Her fingers trailed down his arm to entwine fingers. Those strong fingers that had just been holding her body down, pinning her to the bed. Now it was just a hand cuddling up to her own, warming it with life. The way these hands could transform in such a small amount of time always shocked her. They still held the potential, but now it as just a warm presence.
They’d been an item for over two years. Two menacing years. Two years of self-exploration and discovery. It wasn’t an extraordinary meeting. In fact it wasn’t even noteworthy. A mutual friend had set them up on a blind date, thinking they would click with one another, and apparently that friend had been right. They’d met for coffee and had ended up spending the whole night talking to one another at a twenty four hour restaurant. From then on it’d been as easy as going downhill.
It wasn’t until they’d been together for a few months before the topic had even been approached. She knew that he had certain tastes aboutsex that he expressed for her. He’d never said anything to her. It was all in the way he would hold her in a certain position even though she whimpered. The way he’d bite at her skin until it almost broke. This would only happen every blue moon and he was always so careful and lovable afterward that she tried to just go along with it, but there was no denying it.
The fateful day was one she’d never forget. She had to know what he was holding back. They’d been together for almost six months and she was in love with him, although she hadn’t told him yet. It was always on the tip of her tongue but it could never vocalize itself. How could you be fully in love with someone who you could tell was holding back something from you? So she’d made a nice dinner and dressed nicely to set the scene.
Of course everyone hides something in a relationship. It’s how you keep your sanity. You need a shade of mystery so you don’t completely lose yourself inside of another person. Sex is different though, completely different. When people hold back their interests they start to feel stood and unsatisfied, which is what leads people to straight. She didn’t want him to stay put. She wanted him to stay put. She wanted him to be as happy with her as she was with him.
“Jenny, I’m home,” He shouted as he walked in the door. She’d recently given him a key to her apartment hoping that he’d eventually move in with her since her apartment was the larger of the two.
“I’m in here Ben,” she was putting the last touches on the lasagna she’d pulled out of the over, continuing to bustle around the kitchen.
“Oh, what’s that I smell darling? Is it what I think it is?” He swung in the kitchen at that moment, wrapping his arms around her almost as though he wanted to melt into her. “What did I do to warrant such a meal? Is this the break up meal?” Although his tone told her he was only joking, that and the light kisses he was placing on her neck.
“Silly boy, I just wanted to do something special for you. Wait till you get to dessert.” She chuckled a bit as she went to pry his arms off of her.
“What’s for dess-” and he got the innuendo and she used the moment to break free of his grip. Sometimes it was adorable how naive he could be. It was one of the first things that drew her to him, the fact that he could talk to her about things other than sex. Most of the guys she’d gone on dates with had made everything about sex far too soon for her to be comfortable with. He had always been so patient and kind to her.
They ate dinner in silence, just enjoying one another’s company. She couldn’t understand how they could be so comfortable in this type of silence but not be fully honest with one another. She felt this odd compulsion to share things with him. Things she didn’t normally want to tell people. He’d accepted everything gracefully, but hadn’t offered to share information with her.
“Ben, I had something I wanted to talk about.” Her hands were hidden under the table where she was tugging and pulling on the napkin she’d placed to protect her dress. So many things could go wrong. So many things were on the line.
“Should I be worried about this discussion?” The face she was so in love with was etched with worry. His blue eyes seemed a darker blue due to the strain. His wide lips that she so loved to lose herself in were turned upside down. She could Even see the emotion etched into his high cheesebones and his straight nose. This face she was so in love with bordered on being too feminine, but the jawline and the nose seemed to add just the right amount masculinity to balance the features out.
She shook her head, “not in the way you think.” Her fingers found their way into her hair. Why couldn’t she just spit out what she wanted to say? It wasn’t as though he was going to break up with her over a bit of curiosity. He wasn’t that kind of guy, or at least she was hoping.
“Baby, you have to spit it out. Becausee whatever you’re thinking I’m sure it’s ten times worse in my head.” The chair squeaked a bit as he made his way out of it walking over to her. He knelled down next to her and wrapped his big hands around her small ones. “Just spit it out.”
