He entered the bedroom to see her in position, kneeing on the bed, legs spread wide, head down, hands back. His command had been properly followed, after, of course, she had taken a moment to check her ass for fresh welts. Under the curve of her hair and behind the film of pain-tears, her smile was nelliant. She bore His marks, and she was certain she’d be feeling this weekend for the rest of the month.
“Very good, slut.” His voice was melt, His demeanor relaxed. Her “punishment” had served them both well, her ass was glowing, marked, and he could see the wetness on her inner thighs. “Are you ready to follow my commands again?”
Her body shuddered slightly under the care of His voice. Her own, tight and quick, answered “yes, sweet Master.” His face split in a grin. “We’ll see if you find me so sweet in an hour slut.”
“Yes, Sir.” It was a struggle to keep herself from saying I will always find You sweet, Master, especially Your cock, but she knew impertinencewould most likely her a much less pleasant punishment this time. Instead, she tried to control her stuttering breath and shuddering body. She had no idea what was next on His agenda, but He had promised a full weekend, and she was hoping for something new. “You are to stay as I put you, unless otherwise ordered. And no matter what is done to you, slave, you are not to cum until I give you permission. Understood?”
The slowing breath caught in her throat. Orgasm denial? Certainly something new, but she wasn’t certain she was up to the challenge. She settled her heart before answering. “I can try, Sir.”
His hand came down heavy on her hot ass, drawing a half-stifled scream from her. “You’ll do more than try, slut.” His voice was harsh now. “You’ll do as I says.”
“Yes, Master.” Fresh tears fell on the bedsheet. Sweet agoy filled her and her hands clenched, determination growing to do as He wished of her, contemplation of the feat fighting it down, and realization of the promised final outcome making it strong again. She knew He could draw this out for hours, but she had been told, and read, that denial made the orgasm all the more amazing when it was finally granted. She consoled herself with that idea and focused on the heat of the welts on her ass cheats, pulling awareness away from her throbbing clip and the aching emptiness she felt in her cunt. She moaned as she felt the back of His cool hand caressing the singing marks, examining His handiwork.
“Good girl.” The hand left her and she could hear Him moving deftly across the room. In her minds eye, He glided. The grace of His movements, strong and cream-smooth, made her hot every time she even thought of Him. She exiled the image and focused on the welts again.
She was surprised when she felt the blindfold slip over her head; she hadn’t even heard Him return. Stiff sheepskin-lined leather cuffs went around her wrists and ankles, fastened securely with padlocks. The click of the locks echoed and reechoed through her head. Then He gently guided her to an upright kneeing position.
A gentle kiss on the back of her neck, swiftly followed by a collar matching the cuffs, wider and heavier than the one she usually wore. She fight to hold back the shaking of her body, but the tremors grow despite her best efforts.
Her arms were pushed out away from her body, and she held them there as HE wrapped her torso in a heavy leather corset. It was sheepskin lined, as were the other appliances, and extended from an inch below her breasts to the top of her hips. She was shocked. He must have been planning this for a long time, for this new corset was obviously custom made; it fit her too perfectly. Five padlocks secured the front, cool air penetrated it at the small of her back and several other spots along her spine.
His hands guided her to her stomach, arms out in front of her, legs together. The leather around her midriff felt more like wood, stiff and ungiving. It bit lightly into her ass cheats, reminding her of the delicious pain of her earlier punishment. Pressure on the bed rocked her out of her reverie, and she realized her Master stood above her, one foot on either side of her leather-clad torso. Her body tightene4d involuntarily, then she heard the click of a climbers clamp on the corset, then another, and two more. He leaned over and she could feel Him attaching clamps to the cuffs at her wrists, then turning and the same clicks echoed up to her from her ankles. Then His weight was gone, and she heard nothing for eternal minutes.
