He slips out of me and rolls unto his back taking me with him. He is still squeezing me tightly. I feel safe in his arms and his warmth feels so comforting that I could fall asleep in this position. However, Jackson has other ideas and sleep wasn’t one of them.
He gives me another quick kiss on my cheek and begins to stand while holding me in his arms. Jackson takes my hand and leads me to our double shower and turns on the faucets on each side. He pulls me closer to him while we wait for the water to warm up to give me a strong embrace. As he does this, his hands slide down my ass as he squeezes gently and begin to brush my lips with his. I open my mouth slightly just as his teeth grasps my bottom lip for him to nibble.
I want more so I pull him closer to me by taking a hold of his beautiful ass and pulling closer to me. He lets out a low laugh and a giggle escapes from me. He grabs a fist full of my hair tilting my head back so I’m looking up into his ocean blue eyes.His mouth comes down hard onto mine in a demanding but sensitive kiss. Our tongues are dancing the Tango as they dart into each other’s mouths and I feel a thumb begin to drum my clip again
He breaks into a guttural laugh because he knows the effect he has on me but I am not alone. His rising member proves that I have that same effect on him as well. Is cock begins poking me in my stomach as we continue to kiss. He pulls away first but we hold on to each other to steady ourselves.
“I almost forget the towels,” Jackson announcements.
“Sir the water is warm enough, should I get in?” I ask.
“Sure, I will be right behind you,” Jackson states with his devilish grin that I like so much.
I walk in the shower with my hands out stretched. Yep, the water feels perfect. I put my head under the spray and just let the water drip down my head and back. Awe, it feels so good. I grab my face cleanser and begin to wash my face. I glance over at Jackson watching him under hisspray. He is letting the water run down his head and body as well. I can’t help but stare at his beautiful body. I love his broad tan back that completes his muscle shoulders and biceps. His powerful strong legs are topped with the most grogeous ass I have ever seen. I just want to bite it.
I rinse my face and grab the body wash. I find out a loofa and squirt body wash onto it. I get a good later and walk over to Jackson. He is facing the shower wall just letting the stream of water pound onto his body. I hesitate for a moment because I notice his spray is pouring out cooler water than mine and I need to get used to the temperature difference. After I adjust I get closer to him and put my hand on his back. His head came up and he was about to turn around but I held him still.
“Sir, may I wash your back please?” I asked him quietly.
“Of course, baby. I was just getting ready to come over to you and wash you but if you want to wash me first that is fine.”
Thisis why I am lucky I chose him as my Dom. He really does take good care of me. He is firm but he is very loving. I take the loofa and begin to wipe his back with it in circular motions lightly. I started at the top then trail down to his legs and then ask him to turn to rinse. When he was facing me not only was he smiling but his cock was at an attention too.
“Do you see what you do to me, baby? Every time I feel your presence or see you naked. Shoot, all I have to do is think about you. This is the kind of power you have over me,” he states as he looks down at his lovely cock.
I couldn’t help myself; I had to hold it with my sudsy hands. My hands took turns stroking his beautiful cock up and down his shake. I even started soaping his pubic hair and balls. I began massaging is balls lightly with my slippery fingers as I gazed up into his eyes. He had that content look about him where I know he feels completely relaxed and yet at the same time completely aroused. I feel my own nipples harden and my own clip began to tingle with life. He has the same effect on me. All he has to do is walk in a room with a particular smile and I am wet. It can be embarrassing, frustrating and hot all at the same time.
I add more suds to my hands so I can get his chest and the rest of his front. In the meantime, he can’t help but pull on my nipples and pinch them. Then he grabs each of my tits his hands and begins to massage them. I finish cleaning his chest and I take another quick grab at his cock to make sure it is squeaky clean. He smiles because he knows I am just being a pervert but that doesn’t stop him from grabbing my pussy and begin to rub it.
“Sir, it’s time for you to rinse,” I announce with a smile. He turns around and rinses all the suds down the drain and turns back around. I fall to my knees and look up at him.
“Sir, may I suck your cock? I want to taste you!” I ask him with my eyes pleading.