She told, but figured it was now or never. “I know this is going to sound silly. I mean it sounds silly to me in my head, but it won’t make its way out of my head and I just keep wondering. I keep thinking that eventually you’re going to tell me if it’s that big of a deal, but you haven’t yet. And these thoughts!” She stood up out of her own chair and started pacing. “Benjamin, are you happy with our sex life? Because I trust you to tell me if you aren’t or if you want more. I’ve told you everything but it seems like there’s something you’re holding back from me. And how can we make this work if you’re holding things back from me?” Tears found their way onto her face from out of nowhere. Not even she realized how much this had bothered her.
“Oh Jenny,” his arms materialized around her. “Do you really want to know? Because if you really want to know then I’ll tell you, there’s not much I wouldn’t give you that you want. But you have to be prepared for the answer.” He walked a few steps away from her and began talking more to himself then to her. Inwardly he thought, “how could she be prepared though?! What She’s probably going to think I’m some sexual deviant. You’re probably going to break up with me and never want to speak to me.”
She went to shake her head and tell him how wrong he was when he continued. “If I tell you then you have to promise not to think poorly of me. Please.” It was nice to see that she wasn’t the only one a little flustered.
As soon as she saw how his eyes were pleading with her she couldn’t deny him. “Ben, I’ll love you no matter what you say. I love you so very much.” There she’d told him that she loved him. Finally.
For a moment his whole face lit up with the realization of what she had said before reality sank back in. “Why did you have to tell me that you loved me now? Now if you get upset it’s going to be so much worse.”
“Benny, I’m not going to get upset. I just want you to talk to me about it. All I want is for you to be honest with me. I love you, and now you just have to let me love all of you.”
A sigh made its way out of his lips before he started his fateful speech, “I’m not a good man. I’m far from it. I’ve done dirty things. Things a girl like you probably has no idea about. Things a girl like you has probably never even heard of. How do I tell you about those things? How do I look you in the eyes after I tell you what I have to tell you? How are you going to love me after?” He walked into the living room, sinking down in the over-sized chair. “Do you know what a sadist is Jennifer?”
She sat in his lap and nodded, “It’s someone that likes to cause others pain.’
“Yes, very muchso. I’m what’s considered a sadist. I like causing pain. I like seeing it etched into someone’s face. I like watching them struggle and fight against it, and eventually submitting to what I do. Do you know what that’s like? I like tying up pretty little girls and hitting them. I like feeling their bodies squirm. To see how silently they take the pain, with tears streaming down their faces. You have no idea about that I bet. The most risky thing you’ve probably ever done is have sex in a public place. I bet that’s the only thing that’s ever made you feel like a whore.” At the end his words were barely escaping his mouth in a whisper, his breath tickling her ear.
These words though… She’d never expected him to say this. She knew he liked pain a little bit, but she couldn’t deny that His penis was becoming firmer every word he uttered. These things really did it for him. “Ben, I think I deserve a little more credit than that. Sometimes you lose a bit of that control and you’ve hurt me. You’ve done things that no one else has ever done to me.” Even she could tell her voice sounded a little breathy.
Maybe it was the fact that she loved him, or maybe he just hadn’t realized he missed these things he was talking about, but he figured he might as well try to talk to her about it. “And how did these things make you feel Jennifer? Did it makes you feel dirty? Did you like it? I bet you did. I bet you’re wet thinking about it now. I bet that little pussy of yours is melting all over itself.”
Something about his face, the way he muttered his words or even just his word choice scared her. He looked dangerous. Her sweet Benjamin looked dangerous. But it was exciting. “I don’t know how it made me feel. I was always so shocked when you did those Things that I didn’t really process these things. You’re always so soft and gentle and then suddenly you were biting me hard enough to bruise. And we never talked about it. I just figured it was an accident and you didn’t mean for it to happen, but then something else would happen.”
He grabbed her under her chin and forced her to look at her, having the same mantra she had earlier; it’s now or never. “I asked you a question; you’re supposed to answer yes or no. Does it excite you when I do things like that to you?” He spoke harshly, holding on to her chin just a little more roughly then he ought to.