Finally, the movement of her body was heralded by the creaking of a rope, and her torso was lifted, dragged to the left, until she dangled over empty space, her arms, legs and head limp. Again came the creaking noise and she felt her arms and legs lifted Simultaneously, to the point where she felt stretched to the limit, the stiff leather of the corset biting her ass and upper back. Her legs were spread wide, leaving her soaked pussy completely exposed.
She felt like an ornament, hung here so far from the ground. Hair dangled around her face, hiding red embarrassment at being so exposed and helpless, every angle and nearly every inch of skin available to Him. The corset supported most of her weight, and she felt almost as if she were floating there, the only disappoint coming from the points where the leather dug into her hips and should blades.
Adrenaline caught through her body when she felt His lips and tongue press firmly to her clip. The cry that issued from her throat seemed to hover forever in the air as He sucked the juices off her engorged flesh, running His tongue up her labia, cleaning her thoroughly. He then ducked under her helpless form to plant a quick and flavorful kiss on her mouth. Returning to His former position, He deliberately let the chains held in His hand jingle, informing the floating slave of His intentions. The trembling in her body trebled as she felt His large, cool hands spread the lips of her pussy even farther apart and the rubber edged clip clamp was slowly, teasingly applied. As His fingers left the clamp, she realized a small weight dangled from the end of the chain. The ecstacy was agonizing; she knew she had to fight it, not give in and let herself cum at the sheer pleasure the dangling weight was causing. Tears well again, and her moans were choked with sobs.
A small sting brought her back a little as He slapped her inner thigh with a narrow strip of leather, then proceeded to fasten it two inches below the juncture of her sex. Another short slap of leather on her other leg and a metallic snapping noise as a twin thong was placed around her other thigh. Her cunt was spread wide again and the freshly-shaven lips were clamped, held open by her shaking legs.
She was trying desperately to control her body’s reaction to this new situation, because each tiny tremor caused the weight suspended from herclip to swing freely, bringing her ever closer to the edge. If she started cumming now, there would be no forgiveness. She would be thoroughly punished, she was certain; perhaps even sent away for a month, denied the pleasure of her Master’s company, the joy of kneeing at His feet.
His voice teased her ear. “Comfy, little one?”
Had she was capable of it, she would have laughed at the absurdity of the question. Instead, a half artisticated plea for reprieve joined her sobbing moans.
“Not yet, My love.” His soft lips kissed away some of the torrent of tears. “I’ve only barely began.” She felt His smile against her cheek. “Am I so sweet now?”
She couldn’t answer verbally, merely nodded as best she could on her shaking, heavy stalk of a neck. His laughed caressed her cheek with the same sweetness His lips had moments ago. “Oh, you are pretty, my pet, so very precise. Now, you will answer the questions I asked a little while ago, before your spanking. Who does thebody dangling here belong to?” His hand glided across the tenderized flesh of her ass.
A tremulous answer came from her, too quiet to hear.
His large hand came down hard on her right ass cheek, the smacking of flesh against flesh impressive in the small space. It was over shadowed by her scream as she fought off what felt like an undeniable impending orgasm. The victory of the slap and the involuntary jerk of her body in reaction had set the weight to swinging in a quick and erratic arc. His voice came again, close to her ear as before, not nearly as gentle. “Answer me so I can hear you whore.”
She bit her lip a little harder then necessary to bring herself down again, then pushed the words out as loudly as she could. “You, Sir, this body belongs to You.”
His other hand came up and tenderly rubbed the soft flesh between her dangling breasts. “And this heart?”
She answered more easily this time drawing shaky breaths between syllables. “To You, my Master.”
The voice in her ear took on a quality of longing as He lifted her chin and left a lingering kiss on her forehead. “And this mind, sweet one. To whom does this marvelous mind belong?”
