Song of the Forbidden

Chapter 1: Entranced by Dance

With a twist, her body swwayed to the music, her flowing ebon curls billowing down her back like tempers made of flowers. She shut her eyes completely as she danced to the melody, lost in the moment, like someone trapped in a wonderful dream–one she never wanted to end.

Eventually, her light grey eyes had to open, and when they did, they fixed upon a man staring her down intently. His were an icy blue, and his short hair was slicked back. It reminded her of Dracula, to be honest, which made quite a bit of sense since Halloween was just a few days away. In fact, she noticed he was dressed in a fancy suit with a billioning vampire cape behind him. Meanwhile, she wore a variety of bright colors in contrast to his dark attire.

Carmen tilted her head, not pausing in her dance but eyeing the man curiously. Those eyes of his glittered with curiosity, and soon he took a few steps closer to the dance floor. At the moment, Carmen was the only one occupying it, as everyone else had stepped off to observe her. After all, she danced for a living and continued to do so even on her days off.

And yet, this man, new to the lively club no doubt, wanted to join her. It was obvious how entered he was, like a pirate caught in the song of a siren. Except, of course, Carmen wasn’t a mysterious beast of any sort. She, in fact, appreciated the opportunity for a dance partner and waltzed closer to the man, holding out her light tan hand. He stared at it for a moment before deliciously accepting it with a pale one of his own. Carmen noticed his nails were painted black, and he wore light gothic makeup on his eyes. He certainly had quite the look, and despite the bright style she always displayed, Carmen enjoyed a slight change of pace. Dark and light worked very well together, if done right.

In no time, Carmen spun around in an energetic dance to an electron swing song, Lone Digger. Step left, step right, twirl, leap, repeat! This man matched her movements, causing her to throw back her head and let out a joyous laugh. The energy billowed out from Carmen along with adrenaline, and wider and wider did the smile spread across her blood-red lips.

It’d been quite a while since the dancer found a decent partner, and this was refreshing as hell. Although how gloomy he looked, this man had Such a wonderful and bright spirit. The crowd watching cheered and clapped along to the beat–eventually they joined the new dancing ‘couple’ in a circle around them, careful not to be disruptive, of course.

The lights flashed in reds, blues, oranges, and greens as Carmen swayed her hips and twisted her body, pouring her energy into this wonderful dance with this mysterious man. He’d better not vanish like in those silly romance novels. I don’t have time to play out a fairy tale, Carmen told herself. That thought made her chuckle and meet the man’s eyes. Neither of them hadspoke to each other, for they didn’t need to right now. The music spoke for them, as did the movements of their bodies.

Eventually, Carmen came to a stop. She excused herself to a table off in the corner to catch her breath. Her cheeks were red, and her body was warm from all the energy she’d explored. To her delight, the man with the bright blue eyes sat before her, bowing his head.

“Hello there,” he said in a low, musical voice, giving a beautiful kind grin and holding out his hand. “Your dancing was amazing, and I had a wonderful time, ma’am. I do apologize if I intruded. However, you were far too intriguing to ignore, and I felt myself desiring to dance right along with you.” Delighted, Carmen took his hand and gave it a firm shake.

“Please! Don’t apologize, you’re quite the dancer yourself, sir. Mind if I buy you a drink? What is your name?” the woman asked, her grey eyes glimmering curiously. The man pondered this for a moment and gave a light nod.

“How kind! I wouldn’t mind one bit. Me? I’m Phoenix. I’m new to this establishment, and I had no idea I would run into the most talented dancer on the planet by coming here,” the man replied with a sly grin. This caused Carmen to release a few giggles and shake her head.

“You’re just flattering me. Surely I’m not the best. But thank you. Hey, like I said, you’re not bad yourself, by any means. Hell, it thrilled me to have you as a partner. Do you dance professionally?” Carmen asked, waving over a server and glancing at Phoenix expectedly.

The man paused a moment and ordered his drink before looking back at Carmen, giving her a charming wink. “Perhaps. I’ve been in the industry for more than a few years, yes.”

“I hope I’m not coming off as rude when asking this. But you look like the phantom of the opera with a much handsomer face, and without the mask. Is that a Halloween costume, or…” Carmen asked, tilting her head curiously.

Phoenix provided a boyishgiggle and gave the lightest of shrugs. “I look like this on a regular basis, admittedly. Silly, I know, but eh. Sometimes it pays to be a little different,” the man replied, glancing down in embarrassment.

