Sometimes Love Hurts

Billie had a very good paying job at HI-TECH COMPUTERS as a systems analyze. He’d only been out of university for 3 years and had already received 4 pay increases, so he was a wealthy young man but kind of lonely. He didn’t know why, but girls didn’t seem to like him. He was polite and respectful and always ready to spend money on them to make a good impression but nothing seemed to work. That all changed when the company hired a new office girl. Her name was Kathy and she was gorgeous. She rapidly became the most popular person in the office as all the guys, including the married ones, tried to get a date with her. Billie knew he had no chance so he never tried. One day she came over to his desk and said, “How come you never asked me for a date?”

“Why ahhh, I guess with all the jocks and smooth talkers always hanging around you I figured my chances were nil.”

“All those guys just want to fuck me. I want someone that puts my wants and desires ahead of his own; someone whomo puts me first in his life. Are you someone like that Billie, hmm?”

“Oh yes Kathy. I would be honored if you would agree to go out with me, and I would do all I could to please you.”

“I thought so. Come bye my apartment tonight at exactly eight o’clock. Don’t be late or early. I expect my dates to be punctual.”

Billie got to her apartment at 7:45 and waited in the lobby until exactly 8:00 before ringing her apartment buzzer. She knew who it was without Billie saying anything. “Hello Billie, I’ll be ready in a couple minutes. Just wait in the lobby for me. He was looking forward to his date but he didn’t think she would make him wait in the lobby for her. He had brought her flowers and expected to hand them to her when she opened her apartment door. Now he had to just keep them and hand them to her when she came down. There were no seats in the lobby so he paced up and down waiting for her. It was taking her a very long time to come down. He glanced at his watch and saw it was twenty minutes after eight. Now he was getting worried. Had she forgotten he was there? Should he ring the door buzzer again or would that be too pushy? Finally, a little after 8:30, she came down the elevator. Billie was soo relieved. “Frank an old boyfriend of mind telephoned me and I had to talk to him for a while. You didn’t mind waiting for me did you hon?”

“No of course not, Here I brought you some flowers.”

“What am I supposed to do with flowers you silly boy? We’re going to a supper club so just dump them on the way out.”

Billie drive her to her favorite club. “The food here is excellent and they have dancing afterward. When we walk in give the head waiter twenty dollars and he’ll give us a good table. After being seated and given menus Kathy said, “I’ll order for us since you don’t know what’s good and what’s not.” When the waiter arrived he said, “Nice to see you again Miss Andrews.” Kathy answered, “Bring us a bottle of Chateau red wine and sincewe’re a little late I’ll order our dinner now. I’ll have the porterhouse steak well done with a baked potato and Billie here will have quiche with a salad on the side.” Billie was going to wait for the right time to tell her he would prefer the steak also. She poured the wine for both of them. He noticed she would give him a half a glass and herself a full glass. Perhaps she was worried about him drinking too much and driving.

After dinner was cleared away they had cocktails; 3 for her and 1 for Billie; and the band came on to play dance music. Billie had to admit he didn’t know how to dance. Kathy said, “I thought as much, but that’s OK, there’s usually someone I know here that I can dance with. You can sit and watch and guard our table.” That was how the rest of the evening went. She would get asked to dance and she would dance with the guy for a couple dances, then come back to him and gulp her drink before being asked to dance by another guy. He barely had a chance to even talk to her.

Finally she said to Billie it was time to take her home. When they got back she asked him if he would like to come up to her apartment for a little while and he eagerly agreed. In her apartment she said, “Make me a margarita while I get more comfortable. You do know how to make a cocktail don’t you?” When she came out of her bedroom she was barefoot wearing just a slip. “Billie my feet are sore from dancing. Will you be a dear and massage them for me?”


“Good; sit down cross legged in front of my chair and give me a nice foot massage while I relax and sip my drink.” While he massed one she would have her other foot in his crotch giving him a hard-on. “That’s good Billie now I want you to finish my foot massage by sucking my toes.” Billie tried to do what she wanted by putting her foot in his mouth. “No Billie; suck my toes one at a time and tongue massage them.” He did it the way she wanted. “I liked that Billie but now it’s time for you to go home.”Billie felt like he was being dismissed. She didn’t even give him a goodnight kiss.