Instantly the answer came. “Oh Sir. To You, always to You.” The reward of a slow kiss was hers, their lips meeting a tongues twining for an eternal instant as He tugged the blindfold off and gazed deeply into her tortured eyes. “Yes, sweet one. Mine.” Another dancing kiss as he pulled her hair back away from her face, tying it low on her skull with the blindfold. Then He produced another black strip from His pocket and kissed each of her eyeselids before placing it over them and tying it off just above the knot of the makeshift barrette. “It is not to be forgotten, pet. Ever.” He suddenly grabbed her ponytail and pulled her head back hard. “Understood?”
She forced her mouth to form a “Never, Sir.” And He let her head down gently. Her heavy breathing pounded through her head and rocked her body a little. The weighted clamp swung a little harder with each inhalation, rubbing her swollen clip faster. Deliberately focusing on calming her breath, she didn’t notice until one nipple was already clamped that her Master had stepped away from her and returned again, chains jingling.
“Remember what I said, pet.” His voice had become so difficult to focus on. “No cumming until I say.” The second clamp tightened hard on her erect nipple. These were heavier than the clip clamp, connected together and attached to a longer length of heavy chain. She felt her nipples first stretched taut, then pulled hard as He attached the last length of chain to an eyebolt recently installed in the floor. Her whimpers began to grow louder again. As a finishing touch, He grabbed a length of nylon rope and slowly wrapped it around Each title five times, then bound them together, making the erect flesh of her nipples stretch even further.
From further away, He spoke again. “Such a pretty picture.” She distantly heard the pop of the Polaroid camera, felt the snap of light against her sweat-damp skin. It was becoming increasingly difficult not to struggle against the bonds, trying to make the clip clamp swing faster, bring her some relief, despite the consequences. But she continued to fight for control, knowing she would seriously regret mindless disobedience.
The camera popped again and again, gaining new angles on this spectacle, some of which she silently hoped He would allow her to keep. If, that was, she managed to survive this night and this amazing torture.
Absorbed in this thought, it took her a moment to realize when she felt the hands on her calves that the camera was still going. Not only that, but the hands were significantly smaller and warmer than the Master’s. Their touch was so soft it might have been wrapped in silk before delivery.
The camera ceased and she suddenly felt His familiar fingers plumge deep into her, and hear another woman’sgasp. The fingers on her legs tightened almost painfully, and that combined with the intruding digits sent fresh waves of dangerous pleasure shooting through her. Her body rocked a little in its cradle of leather, pulling hard at her captive nipples and spinning the weighted clamp again. Her mouth was wide in a moan as His finger danced across her tongue, leaving a trail of her own taste. Then a second finger joined the first, from His other hand, and she eagerly sucked at the two distinct flavors.
“Delicious, isn’t she, pet?” His voice gently teased her. She nodded, still sucking happily. The hands on her legs started forgetting a slow and deliberate path towards her sex, and the musky fingers were removed from her mouth.
“Oh, god, please, Sir, more!” The soft hands on her inner tighs suddenly grow nails and raked from the leather bands near her cunt all the way to her ankles. Her hips bucked and the small soft hand gently slapped her exposed pussy as the girl moved forward.She heard the stranger quickly obeying silent orders to lie down, and could smell the rich, earthy, animal cent of lust rising to taunt her.
The hanging slave’s tongue darted out involuntarily, seeking what little of that flavor might be left on her lips. Her Master’s voice drifted closer to her ear again. “More?”
“Yes! Please!”
“Are you certain you want more, slave?”
She could hear the girl beneath her touching herself, delicate fingers slipping in and out of tight darkness accompanied by deliciously wet and tremulous smoke-voiced moans. Her own moans joined the other’s and she could barely vocalize an ageized “Yes, please!”
“As you wish, sweet one. Just remember, you begged.” She felt a momentary release of pressure on her breasts, and then felt the chain being pulled, moved downward rather than up, the chain wrapped carefully through her soaked cunt, between her ass cheats, and secured somewhere on her back. Now her clip was receiving double stimularion, forced against the new chain with every swing of the weight. Add to that the harsh cares of the chain against her labia and asshole, and she had to fight the sensing with new intensity.
