He pulled her face towards him and brushed his open lips against her face. The gesture was tender, but she could feel the contained aggression trembling beneath his face and hands.
‘I’m going to fuck you tonight,’ he whispered. She nodded in assent, trying desperately to catch his lips, to kiss him, taste him, and please him.
‘It’s going to hurt,’ he continued, nipping sharply at her neck before smoothing it in the warmth of his lips. She replied by pulling him closer towards her skin, mentally urging him to bite. Straddling a man, eyes closed, hair cascading down her neck —
She had always loved this. She had always loved this purity of feeling, an unadulterated sense of the erotic. Though our other feelings and emotions and senses could be tainted by half a dozen other factors, arousal was the only state which was clean. She revealed in it; she was enthralled by it.
His voice grounded her back to reality, and she ran her fingers through hishair. It was his turn to close his eyes as she kissed his face — his eyes, browser and cheese; the bridge of his nose and his forehead all covered with wet kisses that were desperately covering every inch they could. At last, when she was gasping, leaning her forehead against his, she whispered, her voice trembling, ‘I want to be hurt. I need to be hurt. I want to be marked, to be whipped and slapped and caned and…and gagged and bound…chained…hurt…’ She trailed off into a soft moan, taking a deep breath and singing, raking her fingernails across his skin in urgent, desperate, wanton, lustful need.
He shoved her off his lap and sat her down on the floor, in front of his feet. Putting his feet on her lap, she was made to take off his shoes and socks. His feet began to climb up her bare skin. They pushed her thighs apart till he could see her pussy, and made her lean back as they climbed up to her breasts. He liked it there, rubbing his soles on her nipples and pulling on them with his toes.
Rubbing his soles on her nipples- he smiled to himself as he examined the wordplay, perfecting the delicious image in his head. She saw the smile on his lips and leaned back further, pressing her breasts into his feet. Tentatively putting her hands on them, she brought them up to her face, brushing them against her cheeks.
Surprisingly, she didn’t find it degrading or humiliating. She’d imagined this so many times, and it was always filtering to her. This, however, seemed calming, to have him, any part of him so close to her. Being at his feet felt right.
He traced her lips with his big toe, and she opened her pretty little mouth just as he pushed it slightly between her lips. She sucked on it softly, keeping her eyes downcast and caresing his sole with her soft fingers.
He smiled again. Caressing his sole.
Caressing his soul.
He kneeed down beside her and looked at her. He looked at everything she surrendered to him — her obedience, her will, her consent; her pain, lust, greed, pleasure — everything was his, everything he deigned to take from her. Everything she did was because he let her.
His hand gripped her hair tightly, painfully, as he yanked it back, running his hands roughly over every part of her that he could touch. His hands mauled her breasts, slapping with much more force than she was used to, eliciting several contained sobs. Angrily, he pushed her over onto her stomach, repositioning her so her ass was elevated. Without ceremony, he folded his belt and started hitting her round cheeses as hard as he could bring himself to.
He saw it turn bright red to a deep scarlet within a few lashes.
He saw her crying, could see her body move as it was sobbing. He also saw that she didn’t move, or many any effort to get up or leave. He swore under his breath, moaning loud enough so she could hear. So she could hear how fucking hit he was, howfucking hot she had gotten him. He wanted her to know that he would take everything she could give him, that he needed her, that he would possess her and consume her — just fucking OWN her for tonight.
Just for tonight.
She was crying, and it hurt. She didn’t know what she had done, but she could see he was angry, and dammit, she could feel it singing on her ass every time the belt came down. She couldn’t see past her haze of tears, and her confusion which only, confusingly, served to elevate her arousal. The leather sometimes landed fractions above her labia, and was often brushing against it on the upstroke, and she loved it every time it did.
Just as suddenly as it started, it ended. She could hear him breathing heavily behind her. He was standing with the belt folded in His hand, shirt left open and hanging from his shoulder.
He moaned.