They started dating every Friday night. She never asked Billie what he wanted to do; it was always what she wanted. She liked live theatre and always insisted that Billie buy the best seats in the house. She also liked going to the casino and she didn’t want Billie to play, she wanted him to watch her play and give her money when she wanted it. The local race track had dinner nights every Friday and Kathy enjoyed that also. She would pick the horse she thought would win and Billie had to leave his dinner and go to the counter to make her twenty dollar bet with his money while she continued to enjoy her dinner and sip her wine. It just never occurred to her to give him any money back on the rare occasion when she did win.

No matter what they did, every date ended the same; back at her apartment. He would give her a foot massage, then suck her toes and later kiss her pussy through her panties.That was his goodnight kiss. Even though they dated every Friday he was not allowed to tell anyone at work, and she often went out to lunch with one of the guys. Billie wanted to tell someone, anyone that he was dating the hottest girl in the office but she wouldn’t allow it.

Billie was soo in love with her that finally he built up his courage to ask her to marry him. He was thrilled when she accepted his marriage proposal, even though she laid down a couple conditions before accepting. First she wanted him to remain a virgin until they were married. The only sex he was allowed was jerking himself off. She was thrilled that there was a least one 22 year old guy that was a virgin. She thought it would be soo cool to train a husband the proper way to please his wife. He was OK with that. All the time they were dating she would tease him to make him horny and then she would tell him to go home and jerk off thinking about her.

Her second condition was much, much harder to accept. She told him she had been having sex since she was fifteen and she liked it a lot and there was no way she was giving that up. She said the solution to this problem was she would continue to have sex with her old boyfriend Frank, up until they were married. He argued furiously against that idea. “Look Billie, you don’t understand. Once you start having sex, you want it all the time. Just think once we’re married and you have sex with me, you’ll understand what I mean. You’re going to be thrilled making love to me, but until then we need to keep it fresh by not doing anything to tarnish our marriage. With us it’s going to be love and building our marriage, but with Frank it’s just sex.”

“But it doesn’t seem right that you…”

“Now Billie, don’t whimper; you know I don’t like that. I expect you to prove to me that you’ll be the man I expect you to be. Now for being a good boy and doing what I tell you, I’m going to make it better for you.” True to her word she did. Up tothat point all she would allow beyond kissing was he could feel and suck her breasts through her bra and kiss her pussy but only through her panties. He wasn’t allowed to touch her bare body. She would on occasion jerk him off but only after she made him beg for it. Most of the time, he jerked himself off after he went home. Now that changed; she said a good husband satisfied his wife with his cock and His tongue. Until they were married she would show him how to satisfy her with his tongue. She trained him by jerking him almost to completion before quickly letting go of his cock. Then if he satisfied her by sucking her exactly the way she wanted, she would jerk him off, otherwise he went home with blue balls. Her favorite position was to ride his face and she didn’t seem to care that it hurt his nose and made his tongue sore, or Even if he had trouble breathing while she sat on his face. Sometimes, even if he did suck her pussy to orgasm, she would send him home with blue balls telling him a little bit of pain and frustration was good for him and helped him learn his lesions. So, Billie got to use his tongue on her but her boyfriend got to use his cock.

She loved to tease and torque him by saying she liked feeling his tongue working in her pussy but she liked Frank’s big hard cock too. “Just think, when you’re my husband you might get what Frank gets now.” What did she mean by you might get?

The biggest county fair in the area was coming to Markham, a town not far away and Billie asked Kathy if she wanted to go and she said yes. He was supposed to pick her up at nine o’clock in the morning at her place. When he got there she wasn’t home. It was after nine thirty before she showed up and Frank was with her. “I’m sorry I’m late Billie. I stayed over at Frank’s place last night and we must have slept in. He had nothing to do today so he asked if he could come with us, I said yes because I knew you wouldn’t mind.” Billie did mind; the nervous of that guy wanting to come on their date. She must have had sex with him last night, and she still wanted to bring her boyfriend with her on their date. However he knew she got irritated anytime he didn’t agree with her so he didn’t say anything.

