled the vibrator from her lips. “Yes! I snuck out when he was at work. Everybody smiled at me when I went up to the desk to pay for it.” Sophie remembered her embarrassment as she rushed from the store with her brown bag. “Get it for me!” Sophie almost dropped the phone in her haste to obey. When she picked up the phone, she was breathless. “I have it sir! Do you want me to fuck myself with it?” He didn’t answer and Sophie thought he had hung up.

“Hello? Sam? Oh please, don’t leave me like this? Sam!” Then she heard his voice. “You have to learn patience,Sophie! I want you to just use the tip on your pussy. Fuck the tip in real slow.” Sophie looked at the dildo. Sam had instructed her as to what store to go to. He had even told her the model to buy. It was 8 inches long, made of soft rubber and shaped exactly like a dick. And it was black! Sophie’s eyes watched as she slowly placed it to her pussy. Is that what his dick would look like? It looked so black next to her white skin. Sophie couldn’t hold back the loud moan as she slowly pushed the tip into her pussy. She couldn’t believe how wet she was. Never this wet for her husband.

“Oh Sam! Please fuck me! Use me Sam! I’m yours!” Sophie heard his soft moan in the phone. Was he playing with his dick? “Does it feel good, Sophie? Is this the way you want me to fuck you, Sophie?” Sophie was sitting in her chair. The black dildo, slowly working at the lips of her pussy! Would he fuck her like this? Just tease her with the tip. Her breathing was so ragged. “Yes Sam! Just like this! OhSam! You’re so fat. Spreading my pussy open with your big black dick. My white pussy!” She knew he could see her. And she opened her thighs wantonly. She wanted to be his slut.


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