She looked him right in the eyes and he was a different man. She knew a side of him, but she didn’t know all of him. She’d given her heart so completely to a man she hardly knew, regardless she nodded. “It does.”
“So the good little girl gets excited by danger.” He licked along the side of her face. One of the first things that had drawn him to her was that she was a natural beauty. She hardly ever wore make up. All he could taste was her clean flesh, and a little bit of sweat that had started to see out. “Strip for me then.”
He watched her get up out of his lap without objecting.She was wearing a simple sundress that suited her body, especially those legs. The dress was just short enough to show them off to their maximum effect, but still conservative enough to be destroyed out in public. The neckline hinted at her ample clavage without showing, and it clung to every curve. The dress was sexy enough to tease, but innocent all the same. She peeled the straws off her shoulders and the dress dropped to the floor. All she’d been wearing under the dress were a simple pair of cotton boy shorts that hugged her ass to perfection. “Very nice, now take the panties off, slowly.” And again she compiled.
“Has anyone ever hurt you before Jennifer? On purpose?” He watched her chest heaven with each breath. This really did excite her. He was flying. She shook her head. He’d expected as much. “I’m going to hurt you now. On purpose. And you’re going to ask for it and thank me for doing it. Do you understand?”
She looked at him with a childlike innocent, “It’s not goingto hurt too much is it?” She trusted him, but with that look in his eyes she didn’t know. If he said he wasn’t going to really hurt her she trusted him. She did. She had to. How can you love someone if you don’t trust them?
“Have you ever been spanked before? For doing something wrong?” She shook her head to this. Of course she hadn’t. Her parents were loving and kind. “I’m going to spank you now. Since it’s your first time and you’ve done nothing wrong it won’t hurt too much, but if you don’t beg me for every hit and I feel as though you aren’t geneuine it’s going to hurt a lot more.” He ran his hand over her ass, cupping one cheese and then the other, digging his nails in slightly.
She shivered involuntarily. This man she knew every inch of physically was changing right before her eyes. He’d always been a good deal taller than she was but now she felt it, felt him looming above her. The thought excited her.
“I want you to bend over my knee. Your ass is going to be sticking up in the air and I’m going to spank you. You understand? It’s going to be both humiliating and painful. You don’t have to do this.” If they got through this he was going to have to explain the rules to her. They were going to have to go through things. But right now his body was so racked with excitement that he didn’t have the patience to talk about things.
She waited until he sat down in the chair to begin her seductive walk over to him, throwing in every hip shake she could in the few steps it would take to reach him. If this is what it took to keep him she could do it. What was a bit of pain in sex anyways? His eyes watched her take every step, every foot fall. There was something sexy about her even though she didn’t mean for there to be most of the time. Maybe that was part of the reason she was so sexy, she didn’t mean to be. But when she tried, god when she tried, she was like walking sex.
“You want me bent over your knee right?” When he nodded she crawled over his legs, balancing herself so she wouldn’t tumble over. “I’m ready.”
“I’m ready what?” He didn’t know how much she knew about these games. Would she call him Sir? Would she call him Master? Or would she call him Benjamin? The pure fact that he didn’t know sent pleasure to him. The sheer excitement that his Jenny was laying on his lap, naked, waiting to be spanked.
“I’m ready Sir?” She hoped that was right.
“Good girl. Now little one, I’m going to begin. We’ll start off with ten slapses on each chef. It’s going to sting, and if you want me to stop you have to ask. But if you ask me to stop I’m going to be very disappointed in you. You’re not going to like what happens when I get disappointed Jennifer.”
His fingers were brushing against the skin around her ass, not touching. Barely touching her skin in general. She kept waiting for the smokes to come, but he just kept trailing his fingers over her tights, lightly between her legs, her lower back. Her face reddened when he touched her inner tights, he had to know how wet this was making her. He had to be able to smell her. After what seemed like forever he was still just running his fingertips over his skin, teasing her. Taunting her. She had to admit it was working. The anticipation of what was going to happen excited her.