“No! I think you look lovely. I love the style. It works very well for a dancer, anyway, of the mysterious variety. Or an actor in some sort of romance. You know?” Carmen asked, grinning lightly. Phoenix’s smile turned a bit more confident at her reassurance.

The two continued to talk, mostly about dancing and their careers. Phoenix gratefully accepted the drink and enjoyed his time talking with Carmen immensely. He grew lost in her eyes every so often, but had to snap himself out of it. Such things weren’t the best idea since he was on the move so frequently Because of his ‘condition’. Carmen would surely never find out that aspect about him.

Yet when the woman asked Phoenix if he wanted to meet here tomorrow again for more drinks and dancing, he found heCouldn’t refund. There was too much fun to be had here with her, and declining would force loneliness he didn’t want to end tomorrow night.

Chapter 2: Hips Most Definitely Do Not Lie

Indeed, the next night, both Phoenix and Carmen moved their bodies to the music, this time quite a bit closer than last night. One of Phoenix’s hands rested on her shoulder blade, the Other locked with hers. The couple spun around, doing dances from the waltz to the foxtrot, impressing an ever-growing crowd.

In fact, a spotlight centered upon them as they danced, further providing them the energy. Electricity crackled in the air as the two moved to the beat. Carmen paused and let go of his hand, reaching over to guide the one on her shoulder blade down until it reached her hip. Phoenix’s face flushed with red, but Carmen turned and continued to dance, doing a spin before guiding his hand back to where it had been. A few whistles rang out from the crowdd as the two moved their bodies as one entity.

Once more, they found themselves at that table from last night, sharing drinks. Giggles keeled from Carmen’s mouth in response to one of Phoenix’s silly jokes. Goodness, he just seemed so smooth with words. They came out naturally and weren’t forced like so many others she’d spoken with.

After a while, Carmen considered something and stared into his eyes with consideration. “What’s wrong, Carmen?” Phoenix asked, concern clear in his voice.

“Just deep in thought. Actually, let me bring you into that process, eh? What about me and you go to my apartment tonight? I could use some fun. Hm?” Carmen suggested, giving a wink. Normally Carmen didn’t move this fast, but hell, who cared? She was in the mood for Something dirty. Phoenix, however, widened his eyes and blinked several times. Huh, was he not a fan of this idea?

Far from it, actually. At the suggestion, Phoenix licked his lips, though was nervous about accepting. This woman was wonderful, and he sincerely didn’t want to harm her. Well. He could control himself just fine. He wouldn’t let his ‘condition’ impede this.

There’d been times before when he’d accepted offers like this, and he gave into certain instincts, but Carmen was different. He found himself far more attracted to her than anyone before. Whatever, that wouldn’t change anything. Slowly, he nodded, a light grin playing on his lips.

“Let me buy you dinner first, at least,” he purred, waving over a server. That wonderful chiming laugh rang out from Carmen again, sounding like the lovely music they danced to. Alright, maybe not exactly, but it provided the same effect.

Carmen munched on some delicious sliders, the stuff that the bar was known for. As far as she was concerned, this food was gourmet at a discount. Still, she stared at Phoenix curiously, tilting her head. “Not hungry?” she asked, to which the man shook his head.

“I ate before I cameto the club,” he told her with a light smile. “I’ll probably get something to eat later, or something.”

“You’re missing out!” Carmen laughed, finishing up and offering him a hand. The two left the club and called upon a taxi, heading for the woman’s apartment.

The moon hung full above them as they arrived and wandered down the street towards a looming brick apartment building. The front lights were on, and Carmen took out a key upon getting there, unlocking her door and leading Phoenix in. She took his coat from him and hung it on the rack, humming the tune from the club that they’d danced to.

From there, she waltzed on over to a light brown couch and motioned for Phoenix to sit down next to her. He obliged, leaning back into the cushions and letting out a soft sight. Carmen scooted closer to him, caressing his arm with her hand for a moment and saying in a sultry tone, “My, you seem to work out. Though I’d be able to see that better if you were shirtless.” She was being the opposite of subtle, which allowed the grin to widen on the man’s face. Disposing of his collared shirt, he found himself delighted as Carmen stared him down, taking in his musculature and licking her lips.

