“Thank you…Master.”
The words from her still echo from the night before. The meeting she sat in droned on in mindless meaningless useless monotony, leaving her to ponder. Such a small deal, she’d thought. One day to call him “master”. To behave as normal knowing that each glance carried special meaning for that one single day. But she knew and he knew what was to come that night. And THAT made her shiver with nervous excitement.
He catches her eye. There’s that gleam again. She KNOWS what he’s thinking about. He thinks far too much sometimes, she knows, but sometimes, what he comes up with is VERY good at being bad. And that cock doesn’t….
FOCUS!!! she screams in her head.
What would he claim as his prizes for driving her to tear the tissue ropes that bound her last night? Her mouth worshiping his cock again? She knew he loved it and knew that he KNEW she did too. No….too simple. She knew he had something more in mind. Maybe he’s going to tie her overthat table and spank and lick and..
FOCUS, damnit!!! He can see her nipples stiffen in her bloom, and lingers over them knowing she can see it. And then that smug ass makes some comment to room about the topic that sounds like he’s listening. SHE knows he’s just showing off to her that he’s already got his real plans in mind.
FINALLY, the calls breaks for a bit. She rises to stretch. And Hears him ask the room (her) if someone’s getting sodas. Clenched smile for his gaze only, she says yes, and trustes off to get him a damned Diet Coke. Oh, he’s petty, she thinks, and cannot WAIT to pay him back later.
She holds his eyes when delivering his silver price, and suffers his “thank you.” The meeting reconvenes. Nonsense and confusion continue at their usual plodding pace.
WHAT does he have in mind?!?! She knows he still wants more costumes. They both seem to love THAT little fun. Did he bring or find a sucker and plans to make her wear pigtails while he bends her over the desk to shove his cock slowly into her and start fucking her harder and..
DAMNIT! FOCUS!!! What…what is it he plans?? Private pictures of her? Something VERY much under their “non-disclosure agreement”? She knew he wouldn’t break it,but HE knew that claiming that prize would be a coup as well. Where would he pose her? Would it be elegant or alluring or tasteful or suggestive or sexy or naughty or nasty? Some pic of her without a bra with excited nipples and a thin blouse or her skirted ass while bent over a desk seemingly unaware of the camera or his fist clenched in her hair as she looks up while he fucks her mouth slowly….
GET IT TOGETHER!!! The meeting begins to adjourn. He slips away with others. They part ways to attend various meetings and calls, Knowing full well that the ends of the day would ultimately be for just them.
Images capture her mind’s eye throughout the day. Riding his cock on the couch. Grinding on him, rolling her hips in circles andseeing his face in rapture. Writhing on disheveled sheets while he worships her pussy with his mouth. Collapse in his arms climaxing as her climax washes over her where he has fingered her while pinning her body against the wall, Hands tied behind her as he spanks her upturned ass and then feels how wet and hot she is. Pinned against a wall wrapping her legs around his body while he fucks her harder and deeper and filling her so wonderfully.
It’s done. The day is over and she waits in her room for him to arrive. She hears his key in the lock before the door opens. He is confident. Unrushed. Sure. And he asks “are you ready?”
Ready? All day, she’s drifted distracted, excited, nervous, anxious, eager.
He holds her eyes, saying nothing.
“I’ve told you before that seeing you excited make me hot. So, here’s what I want. I want you to strip and knee in the middle of the bed. And then I want you to show me what you think of when you think of us fucking. I want you to tease and rub and excite yourself, AND I want you to look at me while you do it. And when you’re done, you have to say ‘thank you’.”
She sits. Thinking. A moment’s hesitation. Finally, she focuses, rises and begins to disrobe. Smiling.
“Yes. Master.” _________________________
Her thighs quiver…shaking with ache and crushing password. Trembling…braced around his welcome intrusion. She felt him…his breath…his gaze…against her fingers as stroked her and protected and felt her. Every touch of his cheek along the insides of her thighs was registered and welcomed and ached for more.
She had tried. When he crawled beneath her to see so intimately….so very intimately…she had tried to redirect him. Grabbing his cock..trying to suck him and tease and seduce him to fuck her so deeply as she wished. He had let her. Relishing her mouth and tongue tasting how hotly he wanted her. Twining fingers in her hair to hold her mouth firmlyin place on his cock to claim her again for his own…squeezing her tits hotly with his want of her. And then rudely shoving her back to bed, announcing “FUCK that feels good but for that, I’m going to spank you again and you’re going to owe me two more days under the same rule!”