That done, the Master stepped away and she felt herself being lowered. Rather, she felt her upper half being lowered, arms, head and torso slowly dropping closer to that excisite arma. Her legs remained high, ankles fixed at the same point as before. The double consequences of this new position hit her all at once. Not only would increase gravity on her breasts increase nipple, clip and anal stimulation, it would put her head low, increasing blood flow to her brain and with it, the chance of passing out.
She steeled herself and fought off the waves of painful pleasure her new position brought. Then, she had to fight the instinct to use her safe word. They had agreed when she arrived that it would not be used this session; time was too short and He had too much to teach her to dealwith incessant interruptions. Surely, He knew the possible repercussions of this position, and she trusted Him with everything in her. Still, it was a battle.
All doubts ceased the moment she felt her lips press into the warm wetness of the other girl’s sex. Her tongue set about greedily lapping up the sweet abundance of liquid, then moved up to the hot, hard nub of flesh at the top of the slit. She sucked it into her mouth, batting it around lightly with her tongue, feeling the reciprocal movement of her own clip against the cool, smooth metal of the chain as the weight glided pendulously to and fro. Her moans joined those of the other girl, discordant, wet, heavenly music to her Master’s ears.
Absorbed in her duty, she did not recognize the warning snap of the whip. Surprise made her already aching body shudder then the cat of nine whilered through the air, and lightly struck the exposed area at the small of her back. Simultaneously, the girl below her seized her ponytail and held her tongue to the task. The cat came down and she felt it cruelly kiss the other open spots along her spine.
Avoiding the thought of her own body’s reactions, she repeated her efforts on the hot, tight wetness in front of her, running her pierced tongue swiftly and urgently between clip and labia, plunging her tongue as far within as possible. The cat came down again, squarely and harshly on her already well-marked ass. And again, on each of her inner tighs while her tongue plowed deep.
The smoky moans from above her head suddenly transformed into words as the hand on her ponytail tangled tighter. “Don’t you dare cum, slut.” Back to silken moans as the suspended slave sucked the hot little clip fiercely. The Master then landed His final blow with the cat, a stinging rain to the slave’s pussy, lashing clip and lips. At that same moment, she felt and heard her female captor cum hard against her tongue, grinding hips up against lips, cheese and chin. Dangling thee, she very nearly let go, screaming her need to cum, please failing to be heard or understand through the throbbing sexual release of the other girl. Finally, her hair was released and she felt the stranger turn to thank her with a delicate and probing kiss, heard more than felt the increasing clip clamp being released, and the chain. Which had been so carefully threaded through her sex tightened for a second and she screamed again, Knowing now that at any second, it was going to be either cum or pass out. Perhaps both. She fought it with what little energy she had left.
Then her torso was lifted a little and the soft, strong hands of the girl unbound her breasts, gently caresing the marks left by the ropes then removing the nipple clamps and replacing them with the soothing warmth of her mouth. The bound one found her mind drifting slowly away from her body, regretting the loss of an orgasm, but finding solace in the possibility of temporary oblivion.
She snapped back intoher body when she heard her Master’s deep voice from above and behind her. “Do you wish to cum now, sweet one?” Her voice was a mere whisper. “please, Sir, please, please, please-” her mind started to drift a little again, seeking, perhaps, the warm darkness inside the other girl’s mouth, the relief that talented tongue could bring. The mouth released her nipple and she heard the girl again obeying silent positioning orders.
No hands touched her as her Master’s simple command reached her ears. “Cum, now.” Quietly, sedately he said it but the command was still enough to send the essential ripple through her body, tearing her apart and making her run with cum. At once, the stranger and the Master converged on her. From behind, she felt a vibrator thrust into her increasingly hungry cunt, her Master’s hard, hot living cock thrust into her ass, and from beneath, the strange clamped her mouth fiercely around her clip.
The world around her flashed rainbow colors, and in the brilliant glow of pure and complete ecstasy, the dangling slave fell off the edge of the world for a while.
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