Oh sweet Lord.
And just like that she needed and wanted and oh God cravedhim inside her. She pushed her ass up a little more, and spread her legs apart. Lowering her chest to the floor, she looked back at him, teary-eyes and lustful, pleading and awed by — by him?
He walked towards her, carefully measuring his steps. It was getting progressively more and more difficult to not possess and con-fucking-sume this beautiful woman in front of him, to not brand her and collar her whip her till she screamed for mercy. This woman whom he barely knew except that she had given herself over to him ad was now lying there with her lashed ass up in the air, swinging her hips at him to invite him closer, begging him to fuck her with her tears-swept eyes, and that mouth that was created to be fucked.
Taking deep breaths, he ran his hand lightly over the redness on her buttocks, and hear her whimper. She spread her legs even further, her pussy peeking out from between her ample tights. He could see her wetness glistening on her lips.
‘For fuck’s sake, woman,’ he thought, gritting his teeth and sliding a finger over her very needy pussy. She moaning into her hands, pushing her hips back into his finger. She didn’t stop, pushing him and pushing him, producing at the aggression beneath the calm. She didn’t know she was doing it, and it wasn’t fair on her.
‘Do you like this?’ he asked, sliding his finger between her fat pussy lips, coating it with her juices. She whimpered in response, pushing down to get his finger insi-
Oh fuck yes.
She could feel him inside her. She was a little embarrassed by how easily it slip inside her, but nothing matter now. Nothing matters except the thrusting of his finger. She wanted him, she wanted more, she wanted a cock inside her, but oh God, this was good and she needed more. She didn’t know she was humping against his hand. She did know when he turned his hand inside her, when he added another finger, and when he scissored inside her.
Eyes closed, she letgo for the moment. She sat back and just felt. The momentary lightness of being. All those sensings washed over her – the roughness of his motions, the warmth of the skin on his fingers, the coldness of the floor, the singing of her ass. She heard him beside her, his moans and grunts. The sound her pussy made as it was finger-fucked. Her own breathing — there was more moan than breath now. The purity of feeling was back, and she felt clean.
A hand pushed her onto her back, and she lay back smiling at him. He cupped her breasts in both hands, bending down to take her nipple into his mouth. She pulled him closer towards her, urging him to put more of her ample breasts into his mouth. His hand went for her pussy and circled her clip, spanking it softly as she jumped and gasped underneath him. She pulled his face to her and licked his lips. Sucking on his tongue, her hands undid his pants and pushed his boxers down. Sliding her hands over his ass, his hips and soft tummy, she moverved them to his shoulders, scratching down his arm desperately, hurting him like he had. Pushing him off, she straddled him. Her eyes locked on to his cock, half hard already.
‘May I?’ she asked, eyes glazed, mouth open. He nodded a quick as she pushed herself down further to align her mouth to his cock. She started by licking up and down the length first, till all 6 and a half inches was slick, Careful to stay away from the head. Gripping the base of the cock firmly, she licked her own lips once before pushing the head into her open mouth.
‘Oh shit,’ he groaned. His hands rested in her hair, twisting it, tugging it up and down.
He tasted wonderful. Her tongue sliding around his head was the most complete she’d felt in a long time. The slight pressure he kept on her head, and the tight grip on her hair reminded of freedom in chains — she was beginning to understand what that means. She got a rhythm going, bobbing her head up and down on his cock, looking into his eyes as he lay on the floor under her. She felt him growing harder in her mouth, the veiny skin growing more and more prominent every time her tongue brushed past.
Her head jerked up as they both heard a knock on the door.
‘Room service.’
She looked at him, and he smiled back as he pushed her away. He pulled her off the bed and gently pushed her down to her knees on the floor. He could see the fear in her eyes and tried to calm her by patting her head gently. He softly pushed her knees wider apart, and ran his hand down her back to straighten it. After arranging her hair in a way that pleased him, he moved to put on a dressing gown.
‘Sit and stay.’
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