Shock and surprise hold her tongue and he reached to pull her upright again. Fingers grip her hair…pulling it back sharply. “Again”, I said. Wetly…embarrassed and inflamed…..her fingers plumged again to her needs. This time, under his more-than-intimate inspection.
His tongue lashes out to touch the back of her finger as it returns from its most recent…intimate and wet plumage into her body. He tastes her….hi lungs already full of her arousal and her juices drop onto his face as she masturbates…no…fucks herself flagrantly in front of him…over him…unreservedly and intimately with him.
As her gaze drops, she sees his cock. His hand lays near it…teasing and sometimes grapsping it before her. She spreads her lips with her fingers in front of his eyes…feeling his breath draw close as a hot tongue extends from his lips to touch the base of her nether lips…tonguing intimately between her ass and pussy….so close to her fingers and intruding so personally….startled, she stops a moment….before continuing her eager ministers on herself.
Her fingers squeeze and rub and pinch and delight her painfully eager clip. Having cum so soon and OH so ready to do it again and again….driving bolts of pleasure through tiredly welcome nervouss that ache for more. His tongue, spread widely, licks across her fingers…her lips and along the inside of her thigh. Electric tingles surge through to her….as his teeth close on the inside of the most tender parts of her thigh. Near painful, but deeply intimate as she feels her lips pressed to his cheese…her fingers feeling the rough stubble of his face… briefly slowed, but unrelentingly eager to continue their work.
His teeth clnch down..nearing pain as she feels his arms curl over her thighs to grip her ass cheeks..pulling her harder onto his mouth as his tongue plunges within her. Eagerly, it joins her fingers to tease her and delight her and arouse her.
His tongue fucks her now. No other word suffices as he sucks her lips into his mouth, driving his sharp tongue into and against her most sensitive places, sucking hard to pull himself into and her onto his mouth. Head back….mouth ago….moans unmuffled….panting gasping wanton words punctuate the room’s heat. Disconnected….but filled with her needs…uncaring of anything else…
The tongue withdraws. His arms unwrap from her hips and shove her away. So close to spend..yet unreleased, she collapses.
As he seats himself along the bed..”I told you…a spanking and two more days.” He pulls her up, standing for a moment, to pull her naked to lay across her lap. His very hard cock lays pinned beneath her leg. His hand grips the inside of her thigh…pulling inward and upward to settle her on his lap, spreads her thighs partially and leaves his cock near her wetly hot and aroused pussy lips. His hand resettles to the outside of her leg and pulls her thighs closed around his cock where it lies dangerously close to her entrance.
“Two more days.” His hand descends harshly to slap her ass…spanking her. The blow is painful..sharp..and distinctly intimate across her naked ass. A bare gasp escapes her mouth in shock. Throb.
“Two more days.” His hand descends again…more firmly this time. The singing borders near pain..she cannot withhold her panting and a groan. Throb.
“Two more days.” No change to his tone or infection or focus, but this blow startles. Stinging sharply against her unprotected ass, a whimper passes her gritted teeth. A harder throbpulses against her lips from his cock, trapped between them.
“Two more days.” Again, no change to his tone or infection or focus, but she cannot withhold her answer. “Yes!” bursts from her mouth as she feels more moisture and heat from her pussy belying her position so clearly against his cock…lubricating for it….for him..
“What?!?” is punctuated with a sharp blow to her increasing red ass.
“Yes. Master.” His hand cares her tender ass….pushing downward and inward feeling her heat and wet and pressing hard fingers against her……temptingly close to inside her…
His arms drop below her legs and chest. Her breasts pressed to a forearm, he lifts her. Standing, he turns to place her on the bed on her stomach. He rolls her over. Legs akimbo, he moves between them.
“Now that that’s settled…”…as he knees on the bed between her legs…pulling them against him and over his shoulders…he lifts her hips to line up her nether lips to his cock…andlubricates the head of his cock against her lips.
Wonderfully wet, she arches her back as he pushes FINALLY into her…plunging deeply and urgently into her…he feels her pussy clnch tightly around his cock…relishing this moment with her when no secret matters…but that only THIS matters..