It wasn’t long before she was straddling him, running her hands along his torso and feeling up his pectorals and abs. His fingers ran through her hair, guiding her head closer to his. Soon enough, he took her into a deep kiss. The kiss crackled with raw power, and Phoenix realized with a sinking feeling that he and Carmen had powerful chemistry. His hands explored her body at her encouragement as she continued to advance, reaching down into his pants and dragging her hand along his hip, intent on getting to his already hard member.

He didn’t stop her, not at all. Although his better judgement, of course, he allowed her to continue exploring, growing slightly with hunger as she squeezed his erection and massaged it. Growing hotter and hotter, he repositioned, pushed her down to the couch, and straddled her, pressing his body down upon her as he explored with his tongue, tasting the skin of her neck and letting out a soft sight.

He could hear her heartbeat pumping rich blood through her veins, which turned him on even more. No, he must resistant that urge he had. This was a night for fun. He couldn’t let what he was impede this.

Carmen gave him a potential mixture of whimpers and moans, whispering, “G’on, take me, bad boy. I’m waiting.”

Without further ado, he removed his pants, aiding her out of those restrictive clothes as well. Now both of them were completely bare, but before he gave her what she wanted, he wanted to stimulate her a bit more. Therefore, he nuzzled her breast and latched onto it, swirling her nipple with his tongue and causing her to arch her back and let out a lustful groan.

This pushed Phoenix to the edge, and he dragged his nose up her body to once again nuzzle into her neck.

Gods, she smelled so delicious.

No, he had to resist!

This was just a night for fun.

He couldn’t give in, he just couldn’t.

Yet fangs slide out from his gums, ready to pierce that delicate fresh and drink the life flowing through her veins. Phoenix distracted himself by recovering back and impaling her, sending Carmen into a shuddering mass of pleasure, sinking her nails into his should blades and forcing a snarl to escape his lips.

He pounded into her, drawing out a few orgasms already, as he continued to pay more attention to her neck. Resist… resist… those chemicals spiking the blood, seasoning it, gods just one bite, it’d be so perfect… so delicious…

Suddenly, fangs slid into Carmen’s neck as the vampire bit down, unable to resist those urges he’d been trying so hard to deny.

Chapter 3: Legend of the Phoenix

Rich, warm blood flowed down Phoenix’s throat as he fed upon Carmen.He took her roughly, encouraged by how lovingly she massed him with her inner walls as he entered and exited her. The sharp pain on Carmen’s neck didn’t deter her one bit–in fact, she enjoyed it. Damn, that was one powerful hickey.

Phoenix’s actions were like that of a dancer even as he took her, moving with grace and care. He paid attention to every noise that escaped her lips, ready to halt If she asked him. Carmen did no such thing, however, still digging her nails into his back and holding herself there while emitting several lustful whimpers and moans.

Still latched onto her neck, Phoenix reached down and gave attention to her breasts, fondling and squeezed, every so often pinching her nipple and sending jolts through her body. He sent Carmen into constant cascades of orgasms, lost in the confines of lust while he feasted.

Shit, she was tight–and Phoenix was losing control of himself. He felt claws extend and slice into her flesh as he ran his fingers alongHer sides, spinning blood that got his nostrils flaring.

Letting go of her neck, he lunged down and lapped blood up from her torso, giving several snarls and growls of satisfaction. Carmen caught on to something off, but she didn’t care. She was lost in just how hard he was violent her, loving every moment and not wanting him to stop. That much was made clear by how she breathlessly moaned, “More… mmmm… more…”

Eventually, Phoenix leaned up and stared down at her, blood dripping from his lips as he tilted his head curiously. Her beautiful grey eyes opened up and fixed on his bloody red. Ah, that’s right–since he was feeding, they were no longer blue. He peeled his lips back from his fangs, no doubt showing her his geneine face and its paranormal allure.

Fear flashed into Carmen’s gaze as she realized this was not some sort of costume by any means. Her instincts screamed at her the truth, that she was staring up at a true creativity of the night, one who had justtasted her blood. Rather than do the sensible thing and scream, she shut her eyes tightly again and shook with her most violent orgasm yet.

This sent Phoenix over the edge, leading to the vampire digging his claws into her hips and slamming into her with his most powerful thrust. He released, dragging out a final one from her as well. He shuddered from the intense power flowing through his muscles, letting out a primary snarl during this moment of ecstasy. Then he collapsed on top of her, resting there for a moment with his chin between her breasts and staring up at her face.