Frank drive and Kathy sat in the front seat with him and Billie sat in the back. They talked to each other but Billie couldn’t hear over the engine noise and every time he tried to Enter the conversation he would get a one or two word reply and they would go back to talking to each other. When they arrived at the gate the entrance fee was fifteen dollars for each person and ten dollars for the car. “Get that for us will you Billie?” Frank said. He didn’t mind paying but he didn’t like being told to do it. Billie didn’t really enjoy the fair either. Rides made his stomach feel queasy so he didn’t go but Frank and Kathy enjoyed them. It was the same with the cheap food. Hamburgers and hotdogs gave him heart burn but Kathy and Frank liked it. However thebeer garden was the worst. Billie didn’t mind the occasional beer but they were downing drafts big time. Both of them smoked so the smoke and load music was giving Billie a headache.

Finally ten o’clock closing time came and Kathy told Billie that Frank was too drunk to drive so they were going to stay in a movie for the night. Billie liked that idea because he felt a night alone in a movie room would help Frank sober up while he and Kathy shared another room. He was soo disappointed when Kathy booked one room but she did insist on two double beds. He knew Kathy was feeling high and he thought this might be a good time for her to let him go a little further.

Imagine his disappointment when she said she was sleeping with Frank. “Remember Billie, no pussy for you until you’re married.” She stripped nude in front of both of them. “Billie would you like to suck me a little bit before you go to bed? I could use some of your tongue love right now.” Was she out of her mind? Therewas no way he was sucking her with Frank in the room. As Kathy climbed into bed with Frank she said, “Turn out the light Billie and I’ll see you in the morning.”

It was dark in the room but Billie could hear them whispering. “No you can’t fuck me,” he heard Kathy whisper. “I don’t care if you’re horny, imagine what Billie would think if I let you fuck me in the same room as he is, especially when I don’t give him any.” A little bit later he heard Kathy says, “If I suck you off will you stop pestering me so that I can get some sleep.” A few minutes later he heard Kathy again. “Stop making so much noise. I don’t want Billie to know what we’re doing.”

In the morning Kathy, still in bed with Frank said, “Good morning Billie. I hope you slept well. Go and take your shower now and then we will all go to breakfast.”

“But I don’t want a shower.”

“Billie, trust me, you need a shower; and don’t rush it, take your time and do a good job.” They were still in bed, both naked, and Billie had a pretty good idea of ​​what they wanted to do. He turned on the shower, let it run for a couple minutes, then he opened the door a little bit and looked through the crack. Sure enough they were at it already. Frank was on his back and Kathy was riding him, taking his big cock deep into her throbbing pussy. Billie turned down the shower stream so he could hear what they were saying. “Frank, I just love it when I fuck you like this.”

“I know you do; so can we continue doing this after you’re married?”

“You’re such a bad boy to even suggest such a thing.” Kathy rocked back and forth on his cock, setting the rhythm she liked and as her orgasm crashed over her she slammed down hard on his cock, holding him deep inside her. A minute later Billie hear Frank groan as he shot his load and heard Kathy says, “Oh Frank, that’s soo good. Don’t pull out right away. I want to feel your cock in my pussy a little while longer.”

That was probably the worst weekend Billie ever had but it faded over time and he didn’t see Frank again. Finally the day arrived and Kathy and Billie got married. He was soo happy for two reasons. First, Kathy was now his wife, and second, this was the end of Frank meddling in their lives. Kathy said she heard that Antigua was a wonderful place to honeymoon in so Billie said that’s where they would go.

They checked into the honeymoon suite of a plus hotel. It had a king sized heart shaped bed, a living room with a fully stocked bar and great view of the beach. They had a morning check-in and Kathy wanted to start on her tan right away so they stretched out on the public beach that stretched almost a mile in front of their hotel. They were sipping on rum punches when much to Billie’s shock and dismay, Frank walked up and shook Billie’s hand and gave Kathy a quick kiss. “Congratulations on your marriage. Didn’t I tell you that this was a great place for a honeymoon?”

“Yes it is Frank, but you never told me that you were going to be here.”

“It was a last minute deal. I didn’t even know when you were coming; but I’m glad you’re here, it’s always so much better to spend a holiday with friends.”

Billie had to speak up. “I don’t know if you planned this or not but I don’t want you anywhere near my wife. This is my honeymoon and I want to spend it alone with my wife.”