Panting….spent….she collapses simply….and he starts to drive himself in and out with a deliberate pace. She can feel how eagerly hot he is within her as he leans forward to say clearly in her ear before he erupts “And tomorrow, you don’t get to go to the office until after I fuck you and tomorrow night…well, let’s just say I have some ideas.”
Her head arches back……arms wrapped around his shoulders, fingers clinched to his back feeling him cumming hard inside her…
“Yes!!! Master.”
Darkness….wrapped in delightful sensing, she lay inert. Her brain and mind shelter in the embrace of sleep, but independent, relentless,recurring, repeated, pervasive, pleasure, powerful, penetrating pleasure relentlessly delightfully intrude….head lolling in fatigue and abandon, her spine archives desperately to press her ass back in welcome wanton
And that welcome is accepted….ravished,….pushed to limits by pleasure and urgent unbridled need while she lay hold wrapped solidly in his ams….body unable and unwilling to protect. Incapable of defense….trapped by fatigue and pleasure and human restraints, on her mouth can carry her thoughts..
“Ugh….ugh…ah…ugh…ah…ooh…OH…ugh……ugh……ugh………Arghh…fuck…yes…UGH…ugh…UGH….ergh…AH…AH…AH….YESSS….fucUGH..fucGGHH..FUCK YES……plea-UGHUGH UGH…please…please…ARH…fuck…UGH…please fuuck..UGH UGH..YES…UGH Don’t Stop UGH…DON’T STO-AAAUGHP…PLEASE…”
Her fingers tear and the sheets beneath her…aching to demonstrate her need…her want…her WANT…. Trapped at the end of useless arms pinned by his strength, she can barely touch, let alone grip or render or guide him. Trapped completely, she reaches down from his arms, from the sheets and bed on which she lay to probe lower, primaly, as her hand finally discovers her own lips pulled teach wetly around the cock that pushes relentlessly into and from her.
Diffidently…her fingers descend to touch the bottom of the cock driving into her. Fingertips only, to feel it coated in her own wetness, hot with his need, and throbbing with their mutual arousal, she feels it. And presses down to shove her clip wantonly against it. fingers covered in increasing moisture to touch him, excite him, to feel him as he clasps her against him to make her his. And to delight in it. And to echo his ardor with her own base need, shamelessly shivering herself backward and down and asking for more from this glorious moment…
Urgently, she feels him drive harder into her, intent with his need to cum so hard into and with her. And her reply it wetness around his cock…with her fingers pushing and exciting him further to stroke him when he is not inside her, and to clap his balls tautly when he is.
His teeth close sharply to bite her neck. Slightly below and beneath her hair at the top of her neck, she lays stunned by this sharp attack, unable to protest, gasping, grunting, panting, moaning and praying for more as his teeth sharply pin her to bear the pounding need her deliverers, unrelentingly.
His hot breath and primary sounds couple with a near-painful bite marking her as he plunges deeply, wetly and welcomely into her for release. Her fingers push against the wet cock inside her as it cums, while her neck is bathed in the hot breath passing urgently held teeth…grunts of his password punctuate them to let her feel and hear and imprint the moment.
Whorishly, with uncaring and wonderful abandon, she thrusts back hardly to drive him to the limits of her. Mouth against, panting profane encouragementof this moment, is held only willingly, submitting and needy to MORE. His cock throbs hotly inside her, climaxing powerfully with her
Panting fills the dark room. Words are wasted and irritating now….before breathing is restored…punctuated with powerful breaths.
“…tomorrow….i have…an…idea…But,…you’re…going…to…keep…your…promise….to…fulfill…it…remember…your…promise…?”
His fingers begin to knot into her hair…pulling sharply down and backwards…drawing her down…twisting her body around to face his spend cock….
Leaning forward….she whispers “Yes, Master” before extending her tongue to taste him before engulfing his cock for more…
Panting….damn him, but she loved it. Fuck, he could see it, and she could not care less!
She knees on the bed. Her thighs taut with holding herself upright. Knees apart and buried into the bed beneath her. Everyfucking light on while she slowly compromised under his VERY hungry eyes. With her head thrown back a bit leaving hair to ticke against her back..mouth against as panting breaths and moans escape her. Her body pants, nearly glistening with heat from her own efforts.