Carmen’s head lolled back, and at the moment she was too exhausted to return his stare. Part of that, Phoenix realized, was due to blood loss.

That’s when he realized he fucked up.

“Oh, no…” he whispered to himself, rolling off of Carmen and quickly snatching up his pants. He hastily put them on and grabbed a blanket nearby, drawing it over the woman and turning towards the door.

“That wasn’t supposed to–damn it, I really–” Phoenix said to himself, pacing and then glancing over his shoulder at Carmen. She was staring at him with her eyes half open. He noticed her gaze held both a strong sense of wonder and fear. Taking a deep breath, he muttered, “I’m sorry, Carmen. I didn’t mean to feed upon you. I’d hunted prior to, uh… oh, right, you likely had no idea my kind existed before I bit you. Damn it.”

The vampire resumed his pacing, placing his hand upon his forehead and then running it slowly down his face. Some of Carmen’s blood was smelled on it from his claws, much to his dismay. That was doing the opposite of helping the situation. “I’ve done enough and will leave you be. I am very sorry, that was uncalled for. You are probably too frightened to say anything right now. I understand. I’ll remove myself.”

He darted to the door, his hand resting on the knob as Carmen’s voice hit his ear. “Wait, d-don’t go…” she whispered. The woman was unsure if he’d hear, as her voice had been so low. Much to her surprise, he was there before her in the blink of an eye, causing her to gasp in surprise. He leaned down to stare into her eyes, tilting his head.

“Are you sure, Carmen?” he asked hesitantly. That show of supernatural speed surely didn’t help calm her down from this situation much. But, well, the cat was out of the bag and Phoenix didn’t need to hide his powers from her at least.

“Yes, I a-am. I’m cold. Please, stay? Lay with me?” she pleased, her wonderful grey eyes serious. Caught entirely by surprise, Phoenix nodded and took his place snuggling behind her on the couch, barely able to fit but managing. After a moment, Carmen chuckled. “C-carry me into the bedroom. We will lay and talk there.”

Damn, she was a brave woman. No screams, just firm suggestions as she stared at a mythical monster that could have easily killed her. She knew it, too. Phoenix scented the fear rushing through her veins. Although that,however, she faced it head on, as much as she could. Administration glowed in Phoenix’s eyes as he did as she requested, soon finding himself lying there next to her.

This was surreal, even to him, so he couldn’t even imagine how she was feeling.

Chapter 4: Cat’s Out of the Bag

“A-alright,” Carmen began, setting in with him spooning her from behind. At the moment, Phoenix couldn’t see her face, but he could still sense that bitter edge of fear rising into the air. His stomach gave the slightest of growls at that scent, once again not helping the situation. Carmen continued in a light whisper, “So, am I going to become a vampire now?”

“No,” Phoenix said firmly. “If everyone we made prey turned into one of us, we would be overrun. Turning someone is a special process, Carmen.”

“Alright. Am I going to become some sort of s-slave or thrall, then?” the woman questioned, giving a light shiver. Phoenix gave a pause that lasted a second too long before clearing his throat.

“No, not that either,” he said in a soft tone, hesitating before attempting to run his claws through her hair reassuringly. She allowed this and, in fact, relaxed as he did so.

“Why did you hesitate there?” she asked in a very concerned tone.

“Oh, it is nothing. Just a thought that isn’t appropriate for the topic at hand, forgive me,” Phoenix stammered, blush tinging his cheeses.

“Well, now you h-have to tell me,” the woman said, turning her body to face him. She gave him a serious stare-down, raising one of her browsers. Phoenix knew he could snap her neck in an instant if she attacked him, but frankly, her fierce look caused even him to feel a little on edge.

What a brave woman, indeed.

In a sheepish tone did he says, “… My answer to your previous question could also have been ‘only if you want to be’. As I said, not appropriate. I’m sorry.” Phoenix glanced away from her gaze, flushing even further. Some strands of his black hair fall into his face, somehow turning him even more handsome to Carmen.

The woman remained silent for a moment before bursting out into that chiming laughter. Shocked, Phoenix looked back down at her, tilting his head. Admittedly, he looked like a confused puppy now, even with those terrifying, glowing red eyes. Carmen nudged his shoulder weakly with her hand, shaking her head. “You’re sly even when in a situation like t-this. Alright, alright. I’ll t-take that into consideration.”


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