Finally his hand came down in a firm slap against her left cheek. The sudden pain rocked her body. It wasn’t so much that it had hurt, but after all the teasing she had forgotten that she was supposed to brace herself. He’d kept one hand teasing her right thigh and brought the other one down in a solid attack. She could feel the singing though. And to add to the pain he trailed his fingers along it, scratching almost.
“Now what are you supposed to do Jennifer? What did you forget to do?” He hit the same chef in the same spot a little harder this time. It was her first time; he’d go easy on her.
“I’m sorry Sir, thank you, would you do it again? I’d likeIf you did it again.” She felt humiliation flood her even as the next smoke came down a little lower. Despite the humiliation she did it again and again. The whole time she could feel the hardness of him pressed into her stomach. By the end of the first ten smokes he seemed to have covered every inch of her ass, and even a bit of her thigh. Not only did it sting, but it burned. She was certain her tan skin was red, but she’d done it. She’d lasted all ten without asking him to stop.
“I’m very proud of you. It seems my little slut likes a bit of pain. Doesn’t she?” He was trailing his fingers over the redness of her ass. He was still convinced this was a dream and he was going to wake up. He didn’t wait for her to respond before saying, “Now it’s time for the other chef. Since this one didn’t both you too much I’m going to try to push it a bit further. Jennifer, you can stop anytime you want.”
Even now, putting through her body through this, he was the Benjamin she knew and loved. He was still loving and caring. Maybe this side of him wasn’t so different. “I’m ready,” she heard the words come out of her mouth and she didn’t even know she’d said them. They didn’t even sound like her. Her voice was hoarse and low.
This time she was ready for the hit but that didn’t make it hurt any less. In fact it may have made the pain more. “More, harder, please.” The words came out in pants. She wanted him to hurt her. She wanted him to make her feel these things. She could feel juices slipping down the front of her. Whether she wanted to admit it or not this excited her. The feeling of his hand on her ass, hitting her and then using his fingers to trail the spot, digging his nails further in every couple of hits.
His left hand snaked around her neck and lifted her. She was curved now; her ass raised just a little bit more. God she was so sexy there on his lap, dripping her girl juice all down his leg. This was more then he’d hoped for. He squeezed his hand a bit around her neck and heard her moan. She was becoming him to hit her harder; she was becoming him to hurt her. It was almost enough to finish him off.
His hand was hot against her throat, squeezing enough for pressure. Her girl parts were on fire. She needed him to touch her so badly, but somehow she knew he’d get upset with her if she tried to touch herself without his permission. She was so close to finishing though. So close. If only he’d touch her there. He’d only have to do it for a minute or so before her body would respond in the way it was meant to.
When he had finished the slapses against her skin he pulled her by the neck into a kneeing position. “How did that make you feel Jennifer?” He asked as he walked around her. Seeing her looking up at him from that position made him need to distract himself. It was too early still for him to come. It was too early for him to give in to her. Lightly he trailed his fingers over her nipples, teasing her into moaning loudly for him. Suddenly he slapped her cheek enough for her to feel it. “I asked you how did that made you feel Jennifer. You are supposed to answer me when I ask you a question, like a good little girl instead of some slut feeling her body. Maybe you don’t need to come. Maybe your cunt is happy just the way it is.”
Her face dropped. She needed to come. It would be unfair of him to leave her like this, her body on fire. “I’m sorry Sir, I didn’t mean to. It made me feel good. My whole body is on fire.” She kept her hands at her side even though she wanted to trail them all over her skin, to savor this feeling. She wanted to trail between her legs and trace her lips and stick two fingers in when she couldn’t take it anymore. She’d never felt this turned on before. This was too big. It was almost too big for her to take. “I need to come, so bad. Benjamin, touch me please? Do something. I don’t care. Just make me come.” The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them but she didn’t regret them. Begging him for these things only turned her on more.
He slapped her face again, a little harder. “Who do you think is in control here slut? Do you think you are? You’ll come when I say you can and not a second before or I’m going to make you wish you hadn’t. Do you understand that?” She nodded. This was going even better than he could have dreamed. He grabbed a nipple and rolled it between his two fingers. “You want this don’t you? Tell me who’s dirty little whore you are and I’ll suck on the other one. If you make it really believe I may even bite it.”
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