Fingers…her own…caress her skin…her breasts…her nipples…her stomach. They dragged through the hair above her lips until finally they had begun rubbing and struggling and pressing and pinching and teasing her lips and clip. Her thighs burn from the squeeze as they clench to pull her fingers deeper into her while she climbs higher and hotter..
“Look at me.”
His words pull her back. Her eyes reopen as her head snaps forward to see him sitting comfortably in the chair. Feet propped on the bed. glass of wine in his hand, smile on his face and his quite obviously VERY aroused cock pressing at his pants. She has ideas for that cock, if he’d just take it out or let her…
“If I need to remind you againto look at me while you show me, not only will I tie you, spank you, fuck you and do so many other wonderful things to you, you may have to spend another few days with me as master to make up for it.” Smug smiles tease at his lips. And she KNOWS he has something planned, but not yet. There was no way she would surrender THIS easily.
Staring straight in his eyes, her fingers spread her lips and press down steadily on her clip. Her eyes partially close and pleasure washes over her and she hears him.
“Is this what you think of? My fingers rubbing your lips…your clip….”
“Yeeessssss..” hisses past her lips. Barely holding his eyes. She feels wanton, exposed, almost dirty and VERY naughty masturbating in front of someone…anyone…let alone him in this room. And she feels her password rising and knows that when she comes here, unprotected, exposed, watching him…that something more personal that she expected is being shared.
She can recall sucking him, fucking him, asking him to spank her, tie her up, to tongue fuck her hard, to fuck her and eat her and let her taste his cum and so many other intimate events….but this was something she’d never done. Masturbating about someone, in front of them, for them, seeing them…and seeing how much THEY were excited by it….THIS was personal.
Her fingers plumge inside. Back arching, she starts to fuck herself with fingers While rubbing her clip. FUCK, he should be licking her and fucking her already!! She was so wet her fingers glisten in the rare moments spent outside before she would push them in again and then grind her pussy hot against them.
She watches his hand rub his cock through his pants….teasing it…and starting to unbuckle his belt.
“Is this what you think of?”, he asked.
Eyes arched, he holds her gaze.
“Master,” she adds as her clip garners another urgent tug.
He leans forward…nearly touching her body. So close she feels his breath against her fingers where they meet and enter her oh-so-very-ready body. He blows across her lips and clip and fingers. Then, he inhales.
His voice rises from near her thighs…”You smell fantastic. I’ve remembered you all day whenever I breathed. Your scale was in my goatee and on my fingers, and I RELISHED it. I’ve been hard thinking of you all day long. Did you Know?”
My god, that is something she’d never thought of. Could someone…anyone….no, or he’d never have said. But realizing his “glances” throughout the day were more than just ‘memories’ was….interesting. Although herself, she likes the idea.
“I didn’t say stop. Cum for me. I want to see you cum for me, in front of me, and watching me, and then I’m going to see how much More you like cumming for me with some…help..”, he grinned.
Cum? Oh my fucking god that wasn’t going to be a problem..she was so close now she could feel the tingling throughout her body. Her own fingers filled her, but she knew that his cock would fit there SO much better and soon would likely replace them. Reveling in the sheer wantonness of masturbating openly and desperately made her hotter. Knowing that her heat would be well rewarded drove her higher still.
Her neck strains tightly….fingers frantic inside here as energy rips through her body in overwhelming delight. Suddenly HIS hand grabs her hair and head forcing her face and eyes back to his. The sudden onslaught of pulled hair and imposed control driving her climax higher again as he breathes in her face as she groans in his face…eyes held to his while she cums powerfully in his grapsp..her breath filling his face and mouth and lungs as his does hers.
Legs weak, she starts to slump and he pulls her upright.
He releases her hair and turn his body, laying down, shedding his clothes to lay on the bed before her. His head rests near her so-sensitive pussy. Pulling her legs and body above his face.
“Again, but thistime, I get to help.” ________________________________
…splayed wide, clutching the wet tiles of the shower in a futile search for grip, to drive herself back against his eager thrusts……grabbing the counter firmly on each side of her hips to pull herself forward against him, her legs played wide over his shoulders and arms, her head hanging back, eyes nearly closed against the glare of the vanity lights along the mirror behind her, moaning shamelessly…
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