He glances down at me and I can tell he iscontemplating on whether he should allow me to or not. I am forgetting my place again as a punished sub by being so forward but at the same time I know he needs to have this done now. I know his body as well as he knows mine.
“No, you may not! Now, stand up so I may wash you.” He states in a firm voice.
I can tell he is slightly angry and at first I wasn’t sure who it was he was angry with. Was it me for being too forward and not waiting for him to demand it or himself because he knows that he really wants me to suck his cock? I stand up straight and look into his eyes still pleading with him. He glares at me. I look down at his tan muscle chest. Ok, it is back to this. I think we got caught up in the moment and we both forgot I was in trouble.
“Turn around!” he orders. I Turn around so my back is facing him. He soaps up his hands and starts rubbing my back with his sudsy hands. When he gets to my ass he smacks it hard a few times before he rubs it his sudsy hands the continues washing the rest of my body. He caught me off guard by giving me those smacks but as his hands were massaging my ass I began to feel an ache between my legs.
After I am all clean I rinse my body and reach for the shampoo but Jackson reaching for me instead. He picks me up and wraps my legs around his waist slamming himself into me in one hard thrust as my back slams into the wall. It happens so fast that it knocks the wind out of me. He pins me against the damp shower wall with his hard body as he allows my pussy to adjust to his forceful intrusion. He bends his head down to kiss me dominating my mouth as he begins to ram his cock in and out of me. I try to catch my breath. I wrap my arms around his neck as I match his kiss with password of my own. I grab his head bringing him closer to me. He grabs a fistful of my hair as he continues his assault by driving his hard cock in and out of my pussy.
I tighten my legs around his waist. I want more of him. I want him deeper inside me than he already is. As I tighten my grip on Jackson, he forces his cock deeper and deeper as my back crashes against the wall. I know I will end up sore but at the moment I don’t care. I can’t seem to get enough. I move with him crashing down on top of him as he rams up as we colleague together in one mad password exploration. I let out a scream as he groans and yells my name. We both collapse on to the shower floor and lay wrapped in each other arms as the shower heads cascade water upon us.
I am sitting at my dressing table with my straightener, blow dryer and make-up bag out. I turn on my Pandora station and Rihanna come on. I got to have music on when I am getting ready. Jackson is already dressed and downstairs to getting something to eat. I start to blow dry my hair when my phone goes off to alert me that I have a text message. I grab my phone and read the screen. The message was from an unknown person. Hmm, weird but I am curious to what it has to say. Iopen the message. The message says, “It was great seeing you last night. BTW, you look great as always!”
I reply, “Thanks. I’m sorry but I don’t know who this is.”
“Yes, you do and I know you,” the unknown texter responded. OK, this is weird. Maybe they are just having fun with me. It has to be one my friends playing a joke on me. I don’t think it would be Jackson this really isn’t his style but who knows? This may be a new scene he wants to try. So, I will play along.
“Oh, are you my secret admirer or something?” I text back and the reply on get is, “Or something!”
OK, that’s weird; I don’t think I want to play anymore. I set the phone down and finish getting ready. My hair and make-up are done. I don’t put on too much make-up any how Jackson doesn’t really care for it. I go into the bedroom and notice that my outfit is laid out for me. Yep, this is part of the punishment. He will be picking out what I wear for the next ten days. Oh and he left a little note:
Baby, I took the liberty of picking out your outfit for the day. Please make sure you eat something before you begin your list of chores. The list will be on the kitchen table. I expect them to be completed by the time I get home and dinner ready at 7:00. NO EXCUSES!!! I have some errands to run so be a good girl. I will see you very soon. Love-J
I go downstairs to the kitchen to get myself something to eat. I am starving! The list of chores is lying on the kitchen table just like Jackson said they would be. I look at the list. Well, I guess it could be worse. He wants me to dust and vacuum the living room, sweep and mop the kitchen/dining room floors and clean the main floor bathroom. Wait, what is this asterisk note? Oh, he wants me to get on my hands and knees to wash the floors. Yes, my punishment has begun.
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