“Now that’s a little harsh,” Kathy said. “He didn’t even know we would be here. I certainly didn’t tell him. When he told me about this place he said he’d been here before and he was sure we would enjoy ourselves, so Billie, don’t spoil my honeymoon by picking a fight with Frank. We all know each other and I’m sure the three of us can have a good time ” Billie was fuming but he didn’t say anything. He was sure Frank had planned the whole thing, but there was no point in making Kathy mad at him so he kept his opinion to himself. They agreed, all but Billie that is, to meet in the hotel restaurant at six and have dinner together. Over dinner Kathy and Frank got talking about things they did when they were in college.

“Frank just loved to have me suck his cock, but he wouldn’t suck my pussy. He said only wimps do that. Maybe that’s why I just love having you suck my pussy Billie. You have become very good at giving me delicious orgasms that way. I’m looking forward to many more tongue fucks from you. Anyway, one night he snuck me up to his room in the dormitory. He stripped naked and made me lick his balls and suck his cock until he shot his cum in my mouth and down my throat. A few minutes later his roommate came in and threatened to report Frank to the authorities unless I sucked him off too. No guests were allowed in the dorm after eleven o’clock and if you broke the rules you could be kicked off campus. Frank asked me, no told me to suck off his roommate so that he wouldn’t be forced to leave. He was such a beast in those days. By the time I sucked off his friend it was after midnight when they locked the doors to my dormitory so I had to stay the night. The next morning they both wok up horny so I had to fuck both of them.”

Frank added, “And remember the time…”

Billie interrupted, “I don’t want to hear any more about your sexual past Kathy. You’re my wife now and that’s all that matters.”

Kathy continued; “But I thought husbands always wanted to know about their wives sexual past.”

“Well I don’t so let’s change the subject.”

“OK; Frank the band is playing one of my favorite songs, so come and dance with me. Billie doesn’t know how to dance. You don’t mind if I dance with Frank, do you Billie?” She grabbed Frank’s hand and pulled him to the dance floor without waiting for Billie’s answer. They danced 3 dances with Billie watching them and growing more jealous by the minute. Kathy danced with her arms around Frank’s neck and her body pressed tight against him. Frank danced with his hands on her ass holding her tight while he rubbedhimself against her. At the end of the 3rd dance Frank kissed Kathy right in front of Billie.

When they sat down Billie said, “I thought a wife was supposed to reserve her kisses for her husband.”

“Oh don’t be silly. He didn’t give me any tongue; but the way he was rubbing me with his, you know what, I know what he wanted to give me,” Kathy said with a giggle.

Billie replied; “I’m really tired so let’s go back to our room.”

“But I’m not tired so how about you go back to our room now and I’ll stay here and dance with Frank for a while?”

“No, I want you to come with me. It’s our honeymoon remember?”

“He’s such a party pooper Frank. We’ve only been married two days and already he’s ordering me around.”

“Well if he gets stubborn, leave and come to my room. I’m in 1402.”

Kathy gave him a light kiss. “OK Frank, we’ll see you in the morning or if Billie doesn’t behave himself maybe I’ll see you tonight.”

Back in their room Billie was soo mad at Kathy. “How could you flirt with Frank that way when we’re on our honeymoon?”

“But Billie, you look so cute when you’re all nervous and jealous whenever Frank is around. It turns me on. I’m feeling horny right now so I want you to give me some of that tongue love you do so well.”

“But I want to make love to you with my penis, not my tongue.”

“Billie, are you trying to treat me like a whore, demanding I fuck you whenever you want?”

“No but we’re on our honeymoon and I want to make love the way a husband makes love to his wife.”

“You’re right. Get naked and I’ll do a sexy strip tease for you. I want you to play with yourself while you watch me strip just for you.” Billie was naked in no time as he watched his new wife revealed her naked body. He was struggling himself slowly because he wanted to make sure he didn’t cum. When she was naked she knelt in front of him and running her tongue around her half open mouth said in a sexy voice, Would you like me tokiss your cock or maybe put it in my mouth and suck it a little bit?”

He had taken his hand off his cock but now Kathy put her hand on it. She stood up and gently stroked his cock as she pulled him closer to her wet pussy. “Billie I’m so horny right now. Stick you’re cock in me and fuck me,” she said as she started to stroke his cock faster. That was way too much stimulation for him and he shot his load all over her hand.


